Wednesday, February 29, 1984/The Battalion/Page 7 mUj lUOQn i dI 9 UK*# ■ ; *'*"■*':ii' 1 esubii ion conirtil I mediu n ui < : nhandf >: ;toasl as, wasdib .high seas (he si® led to ■ ? sinkinj* earlier aidi he A s hi finewefci nking. ilosion rij he rOT WEDNESDAY JBEKSi A ‘Leap Year Dunce’ will be .if p^'^i.the Pavilion, lass members get in free. ENGINEERING GROUP: A demonstration st Sony and Yamaha compact disk players will ?n at 7:30 p.m. at Attdio Video. For those who ride, meet at the main entrance of Zachry at 7 ? or more information, contact Bruce Thornton at >79 or Erich Friend at 779-1929. ^SHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: A will be held at 8 p.m. in HO of the MSC. Every- >me. Cali 260-3462 for more inforntatton. HOMETOWN CLUB: A meeting will be 8:30 p.m. in 607 Rudder Tower. Contact Brett at 846-3601 for more information. AWARD APPLICATIONS: Applications are -‘e in five locations: the Former Students lobby. ICA, the Student Activities Office, the Student tent Office, and 216 of the MSC. Applications tfr GOVERNMENT ELECTION COMMIS- : An information session will be held at 8 p.m. in the MSC, Anyone interested in running for a stu- rnment office, RHA office, OCA office, yell position,ora class council position should attend, ■ntauves from the various organisations will be to answet? questions. Contact Teddy Dela Cruz at >§1 for more in forma don. ITERS: A meeting will be held at 7 p.m, in ker. Call Cindy Finley at 775-3523 for more to- LUTHERAN CHAPEL: A candlelight lion service wilt be conducted at 10 p.m. in the I. Contact Pastor Hubert Beck for more infonna- :an humanics student associa- : A lunch workshop will be conducted in 169 at noon. Betty Van Rheen, from the San Jacinto couts, will speak on "What is a Camp Director?” t will be provided. Cali Celeste at 260-3267 or Greg • 1869 for more information. ENGINEERS COUNCIL-STUDENT m. IMENTjA Dean’s Forum will l>e conducted 1-2 p.m. in 102 Zachry. Department heads will be Smithsonian gets J.R.’s cowboy hat wking I® rvivor jf Golf ie expM 1 one si* j hen ‘■S ; men »«| mp orkfl staled 3torvel>| also sa . thearresij he veh^, azersan >, w ere v, en taken l, i they "'H United Press International WASHINGTON — “Dallas” television series star Larry Hag- man, who portrays J R. Ewing, Tuesday donated the ruthless oilman’s sand-colored cowboy hat to the Smithsonian Mu seum. The hat will be in the same Section of the museum featur ing such memorabilia as Archie Bunker’s chair, the Fonz’ leather jacket, Dorothy’s ruby slippers from the “Wizard of Oz” and the hat worn by James Arness in “Gunsmoke.” { “It is a great honor to be in the Smithsonian along with Ar chie Bunker, Henry Winkler and John Dillinger, of course,” ^Hagman quipped. House Majority Leader Jim Wright, D.,Tex., who rep resents Hagman’s hometown of Weatherford, and was the ac tor’s boxing coach, presented him with a replacement: “You’ve done so much to im prove the image of Texas we have a little presentation for you,” said Wright. . > H a g m a n laughed, “A noose?” Wright responded: “That has been suggested but we voted it down, 5-4.” Instead, Wright said he did not want Hagman to leave the ceremony hatless and presented him with a charcoal-colored This Sunday! Wc will beat any advertised stereo price in the state of Texas! The Store Worth Lookin’ For... CUSTOM SOUNDS Old College Road Next To The Triangle Bowl | Big Bend over ^Spring Break Ced2 r cing an , ; a g fc tlK; d, bf Long ir ; i ison 1 did" 1 rillis: j |f ,e»»' :1a" 1 ' enst P fof | eot> e join 1 list n 01 poll' etsb' ns^' Let as help ljou there with nature 4 trail guides, maps, camping gear and accessories , and experience. Ask for our free big bend National Park Information bheet -Open til 9pm Thursdays- WHOLE LARTH PROVISION COMPANY 846-8794 105 Unisex contraceptive seen 5 years away United Press International NEW YORK — An injectable contraceptive that works in men as well as women and lasts a month is on the drawing board and will be around in about five years. At least, that’s what Dr. Thomas Tice says. Tice has a 3-year, $868,000 contract with the National Insti tute of Child Health and Hu man Development to design a time-release system for the in jectable, unisex contraceptive. The contraceptive drug Tice is packaging is a derivative of LH-RH, a peptide hormone that originates in the brain’s hy pothalamus. Tice said he already has de veloped time-release systems that provide a month’s contra ceptive protection in animals. It will be less than five years be fore such a system is perfected for use in humans, he figures. Tice also hopes to work on systems that will make one shot provide contraceptive effect for three or six months. Tice is packaging the drug in “what looks like real fine pow der — spherical particles coated with plastic of the type used if, sutures.” The plastic is designed The contraceptive drug Tice is packaging is a derivative of LH- RH, a peptide hor mone that originates in the brain’s hypotha- lam us. to degrade at certain intervals into normal body substances. When that happens, a tiny bit of the drug is released. Degraded material is absorbed. The “powder” is mixed with water and injected with a hypo dermic needle. A month’s dose would involve powder equiva lent to “about five pinches of salt.” There is no lump or bump at the injection site. The background, as de scribed by Tice and from a re port in “Southern Reserch,” the institute’s quarterly bulletin: — Natural LH-RH was dis covered in 1971 by Dr. Andrew Shally who showed LH-RH is necessary for the release of LH and FSH, two hormones that are essential elements of the re- Immigration Law Firm Samuel W. Tidwell Associates, P.C. Complete Immigration Law Practice Samuel M. Tidwell is Board Certified in Immigration Law. ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS Dallas (214) 699-9599 Austin (512) 476-1247 productive process in males and — Research shows after the females. injection, the LH-RH deriva tives bind to the pituitary and — The release of LH and block flow of LH and FSH from FSH from the pituitary sets off that gland. This stops release of a chemical reaction, which ends eggs in females; it halts produc- in the release of an egg from tion of testosterone in males, the ovary. In the male, a similar Tice said, unfortunately for sequence of chemical steps oc- the male, testosterone also is curs. The result in males is the necessary for sex drive, and it, production of testosterone, the like sperm production, ceases male hormone which causes when the drug stops testoste- sperm production. rone production. Tyco Metals will be buying Aluminum cans every Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Cltotem on Holleman at Welsh in College Station. Come by and register for cash for cans sweepstakes! Top prices Paid OUTDOOR HORIZON* MSC Outdoor Recreation Committee brings you Outdoor Horizons Conference March 1 -4 Schedule of Events: March 1 7:00-8:30 March 2 10:00 AM 11:00 12-1:30 2:00-4:00 6:30-8:00 8:00 March 3 9:00 AM 10:00 11-12:15 1:30 2:30-4:30 6:30 March 4 9-12:00 Everest: The West Ridge, 601 Rudder. Wilderness Adventure in Mexico, 301 Rudder. Abled/Disabled Program, 301 Rudder. Wilderness First-Aid, Dr. Camille Bunting, 301 Rudder. Outdoor Horizons Environmental Forum, 301 Rudder. Open-House (Informal reception, refreshments), 301 Rudder. Never Summer Productions: “I Saw the Wind”, Rudder Theater. Wilderness Institute for Leadership Development, 206 M.S.C.. Caving, Duwaine Whitis, 206 M.S.C.. Liability of Outdoor Programs, 206 M.S.C.. Public Land in Geopardy, Ken Kramer, 206 M.S.C.. Outdoor Photography, Wayne Helton, 206 M.S.C.. O. H. Barbeque, Area 2 Hensel Park, $5.00/plate. River Safety and Rescue Workshop, 504 Rudder. Rockclimbing Workshop, Tom Combrink, Fire Trn. Cen.