Baseball’s Spring gains momentum See page 12 iU Rockets, Mavs win campus (« a room lot! ■tion com 845-4741, lostleo >nor soci(f| n 302 Rii42 le point bw a and join: II be the 3 ) cannot M Taylor, spring Bicyle racers pedal around the Texas A&M cam pus in competition last season. The Texas A&M Cycling team will ride in its first first bicycle race of the season this weekend in Austin. 'eason opens this weekend :le Leap uioll Caftt® ;n betweeal! ■ season 527 perfa®’ Cycle team ready to pedal By PAM BARNES Reporter ■: The Texas A&M Cycling earn has high hopes of bring- ighome a victory or two from Rllth Annual Primavera in Etin this weekend. The Pri- ’QilClbhavera is the first bicycle race if the season. or the Aid w 311 ^ Scurlock, president of i n n] .■cycling team, says at least Iresaiftfi'F 1 members oul of ' the ex ' ‘ , tiii Icted 15 that will enter the face will finish high in the landings. TheBalri® “We’ve got a strong team this ear,” says Scurlock, a sopho- nore business administration Major from Colorado. “Two ■ople on the team have moved B a category of racing this sea- -son." There are four categories in Mcyde racing with the one and winn w 'H categories being the more /c ) e wa s advanced. Scurlock himself has -Gar-h- loved from category four to ,d silver'^tegory three. ^ c ] e W as i Some of the cycling team has Hallbih 1 ;Jeen training throughout the MISCHl^Inter, but recently the team nee gate-* 1 ® had daily rides and team 19 washes every Sunday to help the r. Enbers train. They also have Ed against other teams in vaimng races. : ii n t[» ur ' ock says having a strong e *am is an advantage in racing. aren’t a lot of teams I fot can work together as well as fcdo,” he says. “We are all Hy close. We train hard and a good time together. All *8®® be riders know who the Eiger riders are and the /lw Ker riders can block for them He they break away.” ■locking” is when team horror Members block the pack of rid- i jJtjBoone or two riders can ride ^ ea( | anc | awa y” from >atS. Hpack. This sometimes helps n Wittier win the race. . Wri' Bompetition among the team *also helpful Scurlock says. |l\ r e race for points among ourselves,” Scurlock says. “We also get a lot of support from our sponsors at ‘Cycles Etc.’,” Scurlock says. The Primavera is a point-to- point road race with the dis tance differing on the category. Categories one, two and three will race 46 miles while the cat egory fours, women and veter ans will race 25 miles. The ju nior category, age 18 and under, will race 10 miles. The race course is just south west of Austin over the rolling hills of Buda. Once the season starts there will be at least two races every week, Scurlock says. Kevin Jones, the promotional director for the team, says the A&M team plans a race April 8 here in College Station. Jones, a junior electrical engineering major from Arlington, says the team also is planning a race for the student body March 24. Scurlock says the cycling team is trying to become a club that can help the University and not just a cycling team. “The team hasn’t been very active in school related activities in the last few years,” Scurlock NISSAN ■COUPON—" CAR CARS PRODUCTS! *v*°*'