The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1984, Image 6

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Catalog Showrooms
We sell what others sell. We just charge less.
New low prices on Texas Instruments
99/4A computer cartridges.
Our special buy means savings for you!
Prices good through February 22,1984.
Sorry, no rain checks.
While quantities last.
Subject to prior sale.
Not applicable
m Kansas
10 am-9 pm
Mon - Sat
1673 Briarcrest
Catalog Showrooms
Wo sol I what others sell.
We just charge less.
Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, February 16Ji
Around tom
Industry reps to visit with engineer
To recognize Engineering Week several industries k
be available to answer engineering students’ questionsatxi
job descriptions and availability. The industry represent
lives will have information booths in 224 MSC today fra
9:30 to 11:30 and 1:30 to 5 p.m.
Alcohol topic of noon seminars
The Alcohol Awareness Program will present a seriesd
noon-lime seminars concerning topics such as “responsi
drinking," “teens and alcohol,” “parly planning” and
lem drinking.” The first program will be today in 12t
Rollie White. Students, faculty and staff are invited toil'
tend. For more information call Dennis Reardon at 8i>
0596 or 845-3019.
Science students must take exam
Any juniors or seniors in the College of Science who hut
not previously taken the English Proficiency Examinatiot
should plan to take the test this semester unless they hue
completed English 301 with a minimum grade of C. Slit
dents in the College of Science are required to passeithn
English 301 or the test in order to qualify as a degree ani
date in the College of Science.
The English Proficiency Exam will be administered b;
the English Department. Students in the Biology, Chemit
try, Mathematics and Physics Departments should regisiei
for the exam in 151 or 152 Blocker before March 2.
Spirit award applications available
Spirit award applications are now available in the Forma
Students Lobby; 110 YMCA; Student Activities; andtht
Student Government Office. Deadline for applications
Feb. 29.
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Tenneco official to visit class
Kenneth L. Otto, senior vice president of Human Re
sources for Tenneco, Inc., will speak to Management48U
students Friday as a part of the “Visiting Executives” pro
gram. Otto will tour the campus witfi Univerisity adminis
trators, as well as attend an informal luncheon with stu
dents in the Rudder Tower Dining Room.
Orienteering meet to be Saturday
The Outdoor Education Institute and the Office
Continuing Education is sponsoring the Second Annual
Orienteering Meet Saturday beginning at 9:30 a.m. attltt
Texas A&M Range Science Area, approximately four milet
from campus.Orienteering is a sport in which competitor!
find their way around the backcountry with a map and
compass. Awards will be presented in five catagories:junior
high, high school, ages 18-35, ages 36-50 and overageSO
The courses will he divided into novice, intermediate and
on tl
Instruction will be available before the meet at 8:30 am
Cost for entering is $3 for adults and $2 forjunior high and
high school students. For more information contact the
meet director, Rick Beelby at 845-7258.
To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalion
office in 216 Reed McDonald.
Thousands attend
wrestler von Erich’s
funeral in Denton
United Press International
DENTON — They took off
work and skipped school
— almost
Wednesday — almost 2,000 of
them — to say good-bye to their
“Yellow Rose of Texas,” wres
tler David von Erich, dead at 25
of an inflamed intestine.
It seemed impossible to be
lieve, especially for the adoles
cent girls who were his biggest
fans, that a minor illness could
cut down their modern gladia
David was the blond giant
who, of all his wrestling broth
ers, most resembled their father
Fritz von Erich, the legendary
“Iron Claw.”
Von Erich, whose real name
was David Adkisson, was found
dead last Friday in his hotel
room in Tokyo after he failed to
show up for a wrestling match.
An autopsy showed his heart
had been weakened by an intes
tinal inflammation his family
thought was just a bout with the
The most loyal followers of
the von Erich clan assembled in
a Baptist church about 40 miles
nortn of Dallas Wednesday
morning to mourn David.
Mack Hilliard, 69, and his
wife Naomi, 65, a retired couple
who live in Denton said they
had followed wrestling since the
heyday of Fritz, whose real
name is Jack Adkisson.
“We like all of them (von
Erichs) but I believe David came
the closest to his father’s ‘Iron
Claw,”’ Hilliard said.
About 1,000 people fit inside
the sanctuary. The others en
circled the church waiting for a
glimpse or sign of what was
happening inside. Plans to
broadcast the services on loud
speakers outside were canceled
at the last minute.
Banks of flowers — most of
them yellow — surrounded the
dosed casket. Weeping teenage
60 Watt
with quart
TX-61 L
girls, who only two weeks*
would have been shrieking'
love you, David,” as theirN
entered wrestling’s “squared®
cle,” clutched still more yell 81
David and his brothers-1
vin, 26, Kerry, 23, and Mike.
— represent goodness, Ch
tianity and patriotism to
fans. Another brother, Christ
only 13. The eldest boy, J* 1
Jr., died many years ago at
Mourners sobbed and sitf
fled as three ministers
scribed von Erich’s “bornagai
faith. A comment from a I
ing-voiced, white-haired
acher that David had lived n> o:l
in 25 years than most do in;
lifetime brought a heartfd
“that’s right” and “amen”ff (!3
one middle-aged woman.
Women and girls leaned ovj
the balcony wailing unconP
lably as the casket was wheel®
up the aisle of the church. 0®
cried out: ”god be withy’all,l' i
“I just hate that he died in*
other country,” said Sally C*
vin, a 30-year-old nurse W
Rhome, Texas. “That’s f f!
hard on the family.
“When I was little,
Daddy used to take me to ^
wrestling in Wichita Falls wb { ;
Fritz was wrestling,” she s*
“Then I didn’t go for a wW
until the boys started wr®
is loaded
speed po
control, t
with Dolt
DE-1 L
She said she was amazed tl^
such a seemingly healthy ^
man died of something “tl"'
usually not that terrible a i
ease. I was surprised he wai'l
in the hospital” if he was sosi^l
A block from the churd
someone had scrawled on
trash dumpster the ultinU 1
teenage accolade: “David