The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 30, 1984, Image 8

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    Page 8/The Battalion/Monday, January 30, 1984
Mother charged with killing baby
United Press International
JEFFERSON — Jury selec
tion begins Monday in the trial
of a woman described by attor
neys as retarded and severely
depressed who is charged with
murder in her three-month-old
daughter’s death.
25-year-old Sherry Allman,
who was found first found men
tally unfit to stand trial for the
Nov. 10, 1982 murder of Sherry
Lynn, spent three months
undergoing treatment at Rusk
State Hospital.
At a second competency
hearing last week, doctors from
Rusk said that medication and
treatment had improved the
woman’s mental condition to the
point that she could understand
the charges against her.
A defense psychiatrist testi
fied that Allman suffers severe
depression, was mildly retarded
couldn't get her to stop crying/’ the
statement said. “I tried to spank her to
get her to stop crying. I don't know how ,
many times I hit her, but at 5:30 p.m. /
hit her the last time pretty hard and
knocked her off the couch and into the
co ffee table."
and has multiple personality de
fects. She also was capable of de
veloping hysterical amnesia
under pressure, Dr. William
Wilkerson Jr. said at the
The scheduled murder trial
in the death of Sherry Lynn be
gins after police first attributed
the infant’s death fo Sudden In
fant Death Syndrome.
But Harrison County District
Attorney Sam Baxter — a tough
pursuer of child abuse cases —
insisted on an autopsy of the tiny
child. An examination revealed
that the child had been battered
throughout her short life and
beaten to death.
Those results and reports
that other Allman children had
died in infancy prompted Bax
ter to contact officials in Mis
souri where the Allmans once
lived. Authorities there
reopened investigations into the
deaths of three other Allman
A Kansas City, Mo., grand
jury eventually indicted Allman
for second-degree murder in
the 1976 death of 4-month-old
Marvin Neal Allman, who was
smothered with a pillow.
No indictment was returned
in the 1978 death of 1-month-
old Joseph, who Allman claimed
accidentally smothered when
she rolled over him in her sleep.
The grand jury did not investi
gate the death of another All-
man baby who died following a
premature birth.
In the death of Sherry Lynn,
examiners concluded that the
baby was killed by a series of
blows to the head. The infant
had suffered a fractured skull,
broken neck, three broken ribs
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and arm injuries.
Defense attorneys contend
she was mentally incompetent at
the time, and want Judge Ben Z.
Grant to block the confessions
from being used in court. Grant "
has yet to rule on the request,
but was expected to do so before
jury selection began.
Allman said in her statement
to investigators that she began
hitting Sherry Lynn when the
infant would not stop crying.
“I couldn’t get her to stop
crying,” the statement said. “I
tried to spank her to get her to
stop crying. It was making me
nervous and she kept crying. I
don’t know how many times I hit
her, but at 5:30 p.m. I hit her the
last time pretty hard and knock
ed her off the couch and into the
coffee table.”
Reagan bars
press from
United Press International
ters were barred from President
Reagan’s Oval Office broadcast
on his political plans and from
the White House reception that
preceded Reagan’s announce
ment. But cameramen were wel
comed. /
Photographers were sum
moned to take pictures of
Reagan and Vice President
George Bush before the recep
tion for 200 guests, including
GOP chairmen, Cabinet mem
bers and top White House aides.
Later, the president and vice
president joined the Republican
chairmen for more pictures.
Reporters’ requests to ques
tion the president for a few mi
nutes were repeatedly turned
Class Readers at
low costs to students.
for more information:
kinko's copies
The Raging Controversy:
Preservation vs.
Students: 50<t/Non-S*udents: $1
Cy^JTlemoniat Student Centen——
Tickets go sale Monday, Jan. 30.
Around towr
Retail studies to sponsor symposium
A Retailing Career Fair Symposium, sponsored by4
Center for Retailing Studies, willbejan.31!l:
4 p.m. at 701 Rudder. A shuttle bus will run from the BlaH
Building to Rudder Tower five minutes after the endofeic :
class period for those attending the symposium.
Among others, topics to be discussed include "Ho»t |
prepare for the retail job serach,” ‘‘Interviewing theta
viewer—what to look for in a company” and “Opportune
in international retailing.” Speakers will represent compat
such as Mervyn’s, Safeway Stores, Color Tile SupernoJ I
Palais Royal, H.E.B., Grocery Company, Foley’s,TandyCt 'f|
poration/Radio Shack, 1776 Corporation and IKEA
Admission is free and is open to all students.
Defensive driving course offered
A defensive driving course, conducted by the Bia t
Valley Safety Agency will be Tuesday and Wednesdays j|
Ramada Inn. The class will meet from 6 to 10 p.m.k s.
evenings. Students must attend all eight hours. Those: £
terested can pre-register by telephone at 846-1904 or!
9271 or at 5 p.m. at the Ramada Inn before the classes
The purpose of the defensing driving class is basic dm r
improvement. By taking the class the driver can oblainai |
percent reduction in insurance rates and traffic finedisii.
sal. Fees for the class are $20 per student payable alp
Order graduation announcement!
May and DVM Graduates must order the gradual):
announcements before Feb. 8. Announcements can
ordered in the MSG Student Finance Center, room217frt§&
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Deadline for law scholarship near;
Applications for the Joseph Milton Nance TuitionFn ?
Scholarships in Law are now available. The scholarships* f
awarded to Texas A&M students planning to attend Bad 1
University School of Law.
This year the number of scholarships awarded hasbn |
increased from to to three. Deadline for applications isFf |
8. Students interested should contact Hilary Jessup, Acao l
mic Counseling Office; or Dr. J.M. Nance, Department T
Graduate student’s photos availabi
Photo proofs and order forms for pictures taken aid
Graduate Students’ Council’s party for new graduates
dents are now available in the graduate student’s Cos
cubicle on the second floor of the Pavilion. Each 4x6 in i y
print will cost $ 1.75. Orders must be turned in byTuesdai
Ken Fredeen in room 20 of the Teague Research Cente y
To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalr
office in 216 Reed McDonald.
Astronauts read
for Spacelab-4
United Press International
Four Space Shuttle astronauts
will begin training at Wake
Forest University next week to
learn procedures for a set of ex
periments on weightlessness on
a 1985 shuttle flight.
The experiments designed at
Borwman Gray Medical School
will test the cardiovascular sys
tem of rats and could help ex
plain why astronauts feel head
congestion in space and have
trouble keeping stable after re
turning to Earth.
“With weightlessness the
body fluids are not held in the
feet by gravity,” explained Dr.
Phillip Hutchins, a physiologist
who designed the experiment.
“The fluid migrants back up
here and redistributes in the
head and chest.
‘‘We don’t know exactly
happens, but obviouslytl
an effect on the cardiovas
system. The heart is purJ
out more blood, proraM
ing changes in the smallij
vessels in the extremities !
“You have reduced!
flow in the legs, so youhaij
content in these vessels 2
greater capacity,” he ail
“This makes you feel ft®
Hutchins said theextraf
built up during weightless
expelled by urination,
fore the astronauts retun|
load up on fluids to I
vessels that begin re-exp;
under the pull of gravity.I
The astronauts will bfi
ducting the experimentsal
Spacelab-4, the first spactj
sion dedicated to research!
life sciences in space.
Career Fair '11
Wed., Feb. 1
8:15 - 12 noon
1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Thur., Feb.
8:15 -12 no#
1:30 - 4:00 pi
Meet with some of the nationsbij
gest recruiters. Over 60 comparii
will be represented this pear. "
your resumes and questions.
1st Floor,
Blocker Bldg.