The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 30, 1984, Image 14
Battalion Classifieds Page 14/The Battalion/Monday, January 30, 1984 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED THE \|\M^ \l V OPP OPPORTUNITY Color Tile, America’s largest and fastest growing retail chain specializing in the do-it-yourself home improvement market, will be participating in the BUSINESS CAREER FAIR 1984. Last year we recorded 12 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS OF INCREASED SALES and celebrated the opening of our 600TH RETAIL STORE. Due to this rapid expansion, we currently have manager trainee opportuni ties in 47 STATES. Following completion of a professional management train ing program that typically lasts 10 to 12 months, you will be eligible for promotion to the position of store manager. During 1983 Color Tile store managers averaged $25,883. Visit the Color Tile booth in the John R. Blocker building on Wednesday, February 1,1984 between the hours of 8:15 -12 noon and 1:30 - 4:30 P.M. Our National Recruitment Team is anxious to discuss with you THE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY at the Business Career Fair. LOOKING FOR A GOOD JOB IN FOOD SERVICE? Red Lobster is now hiring for the following full and part time positions (no schedule restric tions): ‘Waiters/Waitresses * Hosts/Hostesses *Bus Help ‘Bartenders ‘Cashiers ‘Kitchen Help ‘Utility Help NO EXPERIENCE NECES SARY! If you want a job with TOP PAY and GOOD BE NEFITS, apply in person be tween 2:00 & 4:00, Monday through Saturday at 813 Texas Ave., College Station. RED LOBSTER AFFIRMATIVE Action Employer An Equal Opportunity 03t3 Now hiring restaurant help at FAR MER’S MARKET BAKERY AND DELI. Part-time shifts available. Cashiers and Restaurant experi ence required. Apply in person. 220 Texas Avenue, Bryan. 85t5 AIRLINES ARE HIRING! Flight Attendants Reservations! $14- $39,000. Worldwide! Call for Directory, Guide, Newsletter (916) 944:4440 Ext. TEXASA- &MAIR. 74t13 WANTED DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846 - 2911 82tfn Need help writing your RESUME? . will organize your experience, pinpoint skills, target abilities & accomplish ments. Professional Writer-Complete Service GREENBRANCH 693-9546 79t5 Telephone Canvassing, Tem porary. No experience neces sary. Part-time available. Work from our office next to A&M. Call 693-5530. 83t10 SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE Team clean offices. Nights, early mornings and weedends. Flexible hours. Above mini- mun pay. Travel and vacation. Must have car, phone and job references. Home Care Ser vices. 846-7759. 83tfn CASA OLE MEXICAN RESTAURANT POST OAK MALL Wanted Part-time kitchen help morning and evening. Apply in person. Located West entr ance between Dillard's and Wilson’s. No phone calls please. 8315 ATTENTION MAY AND DVM GRADUATES Order your Graduation |L\* Announcements MSC Student Finance Center Room 217 Monday-Friday LAST DAY TO ORDER: FEBRUARY 8, 1984 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 85t8 THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Is STRESS in your life causing TENSION in your body? I have ex perience in presure paint, deep muscle and Swedish massage. To set up an appointment call: 846- 6474. Richard Wright, Ms. T. sste 10 Full-time 30 Part-time Deliv ery men needed. PD.nightly- flexible hours. Apply in person CHANELLO’S PIZZA, 2404 S. Texas Ave., Pkwy Center or 301 Patricia St. 79tio IMMEDIATE: Have 20 positions available for tele phone office work. Good salary plus company benefits AM & PM hours. Col lege students and homemakers wel come. We will train you. Apply 9 to 5 at 1701 Southwest Parkway, Professional Bidg., Suite 204, C.S. m6 CRUISESHIPS ARE HIRING! $16-$30,000! Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter 1-(916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA&M- CRUISE. 74t13 SWENSEN “S Now interviewing for full time or part time COOKS, DISHWASHERS & FOUN- TAINEERS. Flexible hours, competitive wages. Apply in person at Culpepper Plaza, College Station. PR WRITER/AE Trainee position in small Houston PR agency open for recent graduate with strong writing skills and high GPA. One-year previous Houston residency required. Send resume only to Julie Pratt, McDaniel 6c Tate, 5615, Suite 440, Houston, TX 77005. 85t2 WERE YOU A WITNESS? " If you were on Houston Street in front of Coke Building on 1-3-84 at 10:30-11:00am; please call at 693-9681 84t3 FOR SALE 1981 Camaro excellent condition, power windows, loaded, asking $5200, 775-4940. 76t6 Renault 1982 4-speed, AC, AM-FM stereo, like new, $4800.00, best offer. 696-5532. 8315 Is it true you can buy Jeeps for $44 through the U. S. Government? Get the facts today! Call (312) 742- 1142 Ext. 8390. ’ 75t4 ROOMMATE WANTED Service station attendant needed. 815 Texas nue. College Station. Ave- 84t5 THE ROXZ is now accepting waitress applications. For an appointment, call between llam-lpm dur- ing the day. 764-0520 83U0 Part-time handy man. Approximutely 20 hours weekly. Tools and transportation necessary. Call Jacob Beal Realty at 823-5469. 84tl0 . NATIONAL OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP SCHOOL. Most comprehensive year-round wilder ness skills training available. Mountaineering, back packing, sea kayaking, X-C skiing, winter camping. Expeditions of 14 days to 3^2 months in Wyoming, Washington, Utah, Alaska, Baja, Kenya. College credit. Write NOLS, Dept. E-27c, Box AA, Land- er, Wyoming 82520 (307) 332-6973. 85t4 1 or 2 roommates needed for new 2 bedroom 2 bath apt. $227.50 or $140.00 per month. Close to cam pus. Fireplace. Paid cable. 764- 0619 Night 260-9776 Day 82t5 Roommate needed-male. One room, can fit 2 peo- ple if desired, 693-5385, $200/mo. 85t5 WANTED Female roommate wanted: Nonsmoker to share two bedroom, furnished apartment. Call Marcia: 260- 7162.; Part-time WAITRESSES needed immediately at YESTERDAY'S 4421 South Texas Avenue, 846- 2625. Apply 11:30-4:00p.m. 8218 Accompanyist needed. Female C.W. singer. Please call (825-2119/825-3912). 8ot7 Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 i 7919. ir 775- 75t2U SERVICES TYPING. IBM Correcting Selectric. Letter gothic, symbols, etc. Fast, accurate, reasonable. S.W. Val ley. 693-4313. 78t5 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOU BLE 331, University Drive. 846- 3755. 7Rt9 Travel wanted HAUUUbibALL t-’LAY- ERS and BOWLERS to participate in the IM Racquetball Singles Tournament and the IM Team Bowling tournament. For more in formation contact the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle or call 845-7826. 8413 SKIING !! At Steamboat Springs, Colorado over spring break for only $198.00 per person for a week. Lifts, ski in/out deluxe condo lodging with athletic club and par ties included. CALL SUNCHASE TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321- 5911. 8511 WANTED , MAGICIAN FOR A BIRTHDAY PLEASE CALL AFTER 6 P.M. 696-3286. sms NO KIDDING!! South Padre Is land, Texas for Spring Break only $98.00 per person for the week in new deluxe beach side condos with pool. Limited space available. CALL TODAY TOLL FREE SUN- CHASE 1-800-321-5911. 8511 PERSONALS Casio VLS personal organ $80, Radio Shack speak- ers $12 pair, 696-6065. H4t3 SKI VAIL BEAVER CREEK Call TOLL FREE 1-800-222-4840 for discounts. Condos & equip 77tl6 Reefer, Navy Officers (Abbott’s) Large. Like new $100. Going to Hawaii. 823-5938. 83t5 FOR RENT . New Full-size bed $130.00 or best offer. Call 764- 9391. 83t3 Two bedroom house $250.00 a month. Plus utilities. 822-0917 after 5. 85t5 W CHECK THE ClilSS r EDS For AI Your Needs 1104 MAR’80 7:50-10:00 ‘CHRISTINE”,i,, 7:15-9:15 ‘‘HOT DOG” (R) 7:30-9:45 w ‘‘SUDDEN IMPACT” CINEMA l-H-lll ■ >18 CoM— North 7:00-10:00 “TERMS OF ENDEARMENT”,po, ft 7:20-9:50 g “SILKWOOD” (R) jg ft: 7 . 1S Barbara Streisand Ig SMS “YENTL’Vq, g & -gCHUCMAH THEATRES Mon-Fm|y Nlte-Sch 0 Tue-Fmly Nite-MEMI SCHULMAN 6 2002 E. 29th 775-2463 775-2468 7:20 9:45 CHRISTINE 7:35 9:55 UNCOMMON VALOR 7:20 9:40 RISKY BUSINESS 8:45 SCARFACf 7:15 9:40 THE BIG CHILL 7:30 STAYING ALIVE 9:30 FLASHDANCE MANOR EAST III Manot ..ast 'VI,,11 823-830(1 7:25 9:45 TWO OF A KIND 7:20-9:40 NEVER CRY WOLF 7:15 9:35 ANGEL FOR RENT furnished one bedroom brick apt. Central heat, four blocks from university $200, two bed- room,$300. 779-3700. 85t6 SOUTHWEST VILLAGE APARTMENTS Best Atmosphere In Town. Like Living In A Park. WE FEATURE Interior Green Space with Creek & Trees-Swimming Pool-Club Room- •Jacuzzi-Sauna-Tennis Court- s-Shuttle Bus Service- 4 Distinctive Styles of Apt. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Children & Pets Welcome 1101 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas 77840 409-693-0804 NEW MINI WARE HOUSES Sizes available 5x5 to 10x30 THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 75tfn b Houses^ecently FtemodeiecT™' 1119 Detroit, C.S., 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath $300 1121 Detroit, C.S., 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath $300 1410 Carolina, C.S., 3 Bdrm 1 Bath, $325 1208 Phoenix, C.S.,3 Bdrm 1 Bath, $325 2400 Bomber, Bryan, 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, $475 Call 779-0488 or 822-5585. agnn FRhh CABLE BILLS PAID Furnished large bedroom with bath, private entrance, largec- loset, small refrigerator, cabinets & counter. Small desk, pool, privileges, quiet country atmosphere. Easy ac cess to A&M. Deposit 822- 4811 or 779-9068. 82t4 A 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath near TAMU, washer/dryer available from $350/mo. 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6p.m. 696-4384. 75tfn individuals to be Singing Messengers, Belly Dan cers & Male Dancers. Call 260-9829 for auditions. Deluxe 2 bedroom 1 1 / 2 bath 4- plexes with washers and dryers. Some with fireplaces, fenced yards, cathedral ceil ings. Large walk-in closets, lots of cabinets. 693-8685, 775- 1600: 696-1660. 74114 Eff. apartment sublease through May. All bills paid Except electricity no security deposit $200 00 month. Call 779-0618, 822-7772. 85 ,- What’s up MONDAY AGGIE ALLEMANDERS SQUARE DANCE CLUB Introductory square dance lessons will be given Iromfi ii to 8:30 p.m. The club will meet f rom 8:30 to 10p ffi ’ AGGIE RED CROSS CLUB: A CPR certification^- will be held tonight and Wednesday night from 6toH p.m. in the Rental Health Center Cafeteria. The class i s V per person. Registration will be held at the door. ;! ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS;* meeting will he held at 7:15 p.m. in 102 Zachry.Grouri pictures for the yearbook will be taken and dir spriJfl agenda will be discussed. For more information Laura Kelly at 260-0973. EL PASO HOMETOWN AGGIES: A meeting to disci®] | the elections and the plans lor the upcomingall-nightfait will be held at 7 p.m. in 201 Harrington. Contact jess* Adame at 846-933 1 for more information. FISH CAMP ‘84: Counselor applications are available through Feb. 10 at the Student Activities Secretary’sDtih in the Pavilion. These applications must be completef and returned by Feb. 10. IM-REC SPORTS DEPT.: Entries are now open forskj pitch softball, the free throw shooting contesi, andihr. preseason softball tournament. Registration beginsau a.m. in 159 East Kyle. For more information,conucuW sports office at 845-7826. LATTER-DAY SAINT STUDENT ASSOCIATION The LOSS A will be co-sponsoring a basketball louraJ ment open to all interested students on Feb. 25. Hit sign-up deadline is Feb. 5. For more information Of il sign-up, call Greg Hossner at 693-5799. MSC AGGIE CINEMA: A general meeting will beheldn 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder Tower. Everyone is encouragedr come. Refreshments will be served. MSC ENDOWED LECTURE SERIES: Appliactionsart due by 5 p.m. today at the Secretary's Island m216oftht I MSC. I METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT: A lunch and ^ Bible study will lx* held at noon in the A & M Wdejf Foundation behind Pizza Hut. Bring your own lunch or $1 for sandwiches. Call Mark Mace at 846-3211 formoit information. NAUTICAL-ARCHAEOLOGY STUDENT LEG TURE SERIES: A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in311! Bolton. Cheri Haldane will speak on Byzantine seeds and Dashur boats. Contact Shirley Gotelite at 845-6398 lot more information. fit POLITICAL SCIENCE SOCIETY: The jelly beangura will be held through Feb. 1 from 9 to 1 p.m. in the MSC Main Hallway. RIO GRANDE HOMETOWN CLUB: The first genera meeting will be held in 402 Rudder Tower at 7:30 pm Al RGV students are welcome. Cailjon Element at 764-2011 for more information. SCUBA CLUB: A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. m 502; Rudder Tower. Don Kieth, from the Institute of Nautical; Archaeology, will show slides of the Molasses Reef Ship' wreck oil the coast of Jamaica. For more information! >If contact Evan at 822-9016. ■ SOCIETY FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND NEW I VENTURES: Michael Bell will speak on “Dealing| Venture Capitalists” at 4 p.m. in 165 Blocker. Contact John Robison at 846-3628 for more information. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL: A Bible das] on the Book of Ilebrews will be conducted at 7:150p.m.b the Chapel at 315 N. College Main. For more inform* | lion, contact Pastor Hubert Beck. m TUESDAY CENTER FOR RETAILING STUDIES: The Reu Career Fair Symposium will be held Irom 9:30 p.m. in 701 Rudder Tower. Several company sponw will be discussing retail topics. For more information contact Karen Leonhardt at 260-8434. Serving Luncheon Buffet Sandwich and Soup Bar Mezzanine Floor Sunday through Friday 11 a.m. to i :30 p.m- -m- || It w Texas j. swimm toriimi ,teams fTech i I Saturd; ■ Whi ! were a ! week, v *<«,- ' team o' 1 had sir : Head ( But to the JBctory m “ T< looking I But ! could i ; men oi I the wo f I i I coach ' Delicious Food Beautiful View Open to the Public 3®- “Quality First’ Aggie: Techs I 0n women ly.joc record backstr I Tai sprinte only i n sw im l • l ‘ l 11 I events, I what t K <1 events. The Corps of Cadets gets its nc' vS the Batt. n ^ ul deuce If n ger s‘in o the the 20i I Tar •her b; bv ab iomei ‘ray. ■ Bef Ihie t ( Rice C feing i hapi e s 1° ma teams. I T e: