The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 26, 1984, Image 10
f Battalion Classifieds Page lOAThe BattalionAThursday, January 26, 1984 HELP WANTED FOR RENT PEPPER TREE APARTMENTS Landmark Properties, Inc. •Shuttle bus •Free cable tv •Security guard •Partyroom •Swimming pool •Laundry facilities *1-2-3 bedrooms •6 different floor plans •Lots of closet space ’Excellent maintenance crew Convenient to shopping areas FREE • Tutoring Service • Aerobic classes 693-5731 Hours: 9 to 6 Mon.-Fri. Sat. 10-4 Scuba Diving classes Martial Arts classes 2701 Longmire Drive College Station SOUTHWEST VILLAGE APARTMENTS Best Atmosphere In Town. Like Living In A Park. WE FEATURE Interior Green Space with Creek & Trees-Swimming Pool-Club Room- -Jacuzzi-Sauna-Tennis Court- s-Shuttle Bus Service- 4 Distinctive Styles of Apt. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Children & Pets Welcome 1101 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas 77840 409-693-0804 NEW MINI WARE HOUSES Sizes available 5x5 to 10x30 THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 75tfn FREE CABLE BILLS PAID Furnished large bedroom with bath, private entrance, largec- loset, small refrigerator, cabinets & counter. Small desk, pool, privileges, quiet country atmosphere. Easy ac cess to A&M. Deposit 822- 4811 or 779-9068. 82t4 ouses Recently Remodeled- 1119 Detroit, C.S., 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath, $300 1121 Detroit, C.S., 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath $300 1410 Carolina, C.S., 3 Bdrm. 1 Bath, $325 1208 Phoenix, C.S.,3 Bdrm. 1 Bath, $325 2400 Bomber, Bryan, 3 Bdrm. 2 Bath, $475 Call 779-0488 or 822-5585. sstio FREE CABLE BILLS PAID Furnished Large Bedroom w/Bath, Private entrance, Large closet, small refrigerator, cabinets & counter, small desk, pool pri vileges, quiet country atmosphere, easy access to A&M. Deposit. 822- 4811,779-9067. 83t4 A 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath near TAMU, washer/dryer available from $350/mo. 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6p.m. 696-4384. 75tfn Deluxe 2 bedroom 1 Vz bath 4- plexes with washers and dryers. Some with fireplaces, fenced yards, cathedral ceil ings. Large walk-in closets, lots of cabinets. 693-8685, 775- leluxe 2-bedroom, 1 bath apartment unfurnished 195.00 month and $150.00 deposit. 822- 945. 8213 FOR SALE ?nault 1982 4-speed, AC, AM-FM stereo, like -W, $4800.00, best offer. 696-5532. 83t5 ew Full-size bed $130.00 or best offer. Call 764- 191. 83t3 /edding dress size 8. Never worn. Asking $150 00, orth $350.00, 260-0894. 79t5 onte Carlo excellent condition. Call Louise Swink '9-8408 or 779-1355. 77t7 1 Ford Futura Sport Coupe $2995.00 & '76 Buick rntury, $1250.00, 693-1872. 80tl0. )air of senior winter boot pants. Fits 32-34. 846- 74 between 6-7 p.m. $35.00 8213 81 Honda 250XL with tarp, new tires & muffler, ns great. Call 696-1059. Ask for Ken. 80t5 affic lights two types, $70 each or best offer, 846- 59. ' 80t5 efer. Navy Officers (Abbott’s) Large. Like new X). Going to Hawaii, 823-5938. 83t5 ROOMMATE WANTED or 2 roommates needed for new ! bedroom 2 bath apt. $227.50 or ;i40.00 per month. Close to cam- us. Fireplace. Paid cable. 764- 619 Night 260-9776 Day 82t5 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOU BLE 331, University Drive. 846- 3755. 7819 POLYCORDER USERS Do you have a Polycorder 516-B (Version 5.0) that you want programmed? If so, call Randy Herrera at 260-1767 82t3 Registered Home Day Care.nfants-4 years old. OFF Leonard Road. Phone 779-7090 some weekend care. 8216 GAYLINE-offering current events, referrals and peer counseling. (5p.m.-12midnight) 775-1797. HELP WANTED LOOKING FOR A GOOD JOB IN FOOD SERVICE? Red Lobster is now hiring for the following full and part time positions (no schedule restric tions): ‘Waiters/Waitresses *Hosts/Hostesses *Bus Help ‘Bartenders ‘Cashiers ‘Kitchen Help ‘Utility Help NO EXPERIENCE NECES SARY! If you want a job with TOP PAY and GOOD BE NEFITS, apply in person be tween 2:00 & 4:00, Monday through Saturday at 813 Texas Ave., College Station. RED LOBSTER AFFIRMATIVE Action Employer An Equal Opportunity 83t3 WANTED: CEDAR OR TREE ALLER GIC INDIVIDUALS FOR ANTIHISTAMINE STUDY Must meet the following re quirements: Male over 12 years of age History of allergy symptoms Willing to be skin tested for tree allergies Would like to earn $100 Call between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. 775-0425 75110 ifi PART TIME SALES Part-time sales person needed at David’s Shoe Box. Experience not neces sary, but beneficial. Apply in person between 4-6 p.m. at David’s Shoe Box in Cul- pepper Plaza. 82t2 CRUISESHIPS ARE HIRING! $16-$30,000! Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter 1-(916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA&M- CRUISE. 74113 Senate candidate Krueger says U.S. must cut ties to Arab oil / IMMEDIATE: Have 20 positions available for tele phone office work. Good salary plus company benefits AM & PM hours. Col lege students and homemakers wel come. We will train you. Apply 9 to 5 at 1701 Southwest Parkway, Professional AIRLINES ARE HIRING! Flight Attendants Reservations! $14- $39,000. Worldwide! Call for Directory, Guide, Newsletter. (916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA- &MAIR. 741 immediate openings: Part- time evening telephone sales positions. Work from home or office. Excellent commission with guaranteed hourly wage for IN-Office training. Call Mark, 846-7592 or 846-8315 between 1-4 p.m. 74t10 WANTED DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES tor present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846 ' 2911 82tfn 10 Full-time 30 Part-time Deliv ery men needed. PD.nightly- flexible hours. Apply in person CHANELLO’S PIZZA, 2404 S. Texas Ave., Pkwy Center or 301 Patricia St. 79110 $6.00/hr. part-time help needed. Appt. secretary. Must have fantastic personality. Tommy 846- 4751. 80t3 Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 or 775- 7919. 75t20 THE ROXZ is now accepting waitress applications. For an appointment, call between llam-lpm dur ing the day. 764-0520 83110 WANTED •CASH- before YOU SELL your old gold, silver, and rare coins to just anyone, let the profession als at Texas Coin Exchange make you our high cash offer! Texas Coin Exchange has been in business in Bryan for over 25 years, with a large selection of rare coins and gold coin jewelry. We also stock: ■Black Hills gold jewelry •Gold chains by weight TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr., C.S. 846-8916 3202A Texas Ave., Bryan 779-7662 WANTED MAGICIAN FOR A BIRTHDAY PLEASE CALL AFTER 6 P.M. 696-3286. Travel STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORA DO skiing over Spring Break. Only $198.00 per person for 6 days/5nights ■deluxe ski in/out condos with athletic club, all lifts and parties. Limited space available. CALL SUNCHASE TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321-5911. SPRING BREAK SKIING! in Steam boat Springs, Colorado champagne powder, 6 days/5 nights in deluxe ski in/out condos with athletic club, lists and parties. ONLY $198.00 per person. Li mited space available. CALL SUNCH ASE TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321- 5911. Spring Break Sun! South Padre Is land, Texas with 8 days/7 nites new de luxe beach side condos with pool. Only $98.00 per person. Limited space avail able. CALL SUNCHASE TOLL FREE TODAY. 1-800-321-5911. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, TEXAS $98.00 per person for 8 days/7 nites new deluxe beach side condos with pool for Spring Break. Limited space available. CALL SUNCHASE TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321-5911. Team clean offices. Nights, early mornings and weedends. Flexible hours. Above mini- mun pay. Travel and vacation. Must have car, phone and job references. Home Care Ser vices. 846-7759. satin EASTER ONION is looking for mature, responsible individuals to be Singing Messengers, Belly Dan cers & Male Dancers. Call 260-9829 for auditions. "personal?" SKI VAIL BEAVER CREEK Call TOLL FREE 1-800-222-4840 for discounts. Condos & equip. 77tl6 CASA OLE MEXICAN RESTAURANT POST OAK MALL Wanted Part-time kitchen help morning and evening. Apply in person. Located West entr ance between Dillard's and Wilson's. No phone calls please. 83t5 Telephone Canvassing, Tern porary. No experience neces sary. Part-time available. Work from our office next to A&M. Call 693-5530. estio something for everyone in the want ads ; bedroom shed *172.50 plus one-half electric- Ask for Tim, 696-1034. ' 83t2 ■Guitar Instructor needed. LANGE MUSIC, 1410 Texas Ave., Bryan, 822-2334. 80t5 le roommate wanted $150 per month three 5ks north from campus. Call Marco 845- 3. 82t2 Part-time WAITRESSES needed immediately at YESTERDAY'S 4421 South Texas Avenue, 846- 2625. Apply 11:30-4:00p.m. 82t8 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 By KEVIN S. INDA Reporter America must negotiate long term oil and gas supply agree ments with Mexico, Canada and Venezuela to end its depend ence on Arab oil, U.S. Senate candidate Bob Krueger said Wednesday. “The American people are too dependent on other nations for the basic energy supplies that heat our homes, fuel our transport and run our factor ies,” Krueger, a Democrat from New Braunfels, said in a press conference. He is one of three Democrats seeking John Tow er’s U.S. Senate seat. The United States gets more than one-fourth of its oil from other countries, Krueger said. “The increasing warfare and turmoil in the Middle East re minds us that we simply cannot consider those countries as se cure, reliable energy sources,” Krueger said. The United States’ dependence on these im ported supplies could create a potentially severe setback to America’s economic and milit ary security. “We need to look elsewhere,” Krueger said. Texas has suffered consider ably from “unpredictable and irrational” govermental policies, Krueger said. Because of cur rent governmental policy, drill ing proceeds are only at about half the rate of three years ago and many drilling rigs are rust ing, he said. Texans have lost several hun dred thousand jobs in the oil in dustry because of the recession, Krueger said, and part of those losses are the result of bad gov ermental policy, such as dereg ulation. Krueger said deregulation of natural gas is a step to recovery. Under goverment controls the price of natural gas varies from 29 cents per thousand cubic feet (mef) to $6 or even $7 per mef for unregulated gas. “There is no excuse for hav ing the same product sell for prices that vary by factors of 20 to 1,” Krueger said. ipi she government, should regulate the price of natural gas, he said. But Krueger said deregula tion alone will not secure energy independence, and that is why it is crucial that the United States negotiate long-term supply agreements with Mexico, Cana da, Venezuela and other ener gy-producing countries in our hemisphere. “Through U.S. financing and participation in the design and construction of new facilities in this hemisphere, we can together create the capacity to meet our energy needs,” he said. G a s r c< to m at g r D; e> B< U.S. Senate candidate Boh Krueger Mexico has become one of the largest foreign suppliers of oil to the United States, Krueger said, and most Americans would pre fer to buy oil from Mexico than from the Middle East. The American dollar would help Mexico’s suffering eco nomy and such actions will bols ter our economic and military security, Krueger said. Krueger believes exploration and drilling on and offski must continue so that theoikl dustry in T exas can get outofl slump caused by the receaiJ But thsc resources must be J veloped in an “enviromeniil sound way,” he said. Student to take 5 year old to school M-F, 7:30-8:30. $60/month, 693-5286. 82t5 A&M researcher optimistic Rubber may bring bucks By TAMMY KIRK Reporter Potential production of rub ber in the semiarid desert of the southwestern United States may prove to be a significant cash crop for four states, says a re searcher at Texas A&M. Jimmy Tipton, an assistant professor of horticulture work ing at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in El Paso, says that predictions for the de sert shrub called “guayule” are very optimistic. Guayule grows wild only in West Texas and northern Mex ico, but with the aid of chemical experimentation, all parts of Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona could be rubber producing, Tipton says. Research on guayule cultiva tion has been financed for the last five years by the U.S. De partment of Agriculture, and an extension of three years has been granted at about $75,000 a year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture also is financing other studies by the University of Arizona, New Mexico State University and the Los Angeles State and County Arboretum, as well as its own research. “The most discouraging re sult of the experiment is that it is going to take more water than we thought for an economically feasible product,” Tipton says. C. R. Benedict, a professor of V; R; ev d< Ir T oi cl; P‘ sa re K J a ft^HULMAN THEATRES Mon-Fmly Nlt»-Sch 6 ‘ Tuo-Fmly Nlta-MEIII J SCHU.LMAN 6 2002 T'th 775-2160 Z75-2468 7:20 9:45 SACRED GROUND 7:35 9:55 UNCOMMON VALOR' 7:20 9:40 RISKY BUSINESS 8:45 SCARFACE 7:15 9:40 THE BIG CHILL STAYlfoh& ALIVE 9:50 FLASHDANCE biochemistry at Texas A&Mfi 17 years, is also working »i f ;uayule. He says the curru arming system is still cosliij twice the amount of the So# east Asia tropical /levea ruble plant, currently being import!) to the United States. The difference in price, Be nedicl says, is that fiereaisabw 75 cents a pound compared! guayule which is about pound. At that price, guayui remains non-competitive,W says. Tipton says that in order break even economically,ill states conducting the researoj pii would have to be able to haml| rUf 500 pounds of rubber peraa:i: per year. Tipton says reseaij chers have not found a wavtti nJI\ produce a high yelidingcropofl, an adequate way to feed ib| Tf") guayule. Currently the resear ^ chers are growing the shrubsim greenhouse and then tram planting them outside. “There are twoor threeoftk 26 recognized varieties o' guayule which we are optimistir about for high yeild.” Tiptot says, “This is the most encourag ing result.” Benedict says the researcher! are working on a way tore] Un Al Mark Texas fine jo sion c lamen $42,Ot remod the synthesis of guayule with! sons group of chemicals to maketht rubber more profitable. From a strategic viewpoint high yielding rubber plantsarf very important to have, Bt nedict says, because radial tire are 15 percent to 30 percent natural rubber and airplaiK it funds tires are almost 100 percent pense’ natural rubber. MANOF EA 5T IIP Mano dall •ii. u u .00 Tf Telegi source riated comm anoth admin Th expen: Co more t year 7:25 9:45 TWO OF A KIND 7:20-9:40 NEVER CRY WOLF 7:15 9:35 ANGEL ATTENTION ALL BUSINESS MAJORS You have the opportunity to learn how membership in the nation's oldest and largest Professional Business Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, can be of benefit to you at Texas A&M University. As a Professional Business Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi provides the leadership experience and business world exposure and contacts to provide job related experience to you as a college student. A new chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi is currently being formed here at Texas A&M University. This is a great opportun ity for all business majors to get involved with the founding of a new chapter. This chapter will sponsor professional activities with speakers, tours, and job related workshops to broaden the background of its members along with social events. On Tuesday, January 31, 1984, you will have the chance to attend a presenta tion to give you more information on the requirements for membership, we cordially invite you to attend this introductory meeting: Tuesday. January 31, 1984 Room 308 Rudder Tower 7:00 P.M. The United States Navy an interest in the guayule cause of its need for natural rub j archite her in aircraft tires, Benedifl|i t h e ca says. He also says that the Navs Air Command would like» have a stockpile of rubber incaK of military emergencies. Be nedict says the Naval Air Com mand already has a guayuif plantation in Arizona on an In than reservation near Phoeni* j homev with a processing plant tbai friend should be ready in three orfou' womai years. "ty money goverr room j 11, am Thi eludes en,sto pool ta At the turn of the centur) guayule, which, was harvested coyjj from wild plants in Mexico, pro duced about 10 percent of tie world’s rubber supply. “HOT DOG” THE MOVIE 7:38448 4 ^ENTL^ffC_ Ther needec Am ase of ment a locatio eommi promo state w their n Me; in g thr m his n ferena Soi theatri tvereir dudi inf .Term Silkwr "'ere si outstar year wi film co