The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 24, 1984, Image 1
12th Man getting ready for next year See page 13 National marches protest abortion See page 7 Child's mom testifies against Genene Jones See page 3 Texas A&M # The Battalion Serving the University community Vol 78 No. 81 CJSPS 0453110 14 pages. College Station, Texas Tuesday, January 24, 1984 ould. ladefo i was 11 Soodfotl rers ami | lillpb sundai. ■ranketl Charle ivents center, tracks discussed by regents me-M ;heCai’ By KELLY SMITH and BRIGID BROCKMAN Senior Staff Writers The Planning and Building Com- nittee of the Texas A&M System re agents Monday discussed the reloca tion of the railroad track which di vides the campus and reviewed pre- iliminary plans for the proposed spe cial events center. I The board discussed the relocation jbf the track saying that such a project should be one of the boards ultimate Objectives. I Regent Joe C. Richardson Jr. said, ■It’s time for the campus to be one ■ampus; the railroad splits it apart like I a big canyon.” I Final action to relocate the track will depend on the railroads, Richard son said, and the board must now appeal to the railroads to see hqw they feel about the situation. Regent William A. McKenzie said during the meeting that Welborne Road is as serious a problem as the railroad, and that ways to re-route street traffic must also be studied. Slide presentations on the Erwin Special Events Center at the Universi ty of Texas and several special events centers in Utah were given at the meeting to show the regents how other institutions had developed and utilized such centers. The board then discussed several ways an events center could be de veloped at Texas A&M with different facilities, seating capacities, square footages and costs. Regent David G. Eller said that for such a center, the seating capacity should be large enough so that events such as NCAA championships could be held at Texas A&M. One figure estimated the total cost of the project at $45,471,000. That figure is based on cost information received from five recently con structed events centers. Included in the cost estimate is $2 million for the relocation of the beef cattle center. McKenzie questioned that figure saying it was unreason able. “We’re not playing the army game where we ask for more then cut it down?” McKenzie asked. Regent Royce E. Wisenbaker asked if the costs were padded to scare the board off such projects. Vice Chancellor for Facilities Plan ning and Construction, Gen. Wesley E. Peel said the estimated figures may be off, but only by a few percentage points. The actual cost estimate can not be quoted until a final plan for the center has been approved, he said. The Planning and Building Com mittee also reported that four firms have been chosen as possible project engineers which will be subject to the board’s approval later. During discussion of the Commit tee for Academic Campuses, Texas A&M President Frank E. Vandiver spoke in favor of the proposed Milit ary Sciences Institute. The committee approved the institute which would be University-wide in scope. Its func tions would include sponsoring re search on past and current military topics. During discussions of the Execu tive Committee, Chancellor Arthur G. Hansen reported that one of the problems facing not just Texas A&M, but most universities, is the question of how to utilize computer-based edu cation. • The committee approved the appropriation of funds fro.TCi \he Available University Fund for the de velopment of courseware for compu ter-based education. Vandiver said the key to achieving a viable development capability is training, and the $206,000 from the Available University Fund would pay tor the training of a small body of faculty in the detailed techniques of quality courseware creation. However, the question was raised as to how such a program would be nefit the University. The faculty who “author” the programs would work in collabora tion with the training company, and the programs would be sold to other universities with the training com pany an^ ’h^ University splitting the [ r °ths. L ‘ BS.y Inf t/jer e some uncertainty as to whc. e e University” meant Texas Ae^r^or the faculty member who authored the program. Hansen said this problem would have to be worked out. eagan names eese to post United Press International I WASHINGTON — President Reagan named counselor Edwin "eese, a conservative law-and-order dvocate, Monday to replace Attor ney General William French Smith, whose resignation he accepted with ‘‘deep regret.” Smith, the sixth member of the abinet to leave since Reagan took office three years ago, told a news conference, “There was a time to come and a time to go.” ■ Saying he has accomplished many of the things he set out to do, he told |Reagan in a letter, “It is now time for me to return to private life.” i The millionaire Californian, a member of the president’s “kitchen cabinet,” also said he hopes to be in volved in Reagan’s re-election cam paign — something “that would not i»e possible in my present position.” 1 Reagan praised Smith “as one of the nation’s very finest attorneys gen eral” and said, “It it with deep regret that I accept your resignation.” At the same time, he said he is “delighted” to nominate Meese, a former Alameda iCounty, Calif., prosecutor and long time friend, to the $80,100-a-yearjob of running the Justice Department. I “Ed is not only my trusted counse lor, he is also a person whose life and experience reflect a profound com mitment to the law and a consistent dedication to the improvement of our justice system,” he said. “I know of no one better able to continue in the fine tradition so well represented by the service of Bill Smith.” I Smith, 66, who intends to return to his lucrative law practice in Los Angeles, will stay on the job until Meese, 52, is confirmed by the Senate. ; During his tenure, Smith turned the department to the right, aggres sively opposing busing as a means of school desegregation and quotas for hiring blacks and women. Other changes during his three years as attorney general included loosening antitrust restrictions and stepped up efforts against drug smuggling and organized crime. Meese, who has served as counse lor to the president, is perhaps the closest to Reagan’s philosophy among the “Big Three” members of his White House inner circle. He told reporters in Montecito, Calif., where he was making a speech, that the offer of the new post was made “rather suddenly.” “I really was very happy with the job that I had,” he said. But when this other opportunity came along — tot ally unsought by me — it was a tough job to turn down.” Meese said he does not expect to have trouble winning Senate confir mation. “I just don’t think the senators are going to want to play politics with a Cabinet appointment. I think tradi tionally, historically, it hasn’t been the case,” he said. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., said he expects his panel to receive the nomination by next week and begin hearings promptly. “In my judgment, he (Meese) will make an excellent attorney general,” Thurmond said. But Sen. Charles Mathias, R-Md., second-ranking Republican on the committee, predicted the nomination will touch off a “bitter debate on anti trust, civil rights and privacy issues.” See related editorial page 2 Advisory board supports funds policy By SARAH OATES Staff writer The Chancellor’s Student Advis ory Board Monday voted in favor of proposals to support a uniform fund ing policy to “eliminate disparities in international student programs and increase foreign student contribu tions” to Texas A&M University, and to encourage student support for a legislative bill that would create an en dowment to fund state universities that do not benefit from the Perma nent University Fund. The 13-member board also voted lime r to support the development of proce dures to increase student involvement in student service fee allocations by the four universities within the Uni versity system. The board recommends that the University system adopt a policy of greater student input so that students at each university will have greater opportunities to decide what prog rams and services they wish to sup port. Fred Billings, chairman of the CSAB, said that students at Texas A&M have much greater input than students at other universities within the system. “The problem is that other stu dents in schools within the system don’t have input,” Billings said. “We recommend that they be given a reasonable amount of input in decid ing how their money is spent.” At Texas A&M, the student finance committee of Student Government proposes student service fee levels and allocations to the administration. The committee holds hearings for groups that wish to receive funding and then determines which services qualify for funding. The amounts re ceived by each group are determined by need. Billings said that Texas A&M stu dents have greater input through this procedure than students at other uni versities within the system. The board also supports the de velopment of funding policies from a uniform source, such as state- allocated administrative funds for in ternational student services. This policy would include stabilizing the funding of the University’s Interna tional Student Services Office and de veloping methods to strengthen the international student programs at the other universities within the system, such as Tarleton State University. see BOARD page 8 B(W aii Tuesj ccounting scholarship started it Freeman retirement banquet ^ns * C, ani sistoH n cof# nenaiii By KAREN WALLACE Staff writer The establishment of the W.C. reeman Jr. Scholarship for ccounting was announced at a ban- uet Monday night honoring the re- ifement of William Clyde Freeman, Executive Vice Chancellor for dministration. Freeman, 64, has held various ositions in the Texas A&M System rom 1947 to 1983. He has served as ssistant Comptroller, Comptrol ler, Vice President, Vice Chancellor nd Executive Vice Chancellor for dministration. Every time they added a respon- jiblity to him, they had to change his Itle,” Dr. M.T. Harrington said to ieaudience of 400 at the Memorial tudent Center. Joining Harrington as guest speakers were Chancellor Author G. lanson, Former Deputy Chancellor red G. Benson, Bob Anderson, talvin Guest and Regents H.R. ^ £ bright and Joe Reynolds. —^ '■ After dinner was served, Hanson presented Freeman and his wife with two gifts. Hanson said that upon retire ment, Freeman will take on the char acteristics of a child, therefore he presented Mrs. Freeman a book by Erma Bombeck entitled, “Mother hood, the Second Oldest Profes sion.” Hanson gave a picture of an oil well to Freeman. This picture sym bolized Freeman’s ferver for the oil business. Hanson ended his speech with a humorous yet truthful poem enti tled, “An Ode to Clyde.” H.G. Bright, chairman of the Board of Regents, said that when he and Freeman attended A&M in 1940, Freeman’s nickname was ‘Knappy.’ “I can’t tell you why, just like I can’t tell you why they call me Bum,” Bright said. Bright said Freeman had three ualities, willingness, capability and aithfulln ess, that gained him the respect and admiration of anyone who had dealings with him during ?a, his 36-year-service. “Clyde will not be replaced,” Bright said. “He will have someone else doing his job but he will not be replaced.” Board of Regents member Joe Reynolds said Freeman is the only indispensible man at A&M. “You’ve really left your mark here and helped make this a won derful institution,” Reynolds said. Harrington said that during the years Freeman was comptroller, he kept all the money tranactions “legal and honest.” “This is hard to do when dealing with other people’s money,” Har rington joked. Harrington also congratulated Freeman for having the same office in the Systems Administraiton Building for as long as he did. Benson said Freeman always de monstrated fine composure at all the meetings he had to attend dur ing his term and he never made a ‘slip of tounge.’ “I don’t know whether he memo rized that stuff he said or if he just said the same thing at every meet ing,” he said. Freeman humbly accepted the honors given him during the evening. “The honors are not deserved, but I can guarantee they are deeply appreciated,” he said. Freeman thanked the speakers for their remarks. “First let me thank the speakers for what they did not say,” he said, jokingly. “There are things in my past that need not be said.” Freeman wished the audience a touching farewell. “I wish that 1984 be the best year of your life,” he said. In ending the banquet, Edwin H. Cooper, dean of Admisions and re cords, dedicated an old Indian saying to Freeman. “May your moccasins make many happy tracks in the snows of life,” he said. In Today’s Battalion Local • Bryan-College Station continues to have the lowest unemployment rate in Texas. See story page 3. • Battalion staffer speaks out on Rudder Fountain de monstration. See column page 2. State • The Houston Cougars drop to #6 in NCAA basketball ratings after a loss to #3 Kentucky, See rankings page 14. • Dan Rather, CBS news anchorman, has been named an honorary football letterman at Sam Houston State — 33 years after failing to make the team. See story page 4. • An animal rights group says negligence is tne cause of the unnecessary deaths of dozens of horses near Marlin. See story page 4. World • A Canadian couple has claimed $11.1 million in a lottery — the largest tax-free prize ever awarded in North America.