The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1984, Image 5
Monday, January 23, 1984/The Battalion/Page 5 S undo LiiKoit I by Fair. ict 34- fral Fire ‘’enue ai :i 35 (in. ng he- — Muni- Churtfc nlding ces hare ause o! ig 1983, x?en w- iomniun- >te Tub- Station ose who Wellborn ■s should lion Firt enis who e in Col. te in the ation ab- uacl City; es at the r Hall or 1-3520. Brazos County plans anniversary festivities By JILL GOLDEN Reporter The Texas Sesquicenten- n i a I, marking the 150th anniversary of Texas’ inde pendence from Mexico, is still two years away, but Brazos County already has begun planning its part in the celeb ration. The Texas 1986 Ses- quicentennial Commission in Austin, has invited Texas cities and counties to join in the festivities. So far, 32 com munities have been sanc tioned to participate in the year-long commemoration. Brazos County has yet to be officially approved, but a planning committee has been appointed to recommend a chairman and a coordinating committee of 20-30 people. Committee members must be approved by College Station Mayor Gary Haller, Bryan Mayor Ron Blatchley and County Judge Dick Holm- green. Members will be recom mended by the planning com mittee. Members of the plan ning committee include Phyl lis Dozier, director of the Bra zos Center, Dr. Carolyn Adair of Texas A&rM, Margaret Ann Zipn representing The Bryan/ College Station Eagle, Anne Bell representing Halter, Peg gy Calliham representing Blatchley, and Clara Mounce representing the Chamber of Commerce. Dozier expects the chair man and coordinating com mittee to be appointed in the next 30 days. The committee’s job will be to devise a master plan of all groups taking part in the celebration and to make sure all events are approp riate. Once the master plan has been accepted in Austin, Bra zos County officially can begin using stickers, logos, and other Sesquicentennial items to publicize the celebration. Dozier said at this time few people are aware of the Ses quicentennial, so the commit tee plans to conduct a wide spread publicity campaign. Adair said the main idea of the celebration is for the com- munity to have fun. Possible events through the year include rodeos, lecture series, and community work projects. A major Sesquicentennial event already well under way is a statewide wagon train trip circling 2,800 miles through Texas from January until June. To date, it is not sche duled to stop in Brazos Coun ty, but Dozier said she hopes a stop here will be added later. The closest scheduled stop for the train is Brenham, about 35 miles away. GOP leaders to hold rally, ts southern strategy underway ed, -national if. - Site traded tw urn dep 30 pep oriiieta :ts then sit ery charp 1, and Kr ) aulhorilit i 1983 fw ison, wha ; for arm Wes Slii entered ik ir entranu ■d cash an s and en of the stoit to tripat ihercallefli n in Lak United Press International ATLANTA — Confident Re- i publican leaders from 13 South- IQl ern states where President Reagan got 30 percent of his 1980 electoral vote will meet this week to set Southern strategy for his re-election campaign. Officially, the Republican National Committee’s “South- (j ;i(j pq, ern leadership conference” is horitiessr as a P e P ra Ny lo organize fund-raising and voter- registration activities for the party. Unofficially, the four-day round of seminars and social events affords the GOP an opportunity to draw attention to its strength in a region that Democratic leaders agree is the key to the 1984 election. Recent polls indicate former iburbanls ^ president Walter Mondale p.m. Saw ^ as w ' t l e appeal among decided Democrats, and is leading Sen. ohn Glenn, D-Ohio. The polls ilso show both men trailing ieagan in the South. . The president carried every Southern state in 1980 — except Jx-President Carter’s native Georgia — and got 147 of his ^89 electoral votes from the re- arentlyw- g>on. eralsherifi Reagan is scheduled lo momentsli address the opening session of stoutena» P e GOP conference Thursday, out oftl M °re than 1,000 Republican ^tate chairmen, RNC members and other Reagan supporters dered abot' are expected to attend, ider said States participating in the re fill | 10na ^ conference are Alabama, learcho! \tkansas, Florida, Georgia, 1130,00 c Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississip- runsstasl* h, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Sliders* 1 South Carolina, Tennessee, pexas and Virginia. L GOP leaders are confident Mondale will be Reagan’s oppo nent. | Anybody who’s totally realis- ic knows that at the moment Blondale is clearly the frontrun ner,” said Montgomery Mayor Emory Folmar, Reagan’s re- election chairman for Alabama. ‘‘It’s Walter Mondale’s nomi nation to lose at this point,” said Warren Tompkins, director of the South Carolina GOP. Other Republican leaders said Reagan would run well against any liberal and express ed little concern about Demo cratic candidate Jesse Jackson’s southwide campaign to register 2 million new voters, especially blacks and the poor. Marly Connors, director of the Alabama GOP, said Jack son’s efforts may backfire on Democrats in the South. “It’s a two-edged sword; the more credibility Jackson gets, the more unfriendly faces he brings out to vote,” said Con nors. “But his mere presence in spires many conservative Demo crats to come in droves to the Republican Party,” he said. The number of unregistered, voting-age blacks in 10 of the 13 states in 1982 was far greater — as much as 10 times more — than the margin of Reagan’s vic tory in 1980. Jackson’s standard campaign speech now includes a virtual demand that everyone in his au dience be registered, and he sometimes concludes by leading a march to the registrar’s office. “I’m not overly concerned with his drive,” said Tennessee GOP chairman Susan Richardson-Williams. “Maybe Jackson’s drive is a good thing, in that it has made us focus on registration — but we probably would have done it anyway,” she said. Tompkins, the South Caroli na state party leader, said “we’ve got to work real hard” to coun teract Jackson’s appeal for the Democrats. Tompkins said it is important for Reagan to hold the southern vote. Virginia GOP director San dra Riley said, “We’re going into the black community, talk to the black community and talk to them about their concerns.” Party leaders echoed the White House position that eco nomic recovery under Reagan has improved the lot of millions of poor people, including many Southern blacks. PRoblEM PREqNANCy? We Can HeLp Free Pregnancy Testing Personal Counseling Pregnancy Terminations Completely Confidential Call Us First - We Care (7/3) 774- 970k (a 4 2.0 Hillcroffj f-fous-Kvo, MSC Cafeteria Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $2.39 Plus Tax. “Open Paiiy” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. —4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisoury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of I One Vegetable j 01 or. 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The army exchanged rocket and shellfire with Druze militia men around Qabr Shamoun in the mountains 8 miles southeast of Beirut, and fought Shiite Moslems in the southern sub urbs, radio reports said. The Christian Phalange Voice of Lebanon radio said one army soldier was killed and three civilians were wounded in the dashes in the suburbs. In Washington, Secretary of State George Shultz responded to the latest threats of civil war by reaffirming U.S. allegiance to the Gemayel government and noting that Jumblatt’s warning appeared Lo be inspired by Moscow. “We will not stop fighting this time unless and until the Gemayel government resigns, even if that means the complete destruction of Lebanon,” Jumb latt said in an interview with the Amman-based Jordan Times. “Our position is one of all-out challenge to the Lebanese gov ernment,” he said. “Until a real and acceptable political settle ment to the crisis of Lebanon is found, the fighting will not stop.” Jumblatt, who in the past has demanded the resignation of the Cabinet but not the presi dent, said Gemayel failed to abrogate the May 17 Lebanese- Israeli troop withdrawal accord Offers A Special Texas A&M University Student Charge Account. 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Despite Jumblatt’s threat, a government delegation will go to Damascus for talks on cease fire violations with Syrian lead ers and Jumblatt, the indepen dent Central News Agency re ported. Education Minister Issam Khoury, however announced schools will remain shut Monday if they are located in risky areas — a sign the government was taking the Druze leader’s state ments seriously. kinko's copies CLASS READERS Professors, make your class readings available to your students at a dis count rate and no cost to you. kinko's copies 201 COLLEGE MAIN 846-8721 Domino’s Pizza Delivers.?. The Price Destroyer'” Domino’s Pizza breaks through with The Price Destroyer""! No ordinary pizza, The Price Destroyer™ is eliminating the high cost of a 9-item pizza while bringing you all the toppings you love! Our mission: to give you a dynamite combination of nine carefully selected and portioned toppings...all for the price of a 5- item pizza Try our new Price Destroyer™ ...ifs a winning combination! 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