The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 20, 1984, Image 4

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    Page 4/The Battalion/Friday, January 20, 1984
Civic center proposed
United Press International
AUSTIN — City officials
Thursday unveiled a $350 mil
lion proposal that would include
a new civic and convention cen
ter linked to a private hotel and
office, retail and residential de
be devoted to private develop
ment, would cover 86 acres of
mostly city-owned property
along Town Lake in downtown
be connected to the civic center
and the two would share meet
ing rooms.
The complex, 90 percent to
It would include a $31 million
civic center which Mayor Ron
Mullen said would be the only
structure that would need public
funding. A private hotel would
Architect Sinclair Black, who
designed the complex, said a
financing plan has not been
worked out. But he said he ex
pects a coalition to determine
the details of a public-private
joint venture.
The Texas A&M University
Singing Cadets
are holding auditions for drummers. All
interested should contact the Vocal Music
Office at
845-5974 (003 MSC)
Confessed killings linked
to two unsolved slayings
United Press International
MONROE, La. — Police
investigators tracing the steps
of confessed mass killers Hen
ry Lee Lucas and Ottis Elwood
Toole linked the men Thurs
day to a pair of previously un
solved slayings.
The accusations raised to
59 the number of murders
police believe were committed
by the drifters. The men have
confessed to 200 killings in at
least 17 states.
“Following their leads will
make you mentally and phy
sically exhausted,” said Ray
Hardison of the Williamson
County, Texas, sheriffs de
partment. “The mental strain
is much greater though.
“This makes Jack the Rip
per and Charles Manson look
like a Sunday school picnic.”
About 100 officers from 18
states compared notes on the
men and discussed details of
crimes in hopes of determin
ing whether unsolved homi
cides in their areas could be
attributed to them.
Two additional cases were
added to the “secured” case
list, said Lt. Joe Cummings of
the Monroe police depart
ment. But he declined to re
veal details of the kill which
states were involved.
“Both of them talk very
freely,” Cummings said.
“They are not stupid. They
have problems with their
memories sometimes, but
they’ve committed so many
crimes that’s understandable.
“They want to get it off
their chests,” he said, trying to
explain the list of confessions
the men have made since they
were jailed. “They wanp the
police, they say. They have no
thing to lose, they say.”
An officer from South
Carolina said Lucas and Toole
were suspects in the slaying of
women in both Columbia and
Georgetown, S.C. The two
men met in Maryland after
Lucas completed a prison
term in the death of his
multi-state muti
“What’s the odds ofb
people like that being dm 1
together?” Cummingss
“They both committed»
ders by themselves and if
Ixuli together.”
They stayed together only a
short period before splitting
up, and met later at a mission
in Jacksonville, Fla., Cum
mings said. It was from there
the two apparently began
Lucas, 47, has admitted.)
slayings, and has k
charged with seven inTe|
and one in Louisiana.Het
her pleaded guilty to killir^ 1
elderly Texas woman andi |
sentenced to 75 yean
He also received a lifeg i
on term for his convictio;
the death of his teenagea
mon-law wife.
Continental opens Nudist complex
non-stop flights now j n Houston
United Press International
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tinential Airlines will resume
non-stop service between Hous
ton and Kansas City Feb. 1, com
pany officials said Thursday.
ton earlier this week upheld
Continental’s petition for reor-
In making the announce
ment, Continential said it will
offer two round-trip flights each
day between Houston Intercon
tinental Airport and Kansas City
Internatinal Airport.
A bankruptcy judge in Hous-
ganization under Chapter 11 of
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
Three days after filing for bank-
ruptcy, Continental resumed
operation as a low-cost airline.
Although Houston is the fifth
most popular destination for
travelers leaving KCI, passen
gers now have to stop at least
once en route, said Delbert Kar-
meier, Kansas City transporta
tion director.
United Press International
HOUSTON — Residents of a
Houston apartment complex
said Thursday they are not
pleased with a new policy that
will turn their development into
a small nudist colony.
nia!” said one irate tenantl
ed ic
don’t want this kind of I
And we don’t like thatnpBL
resident that will be livingi aut() p S ,
after the change.”
TEQUILA Party Wednesday, Jan. 18
’Hawaiian Party Friday Jan. 20
Treehouse Apartments Party Room
• Cheap Wine Party Tuesday, Jan. 24
Country Place Apartments Party Room
• Pajama Party Thursday, Jan. 26
Treehouse Apartments Party Room
Become a part of 130 years of tradition.
For more info, call Bob
The new management of the
270-unit Fieldstone Apartments
announced Wednesday they
were converting the complex
into a “clothing-optional com
munity,” effective April I.
No clothes will be permitted
in the pool, hot tub, sauna and
other interior areas of the com
plex, said Peter Nutting, presi
dent of the firm managing the
conversion of the three-year-old
apartment buildings. Clothes
will be optional in other areas.
bugh ii
I hey told us we ha<itMj n i 0
naked or get out," said Girt jde
Shelter, 19, who haslivedtj^ai
apartment a year. |Maic
I Owi
DeShelter said about 1M
dents attended a I .
day night in which the neiJKI|
agment team showed tfelj
film on what life wouldbeftr
the new Fieldstone. Abouj
pe rcen t of the residents inuJ
ately were against the coil
sion and threatened tosutl
Nutting said the apartment
complex will be operated like a
private club with membership
fees, strict rules for proper con
duct and a rigid ban on harass
ment or other mistreatment of
tenants by other residents.
new management comp
which said it operates si
clubs in Austin and in
rather move than disrobe pub
“This is Houston, not Califor-
K— -XX -MW
j Unit
|ce a j
[ypt tc
n, fi
featy w
Nutting explained tothtiC | orn
dents that he has discoverf: m j [lee E
nudist facilities tend tobefi| ar iy r
oriented. Bversy
the con f
He said the owners, Sa'pot deci
California-based CorsunF%isus.
cial Corp., would do theirln | The
assist Fieldstone residenti<prising
want to move. lyp 15
Rents will range from F Skislai
$525 a month.
‘Meeting the needs of Texas A&M
Today and Tomorrow”
Office of Development
Texas A&M University
But resident Annai
said because of the locatijl
the mailboxes at the complel
wouldn’t be able togogeR
mail without taking offp
610 Evans Library
She said the manageno
“trying to force us to tilt j
i clothes off and to cramalifef
down our throats. I thinkini
ethical and un-American.
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