The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 20, 1984, Image 10
e E i ress UR dal iwa tor ssic ick pro istc rgai imp len| leu har ecia five Jar EF K KF H ) ) ! Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT HELP WANTED PEPPER TREE APARTMENTS Landmark Properties, Inc. 'Shuttle bus •Free cable tv •Security guard •Partyroom •Swimming pool •Laundry facilities •1-2-3 bedrooms •6 different floor plans •Lots of closet space •Excellent maintenance crew •Convenient to shopping areas FREE • Tutoring Service • Aerobic classes 693-5731 Hours: 9 to 6 Mon.-Fri. Sat. 10-4 Scuba Diving classes Martial Arts classes 2701 Longmire Drive College Station PART TIME APPOINTMENT SECRETARIES DILLARD’S PORTRAIT STUDIO We are looking for cheerful, en thusiastic men and women who like to converse on the phone to work as “APPOINT MENT SECRETARIES, “you will be setting photography appointments for the new Dil lard’s Portrait Studio in the Bryan/College Station area, excellent hours for Mothers and College students who need a permanent part-time position with a good firm. We offer: Convenient Location Guaranteed Salary Complete Training Department Store Discount Call FRANK for Appointment Wednesday-Friday 764-7817. 77,3 SOUTHWEST VILLAGE APARTMENTS Best Atmosphere In Town. Like Living In A Park. WE FEATURE Interior Green Space with Creek & Trees-Swimming Pool-Club Room- -Jacuzzi-Sauna-Tennis Court- s-Shuttle Bus Service- 4 Distinctive Styles of Apt. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Children & Pets Welcome 1101 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas 77840 409-693-0804 74? 13. NEW MINI WARE HOUSES Sizes available 5x5 to 10x30 THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696 - 5487 CASA DEL SOL TWO BLOCKS TO CAMPUS Pool, Jacuzzi, basketball goals, on premises security guard, 1st class mainte nance. 401 Stasney, C.S. (409) 696-3455 Deluxe 2 bedroom 1 Vs bath 4- plexes with washers and dryers. Some with fireplaces, fenced yards, cathedral ceil ings. Large walk-in closets, lots of cabinets. 693-8685, 775- 1600; 696-1660. A 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath near TAMU, washer/dryer available from $350/mo. 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6p.m. 696-4384. A Bargain! 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment in modern, wooded 4- plex. 1.7 miles from campus. Near shuttle. Washer and dryer connec tions. Low rent! 693-7761. 74t6 Two bedroom 1 1/2 bath apartment. 1/2 mile from TAMU. $395/mo. Call Country Place, 846-0515. 76t5 . Available Now. 3bdrm. 2 bath 4-plex, w/washer and dryer. C.S. $390. 272-8422, 1-567-4974. 77t5 I Woodstock Condominium, 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, w/d, fireplace, patio and shuttle bus. $450/mo. 71.3- .391-8047. 79t.3 FOR SALE For sale by sealed bid 7 systems consisting of IBM 5110 Computer, IBM 5114 Disk Drive, IBM 5103 Prin ter (must be bid as system). IBM 5106 Tape Drive, and Sykes Comm. Stor. Disk Drive. Inspect at Texas A&M University, Room 411, Soil & Crop Science Bldg., 1-23 thru 1-27-84. Bid forms available at same address. 78t2 Bed for sale. Foster Stearns single bed with mattress and box spring. Excellent condi tion-like new!! Metal frame $65.00. Call Paul at 260-6070 after 5p.m. 78t2 Monte Carlo excellent condition. Call Louise Swink 779-8408 or 779-1355. 77t7 1980 Turbo Trans AM. Limited Edition. Indianapo lis Pace Car. White and Charcoal Metallic. T-Top fully loaded 42,00 mi. 409-535-4821 or 535- 4162 7715 NEW LOW COST FURNITURE FOR SALE Beds, Dinettes, couch and chair set. 779-8222.76t5 FOR SALE Ladies wedding set. Brand new. 1/2 k diamond $1100, 693-2817. 76t4 APARTMENT BEATER 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Pay ments under $180.00 month. Call for details. 779- 8222. 76t5 19 inch 1981 color sharp T V. $225 call 693- 6070. 7<?t5 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOU BLE 331, University Drive. 846- 3755. 7fit9 FARM PATCH FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLE MARKET Now hiring full or part time CHECKERS Apply in person between 1 — 4. 3519 S. College 779-7209 Although Intramural basketball has already started, the IM — REC Sports Office is currently accepting a limited number of late basketball entries. But don’t wait too long — drop by the IM — REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle or call 845- 7826, Today! 75t5 Need help writing your RESUME? I will organize your experience, pinpoint skills, target abilities & accomplish ments. Professional Writer-Complete Service GREENBRANCH 693-9546 7915 ROOMMATE WANTED AIRLINES ARE HIRING! Flight Attendants Reservations! $14- $39,000. Worldwide! Call for Directory, Guide, Newsletter. (916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA- &MAIR. 74113 HELP! 1 or 2 females for 2 bed, 2 bath apt. Furnished, cable, great views. 764-0619, night, 260-9776, day. 78t2 Female roommate to share fur nished house with students in quiet residential neighborhood. One block south of campus $148.00 monthly all bills paid free laundry facilities, non-smoker, non drinker, 696-5286. 7614 CRUISESHIPS ARE HIRING! $16-$30,000! Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter 1-(916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA&M- CRUISE. 74t1' IMMEDIATE: Have 20 positions available for tele phone office work. Good salary plus company benefits AM & PM hours. Col lege students and homemakers wel come. We will train you. Apply 9 to 5 at 1701 Southwest Parkway, Professional Bldg., Suite 204, C.S. 7916 Female roommate, walking distance, $100.00/mo. total. Call Floren 846-7182. 77t5 WANTLD: Roommate share in townhouse by 2818, $130/mo/. 1/3 of bills. Call Jim 693-3962. 77t5 Female/male roommate wanted to share duplex with washer/dryer. $170 + utilities. Two bedroom, one bath, call for info. 764-8886. 75t5 HELP WANTED Looking for Sophomore or Junior Business or C.S. ma jors. Part time computer opera tions work. Early mornings and weekends. Send resume to Frank Pierce, P.O. Box 6500, Bryan, Texas 77805. 78t3 Free cable-Bills pd! Private bath & entrance, re frig., desk, pool, deposit. 779-9067, 822-4811 even- ings-weekends. 77t5 10 Full-time 30 Part-time Deliv ery men needed. PD.nightly- flexible hours. Apply in person CHANELLO’S PIZZA, 2404 S. Texas Ave., Pkwy Center or 301 Patricia St. 79110 DELIVERY DRIVERS 7 9*3 Have 15 positions needed for light local deliveries. Must have econo mical car AM/PM hours available. Earn $25 p/day and up. Apply 9-5 at 1701 Southwest Parkway, Pro fessional Building, Suite 204, C.S. A big reducation, 3 bedroom, 2 hath in 4-plex, $375 near TAMU, 693-5286. 7-m Wedding dress size 8. Never worn. Asking $150.00, worth $350.00, 260-0894. 79t5 WANTED: CEDAR OR TREE ALLER GIC INDIVIDUALS FOR ANTIHISTAMINE STUDY Must meet the following re quirements: Male over 12 years of age History of allergy symptoms Willing to be skin tested for tree allergies Would like to earn $100 Call between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. 775-0425 75(10 Experienced Apple or IBM-PC Programmers. Part- time, flexible hours. 693-2959. 77t3! Telephone sales. Temporary. Day or evening hours available, full or part time. Earn extra spending money. Call 6a3-5530. 75tl5 Apartment maintenance and material handler. Must have plumbing experience, 260-9738. 70tl0 Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 or 775- 7919. 75t20 CASHIERS $4.00 per hour lunch shift. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m. HILLS RESTAURANT E. 29th at Carter Creek. 76t4 Cashier needed Of J&W Country Stores. Apply in person at any location. 74t6 TmmeHTatc^openTngsTT^an^ time evening telephone sales positions. Work from home or office. Excellent commission with guaranteed hourly wage for IN-Office training. Call Mark, 846-7592 or 846-8315 between 1-4 p.m. 74t10 SWENSEN'S Now interviewing for full time or part time COOKS, DISHWASHERS & FOUN- TAINEERS. Flexible hours, competitive wages. Apply in person at Culpepper Plaza, College Station. Fry Cook $4.50 per hour, dinner shift. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m.. Hill's Restaurant E. 29th Street at Carter Creek. 74t6 WAITERS AND WAITRESSES lunch shift and dinner shift. Apply in person between 2-4p. m. HILL'S RESTAURANT E. 29th at Carter ( Trek 76t4 NORTHGATE PIZZA HUT Cooks. Apply between 2 — 5. eds Drivei i and 75t5 Delivery work. No lifting. Temporary. Female or male. Must have own ear, (..'all 693-5530. 75tl0 Delivery drivers needed for dinner shift 5-10p.i Call for appt. at 764-8292. WANTED: Creative, energetic individual to work consistently 2 — 4 hours per week, placing and filling posters on campus. Earn $500 or more each school vear. 1-800-243-6679. 75t5 Woodstock Condominium, excellent write-off, 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, 2 years old, w/d, fireplace, patio and shuttle. $54,500. 713-391-8047. 79t3 1981 Camam excellent condition, power windows, loaded, asking $5200. 775-4940. 76t6 PIZZA EXPRESS Now Hiring Delivery People $3.75 Per Hour — Base Pay 6% Commission on all deliveries TIPS Apply 2314 Texas Avenue 319 Patricia (after 5:00p.m.) Monday thru Sunday! 696-7785 846-7785 Counter help positions also available. WANT BETTER GRADES? Change the quality of your reading and study methods. READING EFFICIENCY a new non-credit course Sections meet Wednesday 10:00 to 12:00. $60 fee includes course materials. Register now in Th« Reading Lab Texas A&M 718 Harrington 845-6811 ' M S C ' ApGlE CINEMA^ presents u o u o c I U ll l\ D. Friday & Saturday 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. Rudder Theatre THIS MOVIE IS TOTALLY Friday & Saturday Midnight Rudder Theatre Chaplin’s Classic CITY LIGHTS Sunday 7:30 p.m. Rudder Theatre $1.50 with TAMU I.D. Advance tickets available at MSC Box Office Mon. 8:30 - 4:30. Also 45 minutes before showtime. Fri. ;S SCHULMAN THEATRES $-J OFF ADULT TICKETS 1st SHOW SAT. & SUN. SCHULMAN 6 2002 E. 29th 775-2463 775-24fi« * * 4- J Mon.-Fri. 7:30 Sat.-Sun. 2:50 7:30 i JOHN TRAVOLTA * * * Sinvinc RLIUE g.^rr ou,,T (Dolby) Ipg) Mon.-Fri. 9:50 Sat.-Sun. 5:10 9:50 4- \^\gshdatwe ^^^aTaramount picture^^ MON.-FRI. 7:35 9:55 SAT.-SUN. 2:55 5:15 7:35 9:55 Seven men with one thing in common. UNCOMMON MON.-FRI. 7:20 9:40 SAT.-SUN. 2:40 5:00 7:20 9:40 THE ADVENTURES OF A MODEL SON MON.-FRI. 7:15 9:40 SAT.-SUN. 2:30 4:50 7:15 9:40 THE BIG CHILL COMING SOON FOOTLOOSE; LASSITER SCANDALOUS * * MANOR EAST III MANO 8? E 3^300 MALL NEVER CRY WOLF Mon.-Fri. 7:20 9:40 Sat.-Sun. 2:40 5:00 7:20 9:40 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ll* * 1 + * * * * A TRUE STORY nniDbcav stereo]' PG ® * Lenses and Panaflex* Camera by Panavision® Technicolor® Released by Buena ViMa Disiribulion Co . Inc © 1983 Wall Disney Produciions ^ a- MON.-FRI. 7:25 9:45 ^ SAT.-SUN. 2:45 5:05 7:25 9:45 IM. 4IPGI * + STARTS JAN. 27th J STEVE MARTIN * THE LONELY GUY * + J LA COYOTA& ELCAR PARCHADA MON.-FRI. 7:15 9:35 -4( SAT.-SUN. 2:30 4:55 7:15 9:35 * High School ->c Honor Student by Day. -K Hollywood Hooker i by Night. * * si. > 19K:i new world pictlkks PALACE 105S. MAIN 822-5811 ★★★★★★★★★★★ HELP WANTED MISC. Page 10/The Battalion/Friday, January 20, 1984 Around town Sales begin for pageant tickets Tickets are now available for the 5th Annual Miss Texas A&M Scholarship Pageant scheduled for 7 p.m., Feb.25 Tickets are $3.50 for students and $6 for non-students and can be purchased at the MSC Box Office. i 4 Late registration on for this week Late registration for College Station Community Educr ition is at the Communitj one-half block off Jersey. tlon ends today at 4 p.m. Registration is at the Community Education Office at 109 Timber, Parks and Recreation interviewing The College Station Parks and Recreation Department is now interviewing instructors for Spring Classes and Recrea tion Supervisors for Kids Summer Day Camp. Apply at City Hall, in the personnel office, on Texas Avenue. For more information call 764-3773. I Order graduation announcements May and DVM Graduates must order their graduation announcements before Feb. 8. Announcements can be ordered in the MSC Student Finance Center, room 217, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Stop the Missiles walk Saturday Members of the January Twenty-First Coalition will meet Saturday to lead a 10-mile Walk to Stop the Missiles/Meet Human Needs. The Walk will start at 9 a.m. from Santa Teresa Church, which is located at Lucky at Hall Streetsin Bryan, and the community may participate. To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Reed McDonald. Autry request! release due to ‘cruel’ treatment be to illeg Bow United Press International BEAUMONT — Conde mned killer James David Autr) IB!. ry Thursday testified his close call with injection execution fast October so unnerved him that he was unable to strike a match to light a cigarette. “I thought I was going to die,” Autry said. His lawyer, Stefan Presser, claimed that strapping Autry to a gurney in the Huntsville Unit’s Death House Oct. 4 and inject ing a needle in each arm one hour before he could legally be executed was cruel and unusual .punishment, and a violation of the U.S. constitution. At that time, a U.S. Supreme Court judge stayed Autry’s ex ecution at 11:30 p.m. — 30 mi nutes before he could be ex ecuted. Texas Department of Cor ked: vecnons acting direcYOT Jidj 0 f ^ Parsley Thursday denied .\*S \ a , g t suffered harsh treatment. IF V ‘‘I tlon’t believe he did,"Pit ers ley said. yCon But Presser, of the Americ a pp, Civil Liberties Union, pres anc ] the usually untalkaliveAutn:? actei his thoughts in the momenis| horr ter he was let off a gurney jjtime Presser claimed in his laid appeal of Autry’s sentenced L the experience caused thesti to lose its right to executed Since the near execution, state board overseeing pri: has recommended the pr< dure leading to injection not beat “It is you latioi begun until the hourthatapn oner cane be executed. U.S. District Judge Rolx Parker gave no indication wh We he might rule. He order) Presser to file his remaining' al briefs within two week that time, he said, the stater respond. their on tl able the 1 ail; skins TMTrrrrmr RimM: Post Oak Mall SAT/SUN Disc 1sl 30 minsol S TT1 1st show (exc. Holidays) HI FRI. STUDENT DISC. 1S00 Horvev Road withcd. 764-0616J WEEK NITES: SAT./SUN. 12:50-3:00-5-25-7:40-9:50 2nd ii 7:40 9:50 MICHAEL CAINE • JULIE WALTERS £duc<ztc*t<? ‘Ret* A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE |PG| Week}! WEEK NITES 7:30 9:45 SAT/SUN 12:30-2:45-5:05-7:30-9:45 6th Week DIRTY HARRY IS AT IT AGAIN GLIINTT EASTWOOD Q N IMPACT E WltOTUi’ihllll Skaggs center 846-6714 SAT/SUN 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:45 WEEKNITES: 7:00-10:00 DEBRA WINGER SHIRLEY MacLAtNE ToAfUA —rr Ire] 6th Week A PARAMOUNT PICTURE WERE YOU A WITNESS? If you were on Houston Street in front of Coke Building on 1-3-84 at 10:30-11:00am; please call at 693-96817911 BELLYDANCING lor any occasion $35.00. 693- 0077 evenings 77t6 SAT/SUN 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:35-9:35 PERSONALS SKI VAIL BEAVER CREEK Call TOLL FREE 1-800-222-4840 for discounts. Condos IV equip. 77tl6 ...THE MOVIE :fri. ktam mns at putt cinema hi skaggs center j“ROCKY HOROR PICTURE SHOW”(R) 12:00 SAT/SUN 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 3rd Week BARBRA WEEK t'i? 8 STREISAND 9:45 YENTL MGM/UA with orful out ; he’s; M line! Plays aiigr club’ the r es of the , whei Seati ushi