The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1984, Image 7
ye Wednesday, January 18, 1984/The Battalion/Page 7 -j e m, What’s up Wednesday TAMU SELF-DEFENSE CLUB:From 8 to 9:30 p.m. will be demonstrating self-defense techniques and registering mem bers for the spring semester. Contact Fred Springer, 846-0782 CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATIONrStart off the semester right and join the Newman Club in the Catholic Stu dent Center for mass at 7:30 and fellowship following. CENTURY SINGERS, REVELIERS, SINGING CADETS, AND WOMEN’S CHORUSrVocal auditions continue today for all four groups. Go by the Vocal Music Office 003 MSC to sign up for an appointment. Appointment scheduling begins the first day of class at 8:30 a.m. For more info, call 845-5794 or go by the Vocal Music Office. MSC INSIGHTrThe student and faculty discussions committee will have its first meeting January 19 in 216 MSC at 7p.m. Topics, faculty and committee officers will be chosen. All are welcome to attend. sdbnift SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS:The Society of Women Engineers will have a high school conference January 19 in Zachary 342 at 6:30 p.m. larus. t since ed fedt ision.di ence iame of >e revti igetos v enfe worn te : source an on- that if! : that* : of Na pactan slice Hi 1 gave e and Thursday CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIPris havin organizational meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. ' tact Paul Giles at 846-2777 ARLINGTON HOMETOWN CLUBris meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in 302 Rudder to discuss spring activities and party plans, and elect officers. Contact Bruce Smith at 696-0531 or Kelly Heape at 260-8349. CENTURY SINGERS, REVELIERS, SINGING CADETS, AND WOMEN’S CHORUSrVocal auditions continue today for all four groups. Go by Vocal Music Office in Rm. 003 in the MSC to sign up for an appointment. Appointment scheduling begins the first day of class at 8:30 a.m. For more info, call 845-57 94 or go by the Vocal Music Office rmaiioc and ii roinini v hat's i then: mounn his (Mi and is Friday IM-REC SPORTS DEPARTMENTris having a pre-season basketball tournament from Friday, Jan. 20 to Sun., Jan. 22. Contact Im-Rec sports in 159-E. Kyle at 845-7826. CENTURY SINGERS, REVELIERS, SINGING CADETS, AND WOMEN’S CHORUSrVocal auditions continue today for all four groups. Go by Vocal Music Office in Rm. 003 in the MSC to sign up for an appointment. Appointment scheduling begins the first day of class at 8:30 a.m. For more info, call 845-5794 or go by the Vocal Music Office apprco: part. New fins save endangered turtle United Press International ISLAMORADA, Fla. — Lucky, a pregnant loggerhead sea turtle, paddled triumphant ly across a tank of water Tuesday with a pair of rubber flippers attached in a $200,000 opera tion to replace the originals snapped off by a shark. “I love it, I love it,” cried Dr. Patrick Barry, the head surgeon, after the 350-pound turtle was carried on a stretcher from her concave, open-air operating table to the tank, then paddled herself to the other side. A crowd of about 100 cheered the sight. Barry called the three-hour operation “an outrageous suc cess.” “We worked so hard for it for so long and now it is hap pening.” Lucky will remain for about 30 days recuperating, then be tagged and released in the ocean, possibly on Valentine’s day — saving her from 75 years of life in a pen “with no open sea, no mate, no sex.” Lucky was mating in the Flor ida Keys when a hammerhead shark attacked and bit off her front flippers. The team of surgeons led by Barry removed the stumps of Lucky’s front legs, drilled into the bones and inserted the metal pins that hold the flexible rub ber fins in place. “It fits,” Barry exclaimed triumphantly as the first flipper was attached an hour after the operation began. “Everything is right on the button. It’s going perfectly,” he said. Lucky was expected to try out her new fins in a tank after the anesthesia wore off. The turtle lay on her back, a concave-curved board holding her shell to keep her from rocking. Assisting Barry, an orthope dic surgeon who once operated on an arthritic elephant, were veterinarians Dr. Robert Foley from the Theater of Sea tourist attraction where the operation took place, and Dr. Jesse White from the Miami Seaquarium, an anesthetist and two nurses. Doc Pingree, spokesman for Goodyear, estimated his com pany had spent $35,000 on the fins. Howmedica Inc. of Ruther ford, N.J., spent another $10,000 designing the metal joints that attach the rubber flip pers to the bone, he said. Pingree estimated that the time and services donated by members of the operating team, plus the housing and care of Lucky brought the entire bill for the operation to about $200,000. on why reptiles do not bleed co piously. But noting that the 25- year-old Lucky is carrying eggs that probably will be delivered in a year, Barry said “We’re doing this for motherhood, too. Look at her alternatives — 75 years in a pen with no open sea, no mate, no sex. She would have a life of solitary confinement.” lec! e ii ;S - luc; >nz; hai alle b« Authorities noted that log gerheads are an endangered species, and said the operation may provide more information' The flexible rubber fins are about 16 Vz inches long, tinted beige with darker brown scales and emblazoned with Lucky’s name, the name of her doctors and the Goodyear logo. Nobody knows the athletes foot like -Athlete’s ^ ^ Foot SIDEWALK SALE SPECIAL Sale days: Wed., Jan.18-Sat.,Jan.21, 1984 DANCE INSTRUCTORS NEEDED e Socie-tjf Auditions for ballet and tap teachers will be: Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m. in 268 E. Kyle For information call: Vicki 260-5808 Rebeca 845-2665 565 § Mens & Womens All Leather Post Oak Mall (Near Dillards) 764-1000 Locally Owned & Operated hes o(i le clea ind . of men Dillard's Colonl lends*: ainbuu be >e mark -<3*>- JANUARY SALES & CLEARANCES tin wans ac id :e offia k pla« even In he ana ikies, HANES AN NIVERSAR SALE! Now you can enjoy Hanes® style and quality at low once-a-year prices! Choose pantyhose, knee highs or stockings in "Barely There", “Little Color", "Mayfair", "Town Taupe", "Barely Black", "Driftwood" and more. Hanes. . .for a sheer, shapely and silky you! Ultra Sheer Control Top, A-F, reg. 4.25. . . 3.55 Ultra Sheer All Sheer, A-F, reg. 3.75. . . 3.10 Ultra Sheer Knee Highs, one size, reg. 1.95... 1.60 Alive Support Pantyhose, A-F; reg. 6.95. . . 5.75 Alive Support Stockings, S-U reg. 2.75... 2.30 Cantrece Stockings, S-L, reg.. 2.75.. . 2.30 Ultra Sheer Stockings, S-U reg. 2.75... 2.30 Thigh High Stockings, P-M-M/T-T, reg. 3.00. . . 2.50 JOIN THE CLUB! DILL B PLAN Join Dillard's Hosiery Club! Buy 12 pairs of hose, any brand, and receive a 13th pair as a gift. Sale priced hosiery is included. Ask for details in the Hosiery Department.