The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1984, Image 14
2 . \ v. s i t Uni. EO ! e . an on i? t* le by 'tr< is t art isi e j lot i c; in I I Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT PEPPER TREE APARTMENTS Landmark Properties, Inc. •Shuttle bus •Free cable tv •Security guard •Party room •Swimming pool •Laundry facilities •1-2-3 bedrooms •6 different floor plans •Lots of closet space •Excellent maintenance crew •Convenient to shopping areas FREE • Tutoring Service • Aerobic classes 693-5731 Hours: 9 to 6 Mon.-Fri. Sat. 10-4 Scuba Diving classes Martial Arts classes 2701 Longmire Drive College Station SOUTHWEST VILLAGE APARTMENTS Best Atmosphere In Town. Like Living In A Park. WE FEATURE Interior Green Space with Creek & Trees-Swimming Pool-Club Room- -Jacuzzi-Sauna-Tennis Court- s-Shuttle Bus Service- 4 Distinctive Styles of Apt. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Children & Pets Welcome 1101 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas 77840 409-693-0804 NEW MINI WARE HOUSES Sizes available 5x5 to 10x30 THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 75tfn CASA DEL SOL TWO BLOCKS TO CAMPUS Pool, Jacuzzi, basketball goals, on premises security guard, 1st class mainte nance. 401 Stasney, C.S. (409) 696-3455 Deluxe 2 bedroom V/z bath 4- plexes with washers and dryers. Some with fireplaces, fenced yards, cathedral ceil ings. Large walk-in closets, lots of cabinets. 693-8685, 775- 1600; 696-1660. 74ti4 A 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath near TAMU, washer/dryer available from $350/mo. 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6p.m. 696-4384. A Bargain! 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment in modern, wooded 4- plex. 1.7 miles from campus. Near shuttle. Washer and dryer connec tions. Low rent! 693-7761. 7416 A big reducation, 3 bedroom, 2 bath in 4-plex, $375 near TAMU, 693-5286, 74t6 Two bedroom 1 1/2 bath apartment. 1/2 mile from TAMU. $395/mo. Call Country Place, 846-0515. 76t5 Available Now. 3bdrm. 2 bath 4-plex, w/washerand dryer. C.S. $390. 272-8422, 1-567-4974. 77t5 FOR SALE Monte Carlo excellent condition. Call Louise Swink 779-8408 or 779-1355. 77,7 1980 Turbo Trans AM. Limited Edition. Indianapo lis Pace Car. White and Charcoal Metallic. T-Top frilly loaded 42,00 mi. 409-535-4821 or 535- 4162 77t5 1981 Yamaha Virago 750, new tires, good shape, call 846-0179. 77t2 Renault 1982 4-speed, AC, AM-FM stereo, like new, $5000.00, best offer, 696-5532. 77t7 NEW LOW COST FURNITURE FOR SALE Beds, Dinettes, couch and chair set. 779-8222.76t5 APARTMENT BEATER 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Pay ments under $180.00 month. Call for details. 779- 8222. 76t5 Ladies wedding set. Brand new. 1/2 k diamond $1100, 693-2817. 76t4 19 inch 1981 color sharp T.V. $225 call 693- 6070. 7§t§ SERVICES OLD LONDON CHIMNEY SWEEPS Residental Chimneys $45.00 Call 696-3648 73t5 SPECIAL NOTICE Although Intramural basketball has already started, the IM — REC Sports Office is currently accepting a limited number of late basketball entries. But don't wait too long — drop by the IM— REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle or call 845- 7826, Today! 75ts ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate to share fur nished house with students in quiet residential neighborhood. One block south of campus $148.00 monthly all bills paid free laundry facilities, non-smoker, non drinker, 696-5286. 76t4 HELP WANTED Free cable-Bills pd! Private bath & entrance, re frig., desk, pool $50/wk. 779-9067, 822-4811 even- ings-weekends. 77t5 PART TIME APPOINTMENT SECRETARIES DILLARD’S PORTRAIT STUDIO We are looking for cheerful, en thusiastic men and women who like to converse on the phone to work as "APPOINT MENT SECRETARIES."you will be setting photography appointments for the new Dil lard’s Portrait Studio in the Bryan/College Station area, excellent hours for Mothers and College students who need a permanent part-time position with a good firm. We offer; * Convenient Location * Guaranteed Salary * Complete Training * Department Store Discount Call FRANK for Appointment Wednesday-Friday 764-7817. 77,3 Page 14/The Battalion/Wednesday, January 18, 1984 Moscow negotiator says outlook bleak for talks resumption United Press International WASHINGTON — Arms negotiator Paul Nitze deli vered a pessimistic report Tuesday on the outlook for reviving arms talks with Mos cow but the White House said it still hopes President HELP WANTED CRUISESHIPS ARE HIRING! $16-$30,000! Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter 1-(916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA&M- CRUISE. SWENSEN“S Now interviewing for full time or part time COOKS, DISHWASHERS & FOUN- TAINEERS. Flexible hours, competitive wages. Apply in person at Culpepper Plaza, College Station. CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE Need part-time help for shop and cutting area. Some labor. No phone calls! 1901 Texas Avenue, Townshire Shopping Center. 7513 Female roommate, walking distance, $100.0Q/rno. total. Call Floren 846-7182. 77t5 WANTED: Roommate share in town house by 2818, $130/mo/. 1/3 of bills. Call Jim 693-3962. 77t5 Female/male roommate wanted to share duplex with washer/dryer. $170 + utilities. Two bedroom, one bath, call for info. 764-8886. 75t5 FARM PATCH FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLE MARKET Now hiiing full or part time CHECKERS Apply in person between 1 — 4. 3519 S. College 779-7209 AIRLINES ARE HIRING! Flight Attendants Reservations! $14- $39,000. Worldwide! Call for Directory, Guide, Newsletter. (916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA- &MAIR. 74113 Reagan’s call for a renewed di alogue will bear results. Nitze, whose mission was cut short when the Soviets broke off negotiations in November, met with Reagan and said afterward he did not “bring any news of new move ment toward resumption” by Moscow of the suspended talks on medium-range nuc lear missiles. “Tve seen nothing that they’ve said — no direct in dications — other than that they are serious about having broken them off,” Nitze told reporters. Asked if the negotiations might resume this year, he re plied: “I don’t see evidence that the Soviets are apt to re turn soon.” Nitze and Reagan confer red for some 20 minutes on the status of the arms talks and a broader revival of East-West dialogue that Reagan advo cated in a speech Monday. Their Oval Office meeting came on the eve of pivotal talks in Stockholm between Secretary of State George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. Reagan, in his speech, set the stage for the Shuitz- Gromyko meeting — the first since September — when he urged the Soviets to resume arms control talks and foster “a constructive working re lationship.” Presidential spokesman Larry Speakes earlier Tuesday said Reagan hoped his words would have “a beneficial impact” on the meeting. Teenager commits suicide after confessing to murder United Press International FORT WAYNE, Ind. — A high school dropout who police charged in the murders of a newspaperman and his family Tuesday hanged him self in jail, leaving notes claim ing “I haven’t killed nobody” and “the good die young.” Police say Calvin D. Perry III, 18, confessed to a string of area break-ins, stabbings and rapes — and the bludgeoning deaths of Fort Wayne News- Sentinel editorial page editor Dan Osborne, his wife and son Sept. 17. Allen County Coroner Dr. Roland Ahlbrand said Perry left notes claiming he was in nocent. Perry had scribbled “cryp tic” messages in pen on the cell walls and, with hand lotion, wrote “something about ‘the good die young’” on the floor, Ahlbrand said. The coroner said Perry also left a “detailed” note on legal-sized paper asking forgiveness from a number of unidentified peo- E leand claiming “I haven’t kil- :d nobody.” Perry’s suicide came the day after he was charged with three counts of murder and with rape, child molesting and burglary in the deaths Sept. 17 of Osborne, 35, his wife, Jane, 34, and son, Ben, 11. A daughter, Caroline, 2, was sexually assaulted and beaten, but survived. She is living with relatives in Kansas. A minister who visited Per ry last week said the suspect feared for his life. “I talked with Mr. Perry (last week),” said the Rev. James Fincher, pastor of Faith Missionary Baptist Church. “He said, ‘Reverend, there is something going on down here and I’m afraid for my life.’ He made it crystal clear to me that he was afraid for his life.” The police departmemfe no immediate comment Allen County Jail guardi discoverd Perry’s body whilt serving breakfast to prisoner! just before 7:30 a.m. ESI, Perry was found hanginj from the bars of a windowii his unguarded maximrnt security cell by a strip of dcil ripped from a mattress cover “The man had no shoev trings. He had no belt. Hehit all the usual precaution! which are done to avoid sort of thing,” Ahlbrand said “There isn’t a way in the world that anyone, any place, car prevent a suicide if the persor is intent upon doing it." Perry was arrested lateja 5 after a 78-year-old woma was beaten and robbed. Pofo said he confessed to a series? crimes as far back as Augusi- and to the Osborne slavinei A< 1- By I S l The A ill be out i when the onight to t angs. But the re up agair rlustang te %ne withi New center will take wider view on policies United Press International WASHINGTON — A new policy center headed by a for mer Agriculture Department economist will evaluate agricul tural policies from a viewpoint broader than that of the farm sector, a research organization announced Tuesday. louston ai Against aced with roblems t bn. The h tieighi and And als }as Akeem w-foot cent Resources for the Future, a Farrell said the center willa nllprobab 32-year-old policy research advocate specific policiesbuini jest nemesi organization, launched The Na- develop relevant backgrout .. nA . tional Center for Food and Agri- information that can be used! [\JBA ' cultural Policy with a $4.5 mil- the administration and Cts ! lion five-year grant from the gress to develop policy. Partvi W.K. Kellogg Foundation of be geared toward considerate of the next four-year farm bis 1 T THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You (A Member of the Anglican Communion) Roommate wanted $150 per month three blocks' from campus. 845-7633. 76t2 COLLEGE REP WANTED to distri bute “Student Rate” subscription cards on campus. Good income no selling involved. For infor mation and application write to: CAM PUS SERVICE, 1745 W. Glendale Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85021. 75120 EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER CANTERBURY HOUSE 902 Jersey, College Station 696-0774 The Rev. J. Mark Wilburn - Chaplain Delivery work. No lifting. Temporary. Female or male. Must have own car. Call 693-5530. 75tl0 Cashier needed OF J&W Country Stores. Apply in person at any location. 74t6 Wednesday Evening Eucharist with supper following 6:00p.m. Friday Morning Eucharist with breakfast following 6:30 a.m. Student Center Chapel, St. Jude's , open 24 hours Study space & T.V. room open until 10:00 p.m. Battle Creek, Mich. Kenneth Farrell, former administrator of the Economics and Statistics Service of the Agriculture Department, will head the Washington-based center. “One of the major shortcom ings of U.S. agricultural policy has been the tendency of Con gress and the executive branch to tailor legislation to meet nar row, special interest, farm sector needs or to consider future needs in only a limited manner,” Farrell said. “But today’s agricultural issues go far beyond the farm. They affect every American.” S< United P NEW Y 1985, but the work will[ beyond that. Agriculture Secretary Job Block, at a news conferenceil announce the new center,altoler Ral[ “We will be listening. We wliflouston Re inviting input from the ceiffiftteran for I’m optimistic about the (jualpf the Dali of work that will be comingo among sev of the center.” luesday to Block, who has been dim jto" lor th by President Reagan to develliar gan suggestions for long-term agBcNichols , jltural policy, said he belircl Aguirre, THEATRES Mon-Fmly Nlte-Sch 6 TiM-Fmly Nil«-MEIII NORTHGATE PIZZA HUT needs Drivers and Cooks. Apply between 2 — 5. 75t5 Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 or 775- 7919. 75t20 Apartment maintenance and material handler. Must have plumbing experience, 260-9738. 70tl0 Telephone sales. Temporary. Day or evening hours available, full or part time. Earn extra spending money. Call 693-5530. 75tl5 Hughes Aviation wants four part time employees willing to exchange work hours for flying hours. Interested? 779-6120. 74t5 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION PARISHES AND MISSION ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH 217 W. 26th Street, Bryan 822-5176 The Rev. Romilly Timmins - Rector Elect The Rev. Craig Pooser - Assisting Priest Sunday 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m. Family Eucharist 10:15 a.m. Sunday School - ail ages 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer & Sermon (Holy Eucharist - 1st Sunday) SCHULMAN 6 2002 E 29th 775-2463 /75-246S 7:20 9:45 SACRED GROUND 7:35 9:55 UNCOMMONVALOR 7:25 9:45 MAN WHO LOVED WOMEN 8:45 SCARFACE Babysitter needed to sit on Saturday evenings. 775- mi 7512 Part time housekeeper wanted 3 hours a week on Thursdays. 693-0022. 75t3 Part time. Delivery & warehouse person. Must have good driving record. 6 — 12 hours per week. Call Bill Deggs 775-4333. 75t5 WANTED: Creative, energetic individual to work consistently 2 — 4 hours per week, placing and filling posters on campus. Earn $500 or more each school year. 1-800-243-6679. 75t5 ST. FRANCIS' CHURCH Meeting at the Oakwood Middle School 106 Holik, College Station The Rev. Jeff Schiffmayer - Vicar Sunday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 7:15 9:40 THE BIG CHILL 7:30 9:50 D.C.CAB that the government shorapian Da provide “some limited supper toing lead some limited stability" for fi P rsl trip to mers but should not guaraettl Selected farmers’ income. He said economic assista»!|4 11 i should perhaps be directd#I| I ■■ individual farmers who need* ^ rather than linked to croppifl duction with price suppofejIA#®*, Block said the United Statei|iV?\4 virtually the only nation in* world with a farm policy thalfll courages farmers not to pi| United P duce crops. I H0UST< Maybe farmers should j:|o n scored commodity loans from baiMudjug21 j rather than from the govei®^ t jj e ment, he said. ^124-115 v ici | INgets Ti Lewis Lli as the Rock I Lst quarte I '2-55 at the WpfromS WAITERS AND WAITRESSES lunch shift and dinner shift. Apply in person between 2-4p.m. HILL'S RESTAURANT E. 29th at Carter GiSSk 76t4 WANTED: CEDAR OR TREE ALLER GIC INDIVIDUALS FOR ANTIHISTAMINE STUDY Must meet the following re quirements: Male over 12 years of age History of allergy symptoms Willing to be skin tested for tree allergies Would like to earn $100 Call between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. 775-0425 75f10 Tmme^iaTr^penmgsTT^a^ time evening telephone sales positions. Work from home or office. Excellent commission with guaranteed hourly wage for IN-Office training. Call Mark, 846-7592 or 846-8315 between 1-4 p.m. 74f10 Fry Cook $4.50 per hour, dinner shift. Apply in person between 2-4p.m.. Hill's Restaurant E. 29th Street at Carter Creek. 74t6 Experienced Apple or IBM-PC Programmers. Part- time, flexible hours. 693-2959. 77t3; ST. THOMAS' CHURCH 906 Jersey, College Station 696-1726 The Rev. William Oxley-Rector Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m. Family Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Children's Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist MANOR EAST III Manor Fast Mall 823-830G CASHIERS $4.00 per hour lunch shift. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m. HILL’S RESTAURANT E. 29th at Carter Creek. 76t4 7:25 9:45 TWO OF A KIND 7:20 9:40 RISKY BUSINESS 7:15 9:35 ANGEL ”(M> £ 7:35-9:35 “HOT DOG” THE MOVIE B*rbra Stroteand “YENTL”<pa> “i out sevei i°n due to : Thq Ml tiints on ] lockets in t The Ni Right poi ad with 7 carter, bui e hind San ; ad90-85a uarter. The Roc 'int lead i F mark 2 Nek point PERSONALS SKI VAIL BEAVER CREEK Call TOLL F;REE 1-800-222-4840 for discounts. Condos & equip. 77tl6 JOB OPPORTUNITIES di a a For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day Equal Employment Oppor tunity through Affirmative Action Texas A&M University 35tfn PARK AVENUE CLUB Delivery drivers needed for dinner shift 5-10p.m. Call for appt. at 764-8292. 77t3 MISC. BELLYDANCING for any occasion $35.00. 693- 0077 evenings 77t6 . PIZZA EXPRESS Now Hiring Delivery People • $3.75 Per Hour — Base Pay • 6% Commission on all deliveries •TIPS Apply 2314 Texas Avenue 319 Patricia (after 5:00p.m.) Monday thru Sunday! 846-7785 positions also available. WELCOME BACK AGGIES! Park Avenue’s Class Act is back. Every Tuesday - Friday Park Avenue opens at 4:00 with our tradi tional complimentary buffet featuring 2 for 1 drinks and no cover charges. THE TRADITION IS BACK ON WEOAESOAY! Long Island Tea, all Nite 500 bar drinks, draft beer and wine. 1/2 price call drinks. $3.00 & $2.00 cover. PARK AVENUE CLUB 815 HARVEY RD., WOODSTONE CENTER