The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 16, 1984, Image 4

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Page 4/The Battalion/Monday, January 16, 19b4 — -
Experiment station conference
studies government involvement
Sniff writer
jor role in the research funding
in the coming years in both Texas
and the United States.
Freshman Texas Senator
Chet Edwards told about 100 re
searchers and businessmen in
high-technology fields Wednes
day afternoon that the govern
ment will continue to play a ma-
Edwards’ remarks kicked off
the fourth annual Texas En
gineering Experiment Station re-
search conference entitled
“2084: A Prologue” which was
held Jan. 11-12 in Zachry En
gineering Center.
' , 'S', , ''''' S ' ' / '' S'' ?
Edwards outlined three ways trying to predict for the next 100
for scientists to get the kind of years, they would limit it to the
help tliev need from govern- first part of that period, hence,
ment: “A Prologue.”
• Researchers should explain 1 he three-faceted theme in-
their work to legislators in terms eluded space utilization, emerg-
they can understand. ing education technology and
• Scientists should make more university innovation.
of an effort to show legislators The first speaker 1 hursday
the importance of their work was Dr. William Pickering, pio-
which has long term results be- lessor emeritus at California In
cause legislators usually think in stitute of Technology and for-
terms of the short period be- mer director of the Jet Prop-
tween elections. ulsion Laboratory.
• Scientists then need to edu- He said future space missions
cate the public about their work will concentrate in three main
because the public supplies the areas.
One is the scientific aspect.
Experimentation in spaced
determine if there are matetii
such as pharmaceuticals,thatQ:
be produced better in spa( t |election
Pickering said industry shoulnmider ”
support the efforts of the Nationlones, a pe
al Aeronautics and Space Ad Jf killing
nist i alioii and apply the resulii jight oth
its own interests. Ladly di
Pickering urged those press,
to listen to the ideas ofi|,
dreamers and imaginativethiii
ers of the scientific world
the types of experimentationtia i exas cil ^
need to be done in space. Hett
Eighty v\
lo testify os
nighty pu
Las moved
The three-faceted
theme for the confer
ence included space
u t iliza tion, em erging
education technology
and university in
tax money and is who the legisla
tors have to satisfy.
The next day of the confer
ence consisted of a full slate of
speakers from the university sec
tor, private industry and the
Dr. Jane Armstrong, TEES
assistant director for programs
was in charge of the conference,
which took about six months to
prepare. She and others, includ
ing Dr. David Norton, TEES
assistant director for research,
and Penny Beaumont, coordina
tor of information services, de
cided on the title and theme of
the conference.
The title, Armstrong said, was
somewhat of a play on words. She
said they were thinking about
predictions of the future because
this is the year chosen by George
Orwell as the title of his popular
book of predictions.
Armstrong said that instead of
Pickering said they will aim at in
creasing the knowledge of scien
tists and researchers. For exam
ple, large geologic fields of earth
are visible from space for de
tailed study. Also, space can be
used as a platform to view the
stars without the hindrance of
the earth’s atmosphere.
Practical applications were the
second area Pickering men
tioned. He said the most success
ful application at present is in
communication satellites. Satel
lites used for navigational pur-
le equally
Ihere 15
minded the group of theskepti
ism with which rocketry wasrtL
garded in its earliest days. HB' 111
major industries 20-50 yearsW 18 -
t he f u t ure may not be very dodJ ,
lar right now. he said. W |J°nes,3
■onal nurs
In addition, however, hesa* Kerrvillt
there must be a sound econonl
basis for the formation of anybl ^ new
dustry. lathologic
■weden lot
Dr. Judah Schwartz, co-lrlul must
director of the new Harvaiilholine cl
Most space missions
of the future will be
more concerned with
c o m m ercializing
space and making it
profitable, Dr. Wil
liam Pickering, for
mer director of the Jet
Propulsion Labora
tory said.
Educational Technolog)' Centti,
was the second speaker of ih
day. He said technology mustlt
used to help correct the po
leaching of math and science
the public schools, and loelini
ate the enormous numbersoflts
ser educated people turned on
bv these schools.
In the third lecture, Dr
Robert Kuhn, senior editor
Texas Business, said innovation
in the technological worldshoulil
be encouraged. To do that Ml
said industry should decreasetln
risks and increase the reward
for businesses to venture it
new areas. Creative people,ofti
loners.and misunderstood!
should be cultivated and rt
spected. Kuhn said the bestfints
find and treasure them
The reli
tied to b
dense of
Ihelsea’s d
rison if c<
as been h
kiunty jail
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poses also is becoming impor
tant. Soon the Global Positioning
Satellite will be in operation to
give more accurate locations and
altitudes of land, naval and air
borne objects. Some search-and-
rescue satellites already are in
orbit around the earth.
Pickering mentioned the milit
ary aspect of space exploitation
third, saying that it will be impor
tant in the coming years.
Most space missions of the fu
ture will be more concerned with
commercializing space and mak
ing it profitable, he said. The
space shuttle, with its increased
payload and lower costs, should
increase the amount of work that
is done in space.
lean Assi
Another way to increase ui (te( | U p t
novation, Kuhn said, is forcoil ans wou i c
porations to promote interactio:l| HS y ear
among their dilferent areasit
order to produce more divent
answers to their problems.
After a break for lunch,
were three concurrent sessions
entitled: “Space Exploitation,
“Emerging Education Technoh
gy,” and “Innovation: Universitj
The conference ended w
optional lour of the new En
gineering Research Center
Friday morning, led by Ham
Whitmore, TEES associatt
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