The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 16, 1984, Image 11
Monday, January 16, 1984AThe Battalion/Page 11 Wolf home threatened United Press International TENINO, Wash. — If the financial drain at the 30-acre sanctuary for wolves called Wolf Haven gets any worse, the orga nization may be in trouble. Where once the non-profit sanctuary accepted all wolves without question, a lack of funds is threatening the operation. The 25 wolves at the sanctu ary in mid-December came from state agencies in Washington and New York, an abandoned private animal farm, individuals and Cornell University. said he is living off savings that will soon be exhausted. Food for the 25 wolves at the sanctuary comes from neighbor ing farms. Kuntz explained far mers are more than willing to donate dead cattle to the project. “You’d be surprised how many cows die around here,” he said. “So far, feeding the wolves has been the least of our prob lems.” Investigations following re ported incidents have usually found the culprit was a wolf-dog or wolf-coyote cross, Kuntz said. He said an ultimate goal of Wolf Haven is to re-introduce wolves into the wild where they numbered in the millions dur ing the early 1800s. Now the total wolf population in the lower 48 states is about 1,200, Kuntz said, with another 10,000 estimated in Canada and Alaska. Calendar goes up j. iu, 1 ;<hrt A calendar of events was put up hoi| seit Friday afternoon in the MS with information from organizations and clubs. Colors will distinguish the notices from each other. To get information placed on the calendar, see Jodie Fry in 216 Memorial Student Center. Feeding and caring for the animals, plus the monthly $500 rent for the sanctuary land are draining the organization’s mea ger treasury. Stephen Kuntz, Wolf Haven president, said all the help at Wolf Haven is volunteer and When asked why he got into the wolf sanctuary business, Kuntz said it was from love of the animals. He said he always has been fascinated by wolves and once raised one in Col orado. Kuntz, who was a home buil der before coming to Wolf Haven, seethes at what he con siders the undeserved bad repu tation of wolves. NATIONALLY ACCLAIMED SINCE 1959 For the Summer of Your Life Join Our Top Quality STMT ms 16-41 DAYS 4-1 1 COUNTRIES PLUS CRUISES TO GREEK ISLES ESCORTED CO-ED FUN GROUPS FROM $1295 PLUS AIR money is very scarce. Kuntz said his wife works to support the family. lack Laufer, /ildlifi Uife biologist for the project, “There have been few documented cases where a wolf has killed a human being,” he said. I* MAIL FOR FREE BROCHURE TO htt nvipofi fppitt'KM I NAME. 2428 GUADALUPE • AUSTIN, TEXAS 78705 King remembered 55th birthday CITY STATE. ’ lril! ‘ United Press International anss . ryhii One year before it becomes a Kara lational holiday, the 55th birtli- enl': jay of slain civil rights leader rryit dartin Luther King Jr., was ied! bmmemorated Sunday by his I H# tidow and other Americans *ho remembered King’s dream esla if equality and peace, ilyll* King, a Baptist minister who onl ion the Nobel Peace Prize, was ripj ssassinated April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tenn. He would have i fro: ieen 55 Sunday, icopi Coretta Scott King, who led isias he fight for the federal holiday, sira« yttended a concert of gospel ory, ousic in the Newark, N.J. Sym- i slij fhony Hall featuring speeches iy civic leaders. erji After King’s death she cre- heni fed the Atlanta-based Martin mltf ,uther King, Jr., Center for iinsi ionviolent Social Change, r am (hich has since served as the im- isus !«us for national celebrations if his birth. leadf | She also planned to appear at chwi ibirthday cocktail party at the veri |’ ran d Hyatt Hotel followed by lerco in evening of music and poetry iTioj n the I own Hall with readings nerai !)' Coleen Dewhurst and Gloria osier. Civic leaders in Pittsburgh also resurrected King’s words as they renamed a Port Authority Transit of Allegheny County bus line that opened last Febru ary the “Martin Luther King, Jr. East Busway.” The busway, which excludes cars and trucks links the down town with suburbs, “serves and benefits neighborhood compris ed of many lower-income fami lies dependent largely on bus transportation,” said slate Sena tor James Romanelli. In Hartford, Conn., the city’s Revitalization Corps of Hart ford hosted a memorial service in King’s honor as the state pre pared to celebrate a state holiday dedicated to the slain civil rights leader. State Treasurer Henry Par ker, the state’s highest elected black official, said that through King the nation will honor “the achievements of all Americans of all colors who seek the Amer ica he dreamed of—an America that lives out the true meaning of its creed.” King’s dreams have yet to be realized. “As I look around . I’m somewfiat discouraged,’’ Daniels said. All Star Audio welcomes you back to school with Big Savings on our complete line of home and J| car stereo and video equipment. All Star Audio gives you Low Discount Prices every day! Come by today and Save! SPECIALS/ DOC} “Poverty and unemployment is higher today than 20 years ago and blacks have less of a chance to get decent and affordable housing. LOR/4N Premium Quality High Bias 90 Minute Cassettes! Newly Developed Heat Resistant A CASE* p PR|CE§! HrE HOT! " In Atlanta, King was remem bered at a testimonial dinner Saturday night as a leader who believed peace could be achieved through humanitarian rather than military means. F! Former President Jimmy Car ter was the featured speaker at the dinner honoring Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young. Cassette Shell Resists Up to 250 c . GET THE TAPE THAT t WILL NOT MELT IN . SAVE A HOT CAR! £ HALF OFFI Tnaxeir Quality High Bias 90 Minute Cassette Tape! SU PER BUY' Top Grade High Bias 90 Minute Cassette Tape! Get :$2f List $7.25 UDXL-2-C901 S029 &T O ea.« “He, like Martin Luther King Jr., was never able or willing to compromise principle,” said Carter. “The principles that have guided these two men have been the principles that have guided our nation.” LH-90 List $7.95 ea. CASH ONLY! LIMIT 10 UCX-S90 List $7 ea. all STAR AUDfO YOUiii ?s/| WAPE HEADQUARTERS! BRYAN 'COLLEGE STATION i an, I u,s While most Americans talked of King’s ideals, Sen. John Daniels, D-New Haven, said Young was a King lieutenant in the Southern Christian Leader ship Conference of the 1960s. HOURS: Monday thru Saturday 9AM to 6PM. 3601 East 29th Street ....846-1768 in Brookwood Square HOURS: Monday thru Friday 10AM to 7PM, Saturday 9AM to 6PM. 913 Harvey Road .....693-9558 in Woqdstone Shopping Center next to Monterey House Bryan and College Station locations formerly Dyer Electronics ■mU< ! ^§5] SB Cash Only hems (5% extra with use of Credit Card.) eine a® A Hit nui JIM |it:e Sac; ft ea* p : NISSAN rtort"' an 0 *' y#a r 'malA- ROW* rot* ar« '“ rV from dotn®’ •«'? rr;nt' •f^haV-nt *V*°*'<, Qmnz CAR CARE PRODUCTS! OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS I Till 8 PM Starting Jan. 5 BATTERY SALE 4 48 mo. 24 or 24F With 462 cold crank amps. $49* s /T 3 GALLERY DATSUN ft 8 to 5 Mon-Fri. I Open till 8pm Thursday MSC Cafeteria Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. 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