The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1983, Image 5
Thursday, December 1,1983/The Battalion/Page 5 >afe of Muster could hange due to holiday by Holly Powell ■ Battalion Reporter I The Student Government luster Committee is consid- Jing changing the date of luster this year because it Md conflict with students’ lister weekend, f The traditional date of the lemorial service, April 21, Ills on the Saturday before fcster this year, which may ■use fewer people to attend, luster Committee chairman lancy York said. I "We’re really sitting on the Ince here,” York said. “We have to decide to uphold tra dition or make Muster avail able to everybody.” The committee will vote on the issue at a Student Govern ment meeting next week. “There is no precedent for this, so after they vote I’m sure they will get a lot of opposi tion,” director of student acti vities Carolyn Adair said. The committee surveyed students in mid-November for reaction to changing the date of Muster. The majority of the students surveyed said they would not stay for Muster on April 21 and that the date should be changed. The committee also re ceived input from the School of Military Science and the Association of Former Stu dents, York said. The general consensus of the former students was to change the date. The basic attitude of the military science department, however, was “You don’t change Christmas because it comes at a bad time,” she said. killed, 6 injured Trailways wreck United Press International [LIVINGSTON — A Trail- I bus rammed the rear of a ed truck before dawn nesday, catapulted off a ilicked U.S. 59 bridge and ned into a creekbank be- ulling six people and injur- x others. me witnesses said the badly ed driver suggested he t have blown a tire, but a nger said he thought the r, at the wheel less than an 1 U()na lur, might have dozed off. A *er said the bus apparently lemlu ijs speeding. lets andi'he Texas Department of eral CoijiBjc Safety said there were 12 for theM)| e aboard. Six were killed id sofo . including three mothers compuieiftfeling with young children taied toiBsurvived — and six, includ- :ces na'vhe driver, were injured. Rescuers had to cut through [oof of the crumpled wreck- three miles north of this east Is town, 75 miles northeast ,. (hil Houston, to gel to the dead e regei id injured. )fachai[»H but four rows of seats, :h ii 1 fcgage and the rear lavatory dectronisBt seat were found piled in ical enpBfront of the bus. Pools of hence. Kpd stained the creek, could gofcie truck driver involved, - elecmBard Palomo Garcia, 43, said omputfiBiad just left home in his dbedwed trailer truck when the he said lithbound Trailways bus, en Be from Shreveport, La., to fusion, hit his truck about 45 |He thought the bus tried to HS him because most of the irmierhpage was on the left side of 10-spei is trailer. ackweM |fhe crippled bus careened oss the median of the four- 10-speeJ >se to lent, these . hasnoitfj lane road, crashed through a guardrail, became airborne briefly and landed on the bank of Milton Greek 31 feet below, investigators said. Garcia said two trucks had passed him moments before and the bus shocked him when it slammed into his truck. “I never saw it. I don’t know where it came from,” said Gar cia, who was unhurt. “That bus hit me hard,” Gar cia said. “I didn’t know what had hit me, so I parked across the bridge and ran back. I knew something went down off the bridge. When I ran back, I saw All but four rows of seats, luggage and the rear lavatory toilet seat were found piled in the front of the bus. the bus down there. “It was quiet and that scared me. I hollered and one lady answered there were people hurt.” Garcia ran to his house a half mile away, called authorities and his wife, Dale, came back with him in his pickup and helped him aid some of the victims.. The bus landed on its side with the door toward the sky, witnesses said. The bus driver, Edward Perry, 37, of Houston, was pinned inside and had to be cut free before being taken by helicopter ambulance to Houston. Injured passenger Ramone iry ck. iced bief e Comw ackpadji >isa Dim contain t, calcut ral utt ll United Press International m thewipU BBOCK — Mothers klADD to monitor reps ^ho nix container law fie gainst Drunk Dri vers wil _ —open ^containers in vehicles, the said otorcyc JjADD state Vci' director 'cleparl nesday. pfarinelle Timmons of Hous- y ; MADD does not en- ,m caiitflpJ: candidates, but she said s and®;, members would raise me we# tlons at fhe public forums of ington. B a . ln legislators up for re- twodslf p > Including state Rep. iniefi ® ^ a ’ nas > D-Lubbock. id a tfj , , . during an auto I y Program sponsored by the a Texas Tech student orga nization, Timmons said Salinas hurt himself by leading opposi tion against the bill. She said MADD members will ask Salinas and others why they did not support the bill that would have banned open liquor containers in cars. “We’ll put them on the spot,” she said, adding MADD mem bers would return to Austin next session to lobby for legislation outlawing open alcoholic con tainers in automobiles. BY BOB DODSON Me back, we waited for the e to come down before Wg something. Now we buy 0re th e price goes up. . * + + + ng off more than you can w Is a proven way to cut F wisdom teeth. ^ * * * * l n jn mall store: “Use our J' easy credit plan-100 per- P clown, nothing to pay each * * . * Wns point to Heritage & Boyswear for sure, ^, y . payment ” wardrobe u nt...just in time for Christ- ,s giving! Pan Pizza’s “In” At Pizza Inn! If you’re looking for a panful of the best deep dish pizza you’ll ever taste, try our new Pan Pizza! We could go on forever describing it’s great flavor, but we’ve picked some choice words that say it all... CHEESIER MEATIER DEEPER SAVORIER CRUSTIER BUBBLIER TASTIER THICKER SAUCIER 99 c PIZZA. Buy any pizza and get the next smaller same style pizza with equal number of toppings, for 99‘. Present this coupon with guest check. Not valid with any other offer. Expiration: 12/21/83 For pizza out its Pizza Inn. Pizza inxi $3.00 Off A Large Pizza $2.00 Off A Medium Pizza Buy any pizza, and get $3.00 off a large, or $2.00 off a medium pizza. Present this coupon with guest check. Not valid with any other offer. Expiration: 12/21/83 Ffar pizza oul it's Pizza Inn. Pizza Ixixi 1 OFFER GOOD AT THESE PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS: UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 413 S. Texas Ave 846-6164 846-8749 — For pizza out its Pizza Inii' — Wrecked plane’s tapes could determine cause Mora, 40, who said he was an illegal alien from Veracruz, Mexico, living in Nacogdoches, Texas, said he was sitting behind the driver and thought he might have dozed off. “I think he fell asleep,” Mora said in Spanish to reporters at Livingston Memorial Hospital. A DPS spokesman said the official cause was undeter mined, but the road was rain- slicked and Trooper David Sandlin at the scene said “there was an indication of excessive speed” by the bus. Garcia, who said he was going about 40 mph in the right lane at the time, said it was not his fault. “I really think there was no thing I could do. He just hit me and went down,” Garcia said. Business Manager Myrle McLaurin of Livingston Memo rial Hospital said the 45-bed facility was overloaded by the accident, which forced Adminis trator Robert Finch to declare a hospital “disaster.” Four injured were taken to Hermann Hospital in Houston by helicopter ambulance, in cluding the driver, another man and two 12-year-old children, a boy and a girl. Their conditions were listed as satisfactory. The two admitted to Living ston Memorial, a 10-year-old girl and Mora, also were listed in satisfactory condition. Trailways said the bus left Shreveport, La., at 1:55 a.m. GST, stopped in Logansport, La., and Nacogdoches, and changed drivers in Lufkin. The bus was due in Houston at 7:30 a.m. Greyhound does not serve the route. United Press International EL PASO — Tapes from a twin-engine plane that crashed into the Franklin Mountains last weefc:, killing all four people aboard, will tell whether an air controller led the plane into the mountains during a windstorm or the pilot made an error, an aviation expert said Wednesday. “I am drawing no conclu sions,” said J.O. Johnson, a Na tional Transportation Safety Board investigator, “until I have heard the tapes of the transmis sions” between pilot Lyle Foster, 46, of Temple Gity, Galif., and an air controller from Albu querque, N. M., 266 miles away. Johnson said he was told by the chief of the Albuquerque Air Traffic Gontrol Center that an Albuquerque air traffic con troller was in contact with Foster when he flew his Cessna 210 into the side of El Paso’s Franklin Mountains in the early mofning hours of Nov. 22. Johnson said the Albuquer que controller was in contact with the pilot before he made an instrument takeoff from El Paso International Airport and after the plane was airborne asked Foster if he could maintain a 260-degree heading — west by southwest — which would send him directly into the mountain unless he climbed over it. Johnson said Foster re sponded that he could maintain the heading and was told to fly at 10,000 feet. El Paso air controllers said they usually instruct pilots to fly directly south over the down town area of El Paso before turn ing west into the pass. El Paso is located at the southern tip of the Rocky Mountains. The city’s name is the Spanish word for “the pass,” indicating the end of the Rockies and the beginning of the Sierra Madres. Whether the crash was caused by an Albuquerque air controller’s directions or pilot error will be determined by a study of the tapes, Johnson said. Johnson said there is no local air control at El Paso between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m., a condition that has existed since the traffic controllers’ Whether the crash was caused by an Albuquerque air con troller’s directions or pilot error will be de termined by a study of the tapes, strike of 1981. Foster’s plane, owned by Gordon Coker of San ta Fe Springs, Calif., crashed at 12:40 a.m. Foster was killed in the crash, along with Coker and his two daughters, Cynthia Ann, 14, and Becky, 12. Johnson said all major air ports in the country have an “approach plate,” a standard set of instructions concerning the individual airport. In El Paso’s case, he said, the standard in structions for westbound air craft are to fly south around the Franklin Mountains. “If he (pilot) was flying visual ly, he would follow those in structions,” Johnson said. “If he was flying by instrument and Albuquerque Air Control, I would think he would still be us ing his approach plate, too, but I don’t know that.” r DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE Dec. 2&3 RAMADA INN Pre-register by phone: 693-8178/846-1904 % Ticket Deferral and 10% Insurance Discount TRUCK OWNERS! (a “shop&lot” just for you) We buy, sell, trade, and offer complete service on your pick-up including: •4 wheel drive -brakes •front end alignment -overhauls •transmissions -specialty work “one day service on most repairs” Pickups-Plus 512 W. Carson (across from Army Reserve) (409)775-6708 Padre Cafe