The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1983, Image 8
I Page 8/The Battalion/Wednesday, November 30,1983 State senator denies foul play in land deal United Pres* International DALLAS — State Sen. Ted Lyon profited from a condomi nium marketing firm under rad Ray Hubbard east of Dallas. The land was appraised at id investc state and federal scrutiny and failed to warn potential inves tors he was representing person al financial risk in the transac tions, The Dallas Morning News reported Tuesday. Lyon, a Mesquite Democrat whose law firm handled busi ness for Kitco Developers Inc. and its owner Clifford Sinclair, denied any wrong-doing in the enterprise, according to a copyr- ight report in the Morning News. Under the scheme, Kitco re cruited investors to pledge their net worth as security on loans to buy land, mostly around Lake inflated values and investors were paid the difference in bonuses of at least $20,000, the Morning News reported. According to state records compiled in a two-month Morn ing News inquiry, the Lyon and Smith law firm handled incor porations for dozens of investor companies formed to take part in the land deals and received fees of $500 to $1,000 for each transaction. But the deal was so structured that individuals were personally liable for the loans, a fact Lyon did not bring up while the deal was being closed, the Morning News said. “Anybody who would go down there and sign a note for that much money and not read the papers is pretty stupid if you ask me,” Lyons said. But an attorney representing an investor in one of the transac tions said it was up to Lyon to warn investors of possible risks. According to records, Lyon himself personally took part in a land deal through Lyon De velopment Inc. in which he signed a $700,439 note to Bell Savings Association of Belton for two acres in Lancaster. Bell Savings president Ken Law said Lyon demanded sever al months ago that he be allowed to assign the debt on the land — site of a planned condominium project — to another investor. Group rejects federal law 4 harbored tax fugitive United Press International FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Leonard Ginter, the man ac cused of helping hide tax fugi tive Gordon Kahl before a fiery shoot-out June 3, was sentenced to five years in pris on Tuesday but his wife was spared a prison term. Norma Ginter, 58, re ceived a five-year suspended sentence and was placed on probation for that time. She will remain in custody, however, until the Ginters are tried for capital murder in the death of Lawrence County Sheriff Gene Matthews. Au thorities said Matthews and Kahl killed each other with their last shots at the Ginters’ home near Smithville. Two other men convicted of harboring Kahl were also sentenced by U.S. District Judge Franklin Waters. Ed Udey, 70, of Cotter re ceived two concurrent five- year sentences, and Arthur Russell, 74, of Mountain Home, was sentenced to five years with all but six months suspended. The maximum penalty would have been 10 years in prison and a fine of $15,000. “I thought it was a just sent ence and we were very satis fied with it,” said Prosecuting Attorney Asa Hutchinson. According to testimony in the October trial, the Ginters helped hide Kahl in Mountain Home for about a month, then moved him to their con* crete bunker a few days before authorities found him. At the time, Kahl was being sought in the February shoot ing deaths of two federal mar shals in North Dakota. Kahl had been a farmer there and was a member of Posse Com- itatus, a paramilitary group that opposes individual in come tax and rejects federal authority. Ginter was a charter mem ber of Posse Comitatus when he lived in Dickeyville, Wis., but the couple banded with a less formal group of tax pro testers in Arkansas, a fn ei , and neighbor said. The Ginters were ali vivalists, preparing for am, lear catastrophe or Soviet vasion, said Bill Wade.Eii thousand rounds of am^ tion stored inside the ho® exploded during the pe firefight when Kahl died. “Leonard was a good dent of the Bible,” Wadesi “He felt that the prophecies for the world were bein thought the miDennium upon us, and that the Russia might be coming upfront shores any day. He wantedj be ready.” DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE Dec. 2&3 RAMADA INN Pre-register by phone: 693-8178/846-1904 Ticket Deferral and 10% Insurance Discount The Kitco condominium in vestment packages involve hun dreds of investors who are per sonally liable for millions of dol lars in real estate notes, which could represent substantial los ses to lending institutions in 'event of default, the Morning News found. The schemes have come under scrutiny of the FBI, the Texas Savings and Loan Depart ment and the Federal Home Loan Board, the Morning News reported. Crash causes unexplained United Press International MIDLAND — No mechanical or pilot errors have been found to explain the crash of a private plane that killed eight men, in cluding six Midland-Odessa television station employees, an official said Tuesday An investigator for the Na tional Transportation Safety Board, Warren Wandel, con firmed the chartered twin- engine Beechcraft-100’s landing gear was up when the plane crashed early Saturday. But he told reporters at a 14 Karat Gold Chains up to 70% OFF Retail! LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN! ALL CHAINS SOLD BY WEIGHT PRICES AS LOW AS $1 066 ■ w a gram ( $ 21 25 a penny weignt) Large Selection-Black Hills Gold Jewelry and Gold Coin Jewelry .Sorry, we do not accept credit cards or do in-store financing on your pur chases, but with our prices, you won’t need them! TRADE IN YOUR USED GOLD & SILVER ON NEW PURCHASES” We Do Giftwrap Tuurt ■ r\r* “SHOP US LAST!" TWO LOCATIONS TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE, INC. 3202A Texas Ave., Bryan 404 University Dr. E, C.S. 779-7662 ^ cs w^,*846-8905 news conference the pilot would have put the landing gear up if he had decided to make anotner approach before landing at the Midland Regional Airport. The plane, carrying em ployees of the Odessa-Midland KOSA television station, was re turning from taping two high school football games when it crashed. “According to witnesses we have interviewed and a recon struction of a flight profile, the landing gear was down when the pilot approached runway 16,” Wandel said. He added that the landing lights had been on — indicating the gear was down. “Sometime during the acci dent sequence the pilot selected to gear up, and it was up at im pact, but it was down during the approach, which indicated it was He said more tests would conducted to try anddeiem mechanical or pilot failureil plane was traveling betweetl in p h and 150 mph »1 crashed in a field east main runway. Pilot Keith Elkin of Mid had more than 5,000 houi Hying experience, wiihl hours experience flying particular type of plane,W'i said. He said tests would bt ducted to determine if weight of the televisiontt ment might have affect# plane’s balance and perfc ance. He predicted it wouldbt to six months before anti cause of the crash wasrete by Federal AviationAdmitiii tion officials in Washing DC. Walk, Cycle, or Shuttle. It’s only 8 Blocks. — |Eff, 1 & 2 bedrooms starting at 240.00. jCeiling fans in large 1 bedroom. 3902 COLLEGE MAIN Casa Chapultepec 1315 S. College 775-605! 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