The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1983, Image 6
Page 6/The Battalion/Wednesday, November 30,1983 Davis’ stepdaughter arrested for forgery United Press International FORT WORTH — The step daughter of Cullen Davis, a mil lionaire industrialist involved in one of the state’s most notorious murder cases, is fighting a he roin habit and hoping to be out of jail by Christmas. Angela Dee Davis, 25, was arrested on a stolen check forgery charge Nov. 21 at a groc ery store in Fort Worth. Because she is on probation for an earlier forgery arrest, she faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted of the latest charges. richest men in the city, was ac cused of murder after four peo ple were shot at his Fort Worth mansion in the summer of 1976. Priscilla Davis, who was di vorcing Davis at the time, was wounded. She now lives in Dallas. Pricilla Davis’ 12-year-old daughter, Andrea Wilborn Davis, was killed, as was one of her friends, Stan Farr. Another family friend was wounded. Davis was tried in Andrea’s death and acquitted after one of the longest and most publicized Her stepfather, one of the_ trials in Texas history , ATTENTION AGGIES! N£ed a place to rent for your sorority or private parties? Sons of Hermman Lodge is the place. For additional information call: Don Roberts 822-4238 or 845-0336 PROBLEM PREGNANCY 1 Are you considering .v’ Abortion? Confidential Free Pregnancy Testing & Referrals Call (713) 524-0548 Houston, Texas Angela Dee Davis said she turned to heroin after the kill ings and then to crime to sup port her habit. “I was at my boyfriend’s house when they called to tell me what happened at the mansion that night,” she said. “At first I just thought it was some kind of sick joke. “All that was happening, and then my boyfriend was killed (in an auto accident) 10 days later,” she said. After trying college in Lub bock and Denton, she returned to Fort Worth and “fell in with a bunch of degenerates,” she said. ‘I guess that was because I had money and they knew it,” said Davis, who draws dividends from stock in Kendavis Indus tries, the company her step father owns with his brothers. Davis was arrested in 1980 for stealing a blouse from a Fort Worth store, but that charge was dismissed when she paid the store back. She was arrested | again in 1981 for stealing several articles of clothing from another store, pleaded guilty and was placed on one year’s probation. Four months ago she was placed on five years’ probation and ordered to enter a drug re habilitation program in Dallas after pleading guilty to passing forged checks and to credit card abuse. Because she was still on prob ation at the time of her Nov. 21 arrest, she could be sentenced to up to ip years in prison if con victed. Bead Craft Cindi Tackitt, Battalion si Sue McCarthy, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, beads necklaces, earrings, and bracelets to sell at the craft show outside the Memorial Student Center Tuesday. She has been beading for a year and travels all over the country sell her work. Excessive long distance costs AT&T opposes rate hike MSC Cepheld Variable presents THE SEVEN-PER-CENT SOLUTION 7:30 9:45 701 Rudder $1.00 Thursday, December 1 United Press International AUSTIN — The soon-to-be divorced parent company of Southwestern Bell Telephone Tuesday joined the Public Util ity Commission’s consumer counsel in opposing Bell’s re quest for a $976 million interim rate hike. American Telephone 8c Tele graph Co., which will be split from Southwestern Bell on Jan. 1, said Bell’s request could force AT&T to file for a $200 million increase of its own. Spokesman Ron LeMay said AT&T agreed that Bell de served an interim rate increase, but he said Bell’s proposal would force long-distance carriers, such as AT&T, to pay most of the rates. Gifts, decorations and memories “This proposal would impose costs on long distance services that never before have been assigned to them,” he said. “The premium charge on AT&T Communications would place us at a competitive disadvantage.” “This is, of course, something they have to make a decision on,” Bell spokesman Dale John son said of the AT&T statement. Upon divestiture, AT&T will provide interstate long distance service, while Southwestern Bell will provide local service and ac cess lines to long distance car riers. Bell is seeking the interim rates while the PUC decides the fate of its $1.7 billion rate case, which is aimed at offsetting the effects of divestiture. PUC administrative law judge Jacqueline Holmes said she will take comment on Bell’s request until Friday and will probably make a decision next week. The company has the option of appealing her ruling to the full three-member commission. The PUC staff has recom mended interim rates of $645 million. PUC consumer counsel Jim Boyle said Bell’s request was “bloated” by false estimates of revenue losses and lucrative ex ecutive salaries. Boyle filed a motion for dis missal of the interim rates on the grounds that an ongoing hear ing on Bell’s rate case showed the company needed less than one-tentn of the $976 million it requested as an interim rate in crease. The proposed interim rates would result in hundreds of mil lions of dollars of overcharges to residential ratepayers, said Boyle. Evidence presented at the Bell hearing, which began last month, showed the company Tire Enter The Ollfl ■ Store. the emotions of and caring come nds to create special mem- Christmas past and the hopes for Christmas future. Christmas is a time together with family an ories and feelings. Gifts and decorations alone do not make Christmas special but they often bring back wonderful memories of the season. The Christmas Store has assembled a wide selection of fine gifts from around the world to insure we have something for that someone special on your list. No one has gifts and decorations in such a range of colors, quantities, prices, shapes and sizes. Come to The Christmas Store. We are sure you will find what you are looking for to make this Christmas season special. _sl EUROPE PROGRAMS STARTING FROM $ 459.- CALL FOR INFO AND FREE CATALOG NOW TOLL FREE 1-800-638-7640 AESU #1 IN STUDENT TRAVEL had over-estimated pects from its divestiture AT&T, he said. The interim requests inflated by excessive ovti: inflated profit margin “phantom” taxes. “By filing an interimra Bell asks the PUC to massive evidence produn far in the hearing," hesai: Boyle’s motion also ash PUC to suspend salaryir for Bell executives if anyfi the interim rates was “Southwestern Bell con to provide $3 million in live bonuses, over $7 mi free basic phone service staff and a salary for its dent in excess of $31 Boyle said. “So if they are really broke, their executivesm planning to go down in .’’Boyle said. Bell spokesman Johnsffi however, that Boyle “isn't! economic reality.” “Southwestern Bell has lished the need for nes $997 million and wesli feel those rates should If plied to our interim relit! said. “We appreciate that the (PUC) staff hasu nized we have a need. Host they fall short of meetis needs we have.” 10-9 Monday-Saturday 1-5 Sunday STORE 504 Harvey Road (FM 30) College Station / 696-6986