The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1983, Image 5
Wednesday, November 30,1983/The Battalion/Page 5 round town Models have wholesome look idrek’i bsbiif. t30p, & iisimaj! teetatf •gSbp md 'leetai it the l; tor staii linSOJH toatia f\ 3 r 3 L jf Free U driver improvement offered Registration is open for the Free University Driver Im provement course to be held Dec. 9 and 10. This state- approved course may be used to have certain misdemeanor traffic offenses dismissed and to receive a 10 percent dis count on automobile insurance. The fee is $22, payable in cash only at registration. Registration is held in 216 Memo rial Student Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Participants are encouraged to register early — the classes fill several days before the course. For more informa tion call 845-1514. iioy Aggieland photos still being taken Juniors, seniors, veterinary and medical school students can have individual pictures for the 1984 Aggieland taken today through Friday at the Yearbook Associates office at 1700 S. Kyle behind Culpepper Plaza; and Dec. 5-9 at the Pavilion on campus. This will be the last chance for students to have pictures made. Student Y wrapping Christmas gifts The Student Y Association is offering a Christmas gift- apping service today through Friday and Dec. 5-9 from 9 i.m. to 4 p.m. in 211 Pavilion. The service is free to Y nembers, but non-members will be charged from 50 cents to Bl.25 depending on the size of the gift. Bows and ribbons will be included in the wrapping, but boxes must be provided by I the owners. rtsfiekli iow leacha fiociety offers free help sessions _ pj ec ig es f r om Tau Beta Pi, a national engineering honor ungaiss (odety, will be available to help any student in Math 151 and !53, and ME 211 and 212. The help sessions will be every rrtd Tuesday and Thursday from 4 p.m. to 5 p m. in 104D Eachry, through dead week. For more information call jlynn Lunney, chapter president, at 846-3316. havclal centei isnota] ne ovei th no ist m«i we ket| -riculm dent." orhi To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Reed McDonald. United Press International DALLAS — Early next year advertisers who are tired of sexy models will have a chance to re place them with straight-laced, wholesome ones. Christian Models U.S.A. is the brainchild of adman Lon Dorsey, whose connections with the large evangelical community in Dallas convinced him there is both a supply and demand for modeling and stagecraft that avoids the lustful. “Christian Models U.S.A. is an opportunity for people who would like to be in modeling to work in the industry without compromising their moral stan- daras,” Dorsey said. An active Protestant layman, Dorsey, 38, plans for his agency to become a division of his public relations firm. Though not large, (it has averaged about 60 billings annually since Dorsey formed it five years ago), his firm has handled such clients as WBC heavyweight champion Larry Holmes. He is convinced they are we ary of “one more little snazzy rock ‘n roll commercial, one more sexual gimmick. The world really has this stuff cram med down their throat when ' they’re not asking for it.” As proof, Dorsey points to “a secular film producer who is head-over-heels about what we’re doing” and has agreed to buy space in the agency’s direc tory of approximately 100 mod els Dorsey plans to publish early next year. Those who see Dorsey’s work will see something different, in deed something less, than they might view in other ads. Neither male nor female models, for ex ample, will appear in bathing suits. Other requirements for aspiring or experienced models who choose Dorsey’s agency in clude a one-time filing fee of $25, a $165 fee for a place in the directory and, for those without a portfolio, a $100 photography fee. The directory, for which his employees are selling ads, will be issued in January to businesses, radio and television stations, advertising agencies, newspap ers, magazines, trade publica tions and film and photography studios, he said. purpc CM USA is to infiltrate tne mod eling industry with the Word, God’s people, God’s power, God’s principles and witn God’s presence,” he wrote to one large independent church with a high-budget broadcasting oper ation. Though not widely known in Texas, Dorsey first came into public view in 1976 when he published “Soccer Today” and in 1977 when he published “Hockey Today” and handled public relations for the now- defunct Dallas Black Hawks professional hockey franchise. Bryan-Coltoge Station Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates, P.A. DAVID R. DOSS, M.D. G. MARK MONTGOMERY, M.D. are pleased to announce the association of LINDAS. DUTTON, R.N., C.N.P. 4s a certified nurse practitioner in women s health auc, she will be seeing patients by appointment for routine physicals, birth control, and minor gynecological problems 1404 “A” Bristol, Bryan 775-5602 et Your STARSHIP' • When You Care Enough CHRISTMAS cards aow: Sports Snoopy Norman Rockwell Western Images Scenic Religious *POSTCARD & BOXED ASSORTMENTS* We Imprint Cards and Napkins! 10-7 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 Mon.-Sat Ctilpeppex* Manor* East Mall V ooa-aooa saa-aoea Canada Dry BUY 4-GET 2 FREE trake, Slagel ebate tonight SPECIAL MAIL-IN OFFER descr 1 ' te ^ e pubj ican party 135 ^ & el > chairman of . _ rtorge Strake, chairman on| the state 127yea mocratic Party, will partki- hier’sl i caliber te in a debate tonight on the •loyet! |t [, e g lubucan Party in Texas. amouK The two will speak on the [t is be: ition of the Republican party :s were in the state, its growth and goals for the future. They will discuss whether Texas is becoming a two party state as opposed to being predominately Democrat. The debate is sponsored by MSC Political Forum and will be at 8 p.m. in 701 Rudder. FRoctn -m* Serving Luncheon Buffet Sandwich and Soup Bar t Mezzanine Floor l (Sunday through Friday 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Delicious Food Beautiful View Open to the Public “Quality First” X -T 1 i-t—!?)>■<; ft; v;: ,i'., , (ij 1 illi I" i Sll#Mi \ BATTALION CLASSIFIED PULLS! Call 845-2611 ^ This Holiday Season Mix with the Best Canada Dry. r CANADA DRY MIXERS ~| BUY4...GET2FREE | To get your coupon good for two free family size bottles of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Club Soda or Tonic Water send proof of purchase (cap liner or cash register receipt I with purchase circled) from four family size (28 oz., 32 oz., 1 liter) bottles. (MAIL TO: CANADA DRY P.0. BOX NBO-023, EL PASO, TEXAS 79977 NAME ADDRESS. CITY STATE ZIP Allow 8 weeks for delivery, \feid where prohibited or restricted by law. Offer is good in United ® L States only. Offer ends March 31, 1984. Refunds require the use of this official form. No _ focsimilies will be accepted. One refund per family or group. NWSP. I