The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1983, Image 12
Page 12/The Battalion/Wednesday, November 30,1983 Teachers’ raise proposed United Press International AUSTIN — The Texas Asso ciation of School Boards Tues day proposed a pay schedule that would hike annual salaries for first-year teachers from $11,100 to $15,000 and make it easier for them to earn even higher salaries. Association director David Thompson also said school board members support in creases in the sales and motor fuels taxes to generate an addi tional $1.1 billion in revenues for education. Thompson made the presen tation to the House Education Committee, which opened a series of hearings to coincide with the Select Public Education Committee headed by H. Ross Perot. The Perot committee is con ducting a wide-ranging investi gation into Texas’ education sys tem in advance of a special ses sion that is expected to address, ?f|p National Collegiate Fun Weeks 3|jp Steamboat-Springs, Colorado ^ January 2-7 & January 9-14 YOUR WINTER BREAK GREAT SKI ESCAPE INCLUDES: |*6 days/5 nights deluxe lodging. 1*4 day lift ticket. [•FREE one year American Ski Association Blue] SklAmericard membership. J*FREE beginner ski lesson. |*2 nights of parties with entertainment, com-| pllmentary 3.2 beer and pop. 'Mountain ski race with prizes. (■Reduced rates on equipment rental. (•Luggage tags. All taxes. Steamboat discount) coupon book and MOREI nse m *rri FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS CALL SUNCHASE TOURS TOLL FREE KAREN 696-0716 OR YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENCY Sunchase Tours Inc.. P.0 Box 8338. Fort Collins. Colorado 80525 among other education topics, teacher salaries. In addition to recommend ing higher starting salaries, the school board association also proposed narrowing the gap be tween steps in various pay classi fications. Thompson said school board members believe teachers should be able to advance to higher classifications based on experience and advanced train ing rather than only on degrees. “We think we place far too much emphasis on the degree alone, particularly those that are not even in your subject field,” he said. The association’s tax plan calls for a 1-cent increase in the state sales tax, which would be earmarked for education, and a 5-cent hike in the motor fuels tax to be split between education and highways. With the number of students enrolled in Texas public schools increasing by as many as 80,000 a year, Thompson said there is a need for new revenues. Chairman Bill Haley, D- Center, who is a member of both the House panel and the Perot committee, said no recommen dations would be made until April. The committees are appa rently setting the stage for a summer special session of the Legislature. SELLER’S/NEEDED NOW NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL YOUR CONDOMINIUM OR HOME. WE HAVE BUYERS LOOKING AND ARE IN GREAT NEED t>F GOOD PROPERTIES TO SELL THEM. CALL DAVIS NORTHCUTT AT GREEN & BROWNE REALTY FOR A NO-OBLIGATION MARKET ANALYSIS TODAY. 846-5701. Get Your Xerox Copies at North gate Above Farmer's Market New, lower rates for large numbers of copies per origin al. We now offer both high-quality Xerox® copying and offset printing! Also: Self-service copying, typing, reductions and enlargements, binding, resume writing, editing, business cards, wedding invitations, stationery and many other services. One stop service for reports and dissertations. 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Three times more information on your screen S when using graphics. , | \r ■ Eight monochrome levels of brightness for more detailed " monochrome graphics and text. | Separate numeric keypad, cursor control, . and edit/delete keys for easy use and less chance of accidental data loss. 1 | Superior expansion and future enhancement capabilities to prevent instant obsolescence. 1 ■ Internal Winchester disk drive capability and two internal communications modems that require no I additional desk space. The ability to run the same software on the color or 1 1 monochrome monitor. ; Ir 2 l Suggested retail price which includes a 64K RAM 1 1 system unit, low-profile keyboard, 12-inch monochrome | display unit and single 320K diskette drive. | Hil > When comparing personal compu ters, look carefully for the 12 features in the chart above. And when you compare the price, look for the fine print. Do the other guys give you: 320 K floppy disk storage, display unit, keyboard features, future ex pandability, and much more for only $2,195? The Tl gives you more productivity power than the leading competitor. Visit Custom Operating Systems, Inc., your local Tl authorized dealer or call (409) 846-4444. . Texas ^ Instruments Creating useful products and services for you. Copyright c 1983 Texas Instruments Custom Operating Systems, Inc. 505 University E., Suite 801, C.S., TX 77840 (Behind Interurban Eating House) (409) 846-4444 Suspected typhoid causej Trinity University salad United Press International SAN ANTONIO — Tossed salads served at a Trinity Uni versity cafeteria may be the source of a typhoid fever out break that has struck eight people, health officials said Tuesday. Dr. Courand Rothe, direc- tor of the Metropolitan Health District, said it was confirmed this weekend that another Trinity student has typhoid, bringing the total number of victims to contract the disease to eight. Seven of the victims are Trinity students. One victim — a 28-year-old ophthalmo logist’s assistant — is not a stu dent, but ate meals on a regu lar basis at the Trinity cafeter ia, officials said. All eight victims apparent ly ate tossed salads at the school cafeteria, said Dr. Robert F. Bell, the health dis trict’s director of communic able diseases. “A lot of them ate very little else,” Bell said. Rothe said it was reported to the health district tkiJ non-student frequently] the salads at the cafen “That (the salad) isju of the angles we thougliJ would give special atte to,” Rothe said. Offirialiil also checking food 1 a small taco restaurant t the Trinity campus, he s 85 y So far, at least handlers on and off the ity campus have been but officials have not fied the carrier of the School official says big’s not always best) United Pres* International LUBBOCK — Small schools can provide a “magic” because individual students have an identity instead of being lost in the general population of larger schools, small school administra tors were told Tuesday. H. Ross Perot, chairman of the Texas State Select Commit tee on Public Education, was speaking to the Fourth Annual Conference for Administrators of Smaller Schools. “We’ve got schools in our state that are so big that if you’re the quarterback and you’re not winning nobody knows who you are,” Perot said. “We’ve got to get away from those monster schools.” “Small schools are magic,” he said, adding that children recog nized for their individualism while growing up frequently are founa in leadership roles as adults. He predicted that within a few years the state would pro vide the same educational out lets to children living in rural areas as provided to children in urban areas. “Within five years, in the most remote, modest little schoolhouse in Texas, your math genius can sit down to a computer terminal,” Perot said. He said gifted students any where in the state would have the chance to take college-level courses while still in high school. Meanwhile, he said, the peo ple of Texas have to find a way to equalize the amount of money available to various school dis tricts. He said some districts have trouble paying the light bill while other aistricts builc at elementary schools. “Either we are going to address this as Texans or some judge is going to give us an answer we’re not goingu he warned. Perot said schools ncdil tore a balance to the i put on learning academil jects and the emphasis; other school activities, more of the schooldays devoted to learning i subjects. gyms “We think it’s a tads send your drill team i Kong while school’s ins Perot said as an exan educators needed to 1 the school day for leamiti He urged administraton school board members an I ing the two-day confereu j remember that learnings ? Swee fun, but the possessionofl: whib ledge was fun. r “Let’s stop kidi; | ourselves,” he saia. “Lean: # not fun. It’s hard work.” Hr St 9 OUT OF 10 PUPPIES PREFER THE BATTALION Battalion Advertising 845-2611 ,—^i l/o tyoj.pvg 9 iL die, th of I fiscal latic : not MSC Cafeteria Now Better Than tver. You Will Be Pleased Wirt These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Food! Each Daily Special Only $2.39 PlusIi] “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:t late Is pi the; MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisoury Steak —-— with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes " Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or. Corn Bread and Butter GoffeeorTea TDESOAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta T Dinner • Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Steak w cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and ^ Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and B* Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE v Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad „„ Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread * Tea or Coffee s ' FOR YOUR PROTtCTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. Unite. ’ORT •rd sion ai FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL FRIED CATFISH ^ FILET w TARTAR Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style ■< (Tossed Salad) Mashed Potato w gravy';' ftoU or Corp. Bread & Better Tea Of Coffee 'A.-- SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVEIi ROAST TURKEY Served with Cranberry Sauce Corhbread I , & >erT*» I Gravy wtmi I your choice of mf 6ne«