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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1983)
^age 12/The Battalion/Wednesday, November 23, 1983 ' Third crash in area, 1 Plane crash kills four United Press International EL PASO — A small plane, altered by winds of up to 45 nots, crashed into the snow- vept Franklin Mountains early uesday, killing all four people aoard. The crash brings to 17 the umber of people killed in air- lane accidents in the area with- i the past four days. Police said a California man, jordon R. Coker, 49, his two laughters and the pilot were kil- Id when their Cessna 210 crashed into the mountains above McKelligon Canyon, a popular El Paso County wilder ness park. Tuesday’s accident was the second small plane crash in the area in less than six hours. The Texas Department of Public Safety reported a Tucson man, Robert Humphrey, 59, was kil led when his plane crashed in the windy desert about 39 miles east of El Paso, at about 6:30 p.m., Monday. Chihuahua City, Mexico mil- r -r? 1 -" DOUGLAS JEWELRY 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURRENT A&M ID (REPAIRS HOT INCLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR SEIKO, BULOVA CROTON WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY lionaire Enrique Elias Mueller and 11 others were killed Friday when their turbo-prop plane crashed in the desert east of Juarez, Mexico, across the Rio Grande from El Paso. In the Tuesday morning crash, the pilot of the single engine Cessna had just taken off from El Paso International Air port, officials said. An FAA spokesman at the El Paso tower said the pilot had filed a flight plan showing he was heading for El Monte, Calif. Coker, registered owner of the plane, owned Coker Con struction Co. Inc., of Santa Fe Springs, Calif. A secretary at the Coker office said Coker, two of his daughters, and the pilot were re turning from a funeral for Cok er’s nephew in Florida. The daughters were aged 11 and 13, she said. Searchers headed up to the crash site in four-wheel vehicles but had to climb the top half of the icy peaks on foot, reaching the site after several hours of climbing. Members of the rescue team said there were no survi vors. By mid afternoon the mem bers of the rescue team still had not been able to recover the bodies because of gusting winds and icy terrain, police said. In the Monday evening crash, Humphrey was piloting a Mooney M20J aircraft when it plunged to the desert floor ab out 39 miles east of El Paso. The crash site is nearly one mile north of Highway 62-180, near Cornudas, a small West Texas town in the Guadalupe Moun tains about 20 miles south of the New Mexico line. The Department of Public Safety report indicated the plane went down “during a period of high wind and blowing dust.” State police said the plane came to rest upside down on its nose and right wing. An Army helicopter from Fort Bliss was used to locate the wreck, which was not visible from the highway. West Germany OKs Pershing-2 shipments United Press International BONN, West Germany — The Bundestag approved the deployment of new U.S. nuc lear missiles in West Germany Tuesday despite protests by anti-American demonstrators who burst into a U.S. consu late, blocked traffic and tried to barge into communist Berlin. Police arrested 166 protes tors around the country as the government announced the first U.S. Pershing-2 nuclear missiles would arrive Wednesday. “Americans, we don’t want your bloody arms in our coun try,” said a placard waved by one of the demonstrators out side the Parliament building. Parliament gave Chancel lor Helmut Kohl’s Christian Democrat-led coalition the go-ahead for deployment of 108 Pershing-2 and 96 cruise missiles by a vote of 286 to 226. The only thing that could hold up the deployment at this point would oe an unlikely last-minute agreement at \he Geneva disarmament talks with the Soviet Union. The vote came after a bit ter, two-day debate in the low er house of Parliament accom panied by demonstrations in Bonn, West Berlin, Frank furt, Hamburg and Bremen. Kohl’s Christian Democrats and Foreign Minister Hans- Dietrich Genscher’s Free Democrats have a 58-seat ma jority in the Bundestag. In Washington, White House deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said, “We’re pleased that the Federal Re public ol (.c-i has reafl firmed its earlier commitmB to the NATO dual-trackdedl sic >11 (>1 1 1 rtciinic loifci deploying of the missiles wliill c oninniiii^ [lie- Ueneva talkjj .About b(M) people blod] .idee! 11 ic l S. ( h insulate ill |jjJ Baltic port of Bremen andli protesters, who bursl intoM building, locked themselvesiJ a room and refused to leal] police said. They were arrested afttt| giving up the protest wl firemen threatened tosnj the lock. The total numberofarr for the two-day debate tiiJ 348. Arrival of the first missfel was expected to prompt inoiti protests by the anti-missilt| movement. USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (AND LET US SET IT FOR YOU) 212 M. Main Downtown Bryan 822-3119 MC VISA AND Culpepper Plaza College Station 693-0677 DINNERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS INVITED Immigration Law Firm Samuel M. Tidwell & Associates, P.C. Complete Immigration Law Practice Samuel M. Tidwell is Board Certified in Immigration Law. ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS Dallas (214) 699-9599 Austin (512) 476-1247 Trinity officials track source of typhoid fever United Press International SAN ANTONIO — Health officials Tuesday took samples from Trinity University food service employees in an attempt to track down the source of a typhoid fever outbreak. Trinity Spokeswomn Christie Lewis said health officials con firmed that three students con tracted the disease and that two other students were suspected of having it. by ***** AGGIE VICTORY PARTY One st udent with a i firmed case has recovered returned to class, she said Health officials took and stool samples fromuniv ty food service employees checked restaurants near school. “They’re taking sampl from everybody in the service, and the health dei at Saturday Night - Open Bar 7-9pm 60 bottles of free Champagne No Cover with a TEXAS A&M vs texas ticket stub the party goes on regardless of the final score!! mem is taking case histories«l the (affected) students,’’% Lewis said. “It’s interesting that iuy students. They don’t haves thing in common. Thev d know each other. The\ dotf date each other,” she said. Mrs. Lewis said Trinity cials were warning the sdioofl 2,000 students of typhoid syraa toms before the Thanksgivii holidays, fearing others may come down with thedlsd while away f rom the area. J The current outbreak'isi worst in San Antonio since IbSll when 80 people contracted! disease. All of those victimsro vered. ' t S fe Wl' ~ vO*" J and. ready for pickup EASY! This is the leave the packs except Ar 'Apovi tet} your gifts- 8:00-5:00 Texas a ; Apprcoc cious, h 230 You w* in sep paym«; B naml STREE Reed McDonald Bldg (if you have pre-paid; check your fee sli MYTC ENCIC TOTE your (IN CA - SHIP SIRE! CITY “ STAT1 gift arrp- greet -