The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 04, 1983, Image 16

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Check theaters for specific times
and prices. Movies subject to
change without notice. All list
ings are current through press
Campus Theater
Orainstorm: Natalie Wood plays
one of a team of scientists who dis
cover a device that can make your
dreams appear real. Rated R.
The Erotic World of Angel
Cash: Another X-rated movie.
Come on now, when you've seen
one you've seen them all. Midnight.
MSC Aggie
Sophie's Choice: Meryl Streep
and Kevin Klein star in this strong
drama of a Jewish woman in a Nazi
concentration camp. Rated R.
Shampoo: Warren Beatty, Julie
Christie and Goldie Hawn give you
your money's worth with this story
of a hairdresser obsessed with sex.
Rated R. Saturday. Midnight. Rud
der Theater.
Fitzcarraldo: The fascinating
story of a man's dream to build an
opera house in the middle of the
Amazonian jungle. Werner Herzog
directed. Rated PG. Sunday 7:30
p.m. Rudder Theater.
Barefoot in the Park: Neil
Simon's comedy of married life star
ring Robert Redford and Jane Fonda
as newlyweds. Unrated. Wednes
day. 7:30 p.m. Rudder Theater.
MSC Cepheid
845- 1515
Animal Farm: A&M really hasn't
warmed up to the prospect of 1984,
so here is your chance. This is
Orwell's allegory set on a British
farm. Unrated. Thursday. 7:30 p.m.
and 9:45 p.m. 701 Rudder.
Plitt Cinema
846- 6714
Dead Zone: Christopher Walken
stars as a man who gains precogni
tion in a car accident. Martin Sheen
also is in this adaptation of a novel
by Stephen King, which just may
turn out to be a classy Halloween
movie. Rated R.
Educating Rita: Michael Caine
stars as an alcoholic professor who
falls in love with, you guessed it,
Rita. Rated PG.
War Games: Matthew Broderick
accidently pushes a few too many
buttons and lands himself in the
middle of global nuclear war. This is
one of the summer's best films.
Rated PG.
Rocky Horror Picture Show:A
classic cult film where the hero is a
transsexual who delights in corrupt
ing the innocent. This film is a won
derful social commentary and spoof
films. Midnight. Rated R.
Manor East
An the Right Moves: Tom
Cruise, hot off his role in Risky Busi
ness, stars this time in the story of a
high school football player trying to
get a college scholarship. Rated R.
Never Say Never Again: Sean
Connery returns as James Bond to
save the world from nuclear terror
ism. Bond goes from England to the
Bahamas and the South of France in
pursuit of his long-time enemy,
Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Rated PG.
Trading Places: Eddie Murphy
and Dan Akroyd star in this humor
ous prince-and-the-pauper story.
These two talents come together to
make one of the funniest comedies
released this summer. For good en
tertainment come see this one.
Rated R.
Post Oak
Deal of the Century: Chevy
Chase tries one more time. He
hasn't scored with a decent comedy
since Foul Play, but with co-stars
Sigourney Weaver and Gregory
Hines he may have a shot. Rated R.
Richard Pryor Here and Now:
More of Pryor, this time in New
Orleans. Expect the usual topics —
sex, drugs and growing up. Rated
Risky Business: A delightful
change of pace as far as teen-age
adventures go. This particular film
has wit and charm despite a few plot
problems. Probably one of the most
underrated films of the summer and
fall. Rated R.
Schulman Six
The Big Chill: A promising new
movie. The story's about college
buddies drifting apart. In college
they all had been the non
conformists, but they now have be
come members of the establish
ment. Rated R.
Deadly Force: Probably just
another violent movie. Rated PG.
IVIr. Mom: A new movie with no
new ideas. The movie is what hap
pens when daddy stays at home and
mommy goes to work. Rated R.
The Osterman Weekend: A spy
thriller starring Rutger Hauer, of
Blade Runner fame. Rated R.
Tender Mercies: Stacy Keach is a
down-and-out drifter, once a big
country star, who settles down to
begin a new life with a family. This is
another of the year's better pictures.
Rated PG.
Under Fire: More South Amer
ican intrigue, this time with Nicke
Nolte and Gene Hackman. Hopeful
ly it's better than Beyond the Limit.
Rated R.
Skyway Twin
Caboblanco and Graduation
Day: A double feature with nothing
in common. The latter is one of
those "come if you like blood" type
. of movies. Rated R.
Final Terror and Ator: Go
just to see Ator, one of the funniest
movies released in a long time, and
it didn't even try to be one. Rated R.
At Ease
Editor Rebeca Zimmermann
Assistant Editor .. Shelley Hoekstra
Staff Writers ... Cary. Stegall, Angel
Are ticket-takers taken for granted?
by Cathy Smith
Traffic controllers helping Aggie fans
by Jaime Hataway
On the cover: Whether the
football game is at home or
out of town, tailgate parties
are a big part of pregame acti
vities for many Aggies. As
the cover group shows, tail
gate parties often become a
family activity. See pages 8
and 9. Cover photo by Dean