■ iuhri At JEasc, TTtie Battalion Friday, October 14, 1983 3 OPAS presents 'Madame Butterfly' Western Opera Theater members perform the "Letter Duet 7 ' from "Madame Butterfly/ 7 by Louis Hilgartner Battalion reporter If you have ever wanted to see an opera but just never did, now's your big chance. The Western Opera Theater, in conjunction with MSC Opera and Performing Arts Society, will present Puccini's Madame Butterfly on Thursday. Before you get visions of obese women wearing long robes and homed helmets and leaning on a piano, hang on. Western Opera Theater doesn't perform that way. Broadcasting of performing arts on television and radio has helped generate increased in terest and with it a demand for live opera. The W.O.T. is trying to meet those demands by touring ex tensively and playing before all kinds of audiences. All performances are fully staged and costumed and pre sented with the assistance of skilled technicians. The singers are representa tive of a new style of opera. The opera is sung in Englisn and the singers aren't the kind to plant their feet in the floor and wail away. The presentation of Madame Butterfly is no excep tion. Set in early 20th-century Nagasaki, Madame Butterfly is bom a love story and a tragedy. A U.S. Navy lieutenant, B. F. Pinkerton, arrives in Nagasaki to inspect a house that a mar riage-broker has found for him. The marriage-broker also has found the young American officer a Japanese bride. Howev er, the American consul strong ly disapproves since it appears tire young girl may be taking the matter more seriously than Pinkerton. The girl's friends call her "Butterfly." Butterfly is so in love with Pinkerton, she has renounced her religious faith to adopt his. The two are signing their mar riage contract when Butterfly's renunciation is discovered. Pinkerton leaves, and later marries an American girl. Una ware of this. Butterfly doesn't despair. She keeps hoping he will return to her. When he does, it's with a new bride. Realizing the cruelty of his ac tions, he sings farewell and leaves Butterfly and his bride standing on the front porch. Butterfly stoically faces her situation and gives Pinkerton's bride her own infant son and throws herself on her father's sword. The Western Opera Theater's performance will be at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Hiney hoax not found humorous by all by Jaime Bramer Battalion reporter Editor's note: Although Hiney Wine commercials have been around since March, they haven't died Oui yet Read on and find out why. It's 8:15 a.m. You're stuck in traffic on Texas Avenue, and you're already late for class. Af ter sitting through the same traf fic signal for the third time, you reach down to turn on your radio, just to pass the time. Tun ing in KTAW (92 FM), you hold back a snicker as radio personal ity Dwayne Luna tells you where you can get some Hiney. Hiney Wine commercials have caused a lot of confusion among the KTAW audience. Since the station began running the commercials in March, wine connoisseurs throughout Bra zos Valley have wasted many tanks of gasoline searching for the wine. Trips to the Tunis winery are common but unsuccessful. In frustration, wine seekers stop at the Tunis Country Store to get directions, only to have the store clerk laugh at them and claim that Tunis doesn't have any Hiney either. Many people are victims of the Hiney hoax, but few will admit to being fooled. Luna, who has been with KTAW for over a year now, says, "When listeners call in ab out the ads, I tell them it's real. The humor is when they find it's not." Naturally some members of the audience don't find humor in being fooled, he says. "They (the audience) will complain before they compli ment," he says. "I think people need to remember radio is enter tainment. I'm here to enter tain." Luna says the station's pur pose in running the commer cials is "just for fun." "We don't need it as a ratings grabber, but I think we'd have a lot of complaints if we took it off the air." When the ads first were aired, response was enormous. "I'd put the phones on hold for 30 minutes after doing a Hiney spot.” KTAW also receives a lot of negative response to the Hiney joke. Luna says some listeners are offended, some want to be reimbursed for gas to Tunis, and others say they're suing the sta tion for false advertising. "When someone says they're going to sue, I tell them to get in fine with everyone else." The Hiney hoax hasn't brought any lawsuits to the sta tion yet, and probably won't. Because so many people know the ad is a fake and it doesn't harm anyone, Luna says a legal suit would be difficult to win. "Delivery is the fun part," Luna says. "Because every Hiney ad isn't a hit, we have to add humor. A good delivery is the key." Mark Miller, another KTAW personality, also runs the ads. The idea of localizing the ad at a Tunis winery, "Little LA," was Luna's idea. JJ's Package Store allows the station to say JJ's gives their employees Hiney breaks. According to Luna, Brazos Valley is going Hiney crazy. "People call in with Hiney ideas; things like 'How I enjoy Hiney the most.' I know of two guys who stole the Tunis city fimits signs and now have them on their apartment walls," Luna says. "Another woman called in all irate because someone stole her Hiney bumper sticker." The Hiney Wine idea origin ated in the mind of Terry Dorsey, a disc jockey in Dayton, Ohio, more than three years ago. The joke began with a ficti tious bar and grill. Dorsey made Fridays ladies' night and offered free Hiney to everyone, using the slogan "You only go around once in life, so why not grab for all the Hiney you can get." Dorsey moved to Arlington where he continued the Hiney joke but dropped the bar and grill. "I needed something to talk about to fill the morning rush hours," Dorsey says, "so I kept Hiney and created a winery in a small town outside of Dallas — Euless." He says the commercials are a good programming tool; they encourage new listeners. Hiney has been in the Dallas area for some time now, but Dorsey says he still has people calling look ing for the winery. A member of Donnelly Media in Arlington, Dorsey began syn dicating Hiney Wine nation wide in September 1982. It now see "Hiney" on page 11 Jordache and MSC Town Hall present AIR SUPPLY in concert G. Rollie White Coliseum Tickets: *9.50, s 9.00, s 8.00 Rescheduled for Oet. 28 \.