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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1983)
F Battalion Classified Page 10/The Battalion/Monday, October 10, 1983 OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science who have not previously taken the English Proficiency Exam must take the EPE as scheduled below: BIOLOGY Departmental Curricula Friday, October 14 and Friday, October 28 3:00-5:00 p.m. OHFNIISTRY Deoartment Curricula Friday, October 14 and Friday, October 28 3:00-5:00p.m. MATHEMATICS Department Curricula Friday. October 14 and Friday, October 28 PHYSICS Department Curricula Tuesday, October 18 7:00-9:00p.m., 219 Heldenfels In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself/herself in acceptable English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examination in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 at Texas A&M University with a minimum grad of "C". Any student who fails the written examination (EPE) must satisfy the English Proficiency requirement designated by his/her respective de partment. Students in the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics desiring to complete the EPE this semester or who have a conflict with the designated testing date should see Mrs. Radke, Room 152 A&A Building. Students in the Department of Physics should report to the designated location on the day of testing. Any problems with the proposed schedule or questions regarding the exam should be directed to Dr. Clark, 213C Heldenfels 26t17. !TEACHING OPPORTUNITY OVERSEAS All fields, all levels. Graduating seniors are encouraged to apply now. For details, please send a self-addressed, stamped , long enevlope to: FRIENDS OF WORLD TEACHING, P.O. Box 1049, San DIEGO, Ca 92112- 1049. HELP WANTED CAMPUS REPS NEEDED SKI FREE Position involves marketing and selling quality ski and beach trips on campus. Earn FREE TRIPS and HIGH COMMISSIONS. Call Summit Tours 800-325-0439 26t4. HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently hiring route carriers & solicitors for immediate fall semester openings. Pay ranges between S400-S600 per month plus gas allowance. For appt. please call Julian or Andy at 693-2323 or 693-7815 after 2:00 p.m. COWBOYS The Caldwell Livestock Commission Co. needs help during and after the sale Wednesday. Sale starts 1:00 p.m. IF INTERESTED CALL: Sale Barn: (409)567-41219 567-3422 Carl Hermann: 567-4730 after 5:00 Clay Hermann: 567-7437 after 5:00 Benny Degelia: 823-2635 after 5:00 28t5 DELIVERY * PART-TIME * PIANOS & ORGANS * IN YOUR PICK-UP For Appointment, 764-0006 KEYBOARD CENTER, INC. 21tfn 36 year old male student would like to form an entertaining singing group for fun and profit. Would like to have a total of four or five or six individuals. Male and female to make up the group. Guitars, or other instruments fine. Please con tact Bill Hamilton at 693-2305 any time A.M. or P.M. I have had years at performing with a folk-type group in home town college. It is great fun and can even be very profitable also. 25ts SALES & DEMO Part-time Showing Pianos & Organs Outgoing Personality A Fun Job For Appointment call 764-0006 KEYBOARD CENTER WANTED DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn DANVER’S Now hiring part-time Friday & Saturday 9 p.m.-3 a.m., Saturday & Sunday, 6 a.m.-2 p.m. Come by in person after 2 p.m. 189tfn Cashier/Host, Hostesses, Cooks, Waiters, Waitres ses. Apply between 2-4p.m. in person. HILL’S RESTRALJNT, East 29th at Carter Creek. 27tfi Commercial TEAM CLEANING positions available days, nights and weekends. Above minimum pay. Paid travel and vacation. Flexible hours. Must have car, phone and references. HOME CARE SER- VICES, 846-7759. IStfn Female Bartender, Hostess & Waitresses, SILVER DOLLAR, 846-4691 or 775- 7919. 188tfn Cocktail Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 or 775-7919. ISltfn Students and APARTh/IENT Man- agers, ATTENTION! Still have some openings. Earn top $$’s as your own boss without changing your already heavy schedule. FANTASTIC opportunity!! Need minimum 6 students per student dwelling, (apt., dorms, etc.) Call to day between 1-6p.m. for appoint ment. 846-8068 (If no answer, call 846-2562). 25t5 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION HORSEMEN Saddles & Tack The American Saddlery is overstocked. Must auction approximately 100 western saddles of all kinds, including Circle Y and Tex-Tan saddles with 14”, 15” & 16”'seats Some padded, hand tooled, buckstitched and silver laced. Some plain hard seats. Some children’s saddles. Several full silver show saddles. All adult saddles have a 5 year written guarantee. Partial Tack Listing Circle Y Tack, Sunbeam Clip pers, S.S. Bits, S.S. Spurs, Pads, Wool Blankets, Winter Horse Blankets, Ropes, Bri dles, Silver Headstalls, Silver Show Halters, Halters of All Kinds. Hundreds of items too numerous to list. Tack to be sold individually and in group lots. Inspection Time 6 p.m. Sale Day DEALERS WELCOME TERMS: Cash or Check with Proper I.D. AUCTION: Thurs., Oct. 13-7 p.m. VFW West By-Pass, Bryan Texas Actioneer: F.T. Hutton TXS0541338 Licensed & Bonded ATTENTION ALL LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS Technical writers are wanted by IBM for the spring and summer semesters. This is a CO-OP posi tion in Austin. An IBM representa tive will be interviewing on campus mid-October so call 845-7814 now or come by room 420 Harrington Tower. 28tio PRESBYTERIANS Aggie Supper $1.00 every Wednesday at A&M Church. 301 Church Street, 6p.m. Dorm Scopes! Our high-quality telescopes have the large aperture re quired for long distance views with incredible detail. Com pact, stores easily in your dorm room! Free Literature: ASTRO-TECH, P.O. Box 2001, Ardmore, OK 73402. 2514 WANTED BOWLERS, FIELD GOAL KICK ERS, VOLLEYBALL AND FICK- LEBALL PLAYERSICome to the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle to sign up for your sport(s) today! Entries close Tuesday, October 11 at 7p.m. For more in formation call 845-7826. 27t3 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 itm FIELD GOAL KICKERS! This is your chance to use your “magic” foot! Enter the Intramural FIELD GOAL KICKING CONTEST on Wednesday, October 12 at 7 p.m. on Kyle Field. Entries will be taken at the event site. For more informa tion call 845-7826. 28t3 Babysitter needed for Saturday evenings. Call 775- 4957. 27t3 PERSONALS SPECIAL NOTICE Coors Campus Representative position interviews, October 11, additional information at 779-5215. 26t3 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion pro cedures and referrals—Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (713) 524-0548. 187176 R.I. LOST by Paul Dirmefi REWARD Red and white puppy. No tail. One blue eye. Green and leather collar. Hensel Park Skaggs area, 845- 7559 after 5. 25t5 STOLEN: Girl's 10-speed NISHIKI. Maroon w/ black;grab-ons, seat. No fenders. If seen call: 846- 6930 REWARD. 27t6 FOR RENT 2 bdrm. 1.5 bath duplex. 10 minutes to campus. $350. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775- 5870. 177tfh Four-plex near TAMU C.S.,1 bdrm. $270 a month,water paid,W/D connections, all electric, NO PETS! 2 bdrm. 2 bath $335/mo. M-F. 779-1613 177tfn IMYJ ThATFm CHFU Im5u£ a&aiM today. I Think/'M w Love ! Ikean, why wouldn't shf6-oout With ml? Her 230 pom Fm could pkobabu mil A (DUPLE of keaw, In the end PRACTICALLY NEW 2 bdrm * bath duplex, large living area w/separate di ning room, all kitchen appliances w/ w/d connections. $375/mo., $200 de posit, 2203 Crest St., C.S., 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6 p.m. 696-4384 or 693-4783. 188tfn Marines report wounded during Lebanon cease-fire ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished 1 apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29t»n HOUSES.CONDOS TOWNHOMES DUPLEXES & for rent. Call John, Greg or Rick at 846-5701:846-5196. BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for fall/spring. Call 693- 0261 or come by 700 Dominik in College Station. 183tfn United Press International BEIRUT, Lebanon — Two U.S. Marines were wounded and an American helicopter was hit by gunfire, the Marines re ported Sunday, as Christian militiamen prepared to turn over control of the predomi nantly Moslem Kharoub region to the Lebanese army. THE BATT DOES IT DAILY Monday through Friday SOUTHWEST CROSSING $400 and Up DUPLEXES—NEW ROOMMATE WANTED PRELEASING AVAILABLE 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, w/D connections, major appliances, drapes, fenced yards. Hickory Drive off Southwest Parkway, C.S. JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 Welsh #110, College Station 180 «n FOR SALE New shipment of movie post ers in. Add to your collection. ANN’S ART SHOP, 108 W. 26th St..Bryan, 775-7294, open Saturday 10:00 till 3:00, 10% off to students. 27t5 2 bdrm 2 bath end unit. Blinds, fans, fence, $48,500. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775-5870. I77tfn UNIVERSITY ACRES— $260 and under Country Living—geared to stu dents. 1 and 2 bedroom Duplexes and Fourplexes. Open spaces. Pets welcomed. Owner -maintained grounds. JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 WELSH #110, COLLEGE STATION NEW 2-ST0RY T0WNPLEXES Woodway Village 2 Bedroom, 1V2 bath, W/D connec tions, major appliances included, drapes furnished. $425. CONVENIENT TO TAMU— IN COLLEGE STATION JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 Welsh #110, College Station CALL FOR THIS AD AND OTHER HOUSING 180tfn INFORMATION. Honda CM400E, extremely reliable motorcycle $925, 260-6306, David. 2315 *79 Ford Mustangair/power after 5 p.m 3dr. $1500, 846-9231 Gibson Les Paul guitar with case, excellent condi- tion, call 775-0531. 2415 :)>200 down, 13 miles north of Bryan, 5-10 pretty rolling acres. $500 down, 25 acres. Country Land Company (713) 468-8501 anytime. lt.30 1982 Harley Sportser, beautiful condition, low miles, some extras, Aggie special. Call 775-3712 or 779-7636. 2715 1980 Yamaha QT50, 1 4332 i ok, $175 or best ofler,693- 28t5 ^Toyota '78 Celica ’67 am/ftn stero cassette, sue roof, ■5-speed, exeellant condition, phone 696-3904. 28t5 SERVICES TYPING-Theses, dissertations, reports, resumes, letters, 693-9689, Close to Campus. 24H0 Word processing and typing of reports, dissertations, resumes. EXECUTIVE SERVICES, 696-3785. Typing on word processing equipment. Experi enced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 15158 ON CAMPUS-WORD PROCESSING! Reports, re sumes, dissertations...etc. Afternoons and evenings, 260-2388. 27t5 Spare time typist. Minimum 60wpm, $6.00 per hour, call 775-4957. 27t2 NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 FIRST MONTH FREE WITH 12 MO. LEASE UNIVERSITY PARK Several left. 2 bedroom,1 1/2 bath, fireplace, patio, on shuttle bus route. Call GLENDELLE PROPERTY MANAGMENT 696-8888 or after 6:00 call Bette 696-5634. Fastest typing around. 20 yrs. experience means personalized service. 693-8537, 693- 6483. 13t30 AAA results, quick, accurate. Student or business Call Marilyn, 693-7515. 26tl0 Professional home cleaning including windows. Ex perienced, references. One-time or regular sche- dule. 696-8832. 26t5 EDITING. Term papers, theses, dissertations, slide presentations Professional experience. Aaron: 693- 5922 5:00 to 7:00p.m. 26t8 Word Processing — All papers, student discount, pickup and delivery — 589-2697 (after 5). 14t20 TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays' on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 100 W. Brookside 846-5794 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. iotfn SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms avail able for immediate occupan cy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SER VICES 696-9550 Resumes, Reports, Letters, Theses, Dissertations, Etc. We will beat the price of any word processing service in town. 18tl5 FOUND FOUND: HP 41CV calculator, owner’s initials J.J Contact Steve Rutz, 260-5267. 24(5 FREE RENT! Dorm Room Crowded? Apartment Crowded? Tired of your roommates? Free apartments for the fall if you rent now for the spring. (Limited number available) A&M students only. FOR DETAILS COME BY COURTYARD APARTMENTS 600 University Oaks College Station 693-2772 At the same time, the state- run Beirut radio said U.S. pres idential envoy Robert McFar- lane met with Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Addam in Damascus in his search for a peaceful settlement among Lebanon’s warring factions. McFarlane was seeking Syria’s approval of a reported agreement to get Greek and Ita lian observers to monitor the truce. Syria has objected to Un ited Nations observers. McFarlane’s meeting came a day after President Reagan re vealed the Soviet Union had sent Syria new SS-21 battlefield mis siles capable of hitting targets in Israel and U.S. warships off the Lebanese coast. The wounded Marines were the first American casualties since the cease-fire took effect Sept. 26. Marine spokesman Warrant Officer Charles Rowe said they were slightly injured during a breach of the cease-fire Saturday in the foothills of the Shouf mountains. The Marines, whose identi ties were not released, returned to duty after medical treatment, Rowe said. One of them was hit in the foot and the other in the shoulder. Between the outbreak of fighting Aug. 28 and the cease fire Sept. 26, four marines were killed and 35 wounded. Pre viously 1 1 American peace keepers were wounded in acci dents and attacks. Rowe also reported sporadic small arms attacks Sunday on the Lebanese University where Marines man a peace-keeping post with Lebanese army troops. He said a CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter, which is nicknamed Female roomate needed. Village on the Creek Con dos 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath $250 per month plus 1/2 utilities,846-9427. 28tlQ Teachers still striking; Chicago schools closed United Press International Teachers and the Chicago Board of Education entered a fresh round of contract negotia tions Sunday to try to end a week-old strike, and Oakland, Calif., teachers voted on a new pact that would give them a 14 percent raise. In Oakland, teachers were at one scat- an two. ( Texas A& Jlegiate sta iwn passes t s as the rej B past the tv lUgars, 30-’ The quick prth Dallas A&M’s qua “Frog,” was hit by a bullthffirformar making a landing at theG|f ,yards air landing zone at the 1 fterreplacir University. ibofA&M' The crew did not set y was finalh the shot was fired fro!t|stuff as a s could not tell whetheriu e call with j berately aimed at the hefclp knew if Rowe said. ill, good tl The helicopter was m) riouslv damaged and com its mission, transpot:| Marines to the main ( by Beirut InternationalaiijM few miles away, RowesaiiB^^^ ^ Beirut radio said theCiii Cl ^ ian Phalange militia ape| ■ evacuate the Kharoub r:*l w hich makes up the sc. | byjof i idges of the Shouf tnoiir|:j. Bait south of Beirut, as well Prior to Sa stretch of coastal highua, ver the Hi area, and turn itovertoikinething w ernment’s “internal sei.pxas A&M’s forces.” Whe rum H, the pas Instent anc ■es lost tl fi games. But if the A ie|Coogs Sa ration, that i la 6-2, 1< feed quarte alias High expected to overwhekfein Murray approve a new two-yearcotj Murray calling for a 14 percent Sunday with Some2,000ofthesystem>:} ss es while teachers were on strike forlftbalance \ days. Substitute teacherclfey' That s] over during the walkout. iac i' Jackie pt gives the Both sides in theChicajijreat while pule agreed they wantfim. reopen schools Tuesday,*:“He (Mum meant a settlement wouldtprill said. “ to he reached by Mom awful lot However, bargainers wereS’s going to hopeful they could cornel her teams tc agreement in 24 hours. And that s le. The week-long strike hi “As long as cago’s 27,000 teachers«job and I 11,000 other board eraplo®, I’ll be has kept 424,000 studenlsoiffl “I was a class in the nation’s thirdkliyvbut once school district. gfed to con As the strike dragged h pretty goc more and more parentsT‘We’ve b officials and education esidfensively all worried about the affect o walkout on the city’s! The students were cerned. “1 know that the city hasl| I taking money from# (teachers) and not givinH T' back,” wrote 12-year-old (F* Hughes, while attending alternative school on thee West Side. “So I’m telkj to get a United Pres , IRVING — city Hurry up and pav* havewon teachers so we can getsome^ T, minu cation. ,|Bt it has sort Contract talks recessed, lace Bu| day. Union and boar id themse tiators spent the weekenl un f orl separate caucuses on the is® deserved which primarily indudedijg 1 j am p a j raises and concessions, j ave g r0 wn us Throughout the strike, “f^rnust cert; leaders balked at discussinffej 0 f an over ] cessions in benefits the hL un [ )eaten said were necessary to fc, ow j t a g a pay hike. * Save 20 - 50% on Long Distance CALL STAR TEL TODAY Get the facts - then decide 779-2830 1313 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Texas Is, 27-24. If And the C re day they h lie comeback juarterback Ri First of all, 1 i2-yard touch Btiny White >me with just < ’egulation to nto overtime. And then R |o chances to teld goal and r tecond try fre 1:38 deep in tl Despite bei 185 yards, the fcrgeofat leasi or their reco «teek ago. , And, as he 1 |tely, Dallas cc p at a loss to tome.