The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1983, Image 16
oogsi exciter by John P photo by Juk Bat is practicing once a week for the intramural games which are to begin upcoming soon. Battalion Picture this — 1 ng on a psycht illing his guts a |ouston Cougars He tells his ana tneCoogs rolled u total offense agt lost 15-14. T would discuss Hoi ly amount of of Baylor last week - scratch his head psychologist, “but It 42-21.” lAnd before ■lished scribblin] Yeoman wou I at although the tie7th leading ru: ton in Donald louston is in the t< e production, tl paltry record o iar. Of course, Yeo hasn’t seen a shri ■ouston’s trouble but the veteran c wondering why |repower hasn’t yi Ijecord. I But if Yeom; In cathedral’s shadow NEVCRT NrVERAGAl* ° FRI 7:20 9:50 SAT/SUN 2:00 4:40 7:20 9:50 J RETURN OF 2; THE iJEDI SKYWAY TWIN 2000 E. 29th 822-3300 MORTUARY HELL NIGHT WAR GAMES THE SURVIVORS FRI 7:25 9:40 SAT/SUN 2:40 5:00 7:25 9:40 THE MAN J, FROM ♦ SNOWY RIVER t SATURDAY RUDDER THEATRE MIDNIGHT Fri MIDNIGHT Sat * PINK FLOYD: THE WALlJ OCTOPUSSY X * * * EL REY DE LOS CAMINOS + * HIJA DE NADIE £ From Italy... LAVVENTURA Catholic cardinal dies Jswer to the Coog K needs to do is gr gfat sheet and look nat says, “fumbl has lost the ball 2t ’em, 26. i; Yeoman undoi to eliminate those the Cougars enter like on Texas A& PALACE 105 S. MAIN 822-5811 PERDON DE LA ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★•A* SUNDAY RUDDER THEATRE 7:30 p.m. $1.50 with TAMU I.D. Advance tickets available at MSC Box Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 Also 45 minutes before showtime. United Press International NEW YORK — Cardinal Ter ence J. Cooke, spiritual leader of nearly 4 million Roman Catho lics and American head of the church’s anti-abortion battle, died Thursday of leukemia in the shadow of his beloved St. Patrick’s Cathedral. ter Finn said in a formal announcement. Finn, spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York, said Cooke “died peacefully in the shadow of his beloved Cathedral of St. Patrick.” A letter from Cooke conde mning abortion and mercy kill ing is scheduled to be read in the archdiocese’s churches Sunday. Take A Good Look Us Over! YOUR LOCAL The 62-year-old cardinal, who had been archbishop of New York for 15 years, died 41 days after it was announced he was terminally ill and two days after he suffered a serious set back. Cooke, confined to his offi cial residence behind the cathedral since it was announced Aug. 26 he was ter minally ill, was spiritual leader of 1.8 million Catholics in the archdiocese. The archdiocese’s Board of Consulators set a meeting to choose an administrator to run the 175-year-old archdiocese successor. Fully Air Conditioned! LAUNDRY Wash-Dry & Fold/7 Days/Wk Attendants on Duty 8:OOAM-9:OOPM Dry Cleaning Pick-up 7 Days/Wk, 8AM-9PM 55 Washers 8c 27 Big Double Load Dryers Double Load Washers Huge 35 lb. Washers (Good tor blankets, sleeping bags, etc) Open 24 Hours Per Day Back to School Special When you wash - present coupon SO£ FREE DRY 50£ FREE DRY PRESENT TO ATTENDANT AFTER WASHING CLOTHES Good only SAM to 8 PM LAUNDRY COUPON GOOD WITH WASH - DRY 8c FOLD ORDERS SO£ MAX 3702 S. COLLEGE AVE. BRYAN 846-2872 LIMIT - ONE COUPON PER DAY VOID AFTER OCTOBER 16, 1983 “Terence Cardinal Cooke, tenth bishop, seventh archbishop, fifth cardinal of the See of New York and vicar to military service, Veterans Admi nistration hospitals and govern ment service overseas, com pleted his work on earth and was called home by Almighty Cod to heaven this morning, Oct. 6, 1983, at 4:45 a.m.,” the Rev. Pe- As military vicar, Cooke also was in charge of 2.1 million Catholics in the U.S. military in the country and abroad. Cooke was the American leader of the church’s fight against abortion, pressing for legislation to ban the practice and serving for 10 years as chair man of the National Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Committee for Pro-Life Activities. Sept. 25, said, “all of Ameriol “There is nothii saddened by the loss of CarJr| Ur runners,” Yeoi Cooke, a saintly nianandagif ehav e to do is get spiritual leader." i ere and stick it i Reagan said the carfckalright. We have “bore his suffering in imitaiiffltttle bit more c; of his savior.” -wdi.” Pope John Paul, #1 B ut fumbles, \ / announced Cooke’sdeathtolBep t the only t until Pope John Paul II picks a liishops attending a synodal Su^ng the Cougai Vatican, said he joined allS*.; h sabout time 1 Yorkers in praying for and g et a little dinal. ' f e sai d regarding “I thank God for hisd£ m husiasm on the rated ministry and praythai J Ust g 0 ' n g to have example of his devotionto® ore en thusiasm a church may inspire the fail for years to come,” the said. Mayor Edward Kochordti city flags flown at half staff a the Fire Department paid ad cial tribute by ringing the5f| “Terrence Cardinal Cooke . . . completed his work on earth and was called home by Almighty God to heaven... ” tack.” Yeoman al|o sa expect the Aggies after starting out \ cord. I “I’m sure A&M selves back togetht Manor East 3 Theatres Midnight Show Fri. Sat. Sun. All Seats $2 An all time action high. PG MGM/UA f ® C '*« OANJAO PINK FLOYD THE WALL COLOR IT TERRIFIC!” GUY F L ATeev. COSMOPOLifANi: r i mW. t i , s / [g®. 'V- musc avaiiAat on . ] ' ■ww I rq , •• ‘AH:. J rN-H+T4iKVf¥rc< 5 alarm on bells in firehoiisIL Lougat lullb; The cardinal’s body will lie in signal reserved forthedealt|ff v ,f ^g™- 6 • repose at the cathedral through- firefighter in the line of do®. . e >. a . Ve to ^ out the weekend, beginning Fri- Monsignor Joseph u . s ’ o v e sai day night, Finn said. A funeral chancellor of the archdixll P a ][ a ”? 01 / mass is set for 2 p.m. Monday, was praying at Cooke’sbedd ° me followed by his interment in the when he died, Finn said . i R V Cooke had received have a d Lf feren t motherapy and blood tratf sions for eight years for cal Should the Hoi of the lymph system, bmjthe Aggies, Yeom condition became terminaljCougar defense wil a recent onset of leukemia do with the win. archbishops’ crypt beneath the main altar. President Reagan, who consi dered Cooke a friend and visited the ailing prelate with his wife PUSH SAT/SUN DISC 1st 30 MINS 1st SHOW FRI STUDENT DISC WITH ID - Post Oak Mall 500 Harv * Y 111,1111 m WEEKNITES 8:00 SAT/SUN 12:00 4:00-8:00 DOUBLE FEATURE WEEKNITES:' SAT/SUN 2:00 6:00-10:00 ‘MONTY PYTHON’S THE MEANING OF LIFE’ <R) “MONTY PYTHON LIVE AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL” Sat/Sun 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00-9:00 WALT DISNEY'S w> SmwtOhilp - andthr Srt*n Dwarfs IS © f.O(>uoloNl iN,V -Plus-Featuretle “BEN and ME”(G) WEEKNITE TIMES: 7:00-9:00 WEEKNITES: 7:45 - 9:45 HELD OVER TOM CRUISE SAT/SUN 1:45-3:45 REBECCA DE MORNAY 5:45-7:45-9:45 THE ADVENTURES OF A MODEL SON Q H CINEMA MMII Skaggs center 3is toiiei. > 846-6714 j SAT/SUN: 2:00-4:00-6:00-8:00-16:00 WEEKNITES: 8:00- 10:00 2ND WEEK WOODY ALLEN MIA FARROW 2kligl WEEKNITES: 7:30-9:30 SAT/SUN: 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 Auf/C COMEDY |POf-£S>:., A UNITED ARTISTS/ TAFT ENTERTAINMENT PICTURE ivS/UA a) © wm i mthuktistmxiiip rJlYr.llllrn WEEKNITES: 7:45-9:45 SAT/SUN 1:45-3:45-5:45-7:45-9:45 A UNIVERSAL PICTURE 1 “We’re not honi Tootball and getting licks,’’ he said. “Notl me more than anyth if you don’t play c just can’t play. Ther in my mind our d< and linebackers a have to play harder The Aggi DC \ KTAM MIDNIGHT SHOW-PLITT CINEMA SKAGGS CENTER 12M ■ SHAME OF THE JUNGLE" (Rl Belushi-AcKroyd ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW" (R) Well,tf freshmi yoursel Seni lor p