The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 05, 1983, Image 7
Wednesday, October 5,1983/The Battalion/Page 7 Officer recruitments reach Air Force goal photo by Donn Friedman 'SM Saiig the C. ;en rm; d chaim and it it enter it a “soi rygoa siness I adul 10-year Even though it is now officially fall, it is study outside. Mitchell, a junior still warm enough for Elizabeth Mitchell to management major, is studying math. Bomb search on Continental Flight forced down early United Press International SAN ANTONIO — For the first time since the draft ended in 1973, the U.S. Air Force met 100 percent of its officer recruit ing goals this year, officials said Tuesday. Charles Chandler, a spokes man at the Air Force Recruiting Service headquarters at Ran dolph Air Force Base, credited military incentive programs for the success in recruiting en gineers and medical personnel. College graduates entering Officer Training School at Lack- land Air Force Base numbered 3,161, while an additional 812 health care professionals re ceived direct commissions into the Air Force Medical Service, for a total of 3,973 officer re cruits, he said. “We got as many as the Air Force needed,” Chandler said, adding that officer recruiting goals had not been met since the all-volunteer force began 10 years ago. Traditionally, the military has had difficulty in recruiting physicians and engineers as officers, but little difficulty in re cruiting enlisted personnel. “These particular specialists are highly paid professionals and we have not been competi tive enough to recruit these indi viduals,” Chandler said. But this year, sufficient num bers were attracted to the Air Force by several incentive prog rams, including the enlistment of college engineering seniors, sending engineering graduates back to school for advanced de grees, and sponsoring graduates with math and science back grounds for additional study to earn engineering degrees. Other programs for physi cians have allowed the Air Force to “grow our own doctors,” Chandler said. In all, almost 68,000 people joined the Air Force in 1983, in cluding 60,500 enlisted with no prior military service, and about 3,000 enlisted with prior milit ary service. Only in 1979 did the Air Force fail to recruit its desired goal of enlisted personnel, he said. WORSHIP SERVICE Some people prefer to hide their heads in the sand and pretend that things are all right as they are. WE ARE NOT FOR PEOPLE LIKE THAT! 9:15 & 10:45 A:M. FELLOW SHIP SUPPER 6 P.M. WEDNES DAY EVENING CANDLE LIGHT COM MUNION 10 P.M. But if you know 7 that things are not as they should be and if you would like to catch a vision of what can be ... if you want to hold your head high and look to the heavens, in other words ... WE ARE FOR YOU!!! University Lutheran Chapel 3f5 N. College Main Hubert Beck, Pastor 846-6687 United Press International EL PASO — Continental Air- nes Flight 57 from Houston to ,os Angeles was forced to make n unscheduled landing in El aso late Tuesday because of a omb threat, an airline spokes- aan said. Continental spokesman ruce Hicks in Houston con- irmed that the Boeing 727 S < anded at El Paso for a bomb earch after ground control re- ^ jyed notice of a telephone (treat to the pilot by radio. The plane, which took off rom Houston about 3:20, land- daway from the terminal at El aso International Airport ab ut 5 p.m. The 111 passengers were urried off the airplane tildhood hrough the rear exit and taken lism aildMothe terminal in cars and vans. Passenger Kevin Narrow- nore said the flight crew told lassengers to identify their lug- age and said dogs were being irought aboard to sniff for childraMombs. "The minute I saw the men in stry lia sbestos suits helping us off the W irplane, I knew it was a bomb care,” said Narrowmore, a film nes andj roducer who has been through crash and a bomb scare aboard irplanes before. “They got all the passengers ff and about 200 feet away rom the plane. Then the cap- in came out and talked to the passengers. The pilot said the : P 1 FBI had been called and FBI bomb dogs would be called in to try to sniff out the bomb,’’Nar rowmore said. Continental has been in volved in a labor dispute with pilots, flight attendants and mechanics and recently filed for bankruptcy reorganization to cut labor costs, but officials dis counted the possibility of any connection. “We have no reason to believe it has any connection with the strike,” Hicks said. Narrowmore said the crew handled the situation smoothly. “They handled it well,” Nar rowmore said. “The whole crew was grumpy to begin with, bags under their eyes, the whole bit, but they handled it well.” said there was a bomb on flight 57.” The calls were made to Los Angeles Air Traffic Control and to Continental reservations, Hicks said. Ken’s Automotive Hicks said two calls were made by a male voice who “just Courtea Behind Ramada Inn 846-2924 For the Cut That Falls Into Place Naturally Full Salon Service for Men and Women (0 o. a> DC 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 “A Complete Automotive Service Center” • Tune-Ups ^ , • Clutches * Brakes • Front End Parts Replacement • Standard Transmission Repairs t C o 3 "O £ <D > Don’t let the rest of the Semester go to waist! STAY IN SHAPE THE REST OF THE SEMESTER FOR ONLY $45 at BODY DYNAMICS All American Cars Datsun-Honda Toyota a <D ■o 0) Classes 7 days a week. Exercise as often as you like 10% Discount with Student I.D. 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