The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 04, 1983, Image 11
Tuesday, October 4,1983/The Battalion/Page 11 Copyright © 1983 Texas Instruments Incorporated 111 wagner >y hum ormanci ill? y’s saving for sure, Noil s at ‘>*s Monday proj nlay before decidLl iv (Kevin, the chalfcf i gars. iiest-to-goodnessquar.l Aggieland since ToJ HO- Mosley's quick fee| ilson’s doghouse, andf n State sealed Mosley^ anked him in favi ■’ headlines back i dial's becoming a ran| end. ir was expected toleail| dugs —a Moses inti n predictions of Aggil like so many scoring and a 1-3 record. " Mazur’s own immobi-1 ■aching their potential,| Oklahoma State: 2Ci| ech: 130 yards of total | i able to generate yat- ic Aggies need a pan-1 ■y alive? Are you sure I i in the last twogametl lazur with Murrayhai| ■liter — and howlonjl t town. Mazur? Sherrill woni| y mind," Sherrill t » our offense the mosl| ■s need to decide on i| tad his problems, I scoreboard. If you’rtl ft John Elkins, Crai{| ly, also? at forbids pullingyourl to bad feelings, name-[ reactions, pe of relief pitcher- l out. I up? Please? jower \ggi& any lat lyoull \em -oubkl i Terr Ted y . “Texas playea r said. "They did a better than we Jo >uld - especially I Texas Instruments to launch 3-day job blitz Oct* 4, Memorial Student Center* TPs technical managers want to see you. They want to tell you about the job opportunities in the many technologies which make Texas Instruments a leader in electronics. They want you to make your career with TL That’s why 71 is blitzing the Texas A<ScM campus October 4th through the 6th. It gives the company three days to bring in dozens of key engineers and managers to meet you. They’ll come from T1 labs and sites in all parts of Texas: to describe pn> grams, answer questions, interview, and invite you to their facilities. / If you’re a top student, particularly in EE Computer Science, this is an event you won’t want to miss. or TALK TO FIVE PRODUCT & SERVICE GROUPS. Equipment Group — state-of-the-art government electronics including very high-speed integrated circuits, electro optics, radar and digital systems, missile guidance systems, and RF/Microwave systems in both design and production. L/.S. Citizenship required. Semiconductor Group — world’s leading supplier of semi-conductor com ponents, materials and technology. Informations Systems & Services — state-of-the-art computer systems and ser vices to TPs worldwide operations. Corporate R&D — pioneering the technologies required by present and future business opportunities. Corporate Facilities — responsible for layout, engineering and designing the buildings and facilities systems necessary for manufacturing and testing TI products. T • MBA with technical under graduate degree (Semiconductor Sales ONLY) NOTE: Persons majoring in a degree with at least 18 hours of computer science will be eligible to interview with the Information Systems and Services Group (IS&S). its to »>■■'•■ 17 It 18 12 19 13 14 21 26 27 15 22 29 3 booi , | ^edlS'J SIGN UP FOR INTERVIEWS IF YOU ARE GRADUATING IN DEC. OR MAY Bachelor’s master’s or PhD degrees in: • Electrical Engineering • Computer Engineering • Computer Science • Aeronautical Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Industrial Jmgineering* • Electrical Engineering Technology* • Manufacturing Technology* • Physics (Engineering and Solid- state) • Material Science • Information Systems *Only for production engineering such as manufacturing and quality assurance. Texas Instruments Creating useful products and services for you. • Briefing and sign-ups for inter views 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., October 4 at Memorial Student Center, Room 224. • Interviews (by appointment) Oct 5 and 6. Invitations for plant visits will be extended on those days as appropriate. Candidates must be registered with the Placement Office. See you on October 4th. Bring your Texas A&M data sheet. NO BID REQUIRED. Because Texas Instruments will bring enough interviewers to accommodate all qualified applicants, you can inter view without using your placement office bid priority. An equal opportunity employer, m/f