The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1983, Image 9
riday, September 16, 1983/The Battalion/Page 9 sale n Sept. 25 at tie will be provided today andallnal offered >n Heart Associa resuscitation and .■xt week. No pro- e courses and I* fig sessions. Ttin wn, and Sept. 2) is 50 cents for tie ; Women’s Club, groups are wcl- the first of tie tion at 693-6454. iervices Division ieials $10.80 p 2, ext. 323. at ion •evelopment, an to help students man's impacton ugh the Wilder- ting a four-week rd Program will ecreation Coin ring the year- members. It is ence is needed. ; in the Student ae Battalion oflio Oman ets life n jail United Press international ROWNSVILLE — District ;e Darrell Hester Thursday eneed a weeping Sherry Wolf fe in prison for the murder of ex-husband, who tape- rded his own death throes. Staton and his fiancee, cia Castro, both 27, were iked at a farmhouse near La a on July 16, 1982, when Sta- arrived to visit his daughter, anie, over whose custody he fighting with Mrs. Wolf. taton was beaten to death with m bar and Castro was beaten a hammer and later shot in head with a shotgun, aeeord- to key state witness Glenn derson, who pleaded guilty was sentenced to life in sun. drs. Wolfs current husband. 21, was convicted by a jury astro’s death and pleaded guil- Staton’s killing. Hester sent- d Wolf to a second life sent- after the guilty plea. Irs. Wolf, 21, collapsed into arms ot her attorney when the convicted her July 29. court spokesman said Mrs. 'wept during her sentencing morning. She was taken to jail wait transfer to the state tentiary. realise of the court fight with Wolfs, who did not want him t his 2-year-old daughter, had concealed a tape recor- on his body. osecutors played the tape fraltimes in both Wolfs' trials, ealed the sickening sounds of fbeingpummeled into uncon- isness and choking on his own das he lay dying in the trunk scar. The tape also recorded pnd of the shotgun blast that d Castro after she was iped in a canal. enderson testified that the i planned the killings and to dispose of the bodies a kbefore Staton and Castro ar bor the visit with Melanie. tesource roposal lay pass 11 United Press International Washington — .Six states share an $11 million annual arch grant from the federal mment to study water con ation in the Ogallala Aquifer if |gress accepts a proposal wed by a Senate subcom- mtz said she sa« they appeared^ I pen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., a scuffle” wheat Sponsored the amendment to jpen windowaiitl | Omnibus Water Resouces ating on the side*) IW the money was needed to .arch ways to reverse the “se- trend of depletion of the to me like they 1 d the woman, idewalk outsidt ROCLAIMED The amendment, adopted litesday by the Water Re- res Subcommittee of the Sen- Environment and Public ks Committee, would estab- a High Plains Study Council posed of the governors of ;s served by the Ogallala and Isentatives of the U.S. Agri- are and Interior departments, (also would set up state coul ees to oversee in-state re- ch and award grants to col ls for studies of water conser- on and supplies. he $11 million annual grant 1 be equally divided among Mexico and the five other b Plains stales served by the llalaAquifer — Texas, Colota- k Oklahoma, Nebraska and Big Bird’ sightings reported in Valley United Press International LOS FRESNOS — In a report reminiscent of the “big bird sightings in 1975-76 in the Rio Grande Valley, an ambulance driver reported he saw a bird-like object “at least the width of an ambulance’’ and 8 to 10 feet long glide across a highway. James Thompson, an Emergency Medical Services technician in Harlingen, said he spied the mystery bird about 3:55 p.m. Wednesday about 4 miles east of Los Fresnos as he returned from having his ambulance in spected at South Padre Island. “I expected him to land like a model airplane. That’s what I thought he was, hut he flapped his wings enough to get above the grass,” Thompson told The Valley Morning Star. He estimated the creature’s wing span at 5 to 6 feet. “It had (a) black or grayish (col or and) rough texture. It wasn’t feathers. I'm quite sure it was a hide-type covering. I just watched him fly away, the medical techni cian said. During late 1975 and early 1976, from the Valley to Robstown and San Antonio, several people reported seeing a large bird glid ing through the air. Men at Eagle Pass and Raymondville even re ported they were attacked by bat- like creatures, hut police dis counted the reports as a mixture of alcohol and Mexican folklore. Thompson said its head had a hump on the hack and that the creature had “almost no neck at all and “something like a peli can s pouch. The art of pigging out Deborah kahil, left, a senior elemetary education major, and Susan Charanza, an agricultural economies major, pig out on banana splits by the Academic Building. Both are from Bryan. Airline asks workers to accept pay cuts United Press International HOUSTON — Continental Air lines has asked employees to accept a new cost restructuring plan that includes wage and be nefit reductions and an employee stock ownership option designed to ensure the company’s survival. Continental Chairman Frank Lorenzo, concerned with an $84 million loss during the first half of this year, proceeded by annual losses of $54 million in 1982 apd $60 million in 1981, revealed a plan aimed at saving the airline $150 million a year Employees are being pre sented with a plan that makes a very sharp change in their com pensation and productivity levels, Lorenzo said in a state ment Wednesday. “Therefore, we believe those employees should share signifi cantly in the ownership of the company in order to participate with other investors in the re wards that come with a competi tive cost structure, ” Lorenzo said. 1 The proposed plan offers em ployees a stock bonus feature in volving four million shares of Con tinental common stock and the op tion to purchase eight million shares of the airline’s common stock at 85 percent of the market price at the time the plan is im plemented, said Continental spokesman Bruce Hicks. If the plan is approved. Con tinental would become the largest employee-owned airline in the world with employees owning up to 35 percent of the company’s common stock, Lorenzo said. Lorenzo said employees would receive 25 percent of the com pany’s profits. Hicks said about 5,000 of the company s 12,000 employees, mostly non-union ticket agents and clerical workers, have approved the stock option plan. Pilots and flight attendants are ex pected to vote on the measure within a w'eek. The airline s economic plan in cludes an estimated annual sav ings of $20 million from workers belonging to the International Association of Machinists, which struck the airline Aug. 13 in a dis pute over wages and work rules. “Most of the $20 million in IAM savings has been achieved as a re sult of the new IAM wage and be nefit policy implemented last month after a strike by IAM em ployees,” an airline statement said. 4 3 2 for X for 1 for 1 p.m. DRINKS 4 DRINKS 5 p.m.-6 p.m DRINKS 6 P .m. 7 p.m OPEN BAR 7*10 p.m. for more info r Beautiful Roses Red - Yellow - Pink $050 3 Per Dozen Available For Pick-up between 3 and 8 p.m. Fri. Sept. 16 @ Davis-Gary Dorm Room 304 THE DIXIE ROSE CO. No Phone Orders in Advance First Come, First Serve 300 Dozen While They Last!!! ^ v ^ ARKANSAS «.«> vvWV^ STATEI Van Eli's Falling For Flats It's an “anything goes" season. High heels. Mid heels. And flat heels. Definitely flat heels. VAN Ell's Italian loafers have a marvelous fit and feel. In brown or wine calfskin. Slim, Narrow, Medium Widths. $64 5&/k Skm SHOE FITTERS SINCE 1934 CULPEPPER PLAZA Charge it on Lewis' Charge, Mastercard, Visa, or American Express J Doesn't that beautiful mind of yours deserve a beautiful body? While you're busy shaping your mind... don’t forget to shape your body!! • Classes 7 days a week • Morning, afternoon^ evening classes • Exercise as often as you like, whenever you like • 4 levels of classes: beginner, advanced beginner, intermediate & advanced • No contracts, no initiation fees • Convenient location • convenient price Exercise all semester long for only *69 00 ! (Monthly rates also available) At BODY DYIMA/y\ICS college Station’s Most Exciting Exercise Studio BODY DYNA/VMCS At Body Dynamics, we make college 900 HARVEY RD. IN THE POST OAK VILLAGE ' 696-7180 a shaping experience! XY 9:30am 16: DAYS 7:30pffi HRIST tamant Church 1 FREE SERVICE CHARGE WE CAN HELP CHECKING FOR FACULTY & STAFF WITH DIRECT l jfnwe'iditu DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS IN NATIONAL BANK J 711 University Drive GOOD STANDING. 1 Cullug’u SlitUun, TuxHy 846-8751 MEMBER FDIC