The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1983, Image 8
liday, Septem Page 8/The Battalion/Friday, September 16, 1983 Storewide Clothing CLEARANCE Wrangler 4 Days Only! Super Savings Men’s Jeans Ely de%ee Painter’s Pants Your Choice! wrangler Putter Pants / Values to 16.99! Your choice of these 3 items for 6.99. Includes Wrangler Men’s Western Cut Straight Leg jeans, popular white painter’s pants or Wrangler’s casual putter pants. cduAge Ladies’ Fashion T-Shirts 99 Super Value! Cool cotton comfort in four styles. A variety of colors. SPmo'ivg Men’s Baseball & Sport Shirts 99 DElfeEE Values to $10! Ladies’ Walk Shorts 0gg A$14Value! Your choice of crewneck or snap collar. Machine washable cotton. Values to $10! OSPaldiimG ◦didas ^ Men’s & Ladies’ Running Shirts 99 odidas Men ’ s & Ladies’ Sport Shorts Values to $7! A huge selection of twill and knit shorts including Adidas Mexico Shorts. Popular running tops in nylon or nylon with a polyester mesh body Accent stripes. Values to $7! Sandpip&i Ladies’ Fashion Swimwear Y'f Y%g* JLJCrw Misses Stretch Denims Values to $20! Many popularstyles in multi-colored stripes, prints & solids. Academy Reg. Low Price...19.99 Academy Reg. Low Price...24.99 In popular ESP stretch denim. Regular & petite sizes. /i Junior Size Denims ad Idas OSTaloinQ Men’s Sport Shorts Entire Stock! mm Originally 9.99 U U Academy Reg. Low Price...24.99 Values to $10! Store Address: 1420 Texas Ave. S. College Station Phone: 696-5305 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed On Everything We Sell Store Hours: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Saturday Prices Good Through Sept. 20 I J ^ L MM M a *// Vom ets l i jail Around town United Press Interi R0WNSVILLE ;e Darrell Hesti enced a weeping fe in prison for th ex-husband, rded his own dea Class of 86 picnic tickets on sale The Class of ’86 is sponsoring a picnic on Sept. 25 at tke Grove, from 4 to 6 p. in. Music, food and games will be provitlctl Tickets are on sale in the main hall of the MSC today and all not week for $3. Staton and bia Castro, botl fed at a farm ho i a on July 16, 1982 arrived to visit hi anie, over whose lighting with Mrs Free CPR certification class offered taton was beaten t jn bar and Castro a hammer and 1 head with a shotg to key state wit derson, who pie was senteneed The American Red Cross and the American Heart Associa tion will offer classes in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and Heimlich maneuver emergency procedures next week. Nopro- fessional health training is needed to take the courses and lx certified in these life-saving techniques. The classes consist of two three-hour training sessions. The) will be held Sept. 19 and 21 from 9 a.m. to noon, and SeptJ and 22 from 7 p. m. to 10 p.m. The only charge is 50 cents forth instruction booklet. Classes will be held at the Women’s Club, 1200 Carter Creek Parkway. Individuals and groups are web come, but participants must register Ixeforc the first of the sessions by calling the American Heart Association at 693-M>l drs Wolf’s currei i, 21, was convictt astro's death and p Staton’s killing. 1 d Wolf to a secoi after the guilts j Irs. Wolf, 21, col inns of her attonu convieted her Jul court spokesman wept during her morning. She was iwait transfer to tentiary. City needs basketball officials The Bryan Recreation Programming and Services Division needs basketball officials. They will pay officials $10.80 per game. Anyone interested should call 779-5622, ext. 323. ‘cause of the coin Ms, who did m: isit his 2-year-olci had concealed a his body. WILD program offers certification The Wilderness Institute for Leadership Development, an outdoors leadership training program designed to help students safely enjoy wilderness areas and to minimize man’s impact on these areas, offers leadership certification through the Wilder ness Education Association. In the WILD program, participants completing a four-weeli expedition as specified by the National Standard Program will be certified as an outdoor leader. Established in 1982 by the MSC Outdoor Recreation Com mittee, the WILD program meets regularly during the year- offering speakers, films, trips and classes to its members. It is open to anyone interested; no previous experience is needed Applications and more information are available in the Studenl Programs Office, 216 MSC. bsecutors played bl times in both V aled the sicken ii: fbeing pommeled isness anil choking I as he las dying i car. The tape als ound of tire shotgu Castro after ped in a canal. enderson testifiec |fs planned the k to dispose of tin kbefore Staton am ill lor the visit with To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalionoflici in 216 Reed McDonald. lesour ropos fay pf Men injured in 2-story fall I United Press Interna Iashincton — I share an $11 mill: arch grant from t imment to study t ation in the Ogallah grass accepts a ed bv a Senati United Press International BOISE — Two men who fell from the second-story window of a downtown hotel remained in cri tical condition early Wednesday at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. Alvin Dean Booth, 23, Wichita Falls, and John Reese Hendrick son, 45, Boise, tumbled 25 feet from a window of the Olympic Hotel late Tuesday. Cindy Rapatz said she incident, and they appean said “embraced in a scuffle” whent fell from the open window di a flat metal grating on thesidem below. “It looked to me like thev*? fighting,” said the woman, was on the sidewalk outside 1 hotel. en. Pete Domeniei | sponsored the ame Omnibus Water (said the money was arch ways to rever: s trend of depleti Tin GOSPEL MEETING COME AND HEAR THE WORD OF GOD PROCLAIMED BY ARDIE BROWN of Port Neches, Texas amendment, lesday by the \ ces Subcommittee - Environment an Is Committee, wo a High Plains Stuc iposed of the gov es served by the Oj resentatives of the are and Interior dej (alsowould set up lees to oversee ir th and award grai is for studies of wat an and supplies, he $11 million am B be-equally divic r Mexico and the. h Plains stales serv illala Aquifer—Tex: h Oklahoma, Nebi SEPTEMBER 18-23 SUNDAY 9:30am 16: WEEKDAYS 7:30pm TWIN CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST A Local Congregation ot the Original New Taatamant Churcli 3610 PLAINSMAN Bryan, Texas