The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1983, Image 5
m rms ible t'cause of the high* tudents who remain . He said thenumbo udents who stayed decreased t < another reason fori apartment I College Station doen ep students on cani|* Stoup, staff assistanll ; services, said, inents are havingpm vhich attract potai pus residents, Midi University has la myg to keep studenln for the pastfrveyean! nyj the residence hi said, spend about 51 mi mor on painting,taif niture repair am rnt,’’ M mray said, iO vacancies are inn rms and range in pa 13 to $778 persemerla iKilslc to reserveaspi pring all students na room by Oct. 1 lore information ab ms housing contarttlr office in 101 YMCi ace ay rform around i today between ] pin. rot really the indep were ce of the revolution, he public relations! .'AMAC, said. "Thet and lndians)firstdfl t against the > around 11 p.m.oi . and they declared lencc the next day ■volution was first liguel Hidalgo. 1 lence from the S] Iv achieved ed Saturday, spirit line is nbers though, bu be a part of,’Ron ft e Hall Association I aiw Hall, said, rone is encouftf Clark Street in W 1 at 4 p.m. on Sal tly before the ■alk into Kyle Field though the spiritb idered an actual ? dub said, “therewi! aaming and holler®! players on.” 1 the idea for aspil ssed at an RHAmrf t year’s final home!! ■ver got off the groin decided at its h to coordinate ami , but did not kno* ut doing it, he said it Athletic Din es was cjuite ling stage of the s| aid. leid, vice president iall, said Rif A men) pirit line will send Inch Aggies canal" an at Texas AM, Hispanics criticize Reagan’s policies United Press Internationul WASHINGTON — Presi dent Reagan’s “hypocritical” attempts to woo Hispanic voters will backfire because of their dissatisfaction with his domestic and Central American policies, Democratic Hispanic leaders predicted Thursday. “They will not be fooled by his constant claims recently, particularly in this past week, of how important Hispanics are in society when he has the worst anti-Hispanic record of any modern day president,” said New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya. Anaya, the nation’s top elected Hispanic official, pre dicted during a Democratic press conference held in con junction with National Hispanic Heritage Week that Hispanics will join blacks, women, labor and environmentalists in a “coalition of conscience” to de feat Reagan. “These are the hands that will not pick Ronald Reagan,” he said. Anaya, members of the Con gressional Hispanic Caucus and Democratic National Commit tee officials — including DNC Chairman Chuck Manatt — joined in accusing Reagan of distorting the facts in his attempts to win 5.9 million His panic votes. “I have never heard such a hypocritical thing in my life,” said Rep. Robert Garcia, DN.Y. and chairman of the Hispanic caucus. “1 don’t know who’s advising him. All you have to do is look at the U.S. Census fi gures.” T think the president should call his efforts Hispanic Wooing Week, said Rep. Bill Richard son, D-N.M. “I think what will happen is that is purely politic al, ceremonial efforts will back fire. ” Richardson and others cited figures they said negates Reagan’s claims of advance ments for Hispanics during his adminitration, including: • Hispanic unemployment is 13 percent, 2 percent above the national average; •The number of Hispanics living below the poverty level is 30 percent, twice the national average; • 10,(XX) Hispanic businesses have gone under since Reagan has been in office; •Reagan lias proposed cut ting bilingual education from $161 million to $95 million; •And 29 percent of the His panic community lives in sub standard housing. Garcia and Rep. Estaban Tor res, D-Calif., also said Hispa nics fear Reagan’s Central American policies will mean their children will he the first sent to fight there. “We re going to end up in a blood war fighting people with the same last names,” said Gar cia. “Central America does not belong to the United States, Central America belongs to Central America. ’ Anaya said the Hispanic Force ’84 he c hairs hopes to re gister 1 million Hispanics by Election Day 1984, most of them in California, Texas, New York and Florida — which con tain over 49 percent of the elec toral votes. Colorado state Sen. Polly Baca Barragan said Mexican- Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and other groups of Spanish descent have been suc cessful in forming an Hispanic coalition and “the Hispanics of this country are not going to forget the kinds of repressive action bv this administration.” Troops from Texas work (luring NATO wargames United Press International EINDHOVEN, ' Netherlands — Troops from Texas braced for the first exercise of the annual NATO maneuvers, but the war games conducted during the next three weeks will be hard work rather than play. Reforger — the first phase of the exercise — began with the lift of reinforcements last week and will end with practice evacuation of casualties the first week in October. Reforger, short for return of forces to Germany, is a joint exer cise by the Army and the Air Force whose Military Airlift Com mand is responsible for ferrying the troops during the war games. The plan was for the American cavalry to mass in the Netherlands as they would in wartime, and cross the Maas and Rhine rivers to do mock battle in north Germany, screening the vital Ruhr industrial area. “We never stop,” said Air .Force Sgt. R.F. Langston, 24, of Clarksville during a break from feeding the 200 troopers crammed into the C141 transport for the 17- hour flight from Fort Hood. T try to take a 30-day leave somewhere in there, so I do all right, he said. Langston’s schedule during the Reforger calls for a transatlantic flight, 24 hours rest, another trip across the Atlantic, and so on throughout the airlift. American soldiers arriving at the Port of Rotterdam Wednesday were met by 50 Dutch protestors distraught over the arrival this fall of Pershing Two and Cruise mis siles. The missiles will be sta tioned in West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Great Britain and Belgium. The protesters lay across rail- raod tracks carrying military trains Tuesday when a shipload of heavy equipment from Beaumont ar rived. Twenty people were arrested without violence. The Fort Hood and Fort Bliss contingents, supplemented by a battalion of the Mississippi Na tional Guard and a Dutch army brigade, are part of a 70,000- inember multinational force play ing war games between the Baltic Sea to Turkey. SHUGART COUPON Tue. Sept. 20 Brown’s Shoe Fit 1402 Texas Ave. South PROBLEM PREGNANCY ' Are you considering Abortion? Confidential Free Pregnancy Testing & Referrals Call (713) 524-0548 Houston, Texas WALLEt SIZE COLOR PORTRAITS 994 t ask V « J Extra charge V8 X 10/ for 10/ GROUPS Murder called crime of greed United Press International LOS ANGELES — The eldest son of slain Texas millionaire Hen ry Harrison Kyle tearfully admit- Ra ted at his father’s funeral that he iliot him in the back in what one detective called a “crime of greed, court documents show. Rick Kyle, 20, told his half- sister and her fiance he shot his Father to death at point-blank ■ange in their Bel-Air mansion af- erheand his brother planned the dlling, according to county grand jury transcripts released iVednesclay. Kyle, who was shot and wound ed by his dying father during the 22 attack, surrendered and jlMws arraigned Wednesday on a u tecret indictment charging him M yith murder and with using a oailliandgun in the commission of a He was released after posting >100,000 bail, and Superior Court udge Ronald George ordered lim to return Oct. 4 to enter a plea. Kyle earlier told police that his l[j father —who built his fortune by investing in real estate, coal mines, oil-drilling equipment and banks, and who recently became president of the Four Star Inter national movie and TV production —was shot by an intrud- . He said the attacker also shot the elbow. At the time of his death, police and an unsigned will in Kyle’s iriefcase that deleted the name of lis eldest son as one of the two main beneficiaries of his $60 mil- estate. company- fool It was not clear whether Rick Kyle knew of the penciled-out de letion at the time of the shooting, but detectives believe the killing was related to Kyles frequent threats to write his children out of his will if they misbehaved. “Absolutely, it was a crime of greed,” said Detective Bob Grogan. The younger Kyle told his half- sister, Jackie Lynn Phillips, and her fiance, Henry Miller III, im mediately after the funeral that there was something he wanted to tell them, the grand jury trans cripts show. "Ricky said that, T have to tell both of you: 1 shot him,”’ Miller testified. “He just said that — he just confessed that he shot him. Miller said Kyle claimed he awakened his sleeping 60-year-old father early the morning of July 22 and told him there was a prowler in the house, and said they looked around the residence together. The two witnesses said Kyle also told them that he had thrown his gun, a .32-caliber Rohm revol ver, into the bushes outside the mansion, and asked them to re trieve the gun. They said they re fused. Prosecutor Lewis Watnick said Kyle was implicated not only by his statements but also by the murder weapon, which police had already recovered, and by tests taken at the murder scene. He said powder burns on the victim’s body showed he was shot from a distance of only “one inch to five inches. m BECAUSHTS USS mUNG. I KNOW IASKBMMK’ i Bob Uecker Mr. Baseball k 1 A #»* #» ‘•rjH m \ . jp- m # w **#<* : Enjoy your Succoth Holiday’s at Hillel Succoth Hot Dog Cookout—Sept. 19—6 p.m. Erev Succoth Services will be lead by Rabbi Tarlow at 8 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 21st. Hillel Jewish Student Center 800 Jersey 696-7313 Nr •*« fat, f P " if, l % i fp i t *•(» 5 The One Stop Ftin Shop! If you have a hobby we have the materials! • Radio Controlled Planes, Cars, Boats and Helicopters • Scrub Suits and Uniforms • Architectural Supplies • Wood and Plastic Supplies • An Exclusive Frame Shop • Art Supplies (Paints, Brushes, Paper) • Needle Craft Supplies • Leather Crafts • ONE STOP TRAIN STOP! Keyser’s Hobby Shop EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED IN A BEER. AND LESS. 2021 Texas Ave. In Townshire Center — c 1982 Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wl 823-09161