The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1983, Image 3
Friday, September 16, 1983/The Battalion/Page 3 n to he outstanding ■ priorities in the pi tremendous iid the well beingofl t is for this reasi i these students'n ■r printed in your Si ars Silver Taps'')w» •orreet. the Marketing Sotift nted party was IverTaps. However, s was done to undenni or that society mi 1 Airies" as a n is in fact. that several annot [ those presenttoalti e made at the social •r of members by their faculty adra laps. Texas A&M Mark ^ been, andwillconli morable represent rsity. Dr. I .arry G. CreilJ Faculty Adii &.M Marketing Soot rbage h reading the batb garbage. I am asei /ears here, none iv more originalorii t matter if you are >r non-frat, etc.,ett isitors think of thiii mate enough toha« •hool in Austin, bably expensive) stu Its beauty was mi Hess sayings tha > the stone. We y .M. Ifyoupeopledi • views verbally inj* the guts), then broom wall likes* Cavalry may return to 1930s New adviser plans changes . Tb hiTT photo bv Guy Hood No parking Roger C. Darirsl This unidentified Aggie couple seems oblivious to the sign above their heads. This scene was photographed outside Heaton Hall, near Sbisa. thin bique at this /ait until the dust set 1 Mr. Clark are veil don 't show we re se ll bique, they’ll ola.” eneral. I’m spealif in chief. What tot ary arsenal to wan uth — two jeeps,t Marine Corps irseas you peopleait D olice beat The following incidents were vported to the University Police Department through Weclnesdav: THEFTS: •A maroon Schwinn l()-speed liiydc from ie McFaddcn Hall like rack. •Two light fixtures from the iccond deck of Kyle Field. •14 vapor lights from the west liilc of Kyle Field. •A paper sack that contained ilrafting equipment and an la from 449 Dunn Hall, rite property was left in the room bin the second summer session, rile sack was reported missing ivlicp the owner returned for the semester. A brown 1979 Chevrolet pick ax a laboratory newspip ting and photography (It- f Communications, concerning any ediloni the editor. Policy :i not exceed 300 words is tig cut if they are long® ie right to edit letlersf* e every effort to mainiait r must also be signed ani ne number of the writer ials also are welcome, an! ngth constraints as lelieir rrespondence to: Edi» Donald, Texas A&M Uni 7843, or phone (409) 8fr Monday through Frida! ■mesters, except for hot i. Mail subscriptions art •r school year and J35 ptf rnished on request, m, 216 Reed McDonald sity, College Station, TH is entitled exclusively if news dispatches credit f all other matter herein at College Station, TX (CUP AND COUPON) ASSORTED DONUTS for $1 00 Offer Expires Oct.15,1983 Culpepper Plaza,C.S. 3409 Tx. Ave., Bryan by Mary E. Macan Battalion Reporter Capt. Edwin Kennedy says one of his goals as newly appointed adviser to the Parsons’ Mounted Cavalry is to return to the tradi tions of the cavalry of the 1930s. “The Parsons’ Mounted Caval ry is patterned after the cavalry that existed prior to 1939, and I would like to make our cavalry more authentic,” said Kennedy, 29, a U. S. Military Academy gra duate. He came in contact with Texas A&M cadets while at Fort Riley in Kansas, Kennedy said. “At Fort Riley we could always tell which cadets came from Texas A&M because they were always the most outstanding,” he said. Kennedy will handle the finan cial, administrative and public re lations matters of the cavalry here. He and Lt. Jerry Coufal, advis er of the Naval cavalry, are resear ching the cavalry of the 1930s so they can make the Parsons’ Mounted Cavalry as similar as possible. “We want to get hack the au thenticity of what the cavalry was — what it really was, ” Coufal said. Kennedy said many of the cadets uniforms contain pieces that may not he appropriate for the cavalry the group is patterned after. “Some of the members have articles of the uniform that they have picked up here and there. They think they are real neat, and they are, hut they aren’t tradition al cavalry outfit, he said. For example, many of the mem bers have gauntlets that they won t he able to wear because thev aren t v intage 1930s, he said. Kennedy brought a set of uni forms with him to Texas A&M that were used in an old color guard in the 1930s. In addition, the cavalry uses artillery, saddles and harnesses from that period that have been found or donated to them, he said. Kennedy says the real reason he was hired was because he "had all those saddles. Each year the cavalry marches in various parades, hut it often must turn down invitations be cause of lack of time and funds, he said. "The University funds about one-third of the cavalry’s expenses and the rest comes from the mem bers clues and donations from a lot of nice people who enjoy seeing the cavalrv, ’ he said. Kennedy is looking into forming a riding team that would he inde pendent of the cavalry and would he able to enter competition, he said. He also said he would like to start an equine instruction program. Marketing group sales going well up with a white camper from the student parking lot south of Mosher Hall. OTHER: • A resident of Aston Hall re ceived several harassing tele phone calls. Someone had written the person’s telephone number on a message hoard in the Memorial Student Center. • A person activated a smoke bomb on the second floor of Davis- Cary Hall. The College Station Fire Department cheeked the building for fire. University Police found a 4-by-6 carpet burn. • A person has been trespassing and hunting on the Range Science Field, near Brayton Firemen Training Field. by Karen Hoefle Battalion Reporter Tlie MCI Telecommunications Corp. telephone service promo tion sponsored by the Marketing Society has been a success so far, says the Marketing Society’s facul ty adviser. Dr. Larry Gresham said Tues day that 104 schools are selling MCI and Texas A&M is leading with 1,620 sales. In this area, the University of Texas witli 1,361 sales has been Texas A&M’s big gest competition, Gresham said. “We wouldn’t he doing this if it wasn’t a good product, Gresham said. "It s a way to help out other students." The Marketing Society began the promotion of MCI on Aug. 29 and is now taking a break before starting up the promotion again around Oet. 1. When the promotion begins again, the society will set up its tables in Zachry Engineering Center and in the Memorial Stu dent Center. Being in Zachry may encourage students in that area of the campus to take advantage of the MCI service, Gresham said. One of the promotional benefits the society provided, which was sponosored by MCI, was a free three-minute phone call, Gresham said. The society hopes to provide that serv ice again in October, he said. The society also is consider ing a promotional idea in which students can sign up fora month of MCI service for a nickel. The money received for selling MCI will go toward the business trip the society will take in November. The purpose of the trip is to visit various businesses which may hire Texas A&M gra duates, Gresham said. Member FDIC Each member generally pays $40 to go to Dallas, Gresham said. This year, members will receive a dollar for each MCI service they sell. The remainder of the money will he up to the membership, Gresham said. “The main thing is not the money, he said, “but the experi ence students gain is most impor tant. AVAILABLE AT ALL THREE LOCATIONS With this coupon Purchase any one of our deliciously different Burritos and receive a HOOSTON OILER OFFICIAL NFL TEAM CAP NT for only 25C per customer. II AM 11 PM Good while supply lasts. Not good with any other offer. a. IHCOABElib 920 Texas Ave., Bryan 3901 S. Texas Ave., Bryan 310 Harvey Rd., College Station PARK AVEJVUE CLUB NEWEST, HOTTEST KITE CLUB IN COLLEGE STATION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NITE • 7 to 9 p.Hl. — 25(Z bar drinks, draft beer & wine • 10 p.m. to close — periodic drink specials • 1 to 4 p.m. — PARK AVENUE LATE NITE the party continues with fun, food, beverages and dancing COME BEFORE OR AFTER TEEL PRACTICE Happy Hour Mon.-Sat. 4-7 p.m., 2 for 1 drinks with free complimentary buffet at PARK AVENUE CLUB 815 HARVEY RD., WOODSTONE CENTER Two good reasons to bank with us... LOCATION. t ip; ^Commerce National Bank 2405 Texas Avenue S. and Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas (409) 693-6930