The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1983, Image 16
Page 16/The Battalion/Friday, September 16, 1983 Battalion Football Forecast ' jji » |f! John Wagner John P. Lopez ’ ^ Kjp Joe Tindel Jr. ! + If ! , X7 > V Reveille / 0 0 dp 09 H9 HHHL Scott Griffin 1 Texas A&M vs. Arkansas State Texas A&M by 21 Texas A&M by 3 Texas A&M by 14 Texas A&M by 17 Texas A&M by 8 Texas A&M by 20 1 Arkansas at New Mexico 6 Arkansas by 7 Arkansas by 10 Arkansas by 3 Arkansas by 7 Arkansas by 5 Arkansas by 14 | Baylor at UTEP Baylor by 14 Baylor by 14 Baylor by 7 Baylor by 10 Baylor by 6 Baylor by 7 Lamar at Houston Houston by 10 Houston by 3 Houston by 10 Houston by 14 Houston by 10 Houston by 10 LSUaShRice LS U by 20 LSU bu 21 LSU by 21 LS U by 20 LSU by 12 LSU by 24 I; Texas at Auburn Texas by 3 Auburn by 1 Auburn by 7 Auburn by 1 Texas by 1 Auburn by 2 1* TCU at Kansas State TCU by 3 TCU by 6 Kansas State by 3 TCU by 1 TCU by 1 TCU by 1 l, » —- K Ohio State at Oklahoma Oklahoma by 14 Oklahoma by 2 Oklahoma by 7 Oklahoma by 7 Oklahoma by 5 Oklahoma by 7 » N.Y. Giants at Dallas Dallas by 14 Dallas by 4 Dallas by 10 Dallas by 4 Dallas by 3 Dallas by 10 Pittsburgh at Ho’uston Oilers Houston by 3 Pittsburgh by 10 Pittsburgh by 10 Pittsburgh by 13 Pittsburgh by 4 Pittsburgh by 3 " Percent r. 7-3 .700 7-3 .700 5-5 .500 7-3 .700 7-3 .700 4-6 .400 1 w£li Yeoman: Wilson No.l despite poor showing United Press Inter [DALLAS — In an lid “burnout ” is bei United Press International HOUSTON — Freshman quar-V * terhack Gerakl Landry will decide \l>\ 1' rida\ vs hether he wants some •flaying time against Lamar Satnr- 3la\, hut coach Bill Yeoman said ‘•ihe job still belongs to senior TioncII Wilson, despite his suh- par performance last weekend. Landry, considered the Cougars’ quarterback of the fu ture, had said he wanted to red- shirt this season and not play. He is the third-string quarterback be hind Wilson and sophomore Quince Harris. Yeoman decided during the pre-season to substitute Harris in MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE If you’re planning a career in medicine you owe it to yourself to find out about the Air Force’s Health Professions Scholarship Pro gram. Qualified U.S. citizens can receive scholar ships for medical or osteopathic school. Our scholarships include: Tuition Required Books Required Lab Fees Required Equipment Rental and more than $550 Monthly Stipend For Details Contact: NAME: Capt. Dan Ellis PHONE: (713) 954-6762 OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT n A great way o* life. last Saturday s game against the Miami Hurricane to give him ex perience as a backup. Wilson threw four interceptions and lost one fumble in the 29-7 loss. “I’ve got a shot at playing this year if Lionel doesn’t get his stuff together,” said Landry, who led Beaumont West Brook High School to a state title last fall. “I’ll make up my mind Thursday or Friday (whether to play).” Yeoman, who leaves it up to the athlete to decide to redshirt, said an upcoming game might be the time to ask Landry if he wanted to go on the field. “Miami was a tough, tough game,” Yeoman said. “If I’d asked him if he wanted to go on the field during that game, I might have gotten a ‘No.’ He may feel diffe rently about it this week. Who knows? Yeoman, however, emphasized the Cougar quarterback job is not up for grabs, that it was still Wil- L-hal- During three years of quarter- backing, the 6-1, 215-pound Wil son, a “great athlete” in Yeoman’s estimation, has never played well against the top college football teams and never led the Cougars to the point of challenging for the Southwest ( conference title. This year, however. Yeoman thinks he has the defense, the offensive line, the wide receivers and the running hacks to lenge for that title. Before a S'.VC opener against Baylor Oct. 1, the Cougars play Iciimar in the Astrodome and then at Oregon Sept. 24. "I thought our offensive line did a fine job against Miami, ” Yeoman said, “and let me tell you no one in the Southwest Conference will have better athletes than Miami. "But we didn’t function behind that offensive line. Our execution at the quarterback level ml j it has to be,” he said. Wilson said he hoped the poor perfonnance W him. more popular in arts, Jimmy Conm ! obvious exceptio Tennis is still fui tl Wednesday nigl 't, 1 won’t be here t in here, I’ll be do Im not in it to Id or 20th oi 40l nd because tenni _ nors showed up mental errors," he said. 'nr 74e ^UcCed Taking it easy on John Elway’s football antics \ Bridals Bridesmaid Thesses Flovter Qirl Thesses Till Other Special Occasion ‘Dresses 2305 S. Icxoa Ave. 693-9358 VISA TKa&n&xvutc JU by MILTON HICHMAN UPI Sports Editor You’re not going to run across too many straighter, cleaner cut young men than John Elway. Par ticularly, in professional sports to day. The way he conducts himself, the way he levels with everyone, he reminds me of some first class guys like Rocky Bleier, Cris Col- linsworth and Mark van Eeghen. Don’t be that hard on Elway, either, over what happened be tween him and the Baltimore Colts. Tin not trying to he his apolog ist, but if baseball and basketball players can pretty much pick the team they choose to sign with, why can’t football players do the same thing? What are they — boat people or something? This is still a free country, isn’t it? i Save a bike j Lock It with CITADEL A lock that really stops the bicycle thief and guarantees your bicycle up to $350.00! Impossible? Not if it’s a CITADEL lock! Stops the tools used by thieves! The CITADEL is an entirely new concept in bike locks. Its thru-hardened Molychrome™ alloy means boltcutters can’t dent it; hacksaws can’t cut it. Hammers, prybars, and drills are just as useless. The CITADEL’S high security round key cylinder has over 700,000 possible key com binations. The exclusive cylinder Drill Guard T " thwarts drilling attacks. Security features like these are the reason why CITADEL is recom mended by more police departments than any other bike lock. Warranty pays up to $350 The security of the CITADEL is backed up by a unique one year warranty. If your bicycle is stolen due to the failure of the lock to prevent the theft, we’ll pay you the value of your bike up to $350.* Get an extra year of warranty coverage free! ( $ 8.00 value) If you purchase the CITADEL now, you can obtain an additional year of guarantee protec tion, free! Simply send us this ad, along with the warranty form you’ll find inside the CITADEL package. Your anti-theft warranty will then be effective for an extra year. Secures your bike easily I The compact shape of the CITADEL makes it ! easy to use. It unlocks in two separate pieces J* to secure your bike quickly to a bike stand or I other stationary object. And, its durable vinyl J coating protects your bike's finish. An optional | storage bracket is available for carrying the I- CITADEL when it’s not in use. 'Complete warranty inside lock package. Expires 10/15/83 rrrATwrr XxUJEEjJj The lock thieves hate! £ 177 Tosca Dr. Stoughton, M A. 02072 OFF CAMPOS AGGIES Important Dates: Sept. 16—Applications for Director Positions due. Appli cations still available in Rm. 222 Pavilion. Sept. 21—General Meeting, 6:30 p.m. in 601 Rudder, Apartment Council President Balloting Outside Pavil ion and at Meeting. I Anyway, Elway, who had Stan ford, George Steinbrenner and the Colts all crazy about him not very long ago, is the No.l quarter back for Denver’s unbeaten Bron cos now, and he’ll be the first one to tell you he certainly isn’t the reason they re unbeaten. In the two games he has started for them, he hasn t done much. There’s a piece of understatement if you ever saw one. To put it in much clearer focus, he has been only slightly this side of awful. But don’t write him off. Darryl Strawberry looked worse in his first two games and now every body’s pumping him for Rookie of the Year. Dan Reeves, the Broncos’ coach, named Elway the team’s starting quarterback over last year’s starter, Steve DeBerg, a month ago during the exhibition season and nobody was that shock ed in light of how the Broncos went to such lengths to sign him. Elway broke in anything but au spiciously when Reeves started him against Pittsburgh in the reg ular-season opener. The Steelers picked him apart, sacking him four times and hounding him so relent lessly that he was able to complete only one of his eight passes. Mercifully, Reeves replaced him with DeBerg at the start of the iening in a cozy ati It different from th; iced last Sunday in k U.S. Open — ; Bit-round match ir Bp of the Grand Pr lit. lie $200,000 to insured by Paine fc Dallas Times He ■Connors, despite second half and Denver wins brought about n ball game with DeBerg tW 1 the winning pass. Earlier this week, Elwayfi New York from Denver for In com mercial endorsement, that had an international Ik that he was signing with Min Japanese company, and Cl Bates, its American distribuk a new line of footwear. hngal N The 6-foot-4 Denver qiut back said the fans in Balthnorr! been rough on him, feelingItl snubbed them for Denver,k shing game will b< understood. me in front of a ti The winless Bengi The fans, though, never Id "fijust how valual on Elway all the time he« ck is , to their mm the field.'Had hebeenahletol deJohnson fits QU any of the things they were si; to him? United Press Intel When the Cinein le up on offense eveland Browns t in handed down b ssioner Pete Roze I league drug poli Cincinnati heads d tonight sportin; mnd attack in the just 138 yards rus the Los Angeles ffalo. They are a mucl 11 team with Pete J s running for 10( the fans were saving. ' 0W,1S coac, h -> an Ind if they get insi Ah, human nature. ie, forget about it. pH put a Caterp tick there because Now you kno« birlr’ :en forced to pi United Press International . rain Oil their passi "Omphaloskepsis” is thd contemplating one’s navel, 4^ SHIRT SALE! 25% OFF ALL MEN’S and WOMEN’S LONG SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS. 3 DAYS ONLY THURS., FRI., & SAT. R. RUSH & CO. CULPEPPER PLAZA OPEN THURS. TILL 8 P.M. ACACIA FRATERNITY jen that could de ne. Quarterback I in left last week wi ick injury, and or night might send t [passer to the side! The Browns, be! le legs of Mike Pru wind game workir ency, Cleveland U PRESENTS FINAL RUSH PARTY Sat., Sept. 17,9 p.i AFTER THE GAME 1806 SOUTHWOODDI (696-2322) FREE BEER & REFRESHMENTS FOR MORE INFO. CALI: Allen Bill .Andy 260-251 775-92* 693-611 THE EPIS CHU 4STUDEN Announc CLASSES THOSE INTER in PREPARING C0NFIRMA 5 nd or learning it the Episcopal CLASSES f IN THE CHI _ 8: Sunday * of Septen 90(5 Jers College Si (So. Side of C Ph. 696-