The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1983, Image 13
Friday, September 16, 1983/1 he Battalion/Page 13 I be a reception \> •alias from 7 to 9p.m. finance students wi: d return forms as light, sponsored by v at 7:30 and 9:45 deo Arena for at 8 p.m. Rodeoconti and spouses rangements for the “Ei udder. •gani/ational beer andp eek Park (on Anderson ■d is welcome, on Monday at 6:30p.B: tivities. Refreshments chcduled for Saturday ndation on 800 Jersey ,LOWSHIP:John Wiki p.m. in 504 Rudder, >n Monday at 8:30p,mi * ice cream is nst Many Problemsaii; i up for the beginnersi day through Fridayalii r in the class you plan HORTICULTl] 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. n t at 4 p.m. betweenCi thi imne and help supportl make of Beau Ceste, elder Theater at midniti Dog day afternoon staff photo by John Makely Bonkers and Bogus, eight week old mixed the Academie Building. Howdeshell is a !' Brittany spaniel puppies, play with their sophomore mechanical engineering major owner, David Howdeshell, Thursday in front of from Dallas. rs and interested e aerobics track at 9u ru«« S:Traditional dances hi ■as will be taught eit nbryo transfer special < from 7p.m. to8:30p,i hurch leader pleased Denomination formed United Press International )ALLAS — The southern Pre- terian leader whose 46-year tpaign led to the formation of new Presbyterian Church in United States of America has ■egrets about the dissolution of native denomination. With the campaign to unite ern and southern Presbyte- ps at a successful end, there is nostalgia today when the Rev. Anderson of Dallas recalls day he laid the former Pre- terian Church in the United tes, ofwhich he was a minister, st. On July lOin Atlanta, in unison his northern counterpart, Anderson told tens of thousands of the faithful, "We now declare the Presbyterian Church in the Un ited States of America to be in ex istence. The historic prouncement marked the end of Anderson’s church and that of some 838,000 other members of the PCUS, formed during the Civil War years in a rift with the rest of the Pre sbyterian church in North America. T’ve really resented being in the confederate church,” Ander son, 63, said recently. “The old had to die in order for the new to During its existence, PCUS congregations filled the South- east, extending to Maryland, Texas and Kansas. For much of this century the church stressed overseas evangelism and ecumen ism and maintained close ties with northern Presbyterians. Anderson’s work and travels as the last leader of the PCUS further convinced him it was time to turn out the lights on regional Pre sbyterianism. He notes that the northern and southern Presbyterian churches were duplicating many of each others efforts, and that both chur ches held the same “general ’ theological positions. His emotions at the passing of the church were dominated as much by excitement at the end of a 122-year-old family feud as by re lief at the completion of most of his administrative chores. Anderson still has a five-year obligation to attend meetings with other church officials on a gov erning body of the newly-formed PC US A. T think we have some tradi tions we have to guard, but I like the Latin phrase we have, The church reformed, yet ever being reformed. You never let the ce ment harden.” own s new water tower looks ike giant golf ball on a tee ght at Rudder Thealti 7:30 p.m. Admissioi ride n Bryan % OFF United Press International UNAWAY BAY — Golfing guessing have become the Bmary diversions in this small fit central Texas community. Residents arc celebrating the npletion this week of a new ihead water tower and Mayor /Ratlifhas launched it contest publicize the town's step) for- rd. Because the water tower is on town s 18-hole golf course and kped and painted like a golf and ball, Ratlif devised an appropriate contest. “I went to the engineering de- purtment of Southern Methodist University (in Dallas) and they fi gured out how many standard golf halls 1.75 inches in diameter it will take to fill the giant golf hall tank," said Ratlif, who also runs a busi ness in the Dallas suburb of Addison. "I will give you a hint — it is in the millions, he said. “Anyone who can guess the right answer or come close to it will win a free weekend for two at an Addison hotel, all expenses paid. The contest ends Sept. 21, and the winner will be announced Sept. 23 at a dedication ceremony for the water tank. The 30-foot tank atop the tower holds 100,000 gallons of water. The $300,000 structure was built after 96 percent of the 700 residents of the town approved a bond issue. % OFF Brookwood Square % 5®°°^°° on E - 29 A th k n Br V an ° A ^ /|3 I 3" POT FOR ' I.D. WHILE -And Parkway Square Texas Ave. S. at Southwest Pkwy College Station 1/2 HOUR FREE ('minimum 2 hours) with this coupon Hours: Mon.-Thur. Friday Saturday 9am-11pm 9am-Midnight 10am-Midnight 846-6657 Bryan OPEN FOR HOME AGGIE FOOTBALL GAMES-CALL FOR RESERVATIONS Ages 2-12 -COUPON. 764-1171 C.S. Wesley Foundation Methodist student Center 201 Tauber Sunday Evening Schedule 6 p.m. Supper 7 p.m. Vespers Come Join a Friendly Fellowship of Christian students DUCTS CA T PROGRAM rs, NORTH CAMPUS TO TING PR e ' iscuss OP- i MANAGE program STUDENTS ember 0(1 TTEND: Am GET FIUE LIVES TO SAVE THE / PRINCESS } r NOW THROUGH THE END OF SEPTEMBER AT TWQ-BITS IN NORTHGATE ALSO: TRY OUR"irEW HIGH-SPEED POLE POSITION! Oilman’s son joins race for Senate seat United Press International HOUSTON — The 32-year-old son of a prominent Republican Texas oilman has joined tht^grow- ing number of candidates in hot pursuit of John Tower’s Senate seat. Robert A. Mosbacher Jr., vice president for administration of Mosbacher Production Co., Wednesday announced his candi dacy. He said he will reach out to “the public sector and private en terprise, Republicans, Democrats and independents, blacks, whites and hispanics, men and women, old and young, native and new comer.” Already in the running for the seat is Rep. Ron Paul, R-Lake Jackson. Another potential con tender, Rep. Phil Gramm, R- College Station, said Wednesday he will disclose his plans next week, but added that polls show him as a leading contender for the job. Gramm, who has formed a 37-member exploratory finance committee, is widely expected to run for the seat. Mosbacher now serves on Pres ident Reagan’s “Advisory Com mittee on Private Sector Initia tives” and previously worked as an aide to Sen. Howard Baker, R- Tenn. Mosbacher’s father, Robert Mosbacher Sr., was finance chair man for President’s Ford’s cam paign. Texas marijuana law found unconstitutional United Press International AUSTIN — A 1981 law drama tically hiking penalties for posses sion of marijuana has been de clared unconstitutional by a Texas appeals court. The ruling Wednesday by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals upholds a 1982 lower court deci sion which found that the caption on the legislative bill creating the law was too vague and misleading. But the effect of the appeals court decision is unknown because a re vised version of the law was passed by the legislature in an attempt to resolve the lower court’s com plaints. The revised version of the anti- crime legislation has not yet been tested in the courts. Both court rulings came in a Fayette County case in which four men were charged with posses sing more than 2,000 pounds of marijuana. While the appeals court found the law unconstitu tional, it did not dismiss the charges against the men because the older drug law with lesser penalties still applied. The four challenged that ruling in their appeal to the higher court. A majority opinion by the court of criminal appeals found that although the new law is unconsti tutional, it does not preclude en forcement of the old law. A trial against the men must continue under penalties and provisions of the old law, the appellate court said. It’s Time To Get Your Hair Into 1 THE SHAPE OFTHINGS WITH THIS FANTASTIC COUPON! (COUPON) 95 PERMS $ 24 (Cuts $5 Extra) (Slightly more for longer hair) GIRLS short *16 CUTS long *18 GUYS CUTS $ 12 (COUPON) THE SHAPE OFTHINGS Between Rebels & Luby’s In Park Central Shopping Center 846-7614 EXPIRES OCT. 31, 1983. Take A Good Look! Look Us Over! YOUR LOCAL FULL SERVICE LAUNDRY 3702 S. COLLEGE AVE. BRYAN 846-2872 Fully Air Conditioned! LAUNDRY * Wash-Dry & Fold/7 Days/Wk * Attendants on Duty 8:OOAM-9:OOPM * Dry Cleaning Pick-up 7 Days/Wk, 8AM-9PM * 55 Washers 8c 27 Big Double Load Dryers * Double Load Washers * Huge 35 lb. 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