The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1983, Image 11
n McCull DON'T 6ET - W CHILDREr AA/Y /ACRE. le Friday, September 16, 1983/The Battalion/Page 11 R.I. M/s m Final Stop on Your toua, TYKE. ^ I PRESEArr TO you THE FISH POND. HEY, THERE AREN'T ANY FISH /A/ THERE. by Paul Dirmeyer University of Texas celebrates centennial A&M scientists involved Teeth can reveal age Allegheny School Dislj United Press International tenv County ami ut; COLLEGE STATION — Just wo have long been able to tell a uperiorCourtjmljjem ree ’ s a g e [ } y counting its rings, ig Pawtucket, R.I.dtj hope f or determining a jerson’s age by the layers of a way substance built up on the oots of teeth, scientists say. The technique would be parti cularly useful in identifying vic- of disasters whose remains 1 ire reduced to hones and teeth, 400 teachers in lliti adTexas A&M veterinary seien- ist Dr. George Stott. Teeth are held in their sockets ivabony substance called eemen- to work Wednesij ! oftieials said it wii Slonday before ahom its see an end tufe I summer vacation, higan remained thslj the school walkoutsm ) teachers i 1 picket lines, i its. r s mth Army relieves Fort Dix officer ;■ trial originally wash lay. ■as, a former me Id authorities 00 women in 17stat« I le has been chafjjj gs of six women in as already trial Oct. 17 inCeoij niton on twoothem *s. Douthitt saidlkS nmty charge wool scHil itlutt said he would the trial to Henrictlai y — adjacent to Mi y. The judge said In nt about bringing L ; soon as possible, ithitt rejected defer liat the state not bet as evidence Lucas' sion or the ashes and /ever, Douthitt fl osecu tors could not a seized from Lucas) artrnent becausetk is taken without a t. itionally, defense atti lotions serving notkt pursue an insanity (If .■as in the Rich slayil turn. Each year two new layers of cementum are added until the tooth is pulled or the person dies, Stott said. The two layers are known as an annulation, and each annulation leaves a ring like those on a tree trunk. In Stott’s research project, sup ported by a two-year, $118,087 grant from the National Institute of Dental Research, he and veter inary student Jay Naylor are devis ing a technique for staining thin sections of teeth so the annulation rings are distinct enough to count. If the method is perfected, Stott said, pathologists may be able to pinpoint a person’s age at death with just a half-dozen samples from any tooth. The technique also may be of great importance to anthropolog ists. It has been applied to anim als, such as dinosaurs and croco dile species, hut never before to humans, said Stott. “Our objective is to develop a means of locating the most consis tent site of countable annula- tions,” said Stott. / United Press International AUSTIN — University ofTexas officials received recommenda tions on how to improve the school over the next 25 years at Thurs day’s special centennial celebra tion. Presentation of the report was one of several activities planned for the celebration which was observed by Texas Gov. Mark White, three former governors and representatives of 250 eol- leges and universities. Although the 48,000-student university has been celebrating its 100th birthday since January, Thursday marked the exact date that classes officially began. The report’s recommendations are the result of three years of work by a 175-member commis sion appointed in 1980 by the Board of Regents. The recommen dations for a 25-year period were presented to the regents during the convocation. In addition to the report, UT observed the anniversary with a re-enactment of the first law class. Later in the day, the school hosted a barbeque and open house, dedi cated a city park donated to UT by the city of Austin, and conducted an evening parade through campus. The day-long activities began with the connvoeation at the Erwin Center attended by White and former Texas Govs. Allan Shivers, John Connally and Dolph Briscoe. At the end of the day, the Main Building Tower was lighted orange and the numberal “1” was be spelled out in the windows of the 27-story building. The “1 has been spelled out only four other times — in 1963, 1969, 1970 and 1977 — to honor the Longhorn football team for na tional titles. The 1977 “1” honored Earl Campbell for capturing coif, lege football’s Heisman Trophy. ; UT is spending a half-million dollars raised in private donations on its centennial activities. United Press International FORT DIX — Col. William lerner, the commander of the S. Army Hospital at Fort Dix, hfldiyBiasbeen relieved of duty pending eassignment after authorities nested an unlicensed doctor corking on the hospital staff, the ,rmy said. Berner was relieved of his post i) days after an investigation re- ealed that Abraham Asante, 45, IJI, ifBordentown, was a fraud who ailed seven times to pass his Idpn aedical licensing examination, he military said. One of Asante’s patients, oseph Branda, a 46-year-old re lied U.S. Navy chief petty offic- ir, fell into an irreversible coma md is considered brain dead after Asante administered anesthesia to him during an operation, author ities said. Asante was arrested by the FBI at Fort Dix on Tuesday. The arrest has sparked an internal probe into the procedures surrounding the hiring of civilian medical person nel at military installations. Berner was officially relieved of his duties at Fort Dix Sept. 9, said a spokesman at the U.S. Army Health Services Command in San Antonio. Berner was relieved pending reassignment at a later date, the spokesman said. The fraud case began to develop on Aug. 25, shortly after Branda suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and fell into a coma during surgery for removal of a bladder tumor. THE UNDERGROUND WEEKLY SPECIAL BREAD $ .49 LOAF 1V2 lb. Loaf Baked Fresh Daily in Our Own Bakery White Whole Wheat Rye Raisin Offer Good To The Last Loaf Each Day September 5-16, 1983 “The Best Food, The Lowest Prices” WELCOME BACK, AGGIES FROM Godfather's TIGHT ON BUCKS? INCREDIBLE SUNDAY Only $ 3 49 Mini Pizza • Salad Bar • Soft Drink Godfather’s Pizza Has A Real Deal. Our Incredible 6" Mini Pizza, A Trip To Our Salad Bar, And A Soft Drink All For $3.49. If You Think One Of Our Mini Pizzas Isn’t Enough, You’ve Never Had a Godfather’s Pizza. 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