The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 22, 1983, Image 9
Wednesday, June 22, 1983/The Battalion/Page 9 Lebanese fighting artillery Palestinians roust loyalists Jones j:ij| ocloseai; : Inc.. ai £ :j| ■ firm, "'ide ate ceases d: months. 1 cted mv lining tla ■ and it's; essionaltt is is anc nal plate Painting for pay staff photo by Brenda Davidson United Press International Dissident Palestinian guerril las fought artillery and mortar battles Tuesday with Yasser Arafat’s troops in eastern Leba non’s Bekaa Valley, rousting Arafat loyalists from two towns near the Syrian border. Fighting broke out minutes after the Revolutionary Council of A1 Fatah — the mainline guerrilla group of the Palestine Liberation Organization — con demned the PLO mutiny after an all-night meeting in Damas cus, Syria. Lebanese police said machine gun battles broke out between the rebels and Arafat loyalists in the Syrian-controlled half of the Bekaa Valley early Tuesday and quickly escalated into pitched artillery and mortar duels. “Mediation efforts to end the mutiny within Fatah have reached a dead end and heavy fighting is now under way in the Bekaa valley,” said A1 Fatah’s de puty commander Khalil al Wazir, better known by his nom ’d guerre Abu Jihad. Abu Jihad said the Revolutionary Council has given the Al Fatah Central Committee “total freedom to take the appropriate measures to settle the matter.” He did not elaborate. Lebanese police officials said the fighting between Arafat’s followers and opponents was f Donald Pieprzica, a senior United States Department of ricultural engineering major from Agriculture. Donald is painting tool | U n Antonio, earns extra money boxes which will be installed in luring the summer working for the department pickup trucks. xas govf contendtl is at umts :1 she has j -‘born in ice 1 aryland loodv > lead 1 ration nd ol .O’smaini net ss "ini per use of NewsAjfl United Press International ASHINGTON — A Mary- woman, 27, with an unem- ed husband gave birth .psday to quintuplets — four throiij7 s an d one girl — and both her and infants were doing a brother-in-law said. weekend, :d with anon’ cattles 1. Sum les,Abu n fi| raining sens - i ,0 mutii a. | nts accusi ft” on stepped-; inst Israel am Pisner, of Olney, Md. ave birth to the babies about 4 m by Caesarean section at rge Washington University pital, Leigh Pisner said. He Mrs. Pisner and her hus- , Daniel, just celebrated fifth wedding anniversary Ae 18. TOMMY’S GAME ROOM & BAR FREE SOFT DRINK W/ANY FOOD ORDER WE SERVE ONLY 100% PURE BEEF “BURGER BOY” HAMBURGERS Fast Service on Call-in Orders hardest around the Bekaa Val ley towns of Majd al Anjar, Sweiri, Taanayel and Taalbaya — close to the highway leading to Damascus. Syrian troops and tanks deployed around the towns, but did not intervene to stop the fighting, Lebanese police said. State-run Beirut radio said Arafat’s opponents had gained the upper hand, forcing their rivals away from the main Damascus highway. Majd al Anjar and Sweiri are three miles from the Syrian frontier just off the main high way, while Taanayel and Taal baya are nine miles farther in land. During the weekend, Ara fat loyalists clashed with dissi dent factions in the Bekaa Valley in pitched battles that left 13 guerrillas dead. On Sunday, one of Arafat’s top aides, Abu Ziad, was wounded when fighting broke out at a PLO training base out of Damascus — the first time the PLO mutiny had spread to Syria. Dissidents accuse Arafat of growing “soft” on Israeli and have called for stepped up milit ary activity against Israeli troops in Lebanon. In a bid to quash to the revolt, Arafat called a meeting of his top guerrilla commanders and Tuesday won the endorsement of Al Fatah’s 73-member Re- - -» - volutionary Council. The Revolutionary Council said it “condemned the anti- Arafat movement, and decided to set up smaller committees to look into possible reforms with in Al Fatah.” On Monday, seven Syrian sol diers were killed in an ambush on a military convoy near Tripo- li, sparking a new round of street fighting Monday in Leba non’s second largest city be tween rival Moslem militiamen. Syrian troops sealed off Tri poli, a port city 42 miles north of Beirut, after the Monday ambush by closing roads leading to the city. The violence in Tripoli, pit ting pro-Syrian Alawite Moslem militiamen against anti-Syrian Sunni Moslem gunmen, broke out Monday night and gained intensity into early Tuesday. 7$ DOUGLAS JEWELRY 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURREHT A&M ID (REPAIRS HOT inCLUDED) Keepsak Registered Diamond Rir e Rings PULSAR, SEIKO, BULOVA St CROTOn WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (AND LET US SET IT FOR YOU) 212 h. Main AND Culpepper Plaza Downtown Bryan College Station 822-3119 693-0677. , , MC VISA DINNERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS INVITED rENGINEERING/SCIENCES CONSIDER THE ADVANTAGES OF WORKING FOR YOUR UNCLE. The Army is looking for 1983 graduates in Engineering and Science disciplines to serve as commissioned officers. For those who qualify, this program could be an important step toward a rewarding career —in or out of the Army. You’ve worked long and hard to earn your Bachelor of Science degree. A commission in the Army is a good way to use your technical exper tise while gaining valuable supervisory experience. And the opportunity is available now! CPT West will be on campus 22, 23 June between SAM and 4PM in the University Placement Office (10th Floor Rudder Tower). Stop by, no appoint- me necessary. If you can't make it on the 22nd or 23rd, call 775-2199 and arrange an appointment. ARMYOFFICER. BE ALLYOU CAN BE. : -•? ; -r, : Kiwiii lospital officials would not irm reports of the birth, but ispokeswoman said there might ome comment later in the WRC-TV reported the Ees were not due until Au lt. Pisner said his sister-in- ,w, who works for the Food and g Administration, knew in lance that she would have a Itiple birth and 40 doctors tked on the case. r i COUPON 8 oz Bacon Wrapped Tenderloin 15 oz. Large T-Bone .. 24 oz. Boneless Sirloin FREE SOFT DRINK W/ANY FOOD ORDER Tommy’s Game Room & Bar In The Skaggs Shopping Center Hrs.: 11-12 Weekdays 11- 1 Fri. & Sat. 12- 12 Sun. 846-4234 i i i .J MSC Summer Dinner Theatre presents steaks HOFFI $7.95 $8.95 $11.95 All served with our famous Salad, Fried Potatoes and Texas Toast. Monday—Saturday 11 AM to 10 PM Sunday 11:30 AM to lO PM steaks 317 S. College in the Skaggs Shopping Center evenings of June 22-25 * room 201 MSC NIGHTS MEALS STUDENTS NON STUDENTS We d ne sd a y Refreshments 8 2.50 8 3.50 S 7.50 Thursday Friday B'B-Q Dinner 86.50 Saturday Buffet Dinner 89. 50 $10.50 Purchase tickets at least 24 hours in advance at MSC Box Office. TICKETS GO ON SALE'. JUNE 1 Dinners—6.‘30 S H o w — 7 .' 4 5