The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1983, Image 4

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    Page 4/The Battalion/Wednesday, May 18, 1983
Villa Oaks
West apartments
“Smart Move!”
Grinning climber
Droud of publicity
from jump stunt
Convenient to campus
Brand new
Spacious floor plans
On-site leasing and
Pool, fireplaces, laundry
Now preleasing!
1107 Verde Drive
between FM-2818
and Villa Maria Road
United Press International
HOUSTON — A man who
climbed up and parachuted
down from the 71-story Allied
Bank Plaza refused his mother’s
effort to bail him out of jail on
trespassing charges and was still
in custody early Tuesday.
Carol Stanley said her son,
David Adcock Jr., 21, who police
said also gave a name of Skip
Stanley, was “still sort of grin
ning” after Monday’s stunt
when she talked to him at the
city jail.
She said he was proud of the
publicity — a crowd chanted
“Let him go” when police
arrested him —: because he
aspired to be a Hollywood stunt
“We had a few little words to
the effect that he had promised
me when he jumped off El Capi-
tan last year he would never do
that again,” Mrs. Stanley said.
Authorities said the man was
in trouble because he also prom
ised a judge who put him on
probation for thejump from the
peak in Yosemite National Park,
He faced a criminal trespass
charge for which he was jailed
under $ 10,000 bond for the tow
er jump. He also faced a charge
of evadii
ling arrest — by veering
his parachute toward a park and
away from police — and another
$10,000 bond.
Adcock parachuted from the
70th floor of the building about
8:30 p.m. CDT, leaving police
waiting at the top. Adcock was
not hurt in thejump.
Adcock previously had iden
tified himself only as “Texas
Bluebonnet” or the “Blue Ban
dit.” He wore a blue fringed
mask, a blue curly wig and a
baseball cap.
“He’s never been bad. But
he’s just like kids, sort of caref
ree,” said his father, David
Adcock Sr., in Dallas. “He
wanted to fly and he wanted to
parachute out. He wanted to
The elder Adcock said he was
divorced from his son’s mother,
and she had remarried.
Asked during the climb why
he chose Allied Bank Plaza, he
said, “We ain’t got no big build
ings in Dallas, and I had to climb
one so I had to come down
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Houston Chronicle
David Wade, a junior physics major
from Nederland, winds up for the
pitch in an intense game of
horseshoes between the “Men from
Mclnnis Manor.” Wade uses
physics knowledge to determine "”i er(
velocity, horseshoe mass and distam^
and make the perfect pitch. ■
White plans live speed
urging teachers’ raises
eve i
Fra i
United Press International
AUSTIN —Gov. Mark White
is planning a live statewide tele
vision address Thursday night
to plug his proposal for a $1.27
billion tax package to finance
teacher pay raises, his office said
6:25 p.m.
White’s press office said
arrangements are being made
for a five-minute speech to be
delivered statewide via satellite,
But a spokesman for the ori
ginating station, KLRU-TV, in
Austin, said the announcement
may have been premature since
it is unsure whether satellite
time can be arranged.
“We’re working on it right
now,” said Tom Spencer, a pro
duction assistant at the public
television station. “We called
and told them we didn’t have the
time, but I guess thep
ahead with it (announced
White’s office annom
Monday the governoralsopj
ned a direct television advq
ing campaign scheduled«
gin Wednesday. The
also planned a nevjscovfejn '
Tuesday from an eleraer®
school in Temple to di Sec
the need for increasedtea j| eav
P a y- like
PUC to consider GTE
of t
compromise rate plan z;
United Press International
AUSTIN — The Public Util
ity Commission Thursday will
consider a $32.5 million com
promise rate increase for Gener
al Telephone Co.
General Telephone original
ly requested an $85.5 million in
crease, but parties to the case,
along with the PUC and the
company, reached a comprom
ise agreement in April calling
for only $32.5 million.
Under the agreement en
dorsed Monday by PUC ex
aminer Angela Williams, re
sidential customer bills will in
crease roughly $1 a month.
Monthly business rates would
increase between $2.05 and
$2.15, depending on the calling
The agreement calls for the
utility to earn a rate of return on
common equity of 14.93 per
No change was recom
mended in the directory assist
ance charges, but service con
nection charges would increase
Williams also recommended
corrective action be taken to im
prove the quality of service in
areas just north of Dallas, in
cluding Plano, Irving and Gar
land, before the company re
ceives a rate hike from those
service reduction in bad weal)
and cross talk from a >
Williams recommended Jr
increase in three Plano K
changes until General
phone updates its centralo 1 (yi.
equipment, which is schediL; ;|x
for the end of 1983. i; r „ r
Within six months of „
During a precedent-setting
regional hearings in Plano, 98
customers complained about the
quality of service. They cited sta
tic, trouble obtaining a dial tone,
f mient installation, thel JLj
d return to Plano forfom p
uphearings. an £
The examiner also re* Ce |
mended the appointment str j c
task force of PUC persons . truc
city officials, to study' j sts ,
problems in Plano, Garland U j. t
Irving. M»
General Telephone, met
serves 1.4 million TexascuSf W ] lc
ers, won $46.8 million t p er;
$1 10.6 million rate requSlh|
1982. »
Jurors say fed law unclear,
six acquitted in piracy case
United Press International
HOUSTON —Jurors who ac
quitted six owners and em
ployees of Pirate Video Inc. of
charges they stole pay television
signals said they thought federal
law on the subject was unclear.
“We felt like the laws weren’t
true to fact. If we were to punish
these people, we ought to pun
ish all the sellers and users of the
All Brand Importer* Inc., Nawferk, MAC Sola U.S. Importer. O-
Imported Moosehead. Stands head and antlers above the rest.
equipment,” said juror J.W. Re-
neau after the verdict Monday.
“The prosecutor was stretch
ing the law, but so were the de
fendants,” said juror Gerald
Defense lawyer David Berg
said it was time for Congress to
act on the subject of buying spe
cial antennas to intercept non
broadcast television signals.
Federal public defender Mac
Secrest blasted prosecutors for
pursuing the case.
But prosecutor Dan Kamin,
who put together the case but is
no longer with the U.S. Attor
ney’s Office, defended the
“This will serve as a map for
prosecutions to follow, !
U.S. District Judge Carl*
previously ordered einpl®'
Chris Walker and DaltonD 1
acquitted without jury deH'
The verdicts Monday^
ting the other six ended'
month-old signal theft,;
fraud and copyright la
ment case.
The defendants werea^'
of stealing microwave pav |( "
sion signals from Texas &
tainment Network and vp ;
copyrights. They also *
charged with defrauding
network by mailing out l'*
ture to advertise schedule 5
Bandits abandon plan
don’t get money, cars
United Press International
DALLAS — Police Tuesday
were seeking two bandits in a
bungled attempt to extort
money from a couple in posh
North Dallas to buy cars.
Police spokesman Ed
Spencer said the bandits, one
armed with a rifle, were rum
maging around the house when
discovered at about 5:45 a.m. by
Minda Brachman.
The pair bound and gagged
Mrs. Brachman, then awakened
her husband, Malcolm Brach
man, and bound him.
While they were in another
part of the house, Mrs. Brach
man broke free and fledi 01
police, Spencer said.
“Once they disovered
she’d left, they forced
Brachman to get into his
Spencer said.
“The plan was to drive i (l
bank, where he was to
check for enough mon
these two fellows to buy
selves new Porches.”
Spencer said officers
know why the pair abandol
their plan, but they left Bi
man tied up in his car and”
There were no injuries in
incident, and police had no
pects in custody.