The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 05, 1983, Image 5
> Thursday, May 5, 1983/The Battalion/Page 5 Texas House refuses debate on alcohol bill United Press International i, AUSTIN — The Texas .H bods ion, a buse Wednesday overwhelm- igly rejected a move to force a committee to allow floor debate m a bill banning open contain- K of alcoholic beverages in automobiles. | Till The House Liquor Regula- f fibh Committee had voted 6-3 mesday against the measure, , Bing it for the remainder of ‘Sllbthe legislative session. I Rep. Carlyle Smith, D-Grand ■ Barie, a sponsor of the open ‘Container law, Wednesday ni attempted a rarely-used — and |Ven more rarely successful — fcrliamentary move to force the w '"jBnmittec to report the bill to 35 ^ H° use f° r debate. lcoro Smith’s effort failed by a vote of Welcc 12 l 2-17. I Opponents of the move Bued it would disrupt the tra- , Konal House committee sys- J 11 " hem and set a bad precedent, leed^jijip Smith claimed the move Is necessary to allow consider- mon of a crucial bill. Iluesday, members of the Li- lor Regulation Committee re lied the challenge of member Bry Shaw, D-Big Spring, to Bke a “potent, positive impact” on Texans’ attitudes toward xt w| drinking and driving by approv ing the bill. The committee voted 6-3 to reject Shaw’s compromise prop osal, authored in subcommittee and much less restrictive than the original measure. Shaw’s substitute bill would have prohi bited consumption of an alcoho lic beverage by a person operat ing a motor vehicle. Violation would have been a Class C misdemeanor, punish able by a maximum $200 fine. The vote against the bill came after Rep. Erwin Barton, D- Pasadena, moved to make the bill more unpalatable to more members by amending it to also prohibit those operating boats and airplanes from consuming alcoholic beverages. Barton’s amendment failed to pass, but the only three votes against it came from the com mittee members who voted for passage of the measure to the full House. Shaw’s bill would not have banned open alcoholic beverage containers from the entire pas senger compartments of motor vehicles, as the earlier version did. A similar bill passed by a Senate committee but awaiting floor debate would outlaw open ne iM loord ingl« 3. fUC may get look with: i fouiK ininuj at rate requests i I United Press International AUSTIN — Hoping to get a >eekat Southwestern Bell Tele- lone Co.’s plans for a massive rate hike request, the Public Utility Commission is looking nto how the company will hand le the breakup of its parent com- |PUC spokesman Rick Hain- |ne said Tuesday the inquiry vein Jould give the commission staff t inpiih ance to 8> et a jump on Bell’s dutiesfetegy for a reported record n g n .|l billion rate increase request it ,i H rt r t-/-\ f 11 e i » r' wgi_ Bell officials confirmed at a jslative hearing last week that I utility was preparing a rate sekee| ent ski at St lividuil to end attend! icatioi to atttl J)il show exhibits m banned for 1984 gan argaitf ne it® /oluni ild W youtk gi I United Press International HOUSTON — Because of the :onomic pinch in the oil and industry worldwide, the [984 Offshore Technology inference executive commit- 1 voted Tuesday to hold only a ihnical conference next year, it restart the traditional tech- jical conference-exhibition in 1985 at the Astrodome complex. The changes in the OTC icdule are “responsive to the mditions of the offshore and and gas industries,” said inald G. Russell, committee airman. I “The offshore industry and he oil and gas industry worl dwide are in a state of adjust ment to the decline in demand and prices for oil and gas worl dwide,” Russell said. “The Offshore Technology Conference was established in 1969 for technology exchange purposes,” he said. “The deci sions taken by the OTC execu tive committee represent evi dence of OTC’s continued com mittment to ensure that OTC is responsive to this industry’s needs.” The 15th Annual OTC, which runs through today, this year experienced a 35 percent decline in attendance and a drop in exhibit space. ts helpl ; Cool matoT . e rs c Ji j ■ for' Mother's Day Specials 30% OFF Gold Chains & Pendants such I their' fori#] stufij prof] .y WoT sha# j 415 University 846-5816 ;edi sisi £l ;ntsl" el A-, jltd . a iro» v ere iut^ ,e i'' 01 Charges Pflnejewelry 7 ] Lay - a ‘ ways DIETING? Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctor's orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST alcoholic beverage containers within 5 feet of a driver. “We’re not beat,” proclaimed Marinelle Timmons, the state director of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. “It would have been more suitably received in another committee. “This was an unfavorable committee,” said Timmons, who last week accused the committee of delaying tactics designed to kill the measure. Supporters of legislation to strengthen state drunken driv ing laws have termed an open container law the cornerstone of the legislative package. Last week Lewis sent a letter to com mittee chairman Rep. Billy Hall, D-Laredo, requesting that the full House membership be given the chance to vote on the law. Hall, Shaw and Rep. Frank Tejeda, D-San Antonio, voted for the measure. The opposition was led by Rep. Froy Salinas, R- Lubbock. “This is not the answer,” Sali nas said. “I think it is bad public policy.” Salinas said the Legislature should try to address the prob lem of driving while intoxicated by strengthening existing laws. request in the range of $1 bil lion. Under the court-ordered di vestiture of American Tele phone & Telegraph Co. on Jan. 1, 1984, Southwestern Bell will provide local service and “ac cess” lines for long distance ser vice. Long distance service would be furnished by AT&T in com petition with long distance spe cialty companies, such as MCI and U.S. Telephone. The PUC asked Southwest ern Bell to file testimony on its proposed access charges no later than May 23, and interveners must file by May SLA second hearing was set for June 8. Good friends will help you study angles when all you can think about is curves. It didn’t take a genius to tell your mind wasn’t on your studies. But it did take a couple of smart roomies to do something about it. So out came the calculators. And the f doughnuts. And they started drilling you until you knew physics as well as you know yourself. When it was all over, you showed them that there was one more thing you knew something about-gratitude. Tonight, let it be Lowenbrau. Lowenbrau. Here’s to good friends. » © 1983 Beer Brewed in U S.AW)y Miller Brewing Co , Milwaukee, Wl