3 Page 12/The Battalion/Wednesday, May 4, 1983 Historian urges ink anaylsis to end dispute over diaries United Press International LONDON — British historian David Irving, who had angrily denounced the Adolf Hitler diaries as frauds, now believes most of the disputed documents are authentic and has urged an ink analysis to settle the con troversy. Irving said Monday he changed his mind after deciding the cramped, downward sloping handwriting in the diaries sup ported his discovery Adolf Hit- The MSC Amateur Radio Committee will have its last meeting of the semester and annual fling at Dr. Tom Comstock’s QTH Thursday May 5 at 6 F.M. ler suffered Parkinson’s disease. “The Parkinsonism was really the clinching point,” he said. “The writing was sloping down wards, regardless of the page ruling and the script got smaller from left to right. I do not be lieve a forger could have known this.” Irving plans to publish a book later in the year based on the diaries of the Nazi leader’s doc tor, which Irving said reveal pre viously unknown information about Hitler’s health. “It wasn’t generally known Hitler was suffering from Par kinson’s disease toward the end of his life,” Irving said. “People suffering from Parkinsonism tend to write smaller and they go along a page and they slope the lines downwards.” Irving urged the West Ger man magazine Stern, which is publishing the documents, to conduct a scientific analysis of the ink to determine whether they are genuine. Earlier, another British histo rian, Sir Hugh Trevor-Roper, who last week reversed his initial judgment the documents were authentic, said he was not swayed by Irving’s revelations. “I still have doubts,” he said. Irving refused to vouch for all the documents, saying he be lieved some papers found with the diaries were forgeries. He also does not believe the docu ments were rescued from a crashed aircraft in East Ger many as Stern claims. iPljF i i " Maps and details in the shack or call 845-7245, 845-1515, or 146.82/.22 MHz. 'PSO Ken’s Automotive Price Includes Labor Single Exhaust Includes: Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION 8008 Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State Ofhticae qe 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 “A Complete Automotive Service Center” Brakes Tune-Ups Clutches Front End Parts Replacement Standard Transmission Repairs Since 1935. All American Cars Datsun-Honda Toyota staff photo by U Sunny side up The sun came out Tuesday, and the girls flocked outside to catch a few rays on the lawn between Mosher and Krueger Halls. Many students find a littlerd tion helps them mentally and physio prepare for exams. 10% Discount with Student I D. (Master Card & VISA Accepted) 1 exhaust pipe, 1 tailpipe 1 stock muffler All Accessories and Labor. Most U.S. Cars & Lt. Trucks Special ZJtp BRING ADD IN-GOOD TILL 5-20-83 PILGER’S 503 NIMITZ COLLEGE STATION vrsA‘ ic_z—31 \csre' v_c■ u ^ceo’ec (IN BACK OF PILGER TIRE. 696-1735 MON-THRU-FRI 7:30AM-5’30PM SAT 9:00AM-2:00PM t e whn ling $ Casa Ton 4300 Texas, Bryan Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 p.m. - 12 midnight its le, Sund oser nadt Budt belie. frozen margaritas T5