The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 11, 1983, Image 8
Page 8/The Battalion/Monday, April 11, 1983 i Classifieds Battalion FOR RENT FOR RENT NEW TOWNPLEXES WOODWAY VILLAGE ONE MONTH FREE RENT 2 Bedroom, 1 1 /2 bath, W/D connections, major kitchen appliances, carpet, drapes, convenient to TAMU. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 Office at 512 West Loop OTHER DUPLEXES AND FOURPLEXES AVAILABLE. CALL FOR INFORMATION. 124tfn HAVE LUNCH ON US... FREE! A&M Apartment Placement is once again giving away free lunch to everyone who leases thru us. APARTMENTS * DUPLEXES * ALL TYPES OF HOUSING Call for appointment or come by A&M APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 693-3777 2404B Texas Avenue, C.S. Parkway Shopping Center" 128,10 GREAT SUMMER RATES You’ll fit right in at Parkway Apart ments. Call about our special summer rates TODAY! 693-6340. SUMMER FUN Terrific Pool area, Hot tub and lots of room for tanning. Call now about our summer rates. BRIARWOOD APART MENTS, 693-3014. Walk, Cycle, or Shuttle. It’s only 8 Blocks. 3902 COLLEGE MAIN country place apartments 846*0515 UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain Road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS: A New Class in Student living; 3 minutes from Campus; Compact, Efficient space; Securi ty; Washer/Dryer in each unit; From $399.00; 402 Nagle, 846-8960. 82tfn U-Lock-It storage 10x20 $22, and up, 693- 2339, 696-0592. . 123t30 MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (comer of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 ! (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn 2 bedroom house fenced yard Wellborn area, 693-2339, 696-0762. 123t30 FOURPLEX APARTMENTS 2 bedroom 2-story 1000 square, 1 bath w/d hookups, energy eff. 1- BLOCK TAMU very nice, ideal for faculty/staff, $385/mo. w/summer rates. Available call 696- 3174. ^ 12913^ NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 Mantfed by Joe Courtney, Inc. 75tfn Summer rates early! Two bedroom apart ments. Washers and dryers, $225.00, 779- 3550, 696-2038. ' 117t20 Rooms in house close to campus, $ 160/mo. includes utilities, 693-8381. 128t3 VILLA WEST APARTMENTS 3500 Pinfeather FOR RENT Efficiency $200.00 1 bedroom $230.00 & UP. 2 bedroom $260.00 & UP. IVz miles from campus. Adult property. Shuttle bus. No pets please. i27ti9 4-plex apts. College Station. 2 bedroom, $325.00, w/d connec tions. Water paid. No pets. Vz OFF OF FIRST MONTH’S RENT ON 9 OR 12 MONTH’S LEASES. 779- 1613, 8-5 M-F, 779-3162 (eve nings and weekends) A BARGAIN FOR 3 STUDENTS — practically new 3 bedroom, 2 bath 4-plex. Washer/dryer plus all kitchen appliances included. Close to university. As low as $145 per student. 696-7714/693- mz, CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate ocdupan- cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1 « n HELP WANTED FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift *Night shift (til 10 p.m.) 'Weekends •Flexible hours to fit your schedule •Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn THE GREENERY is interviewing for positions on: ‘LANDSCAPE MAINTE NANCE CREWS ^LANDSCAPE INSTALLA TION CREWS (Starting Pay $4.00 per hour) The Greenery is located at 1512 Cavitt (Near Ron Yokem Toyota) 823-7551. SERVICES LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE” CASA BLANCA G, COURTYARD J APARTMENTS “COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY” 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS 693-2772 846-1413 “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS” 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES HELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP NEEDED Days Nights Flexible hours. Call 846-1711. Luxury two bedroom l!/2 bath condomin iums in scenic setting. FP, microwave, two car garage. W/D connections and pool. $650-$725/month. Diane Janac, 846- 5741. 11U30 The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking applications for summer and fall route carriers. In addition, one opening is cur rently available. Pay ranges be tween $400-600 per month plus gas allowance. Please contact Julian at 693-2323 or Andy at 693-7815 for more details. 126110 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage, Bryan, shuttle bus, 5 minutes from TAMU, $625/mo. 775-2247. 126tl0 Mobile home space Wellborn area, 693- 2339, 696-0762. 123130 WOODSTOCK CONDO. For summer 2 bedroom w/d semi-furnished, $450, 696- 3359, Marc. 131»5 Concession & Cashier help want ed. Starting salary $3.55 plus ben efits. Apply in person only be tween 7-9 p.m. Schulman 6 Theater, 2002 E. 29th, Bryan. SWENSEN’S A local Ice Cream parlor/restaur ant is seeking energetic people to fill responsible positions. Flexible hours, competitive wages. Full- /part-time. Apply between 3-6 p.m. Culpepper Plaza, C.S. 129tfn DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED Must have own car, at least 19 yr of age, $3.75 hr. plus 6% commis sion. Apply in person at PIZZA EXPRESS between 2-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 319 Patricia or 2314 Texas Ave. S. isottn Part-time electronic technician needed. Must be able to repair Audio amplifiers and PA’s. Lange Vlusic Company, 1410 Texas Avenue. 128t5 Senior or graduate student couple to man age apartment complex leasing & mainte nance, apartment & salary, 696-7709.126t 10 Aggie Special work for summer rent start ing May 14. Apartment make ready, 693- 2772. 126U0 CRUISE SHIP JOB! $14-$28.000 Carri- bean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Di rectory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 722-1111 Ext. TAM. 126121 Assistant Manager for apartment now thru summer. Apartment furnished, 696- 7709. 126H0 FOR SALE FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Drwr Chests 54.95 Dresser/Mirror 94.95 5 Pc. Dining Set 69.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Sets169.95 Recliners 89.95 3 Pc. Coffee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Full Mat Sets 88.00 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 3 1—1 (-1 m o Home Builders & Realtors 775-5870 7 0 / QUALIFYING 70 RATE / ” ON ALL NEW BUILDER HOMES $98,0Q0-$200,000 IN PRIME COLLEGE STA TION AND BRYAN LOCA TIONS. LEASE PURCHASE AVAILABLE on selected new and used builder homes. B.B. Scaata Inc. David Lewis ’7* H.J. Marsh Allan Sc4ata '81 775-6870 822-1816 822-6485 775-7810 OpaartonMy 122120 Mobile home, 1981, 14x70, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, unfurnished, air & heat, private lot or can be moved, pasture for horses, 822- 0794, 696-0970. 13115 FOR SALE 10-speed 26" bicycle, men’s and women’s, Koss headphones, make offer, 846-5909. 13112 Toyota Celica 1978 “Car Of The Year” hatchback w/louvers, 5- speed, 30 MPG, A/C, AM/FM, Tape, C.B., fun to drive, extra fea tures. $4,000.00 original owner. Call Steve 696-3942. 119120 MEXICAN DRESSES FROM PUEBLA AND OAXACA Call 260-3539. 12715 Nikko 75-watt receiver, Onkyo turntable, Hitachi cassette deck, four Altec speakers. One year old. List price $1500, will sell for $750.00. Call for more information at 693-1276. Room for bargaining. 13115 SPECIAL NOTICE NOTICE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE MAJORS Pre-registration for the Fall 1983 semester will be conducted during the week April 18-22, 1983. All BIMS students are required to schedule a conference with their Academic Advisor prior to pre registration. You should pick-up a Course Request Form in the Biomedical Science office (Rm. 332, Vet. Med. Adm. Bldg.) and complete the form prior to the con ference with your Academic Ad visor. Following your conference, deliver the approved Course Re quest Form to the BIMS office. You are urged to schedule a con ference with your advisor and have your Course Request Form approved during the week prior to preregistration (beginning April 11) 128110 The IM-REC Sports Ofdce is now accepting the FRISBEE TOURNA MENT ENTRIES! Entries will con tinue to be accepted at the event site on Sunday, April 24. Events offered in this tourney are: maximum time aloft; throw, run and catch; distance throw; golf frisbee; free style (pairs). And... it’s FREE! For more informa tion call the IM-REC Sports Office at 845-7826. 126115 ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS IF YOU HAVE ORDERED A 1983 AGGIELAND AND WILL NOT BE ATTEND ING A&M NEXT FALL AND WISH TO HAVE IT MAILED TO YOU, PLEASE STOP BY THE STUDENT PUBLICA TIONS OFFICE, ROOM 216 REED MCDONALD BUILDING AND PAY A $3.50 MAILING FEE ALONG WITH YOUR FORWARDING ADDRESS SO YOUR AGGIELAND CAN BE MAILED TO YOU NEXT FALL WHEN THEY ARRIVE. LOST LOST; Gold St. Christopher on a gold rope chain. REWARD, 693-4332. 128t5 SERVICES TYPING. Experienced, fast, accurate, reasonable rates, 696-0914. 13115 Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 86t53 TYPING, 823-7723. 127119 Pat’s Typing Service, 693-8361. TYPING 823-4579. 122120 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfn WORD PROCESSING: Papers, disserta tions, reports, etc. Fast, accurate, reason able, 846-6200. 121120 Papers due? We can help. Word processing allows review, revisions. EastMark Execu tive Suites, 693-5895. 125121 “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” 188tfn Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 88tfn WORD-PROCESSING: Reasonable rates. Thesis, reports, dissertations. Executive Services, 696-3785. 129111 Indian fundin topic of talk '73 Honda CL350. 11,000 miles runs good, has fairing. Needs some work. Asking $500.(X). Call 846-4337 after 5 p.m. 12715 Gibson Les Paul guitar and rickenbacker 4001 bass. Call 822-2003. 12715 BMW 2002 collector’s car, 1967, one own er, mint condition, automatic, low mileage, $7200, 846-6633. 12915 1981 Yamaha XT250H, 1500 miles, forced sell. Excellent condition, 779-1051, $900. 12915 1981 Honda Express, excellent condition, low mileage over 100 mpg, $350 neg. Call Mike, 693-4644. 12815 United Press International AUSTIN — Legislators, state officials and representatives of two Texas Indian tribes sche duled a meeting for Monday to attempt to resolve a dispute over whether the Tigua and Alaba- ma-Coushatta reservations could continue to receive state funding. A recent opinion by Attorney General Jim Mattox indicated the Alabama-Coushatta reserva tion in East Texas was no longer considered a reservation under federal law and, therefore, might not be eligible to receive state funds. The opinion also could affect the Tigua reserva tion in El Paso. Several state lawmakers, rep resentatives of the governor’s office and attorneys for the In dian tribes scheduled a meeting for 8 a.m. Monday to try to iron out the funding dilemma. “We’re looking forward to Monday’s meeting because we hope we’ll be able to get some things out in the open and on top of the table,” said Ray Ramirez, superintendentoj Tigua reservation. “The Tribal Council there, and they are confJ the law is on our side. I In will not have togotocoiiij Rep. Allen Hightower, represents a district encoJ sing the Alabama-Coushaj servation, said the meeting was aimed at del ing a way to restore thenj eligibility to receive state “Unless this is done,; flora’s box will have opened t hat could resultin; and process of litigation could cost the taxpayeisW*’ Texas and the landow : necB U millirinr a(iH^ southeast Texas millionsoiL iars and possibly many, J acres ol land,” said HighijL D-Uuntsville. j l! The funding problem^ J''J posed last week by Corapirj Boh Bullock, who said hew continue the state’s jlh practice of making pavniti the Texas Indian Commi for the state tribes untiUl clarified his opinion. Bid jesi li FORD LTD, 1975 excellent condition, •57,000 miles, $2450, 845-3346 128U0 Blaupaunk car stereo system with equaliz er; Ventura guitar, offers, 693-4332. 12815 1978 Plymouth Volaire, good condition, AM-FM cassette, $2500 or best offer, 696- 5955. I2»t3 Insanity used in plea y case Sh United Press International DALLAS — A Lawton, Okla., woman charged with kidnap- { )ing a three-clay old baby from a lospital’s maternity ward has entered a plea of innocent by reason of insanity before a fed eral judge. Dale E. McMahon, a court appointed attorney for Norma Jo Smith, 32, entered the plea Friday before U.S. District Judge Robert Porter. Relatives of Smith said she had a hysterec tomy in 1972 and abducted the three-day old child March 24 be cause she feared her inability to have a child would jeopardize her marriage to a 25-year-old man. Smith was arrested in b'ft 1 ' and transferred to Dalbff-!'! March 31. She remainedir® ISS todv on $20,000 bail. Co-defendent Yvonne I son of Dallas also pli iiIiiMIt cent Friday to federal taB ping charges before Both women wereindkli the abduction of Hard Shon Patterson. igrt! Kon de Jo' Authorities charge thaiP son drove Smith, dressed nurse, to the hospitalwhenBeek took the infant fromhisUuM old mother’s arms. ' The two women are duke I for trial in the kidnaj a and conspiracy chargesJIadB s Youth charged with murders e United Press International CONROE — A hoy, 14, was being held Saturday in the kill ings of two brothers on the property where they had plan ned to build homes, a Montgom ery # County sheriff’s detective said. Chief Del. Steve Craeter said the youth was detained Friday by Walker County sheriff’s de puties at around 9 p.m. as he walked along Highway 75. The bodies of Riley Cantrell, 34, and Denton Cantrell, 35, were found Friday between two shacks by the men’s father. The father explained the two carpenters were living on the property two miles east of Willis. (. meter said the boyadivw 85 ' under questioning killing two men. He said Riley Cantrell® ee been shot once in the chest® 111 ' a .-HO-guage shotgun, an® “ brother received nuiw® 1 head wounds with a do®° n edged axe. f Craeter said authorities® 10 lieved the youth argued wid® ! uton (iantrell, assaulted hi® tei was then surprised by tl/H tim’s brother. The hoy was arraign® I luntsville and was taken® Conroe Juvenille Dete®| Facility, where he willa»'®H magis t rate proceeding Mow Craeter said. GOP delegates want fire probe II United Press International MIDLAND — The chairman of the state Republican Party, still smarting from November’s crushing gubernatorial defeat, was forced to resign Saturday, and delegates called for a probe of the capitol building fire. The fire began in the quar ters of Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby, a Democrat. Damage was placed in the millions of dollars. Ia\- “I don’t know if there was anything illegal done there,” said Midland Mayor Ernest Angelo, a member of the nation al GOP, at the executive® FI* party conference. T 'a. “But it’s a scandal a®>ay shame there hasn’t been i 101 di thing more done with itBdr said. “I think there wasan®. h_ at a coverup.” He said a damage suit ft Attorney General Jim! Democrat, against Zenith! was a sham and a farce. Zj was the maker of the tele"! set that arson investigators* may have started the blaze®”" Officials said Chet If®^ resigned for the good o® ^ party. ® h Woman murderei in Dallas home United Press International UNIVERSITY PARK — Au- PERSONALS SYLVIA Happy 20th Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Easter, and Happy anything else I’ve forgotten! Sorry this is late but you know me! I You still, I think. Love PAT 13111 thorities said Saturday the'i no clues in the brutal®'^ morning stabbing death 1 woman and wounding l,ii l nsi companion in a fashionable* Pen' urban Dallas home. f 01 ^ The male victim was ft f es * lied as James Perry Sewell? |° s s was in stable condition at'r a r sbyterian Hospital. ® ^ Police Chief David Be® k man said officers were call® he the rented duplex at 4; 2 1 ®ld and found Sewell on thel® 110 - lawn. He had been stabbe®] en the neck and leg and shot" H j nc SERVICES head. The woman, believed 11 the man’s girlfriend, wash shot to death in the [ side of a Cadillac parked ft] the carport. Her identith'"j released.