Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1983)
Wednesday, April 6,1983/The Battalion/Page 3 local A&M trio may get health study funding by Wanda Winkler Battalion Reporter Three Texas A&M professors may receive government fund ing for a study on family health care patterns in central Texas that will examine the uses of folk medicine — traditional medi cine that reflects the customs and values of a society. The federal government will decide in December whether to fund the program, Clarissa Kimber, professor of geogra phy, said. She and two other professors, Ruth Schaffer, professor of sociology, and Harry Lipscomb, professor of family and com munity medicine, are interested in studying the Brazos County area because of its diverse popu lation. Kimber said about 3,500 citizens from the county and surrounding areas will be chosen randomly for the study to insure a cross section of cultu ral, economic and ethnic groups. Sociology and geography gra duate students will interview participants and record their family medical history for the past year, she said. The trio will use the medical data to study health care patterns of other communities. “The study deals with finding out what people actually did in the case of medical treatment,” Kimber said. Interviewers will ask partici pants how often they use pre scription medicine or folk re medies, and how often they use a doctor or hospital for medical assistance. “We’re interested in how peo ple are using all types of medi cine,” Kimber said. The program also will study — “ethno-medicine” — beliefs a society has about nutrition, sick ness and health — to determine the relationship between folk medicine and family health care practices, she said. Classical folk remedies in clude peppermint tea to aid di gestion, cactus juice to heal sores and aloe vera, a laxative drug used to heal burns, Kimber said. “We’re interested in cultural herbs, teas, and poultices,” she said. A poultice is a hot, moist mass of flour or meal which is used on sores. The professors will evaluate the remedies used by partici pants to determine the degree of medical diversity in America. Kimber said there is a good chance the study will receive government funding through the Texas A&M Research Foundation. merican agriculture envied Battalion Staff Americans are the most en- ed people in the world, said banes G. Scruggs, editor and ^ ^ president of the Progessive T;: ner,atthe27thannual Agri- “Tflmral Convocation, held 1 ™ttiesday night in Rudder I then[iBeater. Dire tell I “One of the most asons (we are envied) basic is be- |use of the successful agricul- lyreand food abundance here,” uggssaid. However, Scruggs id that the Americans have led to believe that the fu- re of agriculture is doomed d that there is no hope for ungpeople entering the field. But, while it is true that the hces of farm commodities are Otot as high as farmers would Me, American agriculture is not ping out of business, Scruggs a: ■S swm* Alpha Zeta, an agriculture iideisuWanoi and service society, recog- the [feed three students as out standing. They were freshman Denise Marie Komora of Hous ton, sophomore David James Lusk of College Station, and junior Mary Elizabeth Walsh of El Paso. Brian Terrell of Plainview was chosen as the Texas A&M Alpha Zeta nominee for nation al scholarship competition. Dr. Gary Smith, head of the animal science department, was presented the Outstanding Pro fessor Award, given by the Stu dent Agricultural Council service to the college. The college presented merit awards, based on leadership, character and academics, to thir teen seniors. •James William Boenig, Con verse •Adela Antonio •George Theodore Boozalis, Lake Jackson •Shirley Elaine Altenhof, New' Braunfels Mireya Sosa, San Lunch - Dinner Late Night Munchies FUIM • FOOD* ORIIMK: •Alan Dale Whittaker, Thrall •Charles Arthur Phillip, •Deanna Marie Hoelscher, Boerne Floresville ^Bradley Wayne Goodner, •Mary Teresa Borer, Wood- Wichita Falls land Hills, Calif. • James William Harris, •Lee Ann Johnson, Austwell Beeville •Howard Kirk Esmond, • Brenda Kathleen Kainer, Beaumont Victoria CLIP THIS AD AND SAVE THE D ACC WAREHOUSE K CULPEPPER PLAZA LOST IN SRACE? NEST IN A TREEHOUSE. ire you lost in space? Worried ibout lack of dorm rooms next fall? Waited too long to reserve yours? ear can nest in a reehouse. 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