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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1983)
1 ’age 6/The Battalion/Tuesday, April 5,1983 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED :RUISE SHIP JOBS! Great income potcn- al, all occupations. For information call: 02-837-3401 Ext. 904. 12714 Accounting Students to represent America’s most successful CPA review course (76% pass rate) Compensation includes a free course. Call collect (713) 789- 2208. 127116 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn Senior or graduate student couple to man- tge apartment complex leasing & mainte- lancc, apartment & salary, 696-7709.12(itl<) Students telephone canvass work part-time emporary male or female no experience iccessarv easy call 775-7576. 12515 Assistant Manager for apartment now thru uinmer. Apartment furnished, 696- '709. 126110 xggie Special work for summer rent stari ng May 14. Apartment make ready, 693- 1772. 126tl0 SRUISE SHIP JOB! $14-$28,000 Carri- >ean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Di- ectory. Newsletter. 1-(916) 722-1111 Ext. PAM. 126121 FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10 p.m.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn WANTED KAMU-TV/FM is seeking 2 radio & TV reporters. Students would work a maximum of 20 hrs. per week & serv ing as reporters & videotape photog raphers. Preference will be given to applicants w/experience in broadcast news or print journalism, as well as those w/experience shooting video tape. Also taking applications for Sports reporter/Anchor. Fill out appli cations at KAMU-TV/FM on Houston St. 12615 Now Hiring. Start training April 18th for 10 openings Waiters/Waitresses, Cashiers/Hosts/Hostesses and Dishwashers. Apply in person Monday-Friday, Hill’s Restaurant, Carter Creek at 29th. 12615 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1 «" A limited number of Penberth\ . ty Softball Tournament entries will be accepted in the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle. If you didn't get your team together before you have a second chance! A $40.00 entry fee must accompany each team registration. For more infor mation call the IM-REC Sports Of fice at 845-7826. i25t6 The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking applications for summer and fall route carriers. In addition, one opening is cur rently available. Pay ranges be tween $400-600 per month plus gas allowance. Please contact Julian at 693-2323 or Andy at 693-7815 for more details. i26tio FOR RENT Mobile home space Wellborn area, 693- 2339, 696-0762. 123130 FOR RENT MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) | 36tfn' GREAT SUMMER RATES You’ll fit right in at Parkway Apart ments. Call about our special summer rates TODAY! 693-6340. a t m CAMPUS Walk, Cycle, or Shuttle. It’s only 8 Blocks. 3902 COLLEGE MAIN country place tments apartments 846 0515 SUMMER FUN Terrific Pool area, Hot tub and lots of room for tanning. Call now about our summer rates. BRIARWOOD APART MENTS, 693-3014. FOR RENT NEW TOWNPLEXES W00DWAY VILLAGE ONE MONTH FREE RENT 2 Bedroom, 1 1 /2 bath, W/D connections, major kitchen appliances, carpet, drapes, convenient to TAMU. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 Office at 512 West Loop OTHER DUPLEXES AND FOURPLEXES AVAILABLE. CALL FOR INFORMATION. 124tfn NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS: A New Class in Student living; 3 minutes from Campus; Compact, Efficient space; Securi ty; Washer/Dryer in each unit; From $399.00; 402 Nagle, 846-8960. 82tfn FOR SALE 2 bedroom house fenced yard Wellborn area, 693-2339, 696-0762. 123130 Gibson Les Paid guitar and rickenbackcr 4001 bass. Call 822-2003. 127t5 VILLA WEST APARTMENTS 3500 Pinfeather FOR RENT Efficiency $200.00 1 bedroom $230.00 & UP. 2 bedroom $260.00 & UP. IVa miles from campus. Adult property. Shuttle bus. No pets please. 127119 ’73 Honda CL350. 11,(KM) miles runs good, has fairing. Needs some work. Asking $500.(X). Call 846-4337 after 5 p.m. 127t5 MEXICAN DRESSES FROM PUEBLA AND OAXACA Call 260-3539. NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 Managed by Joe Courtney, Inc. 75tfn 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage, Bryan, shuttle bus, 5 minutes from TAMU, $625/mo. 775-2247. 126tl0 U-Lock-It storage 10x20 $22, and up, 693- 2339, 696-0592. 123t30 VILLA WEST APARTMENTS 3500 Pinfeather FOR RENT Efficiency $200.00 1 bedroom $230.00 & UP. 2 bedroom $260.00 & UP. IV2 miles from campus. Adult property. Shuttle Bus. No pets please. 119t10 CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn 3 bV* Home Builders & Realtors 775-5870 7°/c QUALIFYING | RATE " ON ALL NEW BUILDER HOMES $98,000-$200,Q00 IN PRIME COLLEGE STA TION AND BRYAN LOCA TIONS. LEASE PURCHASE AVAILABLE on selected new and used builder homes. B.B. Scasta Inc. 775-8670 David Lewis‘76 822-1616 H.J. Marsh 822-6485 Allen Scfsta '81 775-7811) Luxury two bedroom IVz bath condomin iums in scenic setting. FP, microwave, two car garage. W/D connections and pool. $650-$725/month. Diane Janac, 846- 5741. 111130 Mturt Housing Opportunity 122120 O’Brien Sailboards, $650, 696-6292. 126t4 Two bedroom one bath apartment in new fourplex. 2001 Longmire. On shuttle bus route. $375/month. Call Steve, 764- 8614. 12315 1978 Toyota Corolla wagon, 5-speed, air, AM-FM, new tires. Very clean. $3050, 693-6211. ' 12615 Summer rates early! Two bedroom apart ments. Washers and dryers, $225.00, 779- 3550, 696-2038. ' 117t20 ’79 Pontiac Sunbird, 4cycl./4sp., air, ex tras, $3000/best offer, 693-9430. 123t5 1980 Yamaha 650 special, 4000 miles, lug gage rack, gloves, $1400, 260-2457. 123t5 UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain Road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) Toyota Celica 1978 “Car Of The Year” hatchback w/louvers, 5- speed, 30 MPG, A/C, AM/FM, Tape, C.B., fun to drive, extra fea tures. $4,000.00 original owner. Call Steve 696-3942. 119120 ’73 Datsun 240Z, auto, air, 70K, clean, $2650/best offer, 693-9430. 123t5 DUPLEX CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 bedroom at 205 Montclair. Ideal for students. Call Jane at 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn Toyota Celica-GT, 78, 5-speed, 30mpg, air, new tires, real good conditions, Call 696-2976. 12315 YAMAHA Seca 750, 81, black, fairing, $2100 or best offer. 693-0921 Mark. 12415 1980 Yamahopper, Good condition. Call 696-7291 afternoons or evenings. 124t5 ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn SERVICES TYPING, 823-7723. Pat’s Typing Service, 693-8361. TYPING 823-4579. 122t20 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfn 4-plex apts. College Station. 2 bedroom, $325.00, w/d connec tions. Water paid. No pets. Vs OFF OF FIRST MONTH’S RENT ON 9 OR 12 MONTH’S LEASES. 779- 1613, 8-5 M-F, 779-3162 (eve nings and weekends) WORD PROCESSING: Papers, disserta tions, reports, etc. Fast, accurate, reason able, 846-6200. 121120 Free Mary Kay facial or re-orders 15% discount TAMU I.D., 693-0104. 121tl0 Typing-Word Processing 10% discount through April 15. BAS 696-9550. 120tll LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES “IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE’’ CASA BLANCA C, COURTYARD X APARTMENTS “COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY’’ 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS’ 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- 693-2772 846-1413 SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Papers due? We can help. Word processing allows review, revisions. EastMark Execu tive Suites, 693-5895. 125121 “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” 188tfn TYPING 693-0389. Typing, fast, reasonable, 693-7761. 126t5 Karen’s Typing service, 775-6126. 67t84 Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 88tfn Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 86t53 Marilyn’s Typing: Student, business, 693- 7515. ’ 117t35 Now you know United Press International Mexico’s Aztec Indians in vented a game similar to basket ball 400 years ago in which con testants tried to shoot a rubber ball through a stone ring and anyone able to do so was allowed to take the clothes of all those watching. MISC. - ATTENTION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS- A new policy statement on satisfactory progress toward a BSEE has been issued by the EE Department. If you have not received a copy stop by Rm. 215D Zachry and pick one up. 12417 SPECIAL NOTICE The 1^-hEC Sports Office is now accepting the FRISBEE TOURNA MENT ENTRIES! Entries will con tinue to be accepted at the event site on Sunday, April 24. Events offered in this tourney are: maximum time aloft; throw, run and catch: distance throw; golf frisbee; free style (pairs). And... its FREE! For more informa tion call the IM-REC Sports Office at 845-7826. 126115 Pass the FAA private pilot written test after only one weekend. Guaranteed. Col lege Station-April 9 and 10. Call (512) 863-4288 after 6:00 p.m. for details. Austin Flight Plan. i26ts 1 VALLEY • VOLF 1 DRIVING RANGE I | Mon.-Fri. 12-9 p.m. | l Sat. 10-9 p.m. i Sun. 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 t East Bypass and Hwy. 30. f I Service Road Going South - V* | miles. " | 12011 | Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 OFFICIAL NOTICE STU- ATTENTION LAW DENTS Legal Cooperative Education positions are available this Fall at Austin and Houston law firms. Come by 420 Harrington or call 845-7814. 12615 ATTENTION LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS Cooperative Education positions are available with the Harris County (Houston) Juvenile probation depart ment this summer. These are volun teer (no wages) positions only. Come by 420 Harrington or call your CO OP office at 845-7814. 12615 ATTENTION FUTURE LAW STUDENTS Legal Cooperative Education position is available this Sum mer in San Antonio. Come by 420 Harrington or call 845-7814 immediately. i26ts Attention GOLFERS & AR CHERS!!! The Intramural Golf Doubles, Archery Singles and Doubles Tournaments will close on Tuesday, April 5 at 7 PM. For more information on golf or ar chery contact the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 E. Kyle or phone 845- 7826.12513 The INTRAMURAL TRACK PRE LIMINARIES will be held on Tuesday, April 5 at 7 PM on Kyle Field. Entries will be accepted during the first call for each running event. FIELD EVENTS will be accepted Sunday, April 10 - Men’s Indep & Dorm at 1 PM, Wom en’s Indep & Dorm at 2:30 PM, Corps & Fish at 3:30 PM. For more information contact the IM-REC Sports Office. 159 E. Kyle at 845-7826. 125(3 PERSONALS Typing, 8 years experience, fast and accu rate, reasonable rates. IBM seleetric, 696- 0914. 12615 Susan In honor of your birthday you are invited to an evening of wining dining and dance with the old man in your life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 12711 Mayoral race results issued Uniti BROW omise i United Press International In balloting across the state, Dallas elected a new mayor, San Antonio and El Paso kept their old ones and the Austin mayoral race was thrown into a run-off, while backers of a nuclear freeze proposal in Galveston hailed the measure’s passage as a victory over Reagan administration policies. By fewer than 400 ballots, Galveston backed a plan adopt ing a mutual freeze on all test ing, production and deploy ment of nuclear weapons by the United States and the Soviet Un- Cisneros was elected wii (I nen 55,397 votes. None of his fut opponents — including a mm- her of the Socialist WorkersPat- ty and another whosecampaija headquarters was in a public telephone booth— had vote tot- gratioi als in four digits. In Dallas, StarkeTayloreasilt won the mayoral contest,takioj a 10 percent jump over hischicf opponent, former Mayor Wes Wise. “(Despite the loss) there’snm ross th ;s with : Rio l licate. The f ve no ■ wo j>self to e coul use it 1< iabyov and The light Galveston turnout ,l K m showed 2,727 in favor of the re solution, and 2,356 against. In San Antonio, Henry Cis neros, 35, won a second two- year term by beating five candi dates with 94 percent of the vote. Cisneros won his term by the largest margin since the mayoral election of 1929 when the win ner got 97 percent of the vote. a wet eye in the place,” said Wise, I who was heavily outspent intbtj campaign. “We have no tt-1 Brets.” In hi Paso, incumbentMajul jonathan Rogers garnertdl 24,661 votes — 63.2 perceaI with all precincts reporting TT 1 and easily defeated hh nearti I opponent, Jaime O. Perez A had 26.7 percent. In Austin, final tallies shod Ron Mullen got 35,755 volts and Lowell Lebermann got 30,691 votes. There will bei nmol I in that race. Court OKs Braniff 2—week extension United Press International FORT WORTH — A federal bankruptcy judge gave bank rupt Braniff International two more weeks to submit its long- awaited reorganization plan. The airline’s chief executive said Monday it must be filed by April 18. Howard Putnam, chief ex ecutive officer of Braniff, said the extension was granted by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge John Flowers because of a crowded court docket. Putnam is trying to win court approval of a plan that would convert Braniff into a non flying airline to avoid outright liquidation of Braniff. “It is possible that some credi tors may want to put together a plan that would keep Braniff in the airline business, but our plan will call for a very small com pany,” Putnam said. Putnam wants toconvertBn niff into a non-flying compas that would operate maintenaia I [ls j c j er; facilities and perform grod P services and training function! for other airlines* Sen It has been selling some aircraft and obtained coin! approval of a deal with Peoj Express Airlines to sell 20 jets for $84 million. Putnam is attemptingtobriig in revenue to help pay off Bn niffs creditors to avoid liqui tion. Basically, Putnam is atiemj ting to bring in revenuetoht^ pay off Braniffs creditors! avoid liquidation. B ra n i f f abruptly ceased op ations May 12 and filed forreoi ganization under the proteciiof of the federal bankruptcyla« MIKE LAWSHE CL-ASS Vict-PRE.SIDE.MT Class>io&i4T t_S Ci DlK.E.<CToe MARY KAY CLINTON STUDE-KJt SE:Kt/kTO|^. Bonfire. C.oop.C>i N AtoP- NATIONAU ME.RIT SCHOLAR. class agents * vote tocsat ■STOPBHT’S LOOMCbt VOTE- TONIGHT I MDUCTI OM BANQUET aii.fjiiii, .1 Mtii.i ONE Donation Can save FIVE Lives! April 4-7 MSG Commons Aj&A Sbisa Sponsored by: Student Govt. APO OPA THE BLOOD CENTER at Wadley