The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 05, 1983, Image 3

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    Tuesday, April 5, 1983/The Battalion/Page 3
College of Agriculture
awards banquet tonight
25 years of service
staff photo by David Fisher
From left to right, Tony LeCara, Steven Cromwell, Pete
Smith, Wadley Blood Bank administrator, Linda
Thomas, chairman of Student Government, Wally
Brewster, MSC coordinator of continuing programs,
watch as Dr. Kurt Osther, scientific director of Wadley
Blood Center, presents Dr. John J. Koldus, Texas A&M
vice president for student services, a plaque recognizing
the University’s 25 years of donating blood to the bank.
Since 1959, Texas A&M students and faculty have
donated 33,827 units of blood to the center. This semes
ter’s drive runs through Thursday.
Outstanding agriculture stu
dents will be recognized at the
27th annual Agricultural Con
vocation at 7:30 tonight in Rud
der Theater.
A professor from the College
of Agriculture will be chosen
and honored for outstanding
contributions to the College of
Agriculture. Also, winners of va
rious scholarships will be
announced during the event.
C.G. Scruggs, editor and vice
president the Progressive Far
mer, will address the convoca
tion with his speech “Will There
Be Life in Agriculture After
The outstanding freshman,
sophomore and junior in the
College of Agriculture will be
recognized and the top 1 per
cent of the seniors will be given
Senior Merit Awards for out
standing grade, leadership and
activity records at Texas A&M.
In addition to the awards
given to individual students and
professors, the Gavel Award will
be presented to the technical
club within the college with the
best percentage of attendance at
the convocation.
General Studies Program
1 Students who plan to Pre-Register for the |j
1 Fall Semester in the General Studies Pro- i
E gram are URGED to pick up a Pre- j|
E registration Form in Room 100 of flarring- E
i ton Tower from Mar. 28 thru Apr. 15.
,qual hiring is
orkshop topic
SUt'T'CASE P A RrV ‘83
by Stephanie M. Ross
Battalion Reporter
|The Texas A&M System
ffirmative Action Office will
lid an af firmative action work-
sl ip Wednesday for system
I Blministrators and managers.
The purpose of the work-
flop is to educate people on affirmative action and
flual employment opportunity
fleand to clear up any miscon-
tflptions about them, said
flerald Wright, system affirma-
|ve action officer. Most people
akfl not understand fully what
trokifle programs are and how the
ninoflws concerning them apply to
en kb wstem, he said.
^fl The workshop will he dire-
r ^ Jed at those who are involved in
thjflhng system employees,
willii right said -
■ Vice presidents, deans, dire-
aOKjors anc j department heads
omTfr in all areas of the University
system have been invited to the
workshop, but registration has
been opened to businesses in the
College Station area and any
other interested persons,
Wright said.
Topics planned for the work
shop, which will run from 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in 601 Rudder,
include “Affirmative Action and
Reverse Discrimination,” “Re
cruitment, Selection and Place
ment,” “Equal Employment and
Opportunity Commission
Charges and How to Handle
Them” and “The EEOC: its
Role and Enforcement Au
Lectures, films and problem
solving sessions also will be part
of the workshop.
With an understanding of the
programs, Wright said, prob
lems in employee relations and
hiring practices can be foreseen
and possibly avoided.
f ART'Y ‘83
P A ft'Ey ‘83
ove and sex
lecture topics
Bring suUcd.s<& ^paekcd for a weekend
Uakav lew Club , . jLy,
Free beer, Uve music by tt OZ'
&* K 9 ~l <*.m. ^
Free 'Trips
$5 Vonail
Xickeba dvaUdbte* PURYEAR
00 Kg
by Melissa Adair
Battalion Staff
o is'® Dick. Purnell, lecturer and
ifcunselor with Campus Crusade
for Christ, will be at fexas A&M
|)day through Thursday to
Sjpeak on developing self-worth
iml building better relation-
Learning about interper-
onal relationships is one of the
teatest needs college students
ave,” Purnell said. “They (stu-
lents) want to know as much as
ley can in this area — how to
■art relationships and how to
Jevelop them once they’ve
“Arelationship with someone
fthe opposite sex is more than
rst having fun, it’s learning ab-
luteach other. And many times
I lot of fear goes along w ith
Purnell has a master’s degree
ii counseling from Indiana Uni-
lersity and has counseled many
j Students.
I Purnell, who was married less
^flhan a year ago, said he and his
f ife, Paula, travel together as a
I “Paula does a lot of speaking
Snd counseling too,” he said.'
|And she can relate to women in
I different way than I can. She
|lsohelps me with my lectures.”
Purnell will speak at 7 tonight
n Rudder Auditorium on how
tudents can develop a better
“Society tends to put too
uch emphasis on beauty, intel
ligence and status,” Purnell said.
|‘And because of this, we con-
Purnell said all of his lectures
stress Christ as being the key to
successful relationships.
“Christ can help us develop
the best relationships possible,”
Purnell said. “We all have prob
lems, but the question is how do
we handle these problems? I
think having a personal relation
ship with Christ is the answer.”
Purnell’s lectures are spon
sored by Texas A&M Campus
Crusade for Christ.
f 1
tantly compare ourselves to
then, which results in frustra-
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Rud-
ler Auditorium, Purnell will
ijpscuss why couples break up.
Hi)! 1 If students can understand
ill khycouples break up, then they
an avoid those situations and
build stronger relationships, he
5* aid. Many times people idealize
what relationships should be like
and end up discouraged because
their dream world is shattered,
At 8 p.m. Thursday in G. Rol-
lie White Coliseum, Purnell will
speak on sex and the search for
i^ intimacy.
“Sex can be a misleading area
for our real search for intima-
ry,” he said. “Sex doesn’t equal
^ intimacy.”
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Culpepper Plaza
Charge It on Lewis’ Charge, Mastercard, Visa, Am. Exp.