The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1983, Image 8
t l I H •0 ■ • ' Page 8/The BattalionAA/ednesday, March 30, 1983 Battalion Classifieds Mother accused in infant deaths found incompetent ai'p W ONE HELP WANTED EARN EXTRA INCOME Through Part-time Employment Lunch Shift: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Benefits Offered. Free Food. Flexible hours. Paid Vacations. Free Uniforms Apply in Person Between 2:30-4:30 Monday-Friday DER WEINERSCHNITZEL 501 S. Texas, Bryan Outside attcndatit schedule own hours. Ap ply at 3301 Texas Ave. 120t5 FOR RENT Ben Bailey’s needs someone to be here during the summer. Flexible hours, 846- 1860. 120t5 Aide needed immediately for nursery school mornings or afternoons. Teacher needed upon graduation, 846-5571. 122tfn SCIENCE MAJORS TO RE-ELECT LAUREN MURPHY SENATOR Science-At-Large Vote March 29-30 Summer rates early! Two bedroom apart ments. Washers and drvers, $225.00, 779- 3550, 696-2038. 117t20 FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift *Night shift (til 10 p.m.) "Weekends "Flexible hours to fit your schedule "Rapid advancement "Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 Managed by Joe Courtney, Inc. Brazos County 4-plex apts. College Station. 2 bedroom, $325.00, w/d connec tions. Water paid. No pets. Vz OFF OF FIRST MONTH’S RENT ON 9 OR 12 MONTH’S LEASES. 779- 1613, 8-5 M-F, 779-3162 (eve nings and weekends) ^ g5((n Cl STOPPER 775-TIPS DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn Telephone sales full or part time temporary day or evening hours available. Earn extra spending money. Call 775- 7576. i ists DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, carpet, drapes, fenced yard. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn Delivery, light work, female or male, temporary, must have own car. Earn extra spending money. Call 775-7576. 11915 DUPLEX CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 bedroom at 205 Montclair. Ideal for students. Call Jane at 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn FOR RENT Two bedroom one bath apartment in new fourplex. 2001 Longmire. On shuttle bus route. $375/month. Call Steve, 764- 8614. 123t5 ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn U-Lock-It storage 10x20 $22, and up, 693- 2339, 696-0592. I23t30 2 bedroom house fenced yard Wellborn area, 693-2339, 696-0762. ’ 123t30 Mobile home space Wellborn area, 693- 2339, 696-0762. 123130 UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain Road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn VILLA WEST APARTMENTS 3500 Pinfeather FOR RENT Efficiency $200.00 1 bedroom $230.00 & UP. 2 bedroom $260.00 & UP. 1 Vz miles from campus. Adult property. Shuttle Bus. No pets please. ngtio FOR SALE Luxury two bedroom IV2 bath condomin iums in scenic setting. FP, microwave, two car garage. W/D connections and pool. $650-$725/month. Diane Janac, 846- 5741. 111130 1981 Ford Escort. Like new. A/C. Cassette stereo. $5,100. 846-6509. H9t5 FOR SALE ’75 Gremlin low mileage $950/best offer, 693-1069 5-7 p.m. 122t5 Peavey Bass amp., $300, 260-3958. 122t5 Mobile home. Two bedrooms, storage shed, pool. Good condition, $6,400, 779- 1801. 119t5 1980 Suzuki GS 250T, 3400 miles. Like new. $ltXX) negotiable. Call 764-8871.119t5 '74 Kaw. 500 $600? Must sell; ’80 Suzuki TS100 $600, 846-6115, Roger. 120t5 Toyota Celica-GT, ’78, 5-speed, 30mpg, air, new tires, real good conditions. Call 696-2976. 123t5 1980 Yamaha 650 special, 4000 miles, lug gage rack, gloves, $1400, 260-2457. 123t5 United Press International MARSHALL - A 24-year-old woman charged in the deaths of two of her infant children in two states has been found mentally incompetent to stand trial in the beating death of her 3-month- old daughter. A jury deliberated less than 10 minutes Monday before rul ing that Sherry Allman, of Mar shall, could not understand the charges against her or aid in her defense. But, jurors ruled that, with treatment, she probably would be able to stand trial in the near future. Allman was charged with murder and injury to a child in the Nov. 9, 1982, beating death of Sherry Lynn Allman. She also has been charged in Kansas City, Mo., with second-degree mur der in the 1976 death of her 4- month-old son, Marvin Neal Allman. Allman will be committed to Rusk State Hospital for treat ment until doctors there certify her as competent. That will take a minimum of 60 days and a maximum of 18 months. Psychiatrists for the state and the defense examined Allman, and their reports agreed she was not capable of standing trial. Harrison County District Attorney Sam Baxter said doc tors at Rusk told him that, with anti-depressant drugs and ther apy, Allman could become com petent in about 90 days. She then would be returned to Har rison County for another com petency hearing. If she is found competent and ordered to stand trial, defense attorneys have said they would seek a change of venue due to publicity in the baby’s death. The deaths of three other All- Mj&ie f Up 0? Al attwdia }n WH) a 48 PR( man children initiallywert buted to Sudden Infam Syndrome, but an auioi Sherry Lynn disdosedst fered a fractured skull,! neck, three broken ribs; arm injury. That finding prompted cials in Texas and Mis* investigate the other deal led to the charges in 1| Neal’s slaying. A third child, Joseph, 1978 at the age of one but that death has been buted to SIDS. A fourti died after a premature! Panama Jack suntan products and teeshirts. Gall Austin at 693-1624. 123t4 '79 Pontiac Sunbird, 4cycl./4sp., air, ex tras, $3000/best offer, 693-9430. 123t5 Pediatric care investigated '73 Datsun 240Z, auto, air, 70K, clean, $2650/best offer, 693-9430. 12315 1972 Chevelle Malibu. Good condition. A/C, am/ftn cassette stereo, $950, 693- 2965. I23t5 Families to file lawsuits United I IASHIN lartment I sales tt '18 Monte Carlo clean, good condition, V6, AM/FM, cassette, 822-2083. 12115 NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS: A New Class in Student living; 3 minutes from Campus; Compact, Efficient space; Securi ty; Washcr/Dryer in each unit; From $399.00; 402 Nagle, 846-8960. 82tf» 1981 Honda Passport, good condition, $450, 2 helmets included, 846-9411 or 696- 8557. list? Olds Cutlass '80 White/Maroon 2 Dr./HT fully loaded, excellent condition, 696- 0027. 12014 Bicycle. Vista 12-speed 27 inch frame. Has extras. $150, 846-5851. 12214 United Press International SAN ANTONIO — The families of nine children who died at Medical Center Hospit al’s pediatric intensive care unit will file wrongful death lawsuits against the hospital, an attorney said Tuesday. Maroon and white ’74 Celiea 70,000 miles. Must sell $1,000 Kevin 260-3582. 122t4 SERVICES Toyota Celiea 1978 “Car Of The Year” hatchback w/louvers, 5- speed, 30 MPG, A/C, AM/FM,. Tape, C.B., fun to drive, extra fea tures. $4,000.00 original owner. Call Steve 696-3942. 119120 Alterations Repairs and Custom Clothing done in my home. Call Pam 693-6538.64119 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfn TYPING 693-0389. 121110 Free Mary Kay facial or re-orders 15% discount TAMU I.D., 693-0104. 121tl0 San Antonio attorney Cornel Walker, who is representing all nine families, said he was in the process of notifying the Bexar County Hospital District that he intends to file the suits. Walker said he had talked with “a bunch” of current and former MCH personnel, includ ing doctors and nurses, who in dicated that a grossly negligent situation existed at the hospital when the children died. “It was pure and simple negli gence,” Walker said. “Those people (doctors and nurses) tell us the (hospital) administration knew that a tragic and grossly negligent situation was going on in the pediatric intensive care unit.” He said some of the hospital personnel he had talked with nad testified before a Bexar County grand jury investigating the deaths, but he stressed that he didn’t discuss grand jury tes timony with any of them. The grand jury is investigat ing the pediatric unit for an un usually high number of infant and child deaths from 1978 to 1982. Walker said most of his clients’ children’s deaths occur red in 1981. District Attorney Sam Millsap and Chief Deputy District Attor ney Nick Rothe, who is heading the grand jury probe,k '•', I 10 ^ dined to specify the deaths under investigate , 8 ll : A doctor from the \< 01 * based Center for Diseaj Theiep trol joined the investigate.! ment ^ weeks ago, and his reports! :e a ' K . he completed in the nti weeks. Walker said it did if the grand jury I homicide was involvedit, the deaths. “As far as my suitsait| cerned, it doesn't matter was homicide,” he said, going to call anybodyam er u nless they are found a criminal court.” s agree Icountri' the 1 :h figui hat vva 0 whei It Mobile home 12x50 two bed room bath large kitchen. Com pletely hooked up in park, 6 miles from TAMU. Evenings 696-5832 (Jeff). 121(6 TYPING 82.3-4579. 122120 WORD-PROCESSING $15/hour for straight text. $4.50 for one page resume. EastMark Executive Suites, 693-5895. 112tl4 Divorcee a success United HASH I! HOUSTON AREA STUDENTS. Expert typing. Schedule papers now. Call 980- 6177. 116th> 4. ^ Hom . Builders & Realtors 775-5870 7 0 / qualifying /o RATE / w ON ALL NEW BUILDER HOMES $98,000-$2Q0,000 IN PRIME COLLEGE STA TION AND BRYAN LOCA TIONS. LEASE PURCHASE AVAILABLE on selected, new and used builderhomes. B.8. Scasta Inc. 775-6870 David Lewis 76 822-1816 H.J. Marsh 822-6485 Allen Sc^sta '81 775-7810 ■qual Housing Opportunity Typing-Word Processing 10% discount through April 15. BAS 696-9550. 120tll “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” 188tfn WORD PROCESSING: Papers, disserta tions, reports, etc. Fast, accurate, reason able, 846-6200. 121(20 SPECIAL NOTICE AIRCRAFT OPERATING PARTNERSHIP Cessna 175. Superby equipped and maintained. ANAV, DME, autopilot, new engine conversion. Hangered at Easterwood. Four partners. Equity $3,000.00. Call Mrs. Pampell, 775-0809. 12215 WANTED United Press International MCALLEN — Phyllis Griggs came out of a bad divorce 10 years ago feeling “ugly and stu pid,” and added the word “broke” to that litany after put ting what little money she had into a Mr. Donut shop. Now, 10 years and six Mr. Donut franchises later, Griggs heads a million dollar business with 35 employees and this month was named the Small Business Administration’s Texas State Small Business Per son of the Year. “I came out of my divorce feeling dumb and ugly. I didn’t feel very good about myself. I didn’t feel very good about any thing,” said Griggs, who in May will travel to Washington for a round of SBA receptions. The former Phyllis Rieger grew up in Rapid City, S.D., and during her marriage worked as a secretary for the Corner Con struction Co. She had no formal education beyond high school. The skills she developed as a sec retary were the extent of her business talents. “Ten years ago on April Fools Day I bought a Mr. Donut shop from my ex-husband,” she said. “I was 35 years old, I had been in McAllen for six months, I had very little money and an 8-year- old daughter. We (she and her daughter) were on our own. We didn’t know anybody except a real nice banker who went way out on a limb” and loaned her the money for the shop. Griggs said she worked 15 hours a day, “working the coun ter, scrubbing the floor and hauling Hour.” “Our employees becaa friends and our family,’! said. “This (award)isnoii cess. This is their succes helped me a lot.” In her first year inbuilt years ago, Griggs said he grossed about $250,0! estcarr iloyed Americ nation 1 bills, si ribute Robert of d nday tl cam pa nomic l said she closed this fiso! ,, ment with $ 1.3 million inv it would have been hi| we were hurt by the p« valuation.” Eighteen months aftet ing the first shop she! second one, and ISmonili that she built another.! 'T peak, she owned sixshoji McAllen, Missionandf in South Texas. She I sold three shops and! another one. CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 itm Sell your unwanted men’s and women's clothing on consignment at Y’S IDEAS. Call 779-7334 for info. 122t3 WANTED-Good C&W band to play April 15 & 16 at Brazos De Dios Dios Western Fiesta. Plenty of publicity not much pav. Molly, 822-1523. ' HGtio LOST In the SBA Texascoi lion, Griggs (At leasi hospiti includi was other Texas businessesW employees or less. Shea fdical was advised by SBAoffidi pled it was unusual for such) business to win. Griggs has not reman* her daughter is nowad Southern Methodist Uii in Dallas. “A lot of women comti divorces f rightened and* they can’t make it,”slies made it. But it tookdetd tion and guts.” In one .!)( 1; i J United EDER, : docto ficial h k aliv !t of th SERVICES LOST: TI-58C calculator, Friday probably in the A&A, 775-3444. 123tl Karen’s Typing service, 775-6126. 67t84 LOST: PROBABLY at Sul Ross Reunion. Yellow gold flexible ring with 3 yellow diamonds. Liberal reward. 775-4878. 119(5 1040-EZ $5 1040-A $7 Fast, accurate & inexpensive. Ap ril 15th is coming! Kelly Jones 696-7673. Steve LeBlanc 696- 3027. 121(5 OFFICIAL NOTICE Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 8St53 Marilyn's Typing: Student, business, 693- 7515.' 117135 Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. . 88tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting ■ HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. | Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 ^ 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 itfn ^ ATTENTION LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS Cooperative Education position availa ble this Summer or next Fall as an intern working in Senator Lloyd Bent- sen’s Washington, D.C. office. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone in terested in American Government or Law. Take action immediately as the Summer internship deadline is April 1, 1983. Come by 420 Harrington or call your Co-op office at 845-7814 for de tails. 11915 ATTENTION LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS Cooperative Education positions avail able this Summer or next fall for En glish and Communications majors working on a small Texas newspaper as a sports writer or as a general news- /feature writer. Come by 420 Harring ton or call 845-7814 for details, lists LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES “IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE" Q, COURTYARD CASA BLANCA x APARTMENTS “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS” COURTYARD APARTMENTS ‘COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY” 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS 693-2772 846-1413 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ROOMMATE WANTED Gay Student Services now providing room mate locator service. 846-8022. 11619 JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOCi: Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Each Daily Special Only $2.39 Plus Is “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7: geons rt and nt; art imja len nelli a Her. Dr. VVi! artific ns beh ;ans pn ogyat Way urch o 4 MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisoury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or. Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Steak w cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread andBuW Coffee or Tea SI WAYb THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL ten Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROThCTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SATURDAY d ,a' * a * Job SPECIAL NOON and EVENING BREADED FISH SPECIAL I FILET w TARTAR Yankee Pot Roast For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affir mative Action. Texas A&M University 181tfn SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee Texas Style (Tossed Salad) Mashed Potato w gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee — SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENIK ROAST TURKEY DIN# Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable