The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1983, Image 5
| Wednesday, March 30, 1983/The Battalion/Page 5 \ Kn y Tamltii Centen) Lybrandhas rtmentinthe| entativeswl! academic and 'sent thefW in. Jartmentsaid] ill ip program' t zieeds unties will IjW'fc ion at ' elopmentsinj ibertson; iliility of stai| lonnationoaj Is and objec-f sdieduledioj lowever, lr ries into area tbers, airpoitJ >s X’allev De-| li, ig- . a and airpora a/os Cenier.I bmit for this Reed McDo TBXAS AVI. A POST OPFICI ST. BRYAN 2412T1XAS AVI. COLLBOK STATION ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale in each Kroger store, except as specifically noted in this ad. If we do run out of an advertised item, we will offer you your choice of a com parable item, when available, reflecting the same savings or a rain check which will entitle you to purchase the advertised item at the advertised price within 30 days. Specials effective at Kroger March 30 thru Tues., April S, 1903. Right to limit reserved. None sold to dealers. (Copyright) THE KROGER CO. 1903. J n police arrhj nan in Rw le whoassai ian. in his a tely 6 feet 2 ng dark half' ury isse 0 o 0 OLDE VIRGINIE WHOLE BONELESS HAMS <•8. LB. KROGER GRADE A MEDIUM aS, ☆ r DOZ. HENPIL INC...feature of the week wards P*' „n be pveW e tw'o-'veek | any of thef hat . th The t« ationsoM oning ,,,eared ludVT* COKE ifiqer ^/ViVv^ DIET COKE, TAB, SPRITE, SUGAR FREE SPRITE PAK 12 OZ. CANS BIG K (REGULAR & DIET) Soda 2 LITER QQC , . BTL. OO 4 Br^withPure Rocky Mountain N* 1 ’* COORS m\ 12 PAK 12 OZ. CANS • 0J % o REGULAR Budweiser CHABLIS. ROSE, BURGUNDY, RHINE Paul Masson Wines Pearl or Pearl Light. . . 12 PAK $4,49 ft • • • 12 OZ. CANS Ba V 1.5 LITER $009 • ••••• BTL. I *vs ihitn I ( aWx 12 PAK $099 12 OZ. CANS W itr. if.: