The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 29, 1983, Image 7
M!■$f ’V*?f* '^Vy^ty.y^ >*• •> Tuesday, March 29,1983/The Battalion/Page 7 national China lures junketeers United Press International WASHINGTON — Members of Congress are using their Eas ter recess to take off on trips around the globe, with China apparently the most popular junket stop. At least 30 members of Con gress are visiting China this week. Europe and South Amer ica will have a few visitors. Some members of Congress, possibly concerned about their constituents’ views of such travels, prefer not to announce such plans in advance, so their junkets become known only accidentally or through expense reports. Speaker Thomas O’Neill, D- Mass., and 14 other House members are in China this week “to meet with a number of high- level officials,” O’Neill’s office said. Several spouses and staff members are also on the trip. Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Com mittee, is leading a 10-member delegation to Japan, China and Hong Kong to discuss trade, energy development, interna tional communications and health issues, Dingell’s announcement said. Rep. Jerry Patterson, D- Calif., and chairman of the House Banking subcommittee, travels to China with Reps. Este ban Torres, D-Calif.; Stan Par ris, R-Va.; and Ed Bethune, R- Ark., to talk about international finance. Sen. Frank Murkowski, R- Alaska, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific affairs, is traveling to Japan and China. Reps. James Oberstar, D- Minn., Bill Richardson, D-N.M., and Jim Jeffords, R-Vt., visited El Salvador to review the na tion’s agrarian reform program * THEATRES * $1 off adult tickets 1st Matinee Sat. & Sun. Mon.-Family Night Sch. 6 Tue.-Family Night M.E, III *2000 E. 29th * * * 7:20-9:40 6 775-2468* —* E.T. (pq) * •M S C- ould y lillion a is repair a leges ouisil t Texas ersity sytess staff photo by David Fisher Smile, and say cheese! Idren’s blin, in K» was jailed arges. iblin childi turned ova authorities hursday ni rant man l been letl .isiness for t officiaM s ices Dep; tely e youngsli relatives. Lasers m end Tk :rily forced' >m the cash arief chase, ered and < iy- released lid. Ashley Martin, the daughter of Ron Martin, smiles as Chuck E. Cheese bids her goodbye. The pizza mascot was on hand at a Muscular Dystrophy benefit at the Woodstone Shopping Center on Saturday. seen to war , ufiS Student Disc. Fri. with ID$2^ lues. All seats *2.00 . if: CINEMA I & II SKAGGS CENTER 846-6714 ft® ‘GANDHI” 8:00 ONLY (PG) United Press International WASHINGTON — Defense scretary Caspar Weinberger ys if the Soviets develop their tvn space-age defenses, like ,ose President Reagan has roposed, the dual technology . ould end the threat of nuclear erv J Reagan last week called for a search program to develop n'r ji e k nses us i n g laser beams and ther futuristic technology as a against nuclear missiles in uter space. d the geWl “We think it can be done,” lateronad /einberger said Sunday on jBC’s “Meet the Press.” “It will quire a substantial effort. But le goal is enormously worth- bile because you would simply ee mankind from the fear of tese nuclear missiles and that’s ie president’s great hope and ream.” Critics of the president’s roposal have said the nuclear arms balance could be destabil ized if one side develops a de fense, because the other then might strike first. Such a fear would not exist if both sides developed a complete defense, Weinberger said, adding, “I think it’s widely known to the Soviets we would never launch a first strike.” “I know the Soviets are doing a fair amount of work, and have been for quite awhile, in this whole area. And 1 would assume that at some point it might he possible for both countries to de velop the kind of system that could guarantee there would be no longer any danger from nuc lear missiles.” But Dr. Wolfgang Panossky, director of Stanford University’s Accelerator Center, was skeptic al. The problems of defense are more complicated than the administration has surmised, he said on the Brinkley program. RAIDERS OF THE LOSTARK 7:15-9:30 CINEMA III POST OAK MALL 764-0616 “EDDIE MACON’S RUN’’(PG) 7:15-9:15 Dustin Hoffman “TOOTSIE” (PQ) 7:25-9:40 ‘MAX DUGAN RETURNS” (PG) 7:30-9:30 A^GIE CINEM/y presents THE KING AND I Wed., March 30 7:30 p.m. Theater //t Fri. & Sat. 8:00 p.m. Theater The Three Stooges’ THE OUTLAWS IS COMING Fri. & Sat. Midnight Theater $1.50 w/TAMU I D. Advance tickets at MSC Box Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 Also 45 minutes before showtime. JJU ^fr * *“THE BLACK STALLION I * RETURNS J * 7:20 9:40 J. * TOUGH ENOUGH J * 7:15 9:30 £ J JOYSTICKS' * T 7:15-9:30 * ? THE YEAR OF * TLIVING DANGEROUSLY *i £ 7:25 9:55 * * * * *. HIGH ROAD TO CHINA 7:25 9:45 £ MANOR EAST III *Manor E. Mall 823-8300 J THE MAN FROM * * SNOWY RIVER * 7:25-9:45 } SPRING 1 BREAK * 7:20 9:40 ^ "" * THE OUTSIDERS * * 7:15 9:35 * J™ Uoiv. CAMPUS * * *. * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * 846- * 8512 * 10TO MIDNIGHT J 7:15 9:30 * ■' 1 1,111 * SKYWAY TWIN * DRIVE-IN J 2000 E. 29th 822-3300 * EAST J 7:1510:55 * MADMAN,«) also at 9:05 EYE FOR AN EYE WEST 7:1510:50 ALONE IN THE DARK also at 9:00 BEYOND THE DARKNESS I * * * * * * * * * Get Your Xerox Copies wm 'iiffet i Friday :30 p.m. at Northgate Above Farmer’s Market )lic Inexpensive, High-Quality Copies We Specialize In REPORTS and DISSERTATIONS Also: Self-service copying, typing, reductions and enlargements, binding, resume writing, editing, business cards, wedding invitations, stationery and many other services. One-stop service for reports and dissertations. THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-IO p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. MSC OPERA and PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETY MANDATORY MEETING for anyone interested in applying for membership MARCH 30 & MARCH 31 7 P.M. Room #510 Rudder Tower For more information call MSC OPAS: 845-1515 Applications available only at the meeting. MSC OPAS -J.G Tr B9 W ^1 and investigate the arrest of two American journalists. Sens. William Roth, R-Del.; Steven Symms, R-Idaho; Aden Specter, R-Pa.; and Edward Zorinsky, D-Neb., are spending six days touring Mexico, Brazil, and Peru with Deputy Treasury Secretary Tim McNamar to dis cuss economic problems and the international financial system. Sen. Charles Mathias, R-Md., vitation of the American Coun cil on Germany. Headed for Israel, Lebanon and Cyprus are Reps. Barbara Kennelly, D-Gonn.; Geraldine Ferraro, D-N.Y.; and Barbara Mikulski, D-Md. A nine-member delegation of the House Armed Services Committee will travel to Portug al, Turkey, Greece, and Beirut, Chairman Melvin Price, D-Ill, said. will travel to Germany at the in- Short Classics You'll like the high quality that sets our shorts apart from the rest. Freedom of movement, smooth clean lines,^durable construction give our shorts a superb fit, with good looks that last 4 last. Stop in soon and pick your , favorites from the original j designs that many have tried j to copy. Men's 4 women's sizes in a wide range of styles «f beautiful colors. WHOLE EARTH PROVISION COMPANY 105 Boyett 846-8794 iVruiWlE f -Tyr 1