The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 29, 1983, Image 1

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    ■pi ■ Texas A&M ■ ■ ■ ■
The Battalion
Serving the University community
)l, 76 No. 122 USPS 045360 14 Pages
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, March 29, 1983
Reagan preparing
new arms proposal
United Press International
WASHINGTON — President
Reagan is preparing to place on the
negotiating table in Geneva, Switzer
land, an interim proposal for the Un
ited States and Soviet Union to limit
the number of mediumrange missiles
in Europe.
The move will temporarily shelve
Reagan’s “zero-zero” option. That
proposal provides for the Soviets to
dismantle about 500 missiles aimed at
European cities and the United States
not to proceed with deploying Per
shing II and cruise missiles in Decem
ber in Western Europe.
Reagan has been soliciting the
views of NATO allies on the issue. His
negotiators are expected to present
the revised proposals at Geneva
The president is set to unveil the
interim proposal in a major foreign
policy speech Thursday at a Los
Angeles World Affairs Council lun
Under Reagan’s proposal, the Un
ited States would agree to deploy few
er than 464 cruise missiles and 108
Pershing II missiles if the Soviets
agree to dismantle a certain number
of their missiles.
One official said, however, the new
proposal would not mention specific
numbers, but would call for a verifi
able plan to include equal numbers of
U.S. and Soviet missiles.
Both the White House and State
Department refused comment on re
ports a new U.S. proposal would be
offered by chief negotiator Paul Nitze
by the time the talks recess today.
However, officials indicated the pres
ident would not stake out a position in
public that was not first placed before
the Soviets in private.
“It’s logical to assume if there is a
proposal, it’ll be put before the Rus
sians before it is before the public,”
one official said.
Reagan has had several options
under consideration and apparently
made a decision last week. One of the
key options calls for the superpowers
to limit their arsenals in Europe to
about 100 missiles and 300 warheads.
Herpes invades horses
Enjoy the mild weather while you can. The Ruth and Joe Anderson look on while the
weekend’s winds are expected to give way to Anderson children and their friends do
rain by Wednesday. On Sunday afternoon, battle with a parachute.
Target 2000 report sets
oals for A&M system
by Kim Schmidt
Battalion Staff
Final touches are being added to a
port on the Target 2000 Project
id the project’s director says it will
ready for presentation to the
:xas A&M Board of Regents on
ay 23.
Target 2000 was created by the
aid of Regents in October 1981 to
fine problems the System may face
the next 20 years and to recom-
end solutions to them. This long-
mge study will generate proposals to
used as a “roadmap” for adminis-
htors to follow in preparing its prog-
ms for the year 2000.
[The report, originally scheduled
presentation last December, was
[layed slightly because revising the
jtorttook more time than expected,
pd Dr. Robert Shutes, director of the
But Shutes said the delay does not
the project committee is having
problems with the report, but rather
|at necessary changes are being in-
rporated into the report, making it
letter finished product.
“When you create as comprehen-
ye a study as this and if it is to be
od, it ought to undergo a series of
jetamorphoses,” Shutes said.
Now in its fourth draft, the 476-
ge report is complete in content but
eds editing before it is ready for
lesentation, Shutes said.
JHe said completion of the report
lias taken a long time because a large
number of people had to review many
ues for the project. The Target
" committee is made up of 230
izen members, most from Texas.
“Our task involves 11 parts of the
System,” he said. “Each one is sizeable
and complex and merits a large por
tion of our attention.”
The System parts being reviewed
by Target 2000 include four agricul
tural agencies and services, three en
gineering agencies and services and
the four academic institutions —
Texas A&:M University, Prairie View
A&M University, Tarleton State Uni
versity and Texas A&M University at
Target 2000 committee members
reviewed the programs, clientele, re
sources, organization and manage
ment of each System part.
In studying those areas of each
organization, the committee has con
fronted such issues as preserving the
Permanent University Fund, limiting
enrollment, funding research,
attracting qualified faculty members
and promoting growth at Prairie
View, Tarleton State and Texas A&M
at Galveston.
All issues are geared toward mak
ing the System better by obtaining
additional resources, Shutes said.
While studying those areas and
making its recommendations, the
committee decided to reword its re
port to change the tone of its sugges
Shutes said the committee original
ly wanted to “tell it like it is,” using
strong language to emphasize its re
strictive recommendations and to ex
pose problems.
But, Shutes said, the committee
realized it could not forsee everything
that would be happening in the fu
ture and therefore, could not make
every necessary recommendation.
The committee has decided to be
less restrictive in its suggestions with
out being too vague, giving future
University officials the freedom to
make timely decisions that may arise,
Shutes said.
“The committee’s goal is to make
clear-cut recommendations to be re
sponded to in a creative way by good
leaders,” Fie said. “We didn’t want to
make recommendations that would
tie the hands of administrators trying
to respond to future changes.”
Although the committee’s recom
mendations are geared toward deal
ing with future problems, Shutes said
most of the issues need to be addres
sed and dealt with now so the System
can be ready for the year 2000.
And some of the issues are being
addressed now, Shutes said. He said
that such issues as linking the parts
within the System to other university
systems through a satellite telecom
munications network already are
being researched. Gommittee recom
mendations in these areas, therefore,
will support what already is under
way, he said.
Shutes, enthusiastic about the re
commendations to be made by the
Target 2000 report, nevertheless is
cautious in his predictions of what the
report will accomplish.
“It is my guess that if we do a good
job (on the report) we may raise a few
eyebrows,” he said.
“This isn’t going to be a sensational
report, but one that deepens in mean
ing over time. The problem is going
to be trying to get people to stay with it
(the report and its recommendations)
long enough.”
United Press International
VIENNA, Austria — Officials said
the origin of an incurable herpes
virus that killed 33 of the famed Lip-
pizaner horses and threatens 26 more
is a mystery but ruled out the possibil
ity it was contracted during a U.S.
“We have no idea where this virus
came from, and as the incubation
period can range from several days to
several months, there is no way of
saying with certainty exactly how
many horses will be affected,” Dr.
Kurt Arbeiter said Monday.
Six brood mares and 27 foals —
more than half the number born this
year — have died since the disease
surfaced in mid-February at Austria’s
only stud farm for the majestic white
horses, the Ministry of Agriculture
Another 26 of the 40 remaining
brood mares are believed to have
been contaminated, an official said.
None of the high-stepping stallions at
the Riding School in Vienna have
been contaminated, officials said.
Veterinarian Dr. Walter Schleger
said there was no truth to rumors Rid
ing School stallions contracted the kil
ler disease during a recent U.S. tour.
“Not a single one of the animals
that toured the United States has
been to the stud farm since then,” he
The officials said the disease was
confined to the stud farm in Fiber,
southern Austria, where there are
217 horses.
Dr. Erwin Rothensteiner, a veter
inarian, said the outbreak of herpes
will not endanger the 400-year-old
Lippizaner strain.
“Although more than half this
year’s foals have died, the loss is not as
great as might at first appear to be the
case,” he said.
The stock of brood mares at the
stud farm , worth a minimum of
$6,000 each, will be replenished with
horses from Yugoslavia, Hungary
and Czechoslovakia.
The strain of herpes — equine rhi-
nopneumonitis — is specific to horses
and not directly related to the human
strain. Veterinarians said coughing,
nervous disorders and miscarriage
were primary symptoms of the dis
Short term loans break
$1 million for this year
SG elections open today
Voting in Student Government
actions opened today and will con-
lue through Wednesday at selected
illing places on campus.
Students may vote at the following
aces from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.:
ibisa Dining Hall
'•Memorial Student Center
•Academic and Agency Building
•Corps Quadrangle
Due to a lack of workers to run the
polling sites, some previously
announced voting areas will not be
open. The Kleberg Animal and Food
Sciences Building polls will be closed
both days. Polling places that will not
be open today include:
•MSG bus stop
•Sterling C. Evans Library
’’'Zachary Engineering Building
Election Commissioner Les Asel says
library, bus stop and Zachary polling
places probably will be open Wednes
day, but there is no guarantee.
The check for $600 given to
Mark Cunningham on Monday
broke the $1 million mark for
short-term loans given to students
by Texas A&M this year.
Anedith R. Hess, short-term
loan coordinator, said $1 million is
an unusually high amount for any
university to give out in short-term
“Even other large universities
don’t usually give more than
$150,000 worth of loans (in an
academic year),” she said. “And we
have given $1 million worth just
since last August.”
The average short-term loan is
$300, Hess said, and must be paid
back within six months. The loans
have an interest rate of 10 percent.
Hess said that since the time to
repay the loans is only six months
and the pay-back rate has been
good, there have been no problems
so far in giving out more loans.
All of the short-term loans must
be used for educational purposes
such as tuition, housing, books, stu
dent fees and food. They cannot be
used for paying other bills, loans or
other debts.
Hess said these loans would not
be possible without the Association
of Former Students.
“All the money for short-term
loans is given either directly or in
directly by the former students,”
Hess said. “I don’t know what we
would do if they didn’t give us
money for these loans.”
Cunningham, who is a senior
physics major from Houston, said
he will use his loan money to help
pay for rent and food.
staff photo by David Fisher
Mark Cunningham watches while Anedith R. Hess, short
term loan coordinator, signs over the check that put the
short term loans given out by Texas A&M over a million
dollars for the year.
ff-campus outfit has same Corps duties
Utor’s note
|ve-part series
this is the second of a
the Corps of
by Karen Schrimsher
Battalion Reporter
The Quadrangle may seem an un-
cely place to have a baby shower, but
pt to the 22 cadets in Company V-l.
hat’s because more than half the
idets in the only off-campus Corps
ijitfit are married, and one-third
live children.
^ j Freshman cadet Ken Skaggs and
j Is wife Paula were honored with a
• baby shower several weeks ago by the
I'fives of V-l cadets and V-l female
I All cadets who are married, have
prior military service or live with a
pent or guardian in Bryan-College
jation are eligible for membership in
jompany V-l. Cadets who marry af-
* ifi their sophomore year may join V-
T but have the option of remaining
with their old outfit.
“There is a unity among the fami
lies and other members of the com
pany,” says Jonathan Ibarra, a sopho
more business analysis major and a
member of V-1. “There almost has to
Nbe to maintain harmony in the outfit
because we all spend a lot of time
As for the spouses of the V-l
cadets, Ibarra’s wife, Vickie, said she
supports her husband’s membership.
“I love the Corps,” she says. “I feel
I’m in the Corps just as much as
Jonathan is. We go to all the games
together. It brings us closer
Mrs. Ibarra says she would join the
Corps if she was financially able to
attend college and be married at the
same time.
Ibarra says valuable time at home
often is spent preparing his uniform
or on some other school-related duty.
“It’s a task-filled life,” he says.
“Some of us have jobs along with our
Corps, school and family duties.”
Other spouses of V-l cadets have
had problems adjusting to the de
manding Corps schedule. Company
Commander David Ogura says being
a cadet lessens the amount of time a
member can spend with his or her
Skaggs, who has a two-week-old
son, says it is less hectic in the spring
semester because the schedule of acti
vities becomes more lax.
But family life and off-campus liv
ing are not the only factors that set
V-l apart from other outfits. For ex
ample, Company V-l is the only outfit
that has botli male and female cadets.
Since Company V-l is unique, it is
possible for tile outfit to suffer from
image problems.
Only six of the cadets in the outfit
joined the Corps as freshmen. The
rest began as “frogs,” cadets who join
the Corps after their freshman year.
“That’s one reason why a lot of
people look down on us,” Ogura says.
He joined the Corps as a sophomore
after serving in the military.
V-l sophomore Jim Cashion said it
is hard for many freshmen to respect
“frogs” because such cadets have not
experienced the drilling of the fresh
man year. Cashion was the only fresh
man in the outfit last year.
Ogura says: “I feel that we are as
good as any other outfit.” The differ
ence between V-l cadets and those in
other outfits is that V-l cadets live
off-campus and don’t eat in Duncan
Dining Hall, he says.
V-l cadets attend all Corps reviews
and march-ins, have guardroom duty
and participate in intramural sports.
Since V-l cadets do not have dor
mitory rooms that may be inspected,
they are subject to inspection of their
headquarters in Lounge B. And be
cause V-l is a small outfit, the Corps
staff adjusts the V-l inspection scores
so the outfit will be scored on the same
level as other companies.
see CADETS page 8
Around Town 4
Classified 8
Local 3
Opinions 2
Sports 10
State 6
National 7
Police Beat 4
What’s up 9
Partly cloudy skies today with a
high of 69. Mostly cloudy tonight
with a 40 percent chance of thun
dershowers and a low near 54.
Cloudy with a 30 percent chance of
showers Wednesday morning, be
coming partly cloudy in the after
noon with a high near 68.