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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1983)
U rha and oca 3 I 3 itv ,ii* un-1 rha president Kevin Bailey senior industrial engineering Houston What do you want from a student leader? You as a stu dent would want a representa tive who is experienced, re sponsible and dedicated to his office, right? As RHA president, I am confident 1 can meet these qualifications. The welfare of the on-campus residents has always been my primary con cern. I have dealt with the needs of individual residents when I was a hall president. The feeling in the past has been that the residence halls have had little real input. I want to assure each and every hall that their voice will be heard and action will be taken. As treasurer of RHA, I gained an inside knowledge of the ex ecutive position and how it can be utilized for the resi dents. My present position as Casino Night Chairman has made me realiz the import ance of direct resident partici pation in RHA activities. I have taken each position I have held as a personal chal lenge. I have fulfilled my re- psonsibilities to the highest degree and have shown my dedication to the overall im provement of RHA. The main goal of RHA is to create a stronger bond be tween the re idents and RHA. The activities RHA provides each year create the oppor tunity for residents to become active participants. In order to allow greater participation in RHA, creative publicity must be utilized. The general meetings should re flect the importance of input and decisions from its mem bers. As RHA president, I want to use the full scope of my ex perience and knowledge to spark greater interest and participation in RHA. Kelli Kiesling junior accounting Vernon I have had leadership experi ence as RHA treasurer (1982- 83), RHA general member (1980-82), Student Govern ment senator of Hobby- Neeley-Haas-McFadden (1981-83), Class of ’84 Gift Chairman (1982-83) and Big Event Chairman of Student and Public Relations. Through my involvement with RHA, I have witnessed it grow into a viable organiza tion for the students it repre sents and to Texas A&M. Be cause RHA concerns itself with policy changes, dorm security, parking problems and many other aspects of dorm living, it is extremely important to have an effective RHA president to communi cate the viewpoint of the stu dents. I have the experience, dedi cation and proven leadership to serve as president, and to make others receptive to RHA’s stand on issues. I understand RHA’s internal structure and recognize its potential to become an even stronger student organiztion; I feel that as its president I can aid RHA in achieving this re sult. My philosophy of RHA is that it serves to continuously develop ways of improving hall life for students at Texas A&M. I feel as though dorm councils can understand their residents best and work to serve them. Thus, my main objective as RHA president will be to encourage, support and unify dorm councils in their struggle to meet their re sident’s needs. oca president Kevin Goodwin sophomore mechanical engineering San Antonio I attended the MSC Fall Leadership Conference ’82, and I was the OCA Yellowpot for bonfire ’82. I have been involved with OCA since my first semester at A&M and have served on several com mittees. I would like to have an opportunity to serve in an ex ecutive position in OCA so as to get a different perspective on OCA’s role in campus life. In addition, I feel that the position would allow me to broaden my horizons, at the same time giving me a better understanding of “how things M T nrV” on tVip pvprnHvp Ipvp] of student organizations. OCA’s primary purpose is to keep off-campus students informed and in touch with the University system, and it seems that it has been lacking somewhat in that respect. One way to alleviate this is to have a stronger, more unified apart ment council to keep students informed. I would try to give the existing apartment coun cil the boost it needs to accom plish this. In addition, I would push for more off-campus oriented events and activities, once again to get students in volved. Overall, the most im portant thing is to let off- campus students know that OCA exists and that it is here for them. Rick Lima sophomore accounting Parker This past year, I have served as Treasurer for OCA, OCA’s Parent’s Day Barbeque Chairman, OCA’s representa tive to the MSC Council and as an OCA bonfire crew chief. Last year, I served in OCA as an apartment president and as a bonfire crew chief. I want the position of OCA president because I have been an active member of OCA for two years, serving as an officer and working actively in all OCA events. Secondly, I feel I am extremely well qualified to be president of OCA. As treasurer, I am familiar with what it takes to run OCA. OCA’s goals are to provide social activities and act as a re ferral service for off-campus students. If elected, my goal as OCA president is to increase OCA strength as a student organization through an in crease in services such as i^i- tramurals and bonfire, with an emphasis on more diverse social activities. John Robert Survil junior mechanical engineering Duncanville ■ Although I am a transfer student, the Aggie spirit quickly inspired me to become involved in campus activities. I am a member of the Texas A&M Association of Mecha nical Engineers. I have been an active member of OCA, serving as an apartment coun cil president, and helped plan several OCA activities. I aspire to become presi dent because in that position I would have the greatest opportunity to directly influ ence OCA. As president, I would have the ability to com municate with the greatest number of members. OCA has an almost untapped potential to become one of the strongest, most active clubs on campus. My immediate goal as OLA president would be to achieve a cohesiveness between offic ers and members. This office requires not necessarily a con trolling force but a guiding hand — an organized, recep tive person who can accom plish his association’s objec tives. John McClay freshman biology Pasadena This past year, I have served as a Freshman Aide to Student Government and I have been selected as a Fish Camp Counselor for this sum mer. I also was chairman of an OCA Committee. I was stu- rha, oca offices RHA vice president Claire Mommessin junior, Houston, health cducation/physical therapy Christopher Stanley sophomore, psychology Houston treasurer Kathy Terry junior, Houston, industrial engineering OCA vice president Tom Pevny freshman, biology, Pasadena Stacey Roberts sophomore, finance Houston treasurer Michelle Davis freshman, computing science Houston John R. Trcka freshman, Richardson, ^biomedicalermneenn^^ dent body and student council vice president in high school. I,want to make OCA much bigger than it already is. I be lieve that people want to get involved and would get in volved if we went to them in stead of having them come to us. I want to decrease apathy and increase excitement for this organization. I would like to get off- campus students more in terested in Texas A&M func tions and politics. Off-campus students should voice their opinions on affairs more often just because of the num ber of people living off cam pus. If elected, I would like to see my fellow OCA members experience the same kind of closeness that dorm students share.