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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1983)
Page 10/Voter's Guide class presidents '84 president Robert L. Alvarado junior building construction San Antonio My prior leadership ex perience includes a wide array of activities. My first year at A&M, I was elected to the Stu dent Senate and served on the Student Services Committee. I was also an active member of the Class of ’84 council. As a sophomore, I served as Mcln- nis Hall treasurer and was a member of the Class of ’84 council. Presently I hold the position of sub-chairman of RHA Casino ’83, am an active member of the Class of ’84 council, and day manager for the student radio station, KANM. Due to my past experience and continued holdings of positions of reponsibility, I feel that I have the ability and the desire to get the iob done. Should you choose to elect me, you can expect the fol lowing: 1) The establishment of a council with equal representa tion of all University groups which would also serve to uni fy the class. 2) The continuation of all routine presidential duties (i.e. class gift, Ring Dance, class activities, etc.). 3) And more importantly, to achieve progress while pre serving traditions. Todd Fleming junior business Tyler Howdy, Ags! 1984 marks the year of great opportunity. The opportunity lies not only in academic areas but great potential is offered in many oter areas. As a class, we need to be conscious of the com munity in which we live. This community has been good to us and we need to continue our efforts in service projects. Looking into our internal involvement, school service is a vital concern of mine. I will be dedicated to hard work for such projects as Ring Dance. It will also be a tremendous concern of mine that we, as a class, leave to this great insti tution a gift of lasting quality; to stand as a reminder of the spirit that the Class of ’84 has and will continue to have for many years to come. John Grace senior accounting Burleson I have had leadership ex perience as a Student Senator in Ward III for 1982-83, as a Student Representative to the Unversity Traffic Panel, as treasurer of the Big Event and for External Affairs. This is the last year that the class of ‘84 will have an input regarding the future of A&M. As A&M enters into an excit ing and rapidly changing world, we should leave an im pression on the University that will be remembered. I feel that the class of ’84 has many ideas and views as to how the future of A&M , should be shaped. I would like to hold this position to help coordinate our ideas and acti vities to be used as effectively as possible, and to represent us through our last year here at A&M. Goals are set by many people and are achieved by working together. As president of the class of ’84,1 will give my best effort to lead our class towrd achieving our goals through a unified effort. If I am given the chance to lead our class through our last year, I would like us to achieve our goals and also let the past, present and future students of A&M know that the class of 1984 works together and cares ab out A&M. Joseph A. Sandoval junior biomedical science San Antonio As a sophomore, I was class vice president, and set up the structure of the class execu tive council. As vice president, my responsibilities involved class administrative details. As a junior, I was again class vice president and saw the execu tive council structure work, so that each division relied on other divisions to ensure that class projects were well- organized. After serving as class vice president for two years, I have seen some class projects as complete successes and others as complete failures. Using both of these and effective ex ecutive class council members as references, I feel that I can ensure that the Class of ’84’s final year at A&M will defi nitely be a year to remember. Previously, class service projects have been attempted. I feel that service projects must be an integral part of class projects. By doing this, the class and A&M will gain respect by the community and classes to follow. I would also like to see the class structure perfected. Furthermore, I would like to see to it that the class gift will be one that will not only please the class, but will also be of some benefit to the Univer sity. '85 president Jim Allen sophomore accounting San Antonio I was in Student Council in high school and I was vice president of the Class of ’85 for the year 1981-82. I want the position of Class of ’85 President because I have always had a strong in terest in the Class of ’85 and I feel I’ve had the experience working with this class. I also feel I can improve and help make a better class govern ment. My goals for the position 1) To raise more money to wards our class gift. 2) To get a better response from the Class of ’85 toward issues concerning the class. 3) To have a more unified system of government and communication within the class. Stephen R. Schwartz sophomore finance Goldthwaite I have leadership experi ence which includes two years in the Corps of Cadets, Squad ron 8, assistant squad leader, athletic corporal, Corps re cruiting, twice Distinguished Student, valedictorian of high school class, senior class presi dent, two years FFA chapter president, team captain. All West Texas Defense in foot ball and state qualifier in track. I want to do more than just go to school and be in the Corps. I want to become in volved in outside activities and do all I can for A&M while I am here. Some of my goals are to help the Class of ’85 do its part to maintain Aggie traditions — to keep Aggie spirit alive. I’d like to find a way for the Corps and the rest of the stu dents to accept each other as being a part of the same school and not trying to run each other off. '86 president Pre Ball freshman biomedical science San Antonio I feel that the office of Class President requires someone who is dedicated to uniting the class and setting an example for other stu dents. I want to be president because I think I will be able to bring the class closer through more well-organized events. I want our class to become the most spirited and involved at A&M. If elected to president, I will do my best to plan more class get-togethers to let soph omores meet each other. These get-togethers will in clude meetings, University and social events, as well as parties and dances. My goal is to let our class have the oppor tunity to meet each other in activities that are beneficial to the University, and promote class unity and pride as well. C.J. Johnson freshman business administration Granite Shoals During my five years at the Marine Military Academy, I held many leadership posi tions. While at A&M, I have been elected as a Student Senator representing the freshman class. Since my election, I have served on the Student Ser vices Committee, ran the ad campaign for the Big Event. I feel that the experience I have gained during my term as a senator will help me run an efficient and effective class council. I would try and get more class functions (i.e. mixers, meetings, parties) organized with the hope of pulling the class together into a very close knit group. More class func tions would also enable more members of the class to get involved in class council. William Dorsey freshman corporate journalism Sherman I want the position of class president because I feel that I am qualified to effectively ful fill the office. My personal de sire to serve the Class of ’86 and make it an outstanding class at A&M also prompts me to run for the position. Furth ermore, I know that I possess more than enough mouvation to help my class reach its goals. If elected to the office of class president, my goals would include displaying a borad representation of the Class of ’86 as a whole and unifying the class. I plan to devote the time needed to manage class affairs and listen to the opinions of my fellow class members. Finally, my ultimate objective would be to demonstrate a positive atti tude in order to help motivate the Class of ’86. J. Raley Marek freshman electrical engineering El Paso I have served as a Student Government Fish Aide and a member of the Freshman Ball Decorations Committee, Council on Student Govern ment Affairs, Traditions Council and External Affairs Committee. I also helped with the Big Event. I spent a great deal of time working on the Freshman Ball. Although it was a de manding project, it was great fun and now I want to do even more for my class. I like work ing with people, developing ideas, planning projects and making them a success. My goals are to get people involved in our activities and to make everything we do a success. I believe I have the best capabilities to make our class what it should be — the best in Aggieland, Johnny Hatch freshman general studies Big Spring I want this position because I have always been interested in doing service work; there fore, I would like to do service work for my class. I also feel I have had enough experience in Student Government to en able me to best represent my constituents. My goals for this position would be: 1. To encourage more Class of ’86 students to get involved and to get informed. 2. To do my best to improve on the Class Ball, even though our Freshman Ball was suc cessful. 3. My major goal will be to get to know more of my class mates, because I feel that much too often, representa tives lose contacts with their constituents. Gregory Lee Oliver freshman pre-med Mineral Wells I would like to become more active in the class to which I belong. I enjoy the challenge of the office of pres ident and would like to make my life during college an en joyable experience. If elected, my goals would be to try and bring the Class of ’86 closer together and more involved with University func tion. I realize that this is a dif ficult task but I believe that if the proper steps in public re lations are achieved then this is possible. I would also like to see sev eral fund-raising projects that would appeal to the students and also produce a large re venue with minimum cost. I would also try to develop a program that would clean up old flyers at bus stops .