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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1983)
Page* 8/\/ot&rs' Guicl<& vice presidents external affairs Jay Holland sophomore finance/accounting Dallas I have taken specialized courses, as well as attended many seminars and work shops learning how to obtain internal funding, adequate university fiscal resources and internal control. I’ve gained leadership experience while being active in a diverse group of student activities. I’m ex perienced in dealing with legislative, judicial and execu tive branches. I’ve gained leadership while working extensively on Student Government and MSC committees and pro jects. I’ve worked with Stu dent Y and Fish Camp, RHA, OCA and the Corps of Cadets. This involvement with various aspects of the University has prepared me for the position of vice president for external affairs. My goals for External Affairs are BIG! External Affairs has so many resources at its finger tips that hnv*> Kp^n under-utilized. I want to see External Affairs, as well as the other legislative committees, fall from fiscal restraint due to lack of allocated University re sources. I wish to promote more internal and fund rais ing projects to accomplish constructive programs. academic affairs David Scott junior journalism Gainsville I was generally a nobody in high school. Can you relate? I was involved in few school activities. I played a few varsi ty sports but never started and barely earned a school letter. I came to A&M hoping to change my losing ways. I wanted to become another face in the Twelfth Man. But then I realized I could be more than that. I could be a member of the 13th man. A new start for a new man, the start of a new tradition for a new university. Rah, rah. I’m seeking the office of Vice President for Academic Affairs because I think it would look really good on my resume. Hey, at least I’m hon est. I am seeking this office also because Student Govern ment needs a sense of humor. They take themselves too se riously. Student Government offi cials tend to be over-qualified preppies on scholarship who probably belong to fraterni ties and sororities. Is this your basic Aggie? All kidding aside, I am tak ing this election seriously. I am not sure just what my offi cial powers would be, but I do have an idea of a few things that should be changed. I’d like for the A&M faculty to take on more of a teaching- oriented philosophy instead of the present emphasis on re search. I think something ought to be done about all the unfair “flunk-out” courses which are so prevalent in many of our majors. It would be a lot more practical to raise the entrance requirements to the University instead of admitting us and then flunk ing us out. John Isbell junior finance DeSoto The Student Senate is an important forum for the in terchange of student opinions and campus life issues. After serving for one year as an Off- Campus Ward II Senator, I have acquired numerous skills and contacts that a student leader should possess if he is to do a good job. I have put these attributes into play my two years on the External Affairs Committee. I also have been heavily involved with the Business/Consumer Relations subcommittee. I believe that I can contri bute immensely to the Exter nal Affairs Committee through my past experiences with it. There is a vast poten tial for growth within the com mittee due to the increased importance of A&M’s interac tion with the B-CS area. In my opinion, the main goal of External Affairs should be to improve the re lationship between students and the community. I want to strengthen ties with the area and establish a student liaison to the Bryan City Council. I also would pay attention to the importance of the grow ing number of off-campus students, whose input is vitally important. Grant Swartzwelder sophomore petroleum engineering Duncanville I have leadership experi ence as Academic Affairs coordinator, sophomore en gineering senator, Buck Weirus Spirit Award reci pient, sophomore honor soci ety member, Distinguished Student, freshman honor society secretary, Parents’ Day Committee member, College Republicans historian, Jim Collins for Senate chairman, Fish Camp counselor and freshman senator at-large. Academic Affairs has the potential to influence an im portant part of an Aggie’s life — his learning conditions. With the proper attitude and experience, one can make many ideas a beneficial reali zation. I feel that I have the drive, knowledge and interest to promote the student’s views to the administration. On a campus as large as A&M’s, the greatest problem is one of communication. This is especially true for academic issues. To combat this, prog rams like the Engineering Dean’s Forum have been in troduced. This allows direct confrontation between the student and his/her dean. This type of program should be further promoted and ex panded. The size of A&M itself causes other problem areas, ranging from common night exams to registration. If com mon night exams continue, there should be an attempt to monitor them. Also, a more consistent method of advising for registration should be de veloped. The past year has seen many important programs rules and regulations A’Leta Parks sophomore business analysis/management Dallas “Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal nor do they tolerate those who do.” In A&M’s quest for preeminence we need to remember the things that have made us what we are today. The Aggie Code is one of those things that must not be allowed to die. My meetings will be open to anyone who is interested. All students and organizations are affected by rules and reg ulations and should help make them. The constitution and bylaws of the student body should also be reviewed. I feel experience is neces sary to be an eftective office holder. Having spent two years as a member of Student Government, I have learned how the University operates and conducts business. Other experience has come through serving on the Stu dent Government Rules and Regulations Committee for two years and also being active on the Student Government Finance and other commit tees. I did not take this decision to run for office lightly. It was only after much consideration that the decision was made. I believe that I can do an effec tive job and work with my committee in the best interest of the student body. Dave Davenport sophomore business analysis San Antonio I have held various offices, such as a Student Senator and as president in a Junior Achievement company. In addition to these past experi ences, I have a strong rapport with members of the Senate, giving me a strong enough foundation to consider myself the best candidate for the office. I want something for the Rules and Regulations Committee. I want activity. I want a drive from the commit tee to help you. I have that drive; so will my committee. And I believe that the re gents should start a program of home-grown Nobel Prize winners. We need to pay bet ter than average salaries to the best new professors and give them the quality facilities they need to become Nobel prize winners. Gig ’em. presented in academic affairs. It is my desire to further strengthen these programs as well as interject new ideas and growth to the committee.