The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 28, 1983, Image 19

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    Steve Forman
chemical engineering
I have had leadership ex
perience with the Corps of
Cadets. Ross Volunteer Com
pany, a f reshman aide for Stu
dent Government (1980-81),
sophomore engineering sena
tor (1981-82) and Traditions
Council president (1982-83).
The time has come for the
students of Texas A&M. As a
result of the uncertainty and
indecision that has accompa
nied the tremendous growth
of A&M in the last ten years,
the collective force of the
A&M student body has begun
to diminish. This force is,
however, still very much alive
in the individual student. The
time has come for students,
through a recommitment to
the University, to demons
trate this positive force.
For the first 100 years of
A&M’s existence, its students
held the ideals and principles
that were the unique force be
hind the success of the Uni
versity. Today, by recommit
ting ourselves to these ideals
and principles, we can, once
again, make students the
force behind another 100
years of greatness.
I am committed to this chal
lenge. I am also committed to
representing the efforts of
each and every Aggie as
together we make A&M the
world leader and influence it
deserves to be.
Donn Friedman
Currently, I am editor-in-
chief of the largest and best
selling yearbook in the United
States — the Aggieland. As
editor, 1 am in charge of 25
students and a budget of close
to $250,000. I make all deci
sions on the yearbook’s con
As a football forecaster for
The Battalion last fall, under
the alias of our beloved mas
cot Reveille, I led all football
pickers. You thought Jackie
Sherrill was Rev, didn’t you?
P.S. My mother never met
or slept with Art Linkletter.
Therefore, he’s not my father.
Things must change to stay
the same.
A&M is at a turning point as
it becomes the WORLD UNI
VERSITY that we envision it
to be.
As Aggies, we can’t fight
our manifest destiny. We
must adapt to the changes.
We can’t say:
“Let’s not recognize violent
crimes on campus, it works
with the homosexuals and the
Crime on campus is not
separate from crime in our
community. Laws that exist
must be enforceable and they
must be enforced.
Let’s work to abolish the
standards that allowed a
Texas A&M student to stab
Joe Nussbaum
industrial distribution
My name’s Joe Nussbaum,
and believe it or not, I’m run
ning for student body presi
dent. I served as senator of
Hart, Puryear, Law and Cain
halls my sophomore year, and
was vice president for student
services and coordinator of
the Big Event this year. I also
was president of the United
States from 1963 to 1977. One
of the above is false.
I’m running for student
body president for three
1. To provide Service to
others. Programs like the Big
Event, Parents’ Weekend and
the Aggie Blood Drive should
be encouraged. Helping each
other is what the world’s all
about. Isn’t that what made
our traditions here so great?
2. To employ Common
Sense in leadership. Friends
tell me that I’m uncommon
and that I have no sense, so
this one’s tough. There’s too
much politics in Student Gov
ernment. Some folks spend all
day playing politics and no
time representing student
views. It’s time those folks
went elsewhere. That attitude
does nothing but discourage
people who want to do well.
3. To Smile and set an ex
ample about what I believe.
There’s nothing in this world
so important that you can’t
Mike Wolff
agricultural engineering
Alexandria, La.
I would like to serve as stu
dent body president to repre
sent and support you, the stu
dents of Texas A&M Univer
sity. I know that with this role
comes extreme responsibility,
but I feel I have what is
needed — a depth of experi
ence, a working relationship
with students, administrators
and community leaders, and
an inspired and concerned
attitude for the upcoming
Crime, student services
and academics are three areas
I would seek to improve. Cri
minal activity has increased
due to a growing community,
a growing university and a
lack of awareness by fellow
students. A crime awareness
campaign must be coupled
with campus and community
Off-campus shuttle bus
shelters also need to be estab
lished. Also, to insure having
high-quality teachers, a uni
form evaluation sheet is
needed to give fair and equit
able consideration of stu
dents’ opinions.
Throughout the past four
years, I have demonstrated a
desire to improve student life
at Texas A&M. Having been a
senator for two years, senate
speaker pro-tempore last year
and vice president for exter-
In my pursuit of this office,
my goals are two-fold. I am
running for student body
president and my primary
goals concern the student
body and the effective repre
sentation of their ideals and
principles. The power of
A&M lies in its students. But
to effectively represent this
power, students must have as
their president someone who
cares about all Aggies, some
one they can trust and most
importantly, someone who
earns their respect. This is a
responsibility to which I am
personally committed.
My goal would be to see that
this representation is carried
out in the best interest of the
student and the school. Once
the integritv of vour represen
tative government has been
restored and faith in its lead
ers revitalized, then, I assure
you, we can attack any issue
with a combined vigor and
find solutions quickly and
For three years, I have wit
nessed first-hand the ineffec
tiveness of Student Govern
ment because it lacked the stu
dents. Issues and my opinions
on them are simply political
hogw^ash unless you, the stu
dent, are involved. I cannot
solve the problems that exist
on campus today, but WE can.
We, the student body,
through a truly representative
government have a job to do.
It’s time to start doing that job
right now.
his roommate some 70 times,
and then be out as a reformed
mental case in less than a year.
Murderers should be made to
pay and pay in full.
After this roommate mur
derer was released, did any
one in Student Government
voice their disapproval?
If they did, it was just a
squeak. But that’s all w'e ever
hear from them — a squeak.
All they care about is getting
another line on their resumes.
I don’t care about my re
sume. I only care about truth.
Why else would I be ajournal-
ism major?
A sense of creeping apathy
is descending upon the stu
dents of Texas A&M. When
was the last time you saw a
smile about it. I sincerely be
lieve you can help people,
learn a lot and represent stu
dents—and have a marvelous
time at it. I also believe that
Santa Claus and Santa Anna
are not related.
My goals include:
— Better communication
with students, faculty and
organizations. Communica
tion is the cornerstone to suc
cess in anything. With better
communication, everything is
— Establishing a Crime
Awareness Council. There’s a
lot of talk about crime around
here, but talk is all. I propose
that we establish a crime coun
cil including off-campus stu
dents, on-campus students,
nal affairs, I have a depth of
experience in Student Gov
ernment. It is important to
understand the organization
and to get started from Day
One to serve the students in
the most effective manner.
The student body presi
dent needs to possess the abil
ity and experience to repre
sent all living areas. I am cur
rently the Corps representa
tive to RHA. As vice president
for external affairs this year, I
have worked with community
leaders and the Off-Campus
To represent Texas A&M
on a broader scale, it is impor
tant to understand student
activities through a wide
range of interaction. I have
letter to The Battalion about
traditions or the American
way? Lately all that is ever
w’ritten about in the Batt is
SEX. Discussions of sex
should stay in the bedroom or
at midnight yell practice.
Aggies need to give a damn
about how our school is being
run. We must understand the
plans for the future — and
make sure they include the
things that make A&M un
I like Texas A&M. I like the
traditions. I like kids and I like
dogs in Rudder Fountain.
the Corps and the campus
police. This way we can chan
nel talk into solid effort. This
is only a beginning, but it is a
— Thank good teachers
more. Don’t they deserve it?
— Promote more student
These are some things I be
lieve, and I believe them
strongly. If you agree with
me, I really would appreciate
your vote. If you don’t agree,
I’m going to let the air out of
your tires. Student Govern
ment needs creative, innova
tive leadership and, working
together, I’ll try to give you
that. Let’s make a difference,
and let’s do it with a smile.
served on the TAMU Agricul
tural Council for three years
and currently am president of
Alpha Epsilon, the agricultu
ral engineering honor society.
“Responsive communica
tion” are the two words that
describe the role of the stu
dent body president. To be an
effective voice for the stu
dents, you need to have the
desire and experience to turn
an idea into definite response
and action. Through im
plementing security mea
sures, establishing common
professor evaluations and a
concentrated task toward im
proving student services, I
feel that a unified direction
can be established.