The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 1983, Image 1

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    mm ■ Texas A&M JLI I ■
The Battalion
1^ reunii(M
"" 11 1 ■ 1
:f r p rra Mf) No. 119 USPS 045360 16 Pages
Serving the Universily communily
College Station, Texas
Thursday, March 24, 1983
Jn authon
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hark dies
— chiidtofl
ll l days after
n etting heart
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flAjnited Press International
.Li LAKL Cli Y — Barney
k;;|lie world’s first ret ipient of a
lantnt artificial heart, died
neiday at 10:02 p.m. MST. He
Ilailk was on the artificial heart
days, 17 hours and 53 minutes,
ifelhad been sustained totally by
nan-made heart since 4:09 a.m.
^Bec. 2.
-niyersity of Utah Medical Center
esnan John Dwan said the prim-
aiiy* of death was circulatory col-
Hand. secondarily, multiple
n systems failure.
)wan said the surgeons who im-
ted the man-made heart — Drs.
lam DeVries and Lyle Joyce —
: not available for comment. He
they were still trying to deter-
Sthe cause of the latest complica-
Hark suffered a major setback
Inesday after the blood flow from
anik-7 heart dropped for about
an hour and then corrected itself ,
lari was rushed into intensive
alout 4 p.m. MST and his condi-
d|wngraded from fair to critical
rs failed to determine the
Hi the problem.
re the setback, Clark had been
air condition since the end of
iai .
■diase Peterson, vice president
lealth services at the U mversity of
i Medical Center, said at a medic-
^i'li^ling Wednesday night doctors
^oeivorried Chirk was suffering
Hn infarction — or death of tis-
djie to blood loss — in his bowel,
bln fact, he has suffered a major
in infarction, it would he fatal in
two or three days,” Peterson said,
adding Clark was not strong enough
to undergo major surgery to remove
his bowel.
He said doctors believe the outflow
disruption could have been caused by
blood clots or a vascular spasm of the
pulmonary artery, which connects the
man-made heart with the lung.
Clark’s vascular system, over
loaded by a low urine output, could
have caused a spasm similar to a mus
cle spasm brought on by stress, he
Peterson said Clark already was
suf fering from a bacterial infection of
the colon, a generalized viral infec
tion, failing kidneys and high blood
pressure in the pulmonary artery.
Officials said the heart did not
cause the death.
“His body had died and the heart
was turned off subsequent to that,”
said Helen Kee, nursing adminis
Clark’s wife, Una Loy, was not pre
sent at the time of death. Dwan said
she was in the next room with her
brother and sister-in-law.
“She was saddened, but she was
prepared for it because he began to
fail very rapidly earlier this evening,”
Dwan said.
He said he was notified Clark was
taking a dramatic turn for the worse
at about 7:45 p.m. MST. “He has per
formed a great service to mankind
and I pray for him. The knowledge
these researchers have gained from
Dr. Clark’s sacrifice will serve us all,”
Dwan said.
He said doctors will perform an
reclit card rates
I Texas debated
B United Press International
HTIN — A consumer group
Wrig for lower interest rates on
lit cards warned a House commit-
not to be placated because some
or Texas banks voluntarily have
eased their interest rates.
fhle House Financial Institutions
nmiitee debated several bills
inesday that would lower the
;imum interest rate on credit card
phases from 24 to 18 percent. The
isures were sent to a subcommit-
for further study.
vlosi banks and retailers in Texas
rge a maximum interest rate of 21
pern. Some banks, including In-
arst of Dallas, recently have drop-
maximum rates to 18 percent.
“I submit to you that these rates
e lowered in response to the legis-
on that is before you today and in
Effort to mislead you and the pub-
nto believing that these large hold-
companies are competing against
h other over credit card interest
;s,” Jim Boyle of the Texas Con-
Hang on tight!
photo by Peter Rocha
Bundled up for the recent unseasonably cold weather,
Howard Tucker, 12, of College Station pushes a
shopping cart around Rudder fountain while his sister.
Ruby, 10, hangs on for the ride. The children, who
foupd the cart somewhere nearby, say they like to play
around campus.
New president speaks on ‘Today’
Begin rejects calls for elections
sumers Association told the com
Boyle said interest rates had not
been lowered by statute in Texas since
“Bank credit card issuers have
dealt unfairly with consumer and
business borrowers,” Boyle testified.
“Banks have not been responsive to
the reduction in the cost of money.”
Bankers told the committee they
already were losing money on issuing
credit cards at 21 percent interest.
“Five years ago, we were making
money in this business,” said Lamar
Ball, president of Southwest Banc-
shares in Fort Worth. “In the ensuing
four years since then, our cost of
funds has escalated. Losses are sub
stantial in this business.”
But the banks’ plight met with little
sympathy from committee Chairman
Bill Goody, D-Weatherford, sponsor
of several of the proposed bills.
“I too wept at the fact that for five
years you people lost this money,”
Goody told Ball. “I could hardly sleep
last night.”
United Press International
TEL AVIV, Israel — Prime Minis
ter Menachem Begin rejected de
mands for new elections because of
Ghaim Herzog’s surprise election as
Israel’s president over Begin’s hand
picked candidate, Israel Radio said
Herzog, a former U.N. ambassa
dor, was elected Israel’s sixth presi
dent Tuesday in a startling par
liamentary victory over the coalition
candidate, Justice Menachem Elon,
Begin’s personal choice.
Herzog assumes the largely cere
monial post in May from President
Yitzhak Navon, who belonged to the
Labor Party before taking office.
Navon, however, was supported by
the Likud coalition as a national unity
The loss prompted several mem
bers of Begin’s governing Likud bloc
to demand that the prime minister
dissolve the coalition and call new
Herzog, appearing Wednesday on
NBG’s “Today” program, said he will
work to “bridge the gap between the
ethnic elements in the Jewish society,
between the community in Israel and
the Jewish community throughout
the world.”
He also said progress is being made
in the negotiations to withdraw
Israel’s 30,000 troops from Lebanon.
“My gut feeling is that we are mov
ing towards some form of accommo
dation in Lebanon.”
But Herzog said he expects that the
U.S. Marines serving in the Beirut
peace-keeping force may have to
“stay a very long time if they want to
bring peace to Lebanon.”
Israel Radio said the demands for
new elections came at a meeting of the
Likud parliamentary faction later in
the day but promptlv were rebuffed
by Begin, who said new elections
would be ill-advised.
Instead, Begin urged party col
leagues to congratulate Herzog on his
election as he had done eat her in the
Other Likud members found it
hard to live down the defeat. Roni
Milo promptly resigned as chairman
of the Likud’s parliamentary caucus
saying he could no longer trust his
coalition partners.
Herzog, 64,/has led a colorful
career as a soldier, writer and diplo
mat in the past four decades.
Reagan calls for new superweapon
United Press International
WASHINGTON — President
Reagan is calling on the nation’s scien
tists to “turn their great talents to the
cause of mankind” by developing a
Buck Rogers-like superweapon to
make nuclear war obsolete by the year
Reagan unveiled “a decision which
offers a new hope for our children in
the 21st century” during a half-hour
broadcast speech Wednesday, in
tended to drum up support for his
embattled defense policies.
Although the speech had been
planned for some time, Reagan hit
the airwaves just 30 minutes after
being dealt a stinging defeat when the
House approved a Democratic
budget plan that would slash his de
fense spending increase.
Reagan also hinted he will stake out
a new position next week for the cur
rent negotiations on intermediate-
Around Town
[T [Sports
■ State
p jPolice Beat
what’s up
^ Cloudy to partly cloudy skies today
with a high of 60. Partly cloudy
j F 7 tonight with a low near 44. Con
tinued Partly cloudy skies Friday
with a high near 69.
AScM economics department
14th in nation for articles
by Kathy Wiesepape
Battalion Staff
The Texas A&M Department of
Economics has the 14th most pub
lished faculty in the nation, the
American Economic Review re
ported in its December issue.
From 1974 to 1978, faculty mem
bers in the economics department
published an average of more than
25 pages each, giving Texas A&M
the highest ranking for any Texas
Other Southwest Conference
universities mentioned in the survey
were: the University of Houston,
27th; Rice University, 32nd; Uni
versity of Texas, 39th; Southern
Methodist University, 43rd; and
Texas Tech University, 167th.
John Moroney, head of the eco
nomics department, said the Amer
ican Economic Review bases its sta
tistics on articles published in the 24
most prestigious economicsjournals
in the nation.
Moroney said the research pre
sented in these journals is “scrupu
lously refereed.” In other words, he
said, experts closely examine the
facts in an article submitted for pub
lication to verify its accuracy.
Because of this, Moroney said,
the amount of material Texas A&M
faculty members have produced is
especially significant.
“It indicates the immense re
search productivity of the faculty
here,” Moroney said. “Our faculty
has made a significant contribution
to research in economics.”
Despite its small size, the econo
mics department is as well-knowm
nationwide as many of the larger
colleges at Texas A&M, he said.
“The Gollege of Liberal Arts
doesn't receive as much recognition
as it deserves,” he said. “The agricul
tural, veterinary medicine and en
gineering programs are the main
stays of the academic community
here at A&M.”
Moroney said he hopes that will
change. To reach the status of a
world university, he said, Texas
A&M will have to place a greater
emphasis on the liberal arts.
Besides being well-known for its
research, Moroney said, the econo
mics department stresses consistent
excellence in teaching. He said the
department has had great success in
placing students who have received
doctoral degrees at Texds A&M in
positions at prestigious universities.
Moroney said it’s hard to com
pare this aspect of the department
with other universities and even
other colleges within Texas A&M,
but he thinks the department would
compare favorably.
The University of Texas recruits
more top-notch students for their
liberal arts programs, Moroney said.
“They have a tradition of
strength in the liberal arts that we
don’t,” he said, “and that tradition is
the crucial factor. But I hope that
that will be a fast-changing scene.”
range nuclear missiles in Europe.
With his attention so riveted on im
mediate political concerns, Reagan
provided an interesting twist by en
ding with what aides billed as “a dra
matic, new initiative” that may not
come to fruition for decades.
Terming arms reductions only a
partial step toward removing the
threat of war, Reagan announced a
crash effort “to define a long-term
research and development program”
on a weapon capable of destroying
attacking nuclear missiles.
“What if free people could live se
cure in the knowledge that their
security did not rest upon the threat
of instant U.S. retaliation to deter a
Soviet attack; that we could intercept
and destroy strategic ballistic missiles
before they reached our own soil or
that of our allies?” he asked.
“I call upon the scientific commun
ity in our country who gave us nuclear
weapons to turn their great talents to
the cause of mankind and world
peace — to give us the means of re
ndering these nuclear weapons impo
tent and obsolete,” he said.
Twelfth Man team
faces round of cuts
by Connie Edelmon
Battalion Staff
The Twelfth Man kickoff team — a
special unit of non-scholarship foot
ball players — is scheduled to be cut
today from 75 to 40 potential players.
The team, which is the first of its
kind at Texas A&M, was created by
Head Football Coach Jackie Sherrill
to build enthusiasm for home football
games. The kickoff team, which even
tually will be cut to 14 players, will
play on the opening kickoff of all
home games in the fall.
Coach David Beal, who is in charge
of the special team, said 252 students
signed up to try out for the team at an
organizational meeting Feb. 21.
All but 158 potential players were
eliminated from the try-outs because
of class schedules that clashed with
practice times. Practice began March
1, and only one cut has been made
since then.
Beal said the cut to the final 14
players has not been made because
coaches are encouraging the remain
ing 40 candidates to try out for other
positions on the Aggie football team.
The 40 students left after today will
begin regular practice with the foot
ball team Tuesday.
\ .
The team will practice with full
pads, and Beal cited this as another
reason they were only cutting down to
40 players. He said he wants to wait
until he can see the students with
equipment on before making any
more cuts.
“You can’t really judge them with
out pads,” he said.
The 75 men still practicing are ab
out half civilians and half cadets, Beal
said. Originally, Sherrill had prop
osed an all-Corps kickoff team. Be
cause of objections from civilian stu
dents, Sherrill decided to make the
try-outs open to all male students.